• Title/Summary/Keyword: Grade adjust

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A Comparative Study of Health State and School Adaptation between Children in Divorced Family and in Normal Family (학령기 정상가정자녀와 이혼가정자녀의 건강상태와 학교생활적응정도 비교연구)

  • Cho, Kyoul-Ja;Ji, Eun-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.743-756
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study is a descriptive and comparative study that compares health state and school adaptation between children in divorced family and in normal family. Study results will provide a basic data for the development of an intervention program designed to help children in divorced family adjust to their crisis. Method: The study subjects consisted of 700 children in 4th. 5th or 6th elementary school grade, residing Seoul and Kyunggi regions. Among these subjects, 123 were children with divorced family and 577 were children with normal family. The health status of the subjects was measured by Health Symptom Questionnaire developed by Shin and revised by the investigators. The instrument consisted of 30 items measuring physical and emotional health symptoms. The level of school adaptation of the subjects was measured by School Adaptation Scale developed by Lee, which consisted of 4 dimensions with 20 items what measures relationship with peer students, learning activity, observance of regulation, and participation of school activity. The investigators visited the schools and collected data in the classes using the questionnaire after explaining the purpose and procedures of the study to the children. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, $\yen\"{o}2$-test, t-test, ANOVA using the SPSS PC + statistical program. Result: First, the mean health state score in children with normal family (M=11.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=19.15), showing a significant difference (t=-6.51, p=.000) between the two groups, which suggests that children with normal family have better health state than children with divorced family. Second, the mean school adaptation score in children with normal family (M=38.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=26.97), showing a significant difference between the two groups (t=104.07, p=.000), which suggests that the school adaptation of children with normal family is better than that of children with divorced family. Third, in comparison of health state between the two groups by general characteristics. there were significant differences between the two groups in sex. the most contributing factor to health status of the children, school year. birth order, religion, school achievement, amount of monthly pocket money, parents level of formal education, occupation of parents, economic status (p<.05). Forth, in comparison of the level of school adaptation between the two groups by general characteristics, there were significant differences between the two groups in most variables (p<.05), suggesting that children with normal family had better capacity of school adaptation than children with divorced family. Conclusion: As a result. this study showed that the parent's divorce had great influence on children's health status and school adaptation capacity. The implication for nursing is that there is a need to develop supportive interventions for the high-risk children who have decreased health states and school adaptation capacity due to the divorce of their parents. In addition, it is recommended that further studies should be conducted to explore protective factors for the prevention of health and adaptation problems in children.

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An Analysis Study on stress factor of Emergency medical Students during preparing Examination for Korea Registered licence (국시를 앞둔 응급구조과 학생의 스트레스 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Ji-Yeon;Yun, Jong-Geun;Oh, Jin-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.194-200
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors on stresses to Emergency Rescue students' who have national examination ahead. In this descriptive research, 87 3rd-degree-Emergency Rescue students from K city were selected. Collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS PC program for descriptive data, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation. In result, stress factors are categorized by curriculum($3.67{\pm}.74$), homework ($3.39{\pm}.93$), environment($3.37{\pm}.93$), examination($3.35{\pm}.74$), employment($3.04{\pm}.75$) and total mean was ($3.36{\pm}.59$). The way to adjust stresses characterized by long-term($3.14{\pm}.54$) and short-term($2.55{\pm}.44$), also the short-term is used more than the other ways. The significant differences between general characteristics and stress factor were gender(t=4.466, p=.040), grade(F=2.53, p=.047). In the correlations between categories of the stress factor and stress degree, the examination(r=.81, p=.000), curriculum(r=.66, p=.000), homework(r=.80, p=.000), environment (r=.74, p=.000), and employment(r=.62, p=.000) were significant. In conclusion, it is needed to study for managing stress according to various subjects.

The Effects of Nursing Students' Major Satisfaction and Professor-Student Interaction on their Adjustment to University Life (간호대학생의 전공만족도와 교수-학생 상호작용이 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Min;Park, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2018
  • This study was a descriptive investigation of the effects of nursing students' major satisfaction and professor-student interaction on their adjustment to university life. For this investigation, data were collected from July 22 to August 15, 2017. The collection was made through a questionnaire survey of nursing students in their 1st or 2nd year at one of eight colleges or universities located in B Metropolitan City, U Metropolitan City and G City. Participants were informed of the purpose of the study and agreed to participate in it. Of all the questionnaire sheets collected after the survey, those filled in by 205 participants were finally used for analysis here, with those by others excluded because they were considered to have been inappropriately filled out. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. Nursing students surveyed in the study were significantly different from one another with respect to adjustment to university life depending on grade, health status, interpersonal relationships, desired career, academic achievement and family life level. Moreover, nursing students who had higher satisfaction with their major and more interactions with their professors were likely to adjust better to university life. In addition, regression analysis revealed that the nursing students' satisfaction with their major had the biggest effect on their adjustment to university life. Taken together, the results suggest that nursing students in their 1st or 2nd year of school should continue to be provided with curricular or extracurricular programs designed to improve their major satisfaction and that they should be given opportunities for communication with or counseling from their advisors or other nursing professors from the onset of university life.

The Role of Effective Tutors Recognized by Students who have Experienced Problem-Based Learning-Focused on Focus Group Interview (문제중심학습을 경험한 학생들이 인식하는 효과적인 튜터의 역할-Focus group을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2020
  • This study is a qualitative study to grasp the meaning of the effective role of tutors of college students experiencing problem-based learning through focus group interviews. The subjects of this study were 4th grade students in the Department of Nursing who had experienced PBL, and a total of 21 people were divided into 3 groups and interviewed. Data were analyzed in content to find meaningful topics. The results of this study were analyzed into two subjects and eight categories. Based on the research results, if we summarize the role of effective tutors recognized by students in PBL. 1) Create a permissive atmosphere so that students can express their ideas freely and interact. 2) Give praise and encouragement. 3) Encourage all learners to participate. In particular, learners with low participation should be asked questions to promote active discussion. 4) Avoid unnecessary intervention and participate in the discussion together. 5) Adjust the learning speed and manage the time well. 6) Develop a scenario that meets the goals. 7) Classes are run around questions that can promote learners' thinking. 8) It plays a role of helping to form knowledge by providing positive feedback to learners' responses.

Formulation and Application of UV-Cured Hard Coating Compounds for PVC Tile (PVC 바닥상재용 광경화형 하드 코팅액의 제조 및 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Bo-Ram;Yoon, Hyun-Jung;Zhao, Hong;Ha, Jin-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.2396-2401
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    • 2009
  • This study is on development of UV-cured hard coating compounds which have more improved abrasion resistance than existing UV-cured urethane-acrylic resin, to prevent a surface of a widely used PVC tile as a constructive material from being scratched. To make a high abrasion resistant hard coating solution compared to UV-cured urethane-acrylic resin which has no abrasion resistance and been used for PVC tiles, we added powder substances of different abrasion resistant level, $Al_2O_3$(Al-160SG-3), $Al(OH)_3$(SH-8W), $SiO_2$(KS-5000), etc., to the resin, changing their contents from 10% to 30% against quantities of resin, and compounded it using Ring-Mill. After coating PVC tiles with the hard coating solution using bar-coating method that can adjust a thickness, we estimated some surface properties-abrasion resistance, pencil hardness, adhesive power, thickness of coating, and so on. As a result, a hard coating solution added 30% $Al_2O_3$ powder to the resin had the finest surface properties-the first grade in abrasion resistance, H in pencil hardness, 100% in adhesive power, and a hard coating solution which showed excellent solidity and abrasion resistance has smaller particle size, higher powder content, and thicker coating thickness.

The impact of post-warming culture duration on clinical outcomes of vitrified-warmed single blastocyst transfer cycles

  • Hwang, Ji Young;Park, Jae Kyun;Kim, Tae Hyung;Eum, Jin Hee;Song, Haengseok;Kim, Jin Young;Park, Han Moie;Park, Chan Woo;Lee, Woo Sik;Lyu, Sang Woo
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.312-318
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The objective of the study was to compare the effects of long-term and short-term embryo culture to assess whether there is a correlation between culture duration and clinical outcomes. Methods: Embryos were divided into two study groups depending on whether their post-warming culture period was long-term (20-24 hours) or short-term (2-4 hours). Embryo morphology was analyzed with a time-lapse monitoring device to estimate the appropriate timing and parameters for evaluating embryos with high implantation potency in both groups. Propensity score matching was performed to adjust the confounding factors across groups. The grades of embryos and blastocoels, morphokinetic parameters, implantation rate, and ongoing pregnancy rate were compared. Results: No significant differences were observed in the implantation rate or ongoing pregnancy rate between the two groups (long-term culture group vs. short-term culture group: 56.3% vs. 67.9%, p=0.182; 47.3% vs. 53.6%, p=0.513). After warming, there were more expanded and hatching/hatched blastocysts in the long-term culture group than in the short-term culture group, but there was no significant between-group difference in embryo grade. Regarding pregnancy outcomes, the time to complete blastocyst re-expansion after warming is shorter in women who became pregnant than in those who did not in both culture groups (long-term: 2.19±0.63 vs. 4.11±0.81 hours, p=0.003; short-term: 1.17±0.29 vs. 1.94±0.76 hours, p=0.018, respectively). Conclusion: The outcomes of short-term culture and long-term culture were not significantly different in vitrified-warmed blastocyst transfer. Regardless of the post-warming culture time, the degree of blastocyst re-expansion 3-4 hours after warming is an important marker for embryo selection.

A Study on the Manual Skills of Experimental Apparatuses of Preservice Elementary School Teachers (초등 예비교사의 실험 기구 조작 능력에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, So-Ree;Choi, Hyun-Dong;Lim, Jae-Keun;Shin, Se-Young;Yang, Il-Ho
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate manual skills of experimental apparatuses of pre-service elementary school teachers by examining and analyzing the process of experiments conducted by pre-teachers. For this study, 24 pre-service elementary school teachers were selected as the subjects and 4 experimental apparatuses were chosen through analyzing science textbooks from 3rd grade to 6th grade in elementary school. The selected experimental apparatuses were alcohol burner, dropper, microscope, instruments for making a prepared specimen. In addition, a task was carefully chosen to conduct an investigation in real settings and a series of evaluation standards was developed. While 3 subjects conducted experiments in separated and independent space at the same time, 3 collaborators observed the experiment process and recorded whether the subject met the evaluation standards or not, using O, X. The study suggests that pre-service elementary school teachers' manual skills of experimental apparatuses were under far below our projections. Particularly, in case of alcohol burner, the subjects showed lower ability to properly light the burners - which is to brush through the lampwick with fire - and to adjust the height of tripods according to the flame. Also, when it comes to dropper, they were not held the way they were supposed to be. In addition, when designing prepared specimen, the subjects used their hands instead of tweezers and often skipped the process of dripping water drop and wiping water with an oilpaper. Moreover, they did not know how to use a microscope properly so there were many times that they could not focus a microscope, failing to observe the objects. Educational implications are discussed.

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The Origination and Changes of Street Fashion (스트리트 패션의 발생과 변천)

  • Jung, Kyong-Hee;Yoo, Tai-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the present fashion phenomenon by considering the types of street fashion, the center of avant-grade modern fashion, that shows the origination background and special feature concretely. The times was defined through the 1980's from World War II that street style originated, so the range of study was the 1990's when the street style was influenced by that of the past and was revived. The ways of study were to analyze the records of ideology, art and music connected with the street style from World War II to the present when it has risen. The summary of result is as follows. (1) In the 1940's, Zooties was the jet of desire suppressed by African-Americans that couldn't receive favors socially and economically and Hipsters pursued reformative bebop that made up of soft Jazz. In the 1950's, Modernists were running after Cool Jazz to the minimum. In the 1970's, Funk appered in the sexual desire and erotic strength, and was surfaced from Negro Getto. In the 1980's B-boys & Flygirls showed the street style by the scribble art of slum in the New York. As mentioned above, In the 1990's, Acid Jazz influenced by the Jazz of Negro has been the fashion added to the tradition of musical form that come from eclecticism of Jazz tended Neo-Jazz. (2) In the 1940's, Western style dreamed the country life because of rapid urbanization. In the 1950's, Beat obtained the feeling of liberation from the dissolute life and activity. In the 1960's, Psychedelics showed the freedom affected by the Pop-art and Op-art, and Hippies pursued the true individuality as 'love & peace' life style and the return to nature. In the 1990's, Grunge look influenced by the above has been fashion that shows the practical use of second-hand clothing or patchwork contrary to elitism. (3) In the 1940's, Caribbean style appered in the typical textile color with the center of West Indies. In the 1960's, Rude boys showed the magnificence and difficulty of Jamaica, and Rastafarians had a tendency to come back to the ancient civilization of America. In the 1970's, Two-tone was the simple clothing for harmonizing among human races. In the 1990's, Jamaica look influenced by the above has been the Lege fashion introduced to a high fashion, appearing in the special bright color, applique, unique hair style, and so on. (4) In the 1950's, Sufers pursued natural rhythm, getting out of everything. In the 1970' s, Skaters enjoyed the speed on the paved road. In the 1980's, Casuals emphasized the spirit of cooperation of young-things. In the 1990's, Casual look Influenced by the above has been the fashion that forms the activity, function and strong spirit of cooperation by pursuing comfortable life and sports in the tension of life and variety of modern society. (5) It was hard for Bikers to adjust themselves in society after the war. In the 1950's, Coffee bar cowboys were the reckless running boys in the leather jacket. In the 1960's, Rockers created the group originality as disobedient outsiders and Greasers imitated Rolling Stones. In the 1980's, Punks resisted the viewpoint of the old generation in offensive fashion. In the 1990's, Cyberpunk influenced by the above has pursued the classless structure, electronic music and metallic clothing that forebodes gloomily as the computer generation of ultra-modern science times. Accordingly, in understanding a complex modern fashion phenomenon, it was analyzed that the street styles of the past, from World War II to the 1980's, were reflected in that of the 1990's dividing into the five types in a word, namely Acid Jazz, Grunge look, Jamaica look, Casual look and Cyberpunk.

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The Dynamics among Smoking, Knowledge, Attitude, Experience and Family Environment in Primary School Students (초등학교 학생의 흡연지식·태도 및 흡연경험과 가족환경과의 관련성)

  • Lee, Kyung-Mi;Park, Jae-Yong;Han, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of family environment on smoking behavior, smoking knowledge and smoking attitude in primary school students. For the purpose of the study, a questionnaire-based examination was made with 1,476 sixth-grade students in Taegu from November 1st to 30th, 1998. The results of the study are summarized as follows. Out of 22 points for smoking knowledge, the male student group got 12.9 points, and the female student group 13.0 points. For both groups, students with better school achievement showed a significantly higher score (p<0.01). For the female student group, those who had nonsmoking fathers showed a significantly higher score(p<0.05). A perfect score for smoking attitude was 20 points. The male student group received 14.9 points and the female student group 16.3. For both groups, the score appeared to be significantly higher in the students who had better school achievement and no smoking experience. For the female group, the score was higher if they were living with widowed mothers or had nonsmoking parents. The percentage of smoking experience was 22.0% for the male group and 4.7% for the female group. The present smoking percentage of both groups accounted for 0.3% and 0.1%, respectively. The percentage of the male group's smoking experience was significantly higher if school achievement was poor, if the mother has religious, and if her occupation belonged to significantly different category. For the female group, it was significantly higher if a mother's educational background was less than the primary school level, or if a mother smokes. Family adaptability and cohesion were not significant variables for both groups. The score for smoking knowledge according to family cohesion was highest if male and female members were in an enmeshed state. For the female group, the higher the family adaptability, the significantly higher the score for smoking knowledge. The score for smoking attitude according to family cohesion showed a significant difference for both groups. The family adaptability was not a significant variable for both groups. The results of multiple regression analysis, with the scores for smoking knowledge and smoking attitude were used as a dependent variable, revealed that, for both groups, the better the school achievement. For the female group, the higher the family cohesion, the significantly higher the score(p<0.01). For the male group, the score for smoking attitude was significant1y higher if school achievement was better, if students were living with a widowed mother or father, if they had drinking mothers, if family adaptability was low, if family cohesion was high, or if the score for smoking knowledge was high. For the female group, the score for smoking attitude was higher if school achievement was better. Also, if famale student had nonsmoking fathers, if the family adaptability was lower, on the higher the score for smoking knowledge, a smoking attitude scored higher. The results of a multiple logistic analysis, with smoking experience as a dependent variable, revealed that, for the male student group, the worse the school achievement, the higher the score for smoking knowledge, the lower the score for smoking attitude, or the lower the family adaptability, the higher the percentage of smoking experience. For the female student group, the higher the score for smoking knowledge or the lower the score for smoking attitude, the higher the percentage of smoking experience. In conclusion, family environment, including smoking of parents and family functions, had a great effect on smoking knowledge, smoking attitude and smoking experience of students, and it is required to adjust subjects and methods for smoking and nonsmoking education as smoking attitude and smoking behavior greatly differ according to sex.

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