• Title/Summary/Keyword: Graphical Modeling

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Modelling and Evaluation of Traffic Flow with Variable Speed Limit on Highway (연속류 가변속도제어 모형개발 및 효과분석)

  • Cho, Hye-Rim;Kim, Young-Chan;Ha, Dong-Ik
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2011
  • Variable speed limit(VSL) is one of the highway ITS techniques designed to prevent accidents and traffic slow down by reducing congestion or speed variation between vehicles and lanes prior to arrive at the accident location by limiting speed. In Korea, while people have recognized the need for variable speed limit beginning with Seoul's urban expressway and installed facilities in order to provide guide for speed limit per lane and lane use, there has not been enough development of algorithm for internal administration as well as research on the basic principles behind administering variable speed limit. This study is for modeling and evaluating the VSL strategies based on the traffic flow theory. Supply-Demand method of the Cell Transmission Model is applied to demonstrate the traffic features and shockwaves to upstream of the bottleneck with/without VSL. We verified the explanation of Cell Transmission Model for the numerical example. and as the result, it is found that VSL strategies can reduce the total travel time in the congested section and variation of the speed. It means VSL is useful to improve the traffic condition and the safety on highway

A refined quasi-3D hybrid-type higher order shear deformation theory for bending and Free vibration analysis of advanced composites beams

  • Meradjah, Mustapha;Bouakkaz, Khaled;Zaoui, Fatima Zohra;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, a new displacement field based on quasi-3D hybrid-type higher order shear deformation theory is developed to analyze the static and dynamic response of exponential (E), power-law (P) and sigmoïd (S) functionally graded beams. Novelty of this theory is that involve just three unknowns with including stretching effect, as opposed to four or even greater numbers in other shear and normal deformation theories. It also accounts for a parabolic distribution of the transverse shear stresses across the thickness, and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions at beams surfaces without introducing a shear correction factor. The beam governing equations and boundary conditions are determined by employing the Hamilton's principle. Navier-type analytical solutions of bending and free vibration analysis are provided for simply supported beams subjected to uniform distribution loads. The effect of the sigmoid, exponent and power-law volume fraction, the thickness stretching and the material length scale parameter on the deflection, stresses and natural frequencies are discussed in tabular and graphical forms. The obtained results are compared with previously published results to verify the performance of this theory. It was clearly shown that this theory is not only accurate and efficient but almost comparable to other higher order shear deformation theories that contain more number of unknowns.

Water-well Management Data Modeling using UML 2.0 based in u-GIS Environment (u-GIS 환경에서 UML 2.0을 활용한 지하수 관리 데이터 모델링)

  • Jung, Se-Hoon;Kim, Kyung-Jong;Sim, Chun-Bo
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2011
  • Many of the wells which were constructed to use ground water resource are abandoned and not managed efficiently after its use. And a variety of heavy metals and organic compounds are released from the abandoned wells and this can cause ground water pollution. Therefore in this paper implemented to monitor locational information drill holes and underground water sensing information on real time basis using u-GIS environment to combined ubiquitous sensor node and GIS technology to improve these problems. In addition, this system suggests using system by UML 2.0 by analyzing variety requirement of user and between system internal modules interaction and data flow. It provides graphical user interfaces (GUI) to system users to monitor water-well related property information and its managements for each water-well at remote site by variety platform by GIS map and web environment and mobile device based on smart phone.

Specification and Analysis of System Properties by using Petri nets (페트리 네트를 이용한 시스템 속성의 명세 및 분석)

  • Lee, Woo-Jin
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.1
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2004
  • Software system modeling has a goal for finding and solving system's problems by describing and analyzing system model in formal notations. Petri nets, as graphical formalism, have been used in describing and analyzing the software systems such as parallel systems, real-time system, and protocols. In the analysis of Petri nets, general system properties such as deadlock and liveness are analyzed by the reachability analysis. On the other side, specific properties such as functional requirements and constraints are checked by model-checking. However, since these analysis methods are based on enumeration of ail possible states, there nay be state explosion problem, which means that system states exponentially increase as the size of system is larger. In this paper, we propose a new method for mechanically checking system properties with avoiding state explosion problem. At first, system properties are described in property nets then the system model and the property net are composed and analyzed. In the compositional analysis, system parts irrelevant to the specific property are reduced to minimize the analysis domain of the system. And it is possible to mechanically check whether a specific property is satisfied or not.

Development of a Transportation Demand Analysis Model ${\ulcorner}$AllWayS-Windows Version${\lrcorner}$ (종합 교통수요 예측모형 "사통팔달:윈도우즈"의 개발)

  • Shim, Dae-Young;Cho, Joong-Rae;Kim, Dong-Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.2 s.73
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2004
  • AllWayS(AWS, Satongpaldal in Korean) is the first comprehensive computer software in Korea that is developed for the transportation demand modeling. The original DOS version software was recently receded for Windows environment. Traditional 4-step transportation demand forecasting process is incorporated in the software under graphical user interface environment. AWS is able to compose or edit graphic transportation networks data by each scenario which could be the subject of an analysis. Besides, it use database structure that can handle every data of a scenario such as networks, O/D, and socio-economic data, etc. We expect this integrated process could provide each analyst with efficient and easy to use tool for their analysis. Each models in this software is based on traditional algorithms and the results were compared to existing software, EMME/2 and it showed similar results.

Service Prototype Description Language for Virtual Service Laboratory (서비스 가상 실험을 위한 서비스 프로토타입 기술 언어 개발)

  • Lee, Jin-Sung;Oh, Kyu-Hyup;Park, Chi-Hyung;Kim, Sang-Kuk;Jung, Jae-Yoon;Kim, Bo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2011
  • The importance of service industries is growing as the portion of the service sector increases fast in the recent decades. This research deals with service prototyping and testing in a service laboratory. While products are generally tested through prototyping in new product development processes, services are difficult to test because of the characteristic of service, intangibility. A service laboratory, named s-Scape, is the experiment environment which has been developed to test services in virtual space for the purpose of analysis and improvement of real-world services such as hospitals and automobile show rooms. In this research, we present a service prototyping tool and language to support service test in the service laboratory. We first analyze key elements of service prototypes, and then design the service prototype diagram (SPD) and the service prototype description language (SPDL). SPD, which is a variant of the service blueprint, is a graphical tool to be used to generate SPDL. SPDL is an executable language of describing a service prototype of a real-world service in extensible markup language (XML) to experiment the service environment in virtual space. SPD reflects the control and interface of virtual reality devices, as well as key elements of service modeling. SPD represents a service process in which service providers and customers interact with each other in a service scape.

Integrated Modeling of Distributed Object-Oriented Systems (다수모델을 이용한 객체지향적 분산처리 시스템의 디자인 방법)

  • Lee, Sang-Bum
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.1103-1111
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    • 1996
  • The design of distrbuted systems is difficult to achieve as the execution patterns of distrbuted systems are typically more complex than those of non- distributed systems. Thus, research toward the development of design methods for distributed systems is quitely needed. As object-oriented systems and distrbuted systems share similar properties, the combination of these two is somehow natural. In this work, a design of distributed systems is introduced. The goal of the method in this paper is to provide assistance to the process of specifying a formal object- oriented specification from graphical representation specification inputs such as data flow diagrams, state transition diagrams and Petri nets. It addresses the extraction of objects, operations and reationshipsfrom the problem domain with emphasis on the specification of the characteristics of distributed systems. This object identification method is supported by a knowledge base that provides for the automated analysis and reasoning about objects and their relationsships. The final object model is represented in a format which provides a formal mechanism for reprsenting the object information.

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New Methods of Finite Element Postprocessing for Elasto-Plastic Behavior (탄소성 거동의 유한요소해석 후처리 방법)

  • Lee, Jae-Young
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.487-499
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    • 2009
  • The postprocessing technology has been advanced diversely to accommodate the tendency of increasingly refined and complicated practices of finite element modeling in pace with enhanced capabilities of computers and improved algorithm of equation solvers. As a result of such progresses in both hardware and software, it became practically meaningful to inspect and analyze the elasto-plastic behavior using the intermediate results from the increasing number of incremental and iterative processes. This paper is concerned about the new methods of postprocessing with computer graphic visualization of elasto-plastic behavior on the basis of the theoretically reorganized analysis results. This paper proposes a new method of rendering the plastic zone, and new approaches of analyzing and interpreting the elasto-plastic behavior using the graphical information visualized in the form of the yield surface and the stress path, or in the form of the Mohr circles and the failure envelope.

Structured DEVS Formalism: A Structural Modelling Method of Discrete Event Systems (Structured DEVS Formalism: 이산사건 시스템의 구조적 모델링 기법)

  • Song, Hae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2012
  • In recent decades, it has been known that the Discrete Event System Specification, or DEVS, formalism provides sound semantics to design a modular and hierarchical model of a discrete event system. In spite of this benefit, practitioners have difficulties in applying the semantics to real-world systems modeling because DEVS needs to specify a large size of sets of events and/or states in an unstructured form. To resolve the difficulties, this paper proposes an extension of the DEVS formalism, called the Structured DEVS formalism, with an associated graphical representation, called the DEVS diagram, by means of structural representation of such sets based on closure property of set theory. The proposed formalism is proved to be equivalent to the original DEVS formalism in their model specification, yet the new formalism specifies sets in a structured form with a concept of phases, variables and ports. A simplified example of the structured DEVS with the DEVS diagram shows the effectiveness of the proposed formalism which can be easily implemented in an objected-oriented simulation environment.

Marker-based Tangible Interfaces for 3D Reconstruction (3차원 재구성을 위한 마커 기반 탠저블 인터페이스)

  • Jung, Kyung-Boo;Park, Jong-Il;Choi, Byung-Uk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2012
  • In order to support simple authoring an application of augmented reality for diverse users, the process for the object registration comprised of tracking and recognizing the object should be accomplished intuitively and simple. Although many 3D reconstruction methods to be applied to the object registration have been developed, the methods have not beyond the experimental level yet. In this paper, we proposed a novel marker-based tangible interfaces for various users to manipulate the object with intuitive and simple approaches during an authoring applications fo augmented reality. The proposed method make use of marker as intuitive interface to obtain 3D geometric information of 3D reconstruction. 3D geometric information of an object surface is acquired by touching the object directly with the proposed tangible interfaces. The tangible interfaces not only support 3D reconstruction for graphical modeling but also offer features information which is used for augmented reality. Finally, we verify efficiency of the proposed method with demonstration of an augmented reality application using the proposed method.