• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographical Category

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Caring related to Health in Korea - Ethncgraphy centered Wichon-ri, Kangwon-do - (한국인의 건강과 관련된 돌봄 - 강원도 위촌리 지역민을 중심으로 한 문화기술지 -)

  • 황혜연
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2000
  • The propose of the study is to try to support the practice of caring suitable for our cultural emotion by cognating the meaning of caring related to health which is melted in korean culture. Concrete purposes were as followings; to first, confirm the caring of civilian in Kangwon-do, to secondly search the caring in the traditional culture idea, and to thirdly present the conceptual frame about the caring. The methodology of this research is the ethnography to use the depth interview and the participative observation. The geographical area of this research was in Wichon-ri, Songsan- myon, Study participants were, 6men and 18women, totally 24 persons. Their average age was 72.6 years old. The period of data collection was from January, 1998 to April, 1999, which original data became saturation. Data collection was done after accept allowance of the participants, their stories were recorded in cassettee, by the way of the Spradley analysis was applied and adjusted. The results which was analyized as domain, category and property were as following; First, the category was the life serving other persons, which is the for mind, the benefiting one, the comprehensive one, the respective one, on soon. Second, the category was the controling life, and its property was the moderate mind, that is, vegetables were tried to be fed moderately, pleasantly and comfortable. Thirdly, the category was the eagerness life, and the properties were diligent mind, and mind which accomplished the complete resposibility. Fourth, the category was a happy life, and the properties were positive mind, satisfying one, thankful one, one of their ancestors benefit, and supplicatory one. Fifth, the category was the accepting life, and the properties were the submissive mind, resign one. Sixth, the category was the joint life all together and the properties were the harmonized mind, and the mutual helping one. Seventh, the category was the ruling life, and the properties were the pure mind, the ones which controls the body, the mind, the nature; which could surely confirmed the source of the life that lived with the nature, the native idea of our people. Eighth, the category was the retaining life, and the properties were the inherits the native custom, and the one that keep public morals. According to the result of examining the caring in ethnography, the general caring was performed the conceptual frame about the caring which is related to health was found in the principle of consideration, harmony, compliance, and transcendence.

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Expansion of Private Tutoring Market for Adults according to Labor Market Changes and the Geographical Characteristics (노동시장의 구조 변화에 따른 성인 대상 사교육 시장의 성장과 공간적 함의)

  • Park, Sohyun;Lee, Keumsook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.402-419
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    • 2014
  • This study attempts to investigate the spatial characteristics of private tutoring markets for adults which have been expanded rapidly with labor market changes in Korea. In particular, For the purpose, we examine thoroughly various indies of labor markets and private tutoring markets for adults in Korea in first and then analyze the spatial characteristics. We classify private tutoring institutes for adults into two categories by job-statuses and education levels, and analyze the spatial distribution patterns of the attendants of the classes. In order to understand the spatial characteristic of their distributions, we distinguish whether there exist the spatial autocorrelation or not by applying Moran's I values for each categories in first. We also examine the spatial cluster patterns by Hot spots analysis utilizing $G^*$ statistics. Multiple linear regression models are developed for each category to explain the relationships between the spatial distributions of private tutoring institutes and geographical variables.

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The Study on the Improvement of Principle in Determining Road Boundary Used by Geographical Features (지형지물을 이용한 도로경계 설정 원칙의 개선 방안)

  • Jeon, Yeong-Gil
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2016
  • Among 28 land Categories, 'road' is that most frequently established or transformed. Like that of other 27 land categories, the boundary of road should be defined by boundary making principles and then fixed by cadastral laws. But, some criteria to determine the land boundary, especially in boundary making rule which can be used by geographical features, is confused partly in Land Use Planning stages. Because the purpose of making any rules in fixing road boundary may be misinterpreted, the gap between law and real land boundary can be occurred. Those related rules in determining the land boundary must be improved urgently. Cut surface' or 'slope' should be conformed as a legal term and I suggest that 'Structures' must be changed to 'geographical features'.

Audit Checking Items for the Efficient GIS Audit (효율적인 GIS 감리를 위한 감리 점검항목)

  • Cho, Yeong-Ju;Kim, Dong-Oh;Kim, Dong-Soo;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.213-228
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    • 2012
  • The construction of the Geographical Information System(GIS) is continuously in progress, and with the diversification and complication of the system, the importance of its audit is further deepened. At this point in time, the information system audit has been obligatory as it has been stipulated in law, and the GIS audit has come to follow the criterion of the information system audit since it belongs to the information system audit category. However, it was found that there was a difference between the current information system audit standard and the former GIS audit standard, and the audit checking items for the efficient GIS audit is necessary. For this reason, this paper surveyed the characteristics of GIS in accordance with this necessity, analyzed the GIS audit checking items found in the audit performance guideline of the GIS audit standard, and studied the GIS development methodology through the related literature. In addition, this paper also elicited and proposed the audit checking items for the efficient GIS audit based on the findings of this paper. Finally, this paper confirmed the efficiency of the GIS audit checking items proposed here through the comparison of the actual cases of GIS audits.

Ethnic Conflicts of the Have-nots: Emergent Hispanic Ethnicity (미국 빈민층 민족집단간의 갈등: 남미계 이민집단의 등장을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.672-684
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    • 1996
  • This paper explores the inter-ethnic conflicts between Blocks and Hispanics focusing on the emergent Hispanic ethnictity that reveals situational character in the US contexts. In the US census categories, major groups are indetified by race and ethnicity in which the Hispanic orgin is a category based on their common language while diverse in nationality. The census defined Hispanic category extends conveniently to acquiesce Affirmative Action and other government resource distribution. Internally, Hispanics have established numerous organizations to coalesce and assure their interests. The achieved dual language program and jurisdictional revision to represent language minority work as leverages to their cohesiveness. Under diminishing public resources and welfare payment, it is more difficult sharing burdens than benefits between minority groups. Block are not comfortable with the benefits Hispanics receive form the civil rights achievement without having had to struggle for it. The ethnic conflicts of the have-nots have become a new ethnic phenomenon attributable to the emergent Hispanic ethnicity.

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The Part and the Whole : The Ontological Assumptions of Modern Geographical Thought about the Regional Geography (부분과 전체 : 근대 지역지리 방법론의 고찰)

  • Kwon, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2001
  • Main debates in the modern geographical thoughts had been developed around the regional geography. Because regional geography had been regarded as a raison d'etre of geography, it remains solid status in geography curriculum. But unscientific nature of regional geography was the main problem of modern geography. Modern geography has developed the logical legitimation of regional geography, instead of research procedures. We examine the logic of modern geographical thoughts from 3 worldview. Here we represented the part - the whole relationship as the primary category, and classify these into three type according to the implicit proposition about the relationship. One is the organic view, which assume that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This view was the primary proposition held by the modem geographers. This view regarded the region as organic complex, and presume the unit region which is irreducible to the elements. The other is mechanic view, which presuppose that the whole is the sum of the parts. This view comprehend region by means of spatial order, in order to simplify the complex reality. Then we compare real condition with assumption. These two view held static assumption. Now, the third view regarded the part- the whole relationship as being dynamic. Most geographers held the organic view, although someone suggests the idea of harmony, the others suggests the idea of complex. But these view presumes the pre-industrial society in which the genre de vie was main principle of social order. Therefore It could not comprehend the regional concept in the context of the urbanization and industrialization.

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A Study on the Eubj(邑誌) in the Yi Dynasty -Based upon the existing Eubjis- (조선왕조(朝鮮王朝)의 읍지연구(邑誌硏究))

  • Kim, Chun-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.211-235
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    • 1974
  • A. The principal geographical descriptions compiled by the government during Yi dynasty started from the Shinchan-Paldo-Chiriji(新撰八道地理志) which was compiled by the royal decree in the sixth year (1424) of King Sejong(世宗) and it ended in the Jungbo-Munhonbiko(增補文獻備考) which was published in the second year(1908) of Yunghyi(隆熙). The process of their compilations can be divided into four steps according to the compilatory work's contents of the principal geographical descriptions which were compiled through the Yi dynasty. We can say that the first step (1424-1454) of those works began at the date of the compilation of the Shinchan-Paldochiriji and it ended in the date of the compilation of the "Sejongsilok-Chiriji"(世宗實錄地理志), and during that period the Kyonsangdo-Chiriji(慶尙道地理志) was published. In the second step(1455-1531), were published the Paldochiriji,(八道地理志), Kyongsangdosokchanchiriji(慶尙道續撰地理志), DonggukYojisungnam(東國與地勝覽) and the third step (1532-1769) began at the date of the compilation of the Dongguk-Munhonbiko(東國文獻備考) and it ended in the date of the publication of the Jungbo-Munhonbiko(東國文獻備考), and in that period the Jongjung-Munhonbiko(訂增文獻備考) was published. The works of compilation of the Eubjis in the period of King Kojong(高宗) came within the category of the fourth step. B. Generally speaking, the state geographical descriptions were composed of the regional data of the country which were collected and arranged. In other words, firstly, the Eubjis were compiled in each county, secondly, the Dojis(道誌) were compiled based upon the collections of all the Kunjis(郡誌), lastly, the government collected all the Dojis and compiled them into the state geographical descriptions. The Eubjis in the early days of Yi dynasty were compiled as the data for the compilation of the nation-wide geographical descriptions, but the Eubjis in the age of King Kojong were compiled as the administrative data. C. The main contents of the Eubjis were composed of the descriptions on the geography, history, industry, naval and military affairs, traffics, communication, administration, economy and society, and of the matters on the prose and poetry, persons of loyalty, historic remains, social customs and schools. Consequently, the above-mentioned data will be contributed to the study on the structures of the geography, history, economy, administration, education, naval and military affairs and traffics as well as the study on the literature, social customs and bibliography. Especially, they will be important data for the arrangement of cultural assets of our country. Furthermore, because the traditional study of national literature was centered around the study on the central government ignoring the study on the regional matters, the study of the Eubjis will be worthy of being valued.

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A Study on Analysis of an Urban Spatial structure, based on the GIS Technique (지리정보[GIS]기술을 기반으로 한 도시공간구조분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Chang-Hee;Cho, Jae-Wan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2006
  • This paper is an analysis of the Category Individual Residence urban spatial structure along the National Route BO (Koushu-Kaido), one of the major roads in Japan, and the degree of differences between locations and its changes between the points of time. The analysis was based on the GIS technique. Whilst, previous studies were based on municipal boundaries or mesh units as sources of data, GIS allowed the use of variable geographical units, Roadside zone, Inner zone, North zone, South zone, Blocks. As an example to apply the technology of GIS, 1986's and 1991's building polygon data of the Urban Planning Bureau of Tokyo Metropolitan Government are used. The layers referred to the analyses is the building polygons with the amount of stories, building area, floor area and the material of the building. Two statistical analysis are executed; one is the test of the regional equality about the number of story of building, building area, floor area and fireproof building ratio.

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A Study on Analysis of an Urban Spatial structure, based on the GIS Technique

  • Kwon, Chang-Hee;Cho, Jae-Wan
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2005
  • This paper is an analysis of the Category Individual Residence urban spatial structure along the National Route 20 (Koushu-Kaido), one of the major roads in Japan, and the degree of differences between locations and its changes between the points of time. The analysis was based on the GIS technique. Whilst, previous studies were based on municipal boundaries or mesh units as sources of data, GIS allowed the use of variable geographical units, Roadside zone, Inner zone, North zone, South zone, Blocks. As an example to apply the technology of GIS, 1986's sand 1991's building polygon data of the Urban Planning Bureau of Tokyo Metropolitan Government are used. The layers referred to the analyses is the building polygons with the amount of stories, building area, floor area and the material of the building. Two statistical analysis are executed; one is the test of the regional equality about the number of story of building, building area, floor area and fireproof building ratio.

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The Politics of Scale: The Social and Political Construction of Geographical Scale in Korean Housing Politics (스케일의 정치: 한국 주택 정치에서의 지리적 스케일의 사회적.정치적 구성)

  • Ryu, Yeon-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.691-709
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    • 2007
  • This paper investigates the social and political construction of geographical scale in conjunction with Korean housing politics. Recently, attention has been drawn to the issue of the social and political construction of geographical scale. Spatial scales have increasingly been regarded as socially constructed and politically contested rather than ontologically pregiven or fixed. The scale literature has paid attention to how different spatial scales can be used or articulated in social movements, with an emphasis on 'up-scaling' and 'scales of activism' rather than 'down-scaling' and 'scales of regulation.' Furthermore, the scale literature has focused on the aspect of empowerment. However, it is worthwhile to examine how scale-especially 'down-scaling' and 'scales of regulation'-can be used not only for marginalizing or excluding unprivileged social groups, but also for controlling the (re)production of space, including housing space. Under a regulatory regime, the Korean central government gained more control over the (re)production of housing space at geographical multi-scales by means of 'jumping scales,' specifically 'down-scaling.' The Korean central government has increasingly obtained the capacity to 'jump scales' by using not only multiscalar strategies for housing developments, but also taking advantage of various scales of institutional networking among the central and local governments, quasi-governmental institutions, and Chaebols, across the state. Traditionally, scale has been regarded as an analytical spatial unit or category. However, scale can be seen as means of inclusion(and exclusion) and legitimation. Choosing institutions to include or exclude cannot be separated from the choices and range of spatial scale, and is closely connected to 'scale spatiality of politics.' Facilitating different forms of 'scales of regulation,' the Korean central government included Chaebols and upper- and middle-income groups for the legitimization of housing projects, but excluded local-scale grassroots organizations and unprivileged social groups as decision-makers.