• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geography of Korea

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A Study on the Place Names Presented in the Area of Baekdu Mountain and Duman River of "Daedongnyeojido" ("대동여지도(大東輿地圖)" 백두산(白頭山).두만강(豆滿江) 일대에 표시된 몇 가지 지명(地名)의 검토 - 국경인식(國境認識), 위치(位置).어원(語源) 및 오기(誤記) 문제를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Kang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.474-496
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    • 2010
  • In this article I try to investigate fifteen place names presented in the area of Baekdu mountain and Duman river of "Daedongnyeojido". The aims of the investigation are to clear Jeongho Kim's understanding on the national boundary implicated in the map, to search the etymology of the place names, and to analyze the place names miswritten. Through the investigation it will be suggested that the map presents the idea of 'Tomun river = Duman river = Bungye river', and recognizes 'Abrok river-Jeonggyebi-Duman river' as the landmarks of the boundary between Joseon(Korea) and Qing(China). Through the etymological analysis of the place names it will be suggested that some place names(Bundonggang, Geongatoi, Sihuasan, Geolodong and Daedong) originated from Nuzhen(Manchurian), the other place names(Gulsan and Guambong) originated from Korean. The location of the place names will be suggested also.

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The Locations of the Weekly Periodic Markets in Jinju and the Characteristics of Their Merchants (진주시 요일장의 입지와 요일장 상인의 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.517-536
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    • 2010
  • While periodic marketing systems have lasted for more than hundreds of years in Korea, the weekly (periodic) markets have emerged since the latter half of the 1990s in the densely populated urban areas. In Jinju, weekly markets are opened on eight densely populated area: Ehyeon Wellga Apt.(Monday market), Gumsan Apt.(Tuesday market), Juyak Hanbo Apt.(Wednesday market), Chojeon Apt.(Thursday market), Manggyeong Hanbo Apt.(Thursday market), Pyeonggeo Dulmalhanbo Apt.(Friday market), Gajoa Jugonggreenville Apt.(Saturday market), and Gaho Apt.(Saturday). The merchants of Jinju's weekly markets can be classified into three groups as follows: the migrating specialized(full-time) merchants, who sell fruits, fish, and other daily necessities: the farmer part-time women merchants in the sixties or in the seventies, who sell the agricultural products that they themselves have grown around the rural areas; and the vendor merchants, who sell mostly dduk-bok-ki, eo-mug(odeng), and other fast food. The origin and persistence of periodic markets are explained in terms of the concepts of central place theory, the economic/comparative advantage of periodic markets, and the traditional organization of time and inertia.

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Hybrid Urbanscapes of PC Bangs and Their Socio-Spatial Effects on Human Bodies (피시방의 혼성적 도시경관과 인간 육체에 대한 사회-공간적 영향)

  • Lee, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.710-727
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    • 2007
  • This paper suggests an inquiry into the characteristics and implications of urbanscapes produced by Internet cafes, widely called PC Bangs in Korea, and their effects on the motions and boundaries of human bodies as cyborgs which exist in between actual and virtual spaces or between human and machine spaces in PC Bangs. The paper, which is organised into two main sections, first investigates the streetscapes of PC Bangs as electronic architectural spaces and suggests the urban electronic space of PC Bangs in terms of hypertext space. Then, it looks at the effects of PC Bangs on human bodies which exist as human-machine hybrids or cyborgs in PC Bangs. The paradoxical socio-spatial characteristics of PC Bangs as third, liminal or hybrid spaces between actual and virtual spaces or between human and machine spaces can be explained as follows. Firstly, there appear both nomadic and sedentary landscapes in that people in PC Bangs move in virtual spaces on the one hand, and are static in actual spaces on the other hand. Secondly, both open and closed spaces are shaped in that although PC Bangs act as open or public electronic spaces, they involve invisible social boundaries, forming the gendered space of masculinism. Thirdly, the boundaries of the human body are extended and are shrunk at the same time in that while the sensory boundaries of the body in PC Bangs are extended through electronic networks, its social boundaries are shrunk through the imaginary space of solipsism. Thus and finally, PC Bangs can be characterised not only as social spaces entailing embodied and gendered landscapes, but also as non-places involving the cyborg landscapes of human-machine connections.

The Changes of Job-Housing Balance and Commuting Trip in Seoul Metropolitan Area: 2005-2010 (수도권의 직주균형과 통근통행의 변화: 2005-2010년)

  • Son, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.390-404
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    • 2014
  • This study analysed the job-housing balance using the number of employees and workers data, and investigated the relationship between job-housing ratio and commuting trip in the Seoul metropolitan area. Between 2005-2010, in the central business district which functioned as urban center, the number of employees were reduced and population growth slowed. Meanwhile, the suburbanization of employment and population has advanced as the employment and population moved from Seoul to Gyeonggi-do. As the increasement of workers compared to the employees became prominent, the excess workers increased significantly. The size of excess workers acted as a factor which reduced the job-housing ratio. Job-housing imbalance worsened in Gyeonggi-do especially. While in many regions, job-housing imbalance improved in clerical, sales, and professional job sectors, but in some regions, the job-housing imbalance worsened in simple labor job and service job sectors. The number of jobs which job-housing imbalance was eased increased in the employment center. The more the job-housing ratio is high, the lower the degree of self-sufficiency of commuting trip and the proportion of internal commuters. In business centers where the number of employees exceed the number of workers, the job-housing ratio and the proportion of commuting trips coming from other regions showed decreasing trend together. The results bear important implications for regional labour market plans considering the spatial mismatch between jobs and housing.

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Inbound Tourism Growth and the Changing Spatial Distribution of Inbound Tourist Flows at the Regional Level in China (중국의 입국관광 성장과 입국관광객의 공간적 분포 변화)

  • Choi, Kyung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.400-416
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    • 2010
  • China's inbound tourism became one of the key drivers for economic growth with open-door policy in 1978 and has experienced the fast growth over the past three decades. In 2008, China, as one of the world's leading tourist destinations, is ranked the 4th globally in the number of inbound overnight tourists. Based on China tourism statistics, this paper aims to examine the growth of inbound tourist flows at the national level and the changing spatial distribution by comparing between 1995 and 2008 at the regional level (31 province-level regions) in China. In particular, the spatial distributions of tourist flows from the 6 main generating countries (South Korea, Japan, Singapore, U.S.A., Germany, and Russia) are more concretely analyzed. For five countries except Russia, with slight differences by country, while the eastern area of China is still the most popular destination and western part remains the least visited area, the central part is witnessing the increasing popularity. Russia shows an obvious difference, presenting the spatial pattern that tourist flows are mainly concentrated in the northern and the most southern part of China. This paper helps to understand the dynamics of China's regional changes from an inbound tourism perspective.

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Recurrence History of Slope Failure during the Holocene in Northeastern Japan (濕地 堆積物의 花粉組成과 無機質含量으로 본 東北 日本의 後氷期 四面崩壞 履歷)

  • Park, Ji-Hun;Toshikazu, Tamura;Hibino, Koichiro;Miyagi, Toyohiko
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2004
  • The stable-unstable curve graph (S-U curve) and the ignition los curve graph (IL curve) for pollen composition and inorganic material content in three areas (namely, Kawadoi Basin, Moniwa-Takada moor, and Nenoshiroishi moor) were prepared to reconstruct the recurrence history of slope failure during the Holocene in Northeastern Japan. Through the S-U curve, a period with a high slope failure frequency of 5,600~4,670yrB.P. was identified in Kawadoi Basin, two of 6,390~5,070yrB.P. and 4,750~3,800yrB.P. in Moniwa-Takada moor, and three of 6,630~6,070yrB.P., 5,890~5,360yrB.P., and 5,000~4,650yrB.P. in Nenoshiroishi moor. Through the IL curve, a period with a high slope failure frequency of 5,600~5,140yrB.P. was identified in Kawadoi Basin, and two of 6,390~6,170yrB.P. and 4,750~2,840yrB.P. in Moniwa-Takada moor. Most of above-mentioned periods were included in the period of slope instability in precedent studies. However, the periods with high slope failure frequency in this study were rather different from those in precedent studies. The times and numbers associated with these periods in each study area also showed discrepancies. Accordingly, to achieve the above-mentioned purpose, more case studies must be performed to improve the reconstruction level of slope failure frequency, which could be explained through the analysis of pollen composition and inorganic material content.

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Types of Place Names According to the Named Sources and Those Cultural-Political Meanings (명명 유연성에 따른 지명 유형과 문화정치적 의의)

  • Kim, Sun-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.270-296
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    • 2011
  • The named source kept in all place names alludes to the close relationship between place name and its place while it also becomes a fundamental condition for geographical research on place names. Meanwhile, the named source may be recognized differently according to who the social subjects producing and changing place names Life. Place names represent and constitute the identity and the ideology of the diverse social subjects. This aspect is related to cultural politics concerned with conflicts and contestation among different social subjects over the meaning of place names. Particularly, the Gongju-Mok Jingwan Area in the Korean peninsula has long history and geopolitical location as a borderland and a buffer zone. As a result, it has provided many conditions for cultural diversity and power relations, both of which have caused social subjects to contest their social power across space and time, and has led to produce the several types in the changes of place names. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the types according to the named source, especially that of the forepart of place names morpheme, and those cultural-political meanings. These place names are classified into three large groups, such as the physical place names, the social place names, and the economic place names. These types of place names have represented the place identity and the ideology of diverse social subjects, and also accompanied the changes by power relations between themselves.

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Carbon control and environmental policy in the U.K. : A reappraisal of strategies for the green state (영국의 탄소규제와 환경정책 : 녹색국가 전략의 재평가)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo;Shin, Hae-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.301-323
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    • 2013
  • The government of the UK since the 1990, especially under the new Labour Party, has pursued sustainable development or carbon control as a core strategy for its national development. The seemingly prominent environmental policy for 'greening the government' of the UK as well as considerable achievements in energy and environment indices have attracted much attentions of policy makers and researchers for the 'low carbon green growth' in Korea. This paper tries to see the character of carbon control and environmental policy in the UK not merely as the integrating or mainstreaming policy but a new strategy for national development, that is, for the 'ecologically modernized' state, eco-state, or green state. It defines the environmental policy for carbon control in the UK as the strategy for the green state which has provided it as a principal guide for integrating national policies as a whole, and which has pursued it through market-dependent neoliberal measures. From this point of view, this paper introduces the development process of carbon control and environmental policy mainly under the new Labour Party government in the UK, and gives a reappraisal of both its policy and of energy-environment indices.

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Assessment of the Effect of Digital Dlevation Model(DEM) Resolution on Simulation Results of the Physical Deterministic Lumped Parameters Hydrological Model (수치표고모형(DEM)의 해상도가 물리 결정 일괄 매개변수 수문모형의 모의 결과에 미치는 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Man-Kyu;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2008
  • Ground slope and aspect are important parameters for physical deterministic water balance models like BROOK90 or hydrological models which attempt to calculate evapotranspiration, snowmelt, and net radiation. This study constructs a Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and examines how DEM resolution can change the average ground slope and aspect of a river basin and attempts to evaluate the effects on simulation results of BROOK90, a physical deterministic water balance model. The study area is Byungcheon river basin in Korea. DEM has been constructed using a 1:25,000 digital map with the methods of TIN and Topo To Raster. The total of 20 DEMs with 10m~100m resolution have been constructed, with a 10m interval. It was found that the higher the DEM resolution, the steeper the average ground slope value of the Byungcheon river basin. In turn, the direct solar radiation of a hilly area in the model increased the evapotranspiration and reduced the stream runoff in the Byungcheon river basin. On the other hand, a lower DEM resolution tends to move the average aspect from southeast to south in the Byungcheon river basin. Accordingly, it was found that stream runoff was reduced and evapotranspiration increased.

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Development of Yeongdong Heavy Snowfall Forecast Supporting System (영동대설 예보지원시스템 개발)

  • Kwon, Tae-Yong;Ham, Dong-Ju;Lee, Jeong-Soon;Kim, Sam-Hoi;Cho, Kuh-Hee;Kim, Ji-Eon;Jee, Joon-Bum;Kim, Deok-Rae;Choi, Man-Kyu;Kim, Nam-Won;Nam Gung, Ji Yoen
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2006
  • The Yeong-dong heavy snowfall forecast supporting system has been developed during the last several years. In order to construct the conceptual model, we have examined the characteristics of heavy snowfalls in the Yeong-dong region classified into three precipitation patterns. This system is divided into two parts: forecast and observation. The main purpose of the forecast part is to produce value-added data and to display the geography based features reprocessing the numerical model results associated with a heavy snowfall. The forecast part consists of four submenus: synoptic fields, regional fields, precipitation and snowfall, and verification. Each offers guidance tips and data related with the prediction of heavy snowfalls, which helps weather forecasters understand better their meteorological conditions. The observation portion shows data of wind profiler and snow monitoring for application to nowcasting. The heavy snowfall forecast supporting system was applied and tested to the heavy snowfall event on 28 February 2006. In the beginning stage, this event showed the characteristics of warm precipitation pattern in the wind and surface pressure fields. However, we expected later on the weak warm precipitation pattern because the center of low pressure passing through the Straits of Korea was becoming weak. It was appeared that Gangwon Short Range Prediction System simulated a small amount of precipitation in the Yeong-dong region and this result generally agrees with the observations.