• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geological environmental information

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The Research on the Management Plan of Geological Heritage in Korea using GIS (지리정보를 활용한 한국의 지질유산 정보화 구축 및 관리방안 제시)

  • Lee, SooJae;Lee, MoungJin
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.103-123
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    • 2015
  • To provide effective management policy of geo-heritages, concept of Korean geo-heritage has been organized based on geo-diversity, geo-conservation, geo-tourism, and earth-heritage. In addition, current status of geo-heritage in Korea has been grasped, and categorized. In case GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates exist, spatial information was constructed as GIS (Geographic Information System). Geo-heritages were classified into a total of six categories of natural monument, scenic site, coastal sand-dune, natural cave, world nature heritage, and other types of geo-heritage. By mapping 991 geo-heritages scattered nationwide using geographical information, all statuses can now be readily identified and enable the analysis of the distribution tendencies and correlation with topography. This study was aimed at searching the political connection based on quantitatively organized and analyzed geo-heritages, which have not been mapped thus far. In addition, this study organized data that have existed only in literature, and presented example verification. Moreover, these can be used as guidelines for the future search, discovery, registration and management of geo-heritage. If additional geo-heritages are discovered in field studies or with satellite images, then more correlations may be identified and help facilitate the research on geo-heritages management plans.

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Analysis of Correlation with Cross Sectional Area of Flow and Flow Rate Variation of Discharge Measurement Point in the Upper Stream of Seomjin River (섬진강상류 유량측정지점의 유수단면적과 유량변화에 따른 상관관계 분석)

  • Song, KwangDuck;Kim, KapSoon;Lee, DongJin;Ham, SangIn;Kim, DaeYoung;Oh, TaeYoun;Lee, JaeChoon;Lim, ByungJin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to determine the variation of the water level and crosssection area for investigating changes of stream foreland, and to determine the correlation between the average flow velocity and cross-section area so as to understand the hydrological characteristics of the stream. The slope of the cross-sectional area was changed in water levels of 0.6~1.0 m and 1.8~2.0 m. The first change occurred in the low-water level season, and the second change occurred in the high-water level seasons. It is assumed that the changes occurred due to the geological transfigure. The correlation between the cross-sectional area and the average flow velocity was 0.22~0.86 in the exponential equation and 0.20~0.87 in the linear equation. The low water level had a higher correlation than the high water level, and free weirs in the upper stream showed a very low correlation. Therefore, this study provides novel information for the management of water quality in the riverside, using correlation equations of the water level and flow velocity with the cross section area.

Site Selection Methods for High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities: An International Comparison (고준위방사성폐기물 처분시설 부지선정 방식 해외사례 분석)

  • HyeRim Kim;MinJeong Kim;SunJu Park;WoonSang Yoon;JungHoon Park;JeongHwan Lee
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.335-353
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    • 2023
  • Site selection processes for high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities in different countries differ in terms of local geology and degree of public engagement. There seem to be three alternative processes for site selection: (1) selection with community consent after government choice; (2) selection with continuous community engagement after exclusion of unsuitable areas based on existing survey data; or (3) site selection where communities have expressed a willingness to participate. The Yucca Mountain site in Nevada, USA, was selected as the final disposal site by process (1) through six stages, but its development was suspended owing to opposition from the local governor and environmental groups. In Sweden, Switzerland, and Germany, process (2) is used and sites are selected through three stages. Sweden and Switzerland have completed site selection, and Germany is currently engaged in the process. The UK adopted process (3) with six stages, although the process has been suspended owing to poor community participation. In Korea, temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel will reach saturation from 2030, so site selection must be promoted through various laws and systems, with continuous communication with local communities based on transparent and scientifically undertaken procedures.

Study on Stratigraphy, Structural Geology and Hydrocarbon Potentials of the Cretaceous Strata, Northeastern Iraq (이라크 북동부 지역 백악기 퇴적층의 층서, 구조지질 및 탄화수소 부존 유망성 연구)

  • Lee, Taecheol;Han, Seungwoo;Ryu, In-Chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2014
  • Seismic reflection data are integrated with fieldwork data in order to understand startigraphy, structural geology and hydrocarbon potentials of Cretaceous strata in the Mesopotamian basin, Northeastern Iraq. Cretaceous strata in the basin divided into the Qamchuqa, Kometan, Bekhme and Shiranish formations, which are composed of carbonates deposited in shallow marine environment. The geological structures in these formations are mainly recognized as thrusts, detachment folds, fault propagation folds and fault bend folds. As well, NW-SE trending fractures are regularly developed, and are horizontal or perpendicular to the structures. The distribution and frequency of fractures are related to the development of the thrusts. In terms of hydrocarbon potentials, Cretaceous strata in the basin have limited capacities for source rocks and seal rocks due to the lack of organic carbon content and the well-developed fractures, respectively. Although these carbonates have limited primary porosity, however, development of the secondary porosity derived from the fractures contributes to enhance the reservoir quality. Most important factor for the reservoir quality of Cretaceous strata seems to be the frequency and connectivity of fractures relative to locations of folds and faults. The results delineated in this study will use as reference for recognizing stratigraphy and structures of Cretaceous strata and will provide useful information on hydrocarbon potentials of Cretaceous strata in the Mesopotamian basin, NE Iraq.

Geology and Ore Deposits in the Haman-Kunbuk Copper District (함안군북지구(咸安郡北地區)의 지질(地質)과 동광상(銅鑛床))

  • Moon, Chung Uk;Kim, Myung Whan;Lee, Ji Hern;Choi, Chung Jung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 1970
  • The district investigated covers the central and southern portions of the Uiryong Quadrangle amounting to $40km^2$ in area and is bounded approximately by geographical coordinates of $128^{\circ}$ 28' $40^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\sim}128^{\circ}$ 24' 25"E in longitude and $35^{\circ}10{\prime}{\sim}35^{\circ}14^{\prime}06^{{\prime}{\prime}}N$ in latitude. The purpose of this investigation was to provide basic information in drawing up a comprehensive development plan of the copper ore deposits known to exist in the HamanKumbuk district with special emphasis given to the ascertainment of geological and paragenetic characteristics. The area consists chiefly of shale, sandy shale and chert, all belong to Kyongsang System of Cretaceous age. Intruded into these rocks are andesite, granodiorite, basic dikes, and acidic dikes. The mineralization which took place in the area, consists of mostly fissure-filling vein deposits, numbering several tens, with varying magnitudes. The fissures and shear zones created in rocks, such as chert and granodiorite, hosted the deposition of mineralizing vapors and/or hydrothermal solutions along their openings. The strike lengths of these veins vary from 50 to 600 meters in extension and 0.1 to 3 meters in width. Although the degree of fluctuation in width is great, it averages 0.3m. The stuctural patterns, which apparently affected the deposition of veins, are fissure patterns, trend NS to $N30^{\circ}W$, and steep-pitching tension fractures as well as normal fault pattern. Ore minerals associated with vein matters are primarily chalcopyrite and small amounts of scheelite, cobaltiferous arsenopyrite, and gold and silver intimately associated with sulphide minerals. Associated with these ore mineral are pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, specularite and arsenopyrite. Gangue minerals noted are quartz, calcite, chlorite, tourmaline and hornblende. In terms of the compositions of associated minerals, the vein deposits in the district could be grouped under the following four categories: 1. Pyrrhoitite, Arsenopyrite, Gold and Silver Bearing Copper Vein (Type I) 2. Calcite-Scheelite-Copper Vein (Type II) 3. Magnetite-Pyrite-Copper Vein (Type III) 4. Tourmaline Copper Vein (Type IV) Of the four types, the first and the fourth are presently yielding relatively higher grades: of copper ores and concentrates. The estimated ore reserves total some 222,000 metric tons with the following breakdown in terms of metal contents: Name of Mines Au(g/t) Ag(g/t) Cu(%) Reserves(M/T) Kunbuk 15.92 78.69 6,074 60.498 Cheil Kunbuk - - 1.040 60,847 Haman - - 2.688 101,204 222,549 As rehabilitation of old workings and/or exploration of veins at depth proceed, additional estimation of ore reserves may become apparent and necessary. With regard to the problem of beneficiation and upgrading of low-grade ores in the district, it would be advisable to make decisions on location, treating capacity and mill flowsheet after sufficient amount of exploration is completed as suggested in the report.

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Engineering Geological Implications of Fault Zone in Deep Drill Cores: Microtextural Characterization of Pseudotachylite and Seismic Activity (시추코어 단층대에서의 지질공학적 의미: 슈도타킬라이트의 미세조직의 특징과 지진활동)

  • Choo, Chang-Oh;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 2017
  • It is not rare that pseudotachylite, dark colored rock with glassy texture, is recognizable in deep core samples drilled up to 900 m from the surface. Pseudotachylite with widths varying few to 20 cm is sharply contacted or interlayered with the host rocks composed of Jurassic granite and Precambrian amphibolite gneiss, showing moderately ductile deformation or slight folding. Pseudotachylite occurring at varying depths in the deep drill core are slightly different in texture and thickness. There is evidence of fault gouge at shallower depths, although brittle deformation is pervasive in most drill cores and pseudotachylite is identified at random depth intervals. Under scanning electron microscope (SEM), it is evident that the surface of pseudotachylite is characterized by a smooth, glassy matrix even at micrometer scale and there is little residual fragments in the glass matrix except microcrystals of quartz with embayed shape. Such textural evidence strongly supports the idea that the pseudotachylite was generated through the friction melting related to strong seismic events. Based on X-ray diffraction (XRD) quantitative analysis, it consists of primary minerals such as quartz, feldspars, biotite, amphibole and secondary minerals including clay minerals, calcite and glassy materials. Such mineralogical features of fractured materials including pseudotachylite indicate that the fractured zone might form at low temperatures possibly below $300^{\circ}C$, which implies that the seismic activity related to the formation of pseudotachylite took place at shallow depths, possibly at most 10 km. Identification and characterization of pseudotachylite provide insight into a better understanding of the paleoseismic activity of deep grounds and fundamental information on the stability of candidate disposal sites for high-level radioactive waste.

Research Trend Analysis for Fault Detection Methods Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 사용한 단층 탐지 기술 연구 동향 분석)

  • Bae, Wooram;Ha, Wansoo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.479-489
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    • 2020
  • A fault is a geological structure that can be a migration path or a cap rock of hydrocarbon such as oil and gas, formed from source rock. The fault is one of the main targets of seismic exploration to find reservoirs in which hydrocarbon have accumulated. However, conventional fault detection methods using lateral discontinuity in seismic data such as semblance, coherence, variance, gradient magnitude and fault likelihood, have problem that professional interpreters have to invest lots of time and computational costs. Therefore, many researchers are conducting various studies to save computational costs and time for fault interpretation, and machine learning technologies attracted attention recently. Among various machine learning technologies, many researchers are conducting fault interpretation studies using the support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron, deep neural networks and convolutional neural networks algorithms. Especially, researchers use not only their own convolution networks but also proven networks in image processing to predict fault locations and fault information such as strike and dip. In this paper, by investigating and analyzing these studies, we found that the convolutional neural networks based on the U-Net from image processing is the most effective one for fault detection and interpretation. Further studies can expect better results from fault detection and interpretation using the convolutional neural networks along with transfer learning and data augmentation.

MODFLOW or FEFLOW: A Case Study of Groundwater Model Selection for the Upper Waikato Catchment, New Zealand

  • Weir, Julian;Moore, Dr Catherine;Hadfield, John
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 2011
  • Groundwater in the Waikatoregion is a valuable resource for agriculture, water supply, forestry and industries. The 434,000 ha study area comprises the upper Waikato River catchment from the outflow of Lake Taupo (New Zealand's largest lake) through to Lake Karapiro (a man-made hydro lake with high recreational value) (Figure 1). Water quality in the area is naturally high. However, there are indications that this quality is deteriorating as a result of land use intensification and deforestation. Compounding this concern for decision makers is the lag time between land use changes and the realisation of effects on groundwater and surface water quality. It is expected that the effects of land use changes have not yet fully manifested, and additional intensification may take decadesto fully develop, further compounding the deterioration. Consequently, Environment Waikato (EW) have proposed a programme of work to develop a groundwater model to assist managing water quality and appropriate policy development within the catchment. One of the most important and critical decisions of any modelling exercise is the choice of the modelling platform to be used. It must not inhibit future decision making and scenario exploration and needs to allow as accurate representation of reality as feasible. With this in mind, EW requested that two modelling platforms, MODFLOW/MT3DMS and FEFLOW, be assessed for their ability to deliver the long-term modelling objectives for this project. The two platforms were compared alongside various selection criteria including complexity of model set-up and development, computational burden, ease and accuracy of representing surface water-groundwater interactions, precision in predictive scenarios and ease with which the model input and output files could be interrogated. This latter criteria is essential for the thorough assessment of predictive uncertainty with third-party software, such as PEST. This paper will focus on the attributes of each modelling platform and the comparison of the two approaches against the key criteria in the selection process. Primarily due to the ease of handling and developing input files and interrogating output files, MODFLOW/MT3DMS was selected as the preferred platform. Other advantages and disadvantages of the two modelling platforms were somewhat balanced. A preliminary regional groundwater numerical model of the study area was subsequently constructed. The model simulates steady state groundwater and surface water flows using MODFLOW and transient contaminant transport with MT3DMS, focussing on nitrate nitrogen (as a conservative solute). Geological information for this project was provided by GNS Science. Professional peer review was completed by Dr. Vince Bidwell (of Lincoln Environmental).

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Habitat Type Classification System of Korean National Parks (국립공원 서식지 유형 분류 체계 구축)

  • Kim, Jeong Eun;Rho, Paik Ho;Lee, Jung Yun;Cho, Hyung Jin;Jin, Seung Nam;Choi, Jin Woo;Myeong, Hyeon Ho
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to develop a habitat type classification system and its map based on the ecological characteristics of species, spatial type, vegetation, topography, and geological conditions preferred by species. To evaluate the relationships between species and their habitats in Korean national parks, we prepared a classification standard table for systematic classification of habitat types. This classification system divides habitats into 6 low-level and 59 mid-level ecological classes based on habitat structure. The mid-level system divided forest ecosystems into 20 subtypes, stream and wetland ecosystems into 8 types, coastal ecosystems into 7 types, arable land into 6 types, development land into 9 types, and 1 type of marine ecosystem. A habitat classification map was drawn utilizing square images, detailed vegetation maps, and forest stand maps, based on the above habitat classification system, and it covered 1,461 plots spanning 21 national parks. The habitat classification system and survey protocol, which consider domestic habitat conditions, should be further developed and applied to habitat assessment, to enhance the utility of this study.

Analysis and cause of defects in reinforced cement concrete lining on NATM tunnel based on the Precise Inspection for Safety and Diagnosis - Part I (정밀안전진단 결과를 활용한 NATM (철근)의 라이닝 결함 종류별 발생원인 및 분석 - Part I)

  • Choo, Jinho;Lee, Inmo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2019
  • Related to the previous paper on the typical crack pattern of tunnel lining with NATM, the characteristic defects in reinforced cement concrete lining of NATM tunnel have analyzed with the precise inspection with safety and diagnosis (PISD) by KISTEC. Depending on the reinforcing materials, steel rebar, steel fiber, and glass fiber have been implemented to reinforcing lining in various NATM tunnel constructions. Reinforcing lining with rebar are prevailed on NATM tunnel to countermeasure the weak geological circumstances, to pursuit the economical tunnel sections, and to resist the risk of tunnel deterioration. By the special act on the safety control of public facilities, the reinforced NATM tunnels for more than 1 km length are scrutinized closely to characterize defects; crack, reinforcement exposure, and lack of lining. Crack resistance by reinforcing is shown in comparison with the normalized crack to the length of tunnel. Typical exposed reinforcements in lining have exemplified with various sections. The lack of lining due to the mal-construction, spalling, fire, earthquake and leaching has been analyzed. The cause and mechanism with the field inspections and other studies has also been verified. Detailed cases are selected by the above concerns as well as the basic information from FMS (Facilities Management System). Likewise the previous paper, this study provides specialized defects in reinforced lining of NATM and it can be widely used in spreading the essential technics and reporting skills. Furthermore, it would be advised and amended for the detail guideline of Safety Diagnosis and PISD (tunnel).