• Title/Summary/Keyword: Government policy effectiveness

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Designation of SMEs-Suitable Industry and SMEs' Performance: Evidence from Food Product and Beverages Industry (중소기업 적합업종 지정제도가 중소기업 경영성과에 미친 영향 분석: 음식료품 제조업을 중심으로)

  • Kwak, Kiho
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.25-50
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    • 2019
  • Although Korean government has implemented size-dependent policy, so called "the designation of SMEs-suitable industry", promoting SMEs growth, our understanding in the effectiveness of the policy is limited. We investigate the effect of the policy on SMEs performance in food product and beverages industry, which accounts for the majority in the SMEs-suitable industry. From the perspective of sales, profitability, and R&D intensity, which is regarded as indigenous effort for growth, we find the heterogeneity in the effectiveness of the policy across the sub-sectors in the industry. However, overall the policy does not significantly contribute to the growth of sales, profitability, and facilitation of R&D activity for indigenous innovative efforts of SMEs. Our study advances the theoretical discussion on the effect of the policy with the disaggregated level of analysis, i.e, sub-sector level. Our findings also contribute to the resolution of social and political conflicts between pros and cons of the policy. Our study suggests that policy makers should develop more sophisticated policy that incorporate the specific characteristics of individual sub-sectors. They also need to invest more resources in enhancing the effectiveness of the policy and accelerating SMEs innovative efforts.

Human Resource Management Policy for University Faculty enhancing University-Industry Cooperation (산업현장친화형 대학교원 인사제도의 방향)

  • Jang, Seungkwon;Choi, Jong-In;Hong, Kilpyo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2013
  • The practices and processes of HRM (Human Resource Management) for university faculty in Korea depend heavily on assessment of research and teaching rather than the UIC (University-Industry Cooperation) performance. In this regard, HRM of Korean universities is said to be far distant from UIC. Although policy initiatives by the Korean government, notably the MoE (Ministry of Education) have implemented in most universities, the desirable level of UIC could not be achieved yet. Moreover, the very notion of 'university' in Korea is much more to do with 'pure' education and research institution than with 'applied' and 'vocational' purpose. Considering upon HRM practices and organizational culture, for enhancing UIC in Korea, the government's policy should be linked to alter deep-rooted university culture. So the aims of the research are to describe the current state of HRM in Korean and foreign universities; to find out the critical factors of UIC in Korean universities; to analyze the gaps between university research and industrial commercialization based on a conceptual framework, the 'valley of the death'; and to recommend HRM policies fostering UIC for the MoE. For achieving these objectives, we deploy multiple methodologies, namely, in-depth interview, literature survey, and statistical data analysis with regard to UIC. Analyzing the data we have collected, the present research sheds light on all aspects of HRM processes and UICs. And the main policy implication is restricted to the Korean universities, even if we have collected and analyzed foreign universities, notably universities in the USA. The research findings are mainly two folds. Firstly, the HRM practices among Korean universities are very similar due to the legally institutionalized framework and the government's regulations. Secondly, the difficulties of UIC can be explained by notion of the 'valley of death' ways in which both parties of university and industry are looking for different purposes and directions. In order to overcome the gap in the valley of death, the HRM policy is better to be considered as leverage. Finally, the policy recommendations are as follows. Firstly, various kinds of UIC programs are able to enhance the performances of not only UIC, but also education and research outcome. Secondly, fostering organizational climate and culture for UIC, employing various UIC programs, and hiring industry-experienced faculty are all very important for enhancing the high performance of university. We recommend the HRM policies fostering UIC by means of indirect way rather than funding directly for university. The HRM policy of indirect support is more likely to have long-term effectiveness while the government's direct intervention to UIC will have likely short-term effectiveness as the previous policy initiatives have shown. The MEST's policy means of indirect support might vary from financial incentives to the universities practicing HRM for UIC voluntarily, to information disclosure for UIC. The benefits of the present research can be found in suggesting HRM policy for UIC, highlighting the significance of industry-experienced faculty for UIC, and providing statistical analysis and evidences of UIC in Korean universities.

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A Study on the Industrial Organization Policy for the Market-oriented Fisheries Management (시장유인적 어업관리를 위한 산업조직정책에 관한 연구)

  • 신용민
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2003
  • During the past 100 years, Korean fisheries management policies have enforced the license system, it is the most typical regulation system in Korean fisheries. Even now, it has caused resource management failure, it has also invited economic inefficiency and inequity. Accordingly, the Korean government has recently introduced the self-regulatory management system for fishermen with the TAC system. These systems are one of the most market-oriented regulation systems in fisheries management systems. It is defined as regulatory policy tools other than regulations with command and control approach. It is also called “alternatives” which is composed of regulatory alternatives and non-regulatory alternatives. The self-regulatory management system and the ITQ system are cooperative-based co-management between government and fishermen as an alternative management strategy ; it is gaining the increasing attention to improve the effectiveness of fisheries management in Korea. It is expected not only to positively improve function in fisheries regulation, but also to decrease inefficiency in fisheries policies. However, these systems have many problems. The monopolization of rent is one of the typical examples. As solutions for the problem in the aspect of fishery management, fisheries policy is need of approach to industrial organization. For instance, Contestable market theory is one of the good theoretical background, it mean that market is able to free entry and free exit. Thus, fisheries management carry out policies such as revitalization of the used market of capital goods in fisheries, organize of the self-regulatory management group. Conclusively, as the exploiters and managers, fishers and the government should put emphasis on improving economic efficiency so that fishery would grow as an industry that contributes to the increase of social welfare, and the change to that direction will be the only way for our fisheries to preserve its importance.

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A Study on the Service Quality of Smart Factory Support Policy Using Kano Model and PCSI (Kano 모델과 잠재적 고객만족개선지수(PCSI)를 활용한 스마트 공장 지원정책의 품질속성 분석)

  • Kim, Hosung;Ji, Ilyong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2020
  • As the 4th industrial revolution has been an emerging issue, the government and industry has paid increasing interest to smart factory. The Korean government has made efforts to establish smart manufacturing capabilities of small-to-medium sized firms by providing supports for smart factory. However, the effectiveness of the supports and satisfaction of firms have hardly been analyzed. This study aims to analyze firms' satisfaction by attributes of policy suuports for smart factory and identify priorities for government supports. The results show that 8 out of 11 attributes were one-dimensional and 3 were attractive attributes. Among the 11 attributes, funding support was the top priority. The attributes such as dispatching external experts, consulting for sophistication of smart-factory, and consulting for maintenance and repair were also high priorities. These results imply that firms prefer supports for maintenance and sophistication to adoption or initial establishment of smart factory.

Policy Suggestions to Improve Patient Access to New Drugs in Korea (환자의 신약 접근성 강화 정책 제안)

  • Choi, Yoona;Lee, Howard
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Objective: This study aimed to overview and assess the effectiveness of the policies and regulations that have governed new drug access in Korea, and to propose policies to enhance patient access to drugs, particularly for new innovative medicines. Methods: We approached drug access issues in two perspectives: approval lag (or availability) and reimbursement lag (or affordability). The issues were identified and evaluated through the review of literature, public documents, reports published by the government agencies and private organizations, and news articles. Results: To shorten approval lag, it is recommended to hire and train more reviewers at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Increasing user fees to a realistic level can facilitate this process. To reduce reimbursement lag, flexible incremental cost-effectiveness ratio threshold, alternative cost-effectiveness evaluation, and establishment of funding source other than the national health insurance are identified as the areas to be improved. Conclusion: The current policies and regulations had to be supplemented by new systems to drastically promote patient accessibility to new drugs, consequently in order to promote national public health.

Governments' Realestate Policies and Effectiveness after '90s (90년대 이후 주요 부동산(不動産) 정책과 실효성(實效性))

  • Kim, Jinsu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1073-1080
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    • 2013
  • Owing to 88 Olympic, social atmosphere changed to more freely and abundant liquidity, which caused by trade surplus, had led to the surge in real estate prices. Accordingly, The Roh Taewoo government announced the construction of five new towns, Bun-dang, Il-san etc. The Kim Youngsam government had dramatically enhanced the transparency of transactions on real estate field by introducing real-name transaction system. Whereas the Kim Daejung government carried out real estate stimulus package to early recovery from Asian financial cirsis. But, the Roh Muhyeon government conducted strongly suppressing polices. This report want to testify governments' real estate polices and their effectiveness on the real estate market after '90s using VAR model.

A Study on Audit Planning and Evaluation System of Local Finance (지방재정의 감사기획평가체계 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.37-53
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    • 2014
  • Audits by local governments help to improve local governments's internal control, diagnose their policies, increase their administrative performance and prevent any Policy errors. But the specialty level of the self-authority audit & inspection is low level. It comes from frequent job rotations which results in disposition of unskilled employees instead of ones having majoring knowledge and practical experience. In order to overcome the aforementioned problems and strengthen the function of the self-audit in local governments, we suggested a new system as a solution by considering various audit environments. This study is to find the problems of local Audit and suggest the new system of self audit evaluation system. Electronic self-authority and inspection system is strengthen the self-authority audit & inspection and ultimately will be making strength the effectiveness of local government performance.

Creative Economy Activation Policy using Virtual Cluster-type Dynamic Collaboration Platform (버추얼 클러스터형 다이내믹 협업 플랫폼을 활용한 창조경제 활성화 정책)

  • Lee, Kark-Bum;Kim, Joon-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2013
  • Start-up support policy is expanding for the activation of creative economy. Domestic start-up is activated in early 2000, but is shrinked rapidly because there is not enough collaborative system of R&D, start-up, finance, and management support. Many organizations and collaborative environment in Silicon valley of USA is developed for long time. In Korea, creative economy is constructing rapidly led by government like building industrialization and information society. VCDP(Virtual Cluster-type Dynamic Collaboration Platform) is a good tool for the start-up support policy. This study explains the necessity and effectiveness of VCDP and suggests creative activation policy using this tool.

Effective Anlysis of Regional Industry Development Project;Focus on Chungbuk Province (지역전략산업 변화 및 효과분석;충청북도를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Suk-Pyo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2008
  • This research analysis Regional industry development project of central government. Fortunately, South Korea government changed from efficiency-centered economic policy to balanced territorial economic development. Therefore, the purpose of this research is firstly to present how to development of regional industry, and secondly to analysis of effectiveness from regional industry development project.

Research on Continuous Improvement in Productivity for The Central and Local Government Administration (정부 및 지방행정혁신의 지속적 성과향상 방법 -조직개발과 업무혁신 변화관리 실행 매뉴얼 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyu;Shin, Dong-Ju;Kim, Hyoung-Ki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2005
  • This research is about continuous improvement in productivity for the central and local government administration. It is a comprehensive execution manual that summarizes from preparation to completion of this task. If you follow the process described in this research, you will achieve the following. l. You will motivate the innovators. 2. You will spare yourself of many trial and errors and risks thus increasing the effectiveness, 3. You will eliminate the obstacles to innovation. 4. You will continue to innovate and will be able to assess the results through visible index.

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