• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic survey

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A Land Capability Analysis in Kyungsan, Korea Using Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템(GIS)을 이용한 경산시의 토지잠재력 분석)

  • 오정학;정성관
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for land use in the future, which result from analyzing land use, obtained after studying on the natural environment by Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing. The results of this study are as follows : ·According to the classification of land-cover, agricultural land use is relatively prominent except for overall natural covering. According to the average value of Green Vegetation Index class, the average value of GVI is 3.0, and 45% of the regions have relatively good condition of floral state. ·With a view to natural environment, the survey shows that the altitude of 90% of the total areas is below 400m, and most of them are flattened or moderately-inclined area. Therefore, this region has a good condition to be used for development. · The area for the first class in preservation degree of natural scenery of Namcheon-Myun is 2.3% of the total areas. According to the results about unstable areas on all sides, unstable districs are distributed in so small-scale units that they will be safe from some damages drawn by developing activity. But we have to consider every aspects for the future development of them. In this study, the natural environment-variables are regarded firstly, and effective designation of the land with natural environment is researched too. However, to establish more practical developing plan, ecological and human variables should be regarded.

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Classification , Distribution and Geographic Variation of Two Species of the Genus Moroco in Korea (한국산 버들치속(Genus Moroco) 어류 2 종의 분류.분포 및 지리적 변이에 관하여)

  • 민미숙;양서영
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.63-78
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    • 1986
  • Two species of Moroco oxycephalus and M. lagowskii were studied to examine patterns of genic variation and morphological difference within and between populations of two species, and to clarify their taxonomic status and geographic distribution. The number of scales above lateral line(SAL) was the key character to classify these species. On the average, M.lagowskii had 22 or more SAL whereas M.oxycephalus had 20 or less. Previously known character of the position of dorsal fin was found to be not appropriate to distinguish them. Five loci, Gp, st-1, Est-2, Est-3 and Got-1 , showed fixed difference electrophoretically between two species and these could be used as genetic markers to identify them. The degree of genic variation of M. oxycephalus was four fold higher(H=0.032) than that of M. lagowskii(H=0.008) but both species were far less than the average genic variation of freshwater fish in general. Rogers' genetic similarity coefficients between two species were S=0.692 and their presumed divergent time was estimated to be sbout 1.8million years ageo. Detailed survey of the geographic distribution of thses revealed that M.lagowskii was distributed in northeastern part of South Korea(Ganseong , Gangreung, Wangsan, and Oggye) and M. oxycephalus was occupied rest of the peninsula. The distrance between Oggye, the southern limit of M. lagowskii distribution , and Samwha (near Samcheog), the northern limit of M.oxycephalus, was aobut 15 Km apart and no symparty was found in between.

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Development of the GIS-based Stream Hydromorphological Structure Assessment System for Small and Midium-size Streams (GIS 기반 중·소규모 하천의 수문지형 물리적 구조 평가 체계 개발)

  • Kim, Man-Kyu;Kim, Hye-Ju;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2008
  • Recently, there have been many projects regarding restoration of streams to recover their environmental and ecological functions. For the restoration of streams, it is valuable academically and economically to evaluate the ecological condition of streams and build a plan and an object for restoring streams based on that. On the other hand, one of the methods to figure out the ecological condition of streams is to evaluate the hydromorphological structure of stream. In this study we have developed a field survey system using the stream assessment methode of LAWA (Laenderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser in Germany) that can assess the hydromorphological structure of small and medium streams. In addition, we constructed a GIS-based stream assesment system which can support auto mapping system and report writing, using the survey results. These systems are aimed to help people in the area of restoring streams perceive the natural and ecological condition of streams in the process of making plans and managing the projects, and they also try to help in collecting raw data to determine an ideal potential model to which an existing stream should be turned.

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A study on the realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey (일반측량 성과도를 활용한 수치지도의 실시간 수정갱신 체계화 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Gil;Kwon Jay-Hyoun;Yang Hyo-Jin;Jeon Jae-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2006
  • Currently, 54 kinds of digital maps are provided by National Geographic Information Clearinghouse and the majority of those maps are based on aerial photographs or satellite image. The digital maps which symbolize and simplifies the topography and objects from ortho-photos does not reflect the objects 'shapes and facilities' changes. Especially, underground structures and complex building shapes are not correctly identifies by ortho-photos. Furthermore, the 1/1,000 and 1/500-1/2,500 maps for urban area produced by some local government or public organizations have detailed information with high precision, it is not easy to update the information due to the frequent changes of structures in the city. Although some efforts to solve this problem such as conducting field survey and shorten the survey period were tried, it is not the fundamental solution due to the high cost. Therefore, in this study, a realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey are suggested. By assigning absolute coordinates to the general survey products and matching with digital maps, it is possible to update the digital map economically and rapidly. In addition, it is suggested that the construction of DB for general survey and sharing among survey companies to solve the duplicated survey.

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Application of Rural Amenity Values Assessment Model by Survey and Analysis using GIS and RS (GIS 및 RS를 이용한 자료 구축 및 농촌 어메니티 가치 평가 모델의 적용)

  • Bae, Seung-Jong;Chung, Ha-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to test the applicability of the rural amenity values assessment model(RAVAM) to a case study area. To verify the practical applicabilities of the RAVAM, south-east area of Kyounggi province was selected as a study area. Full data of 101 Myuns of Kyounggi province were gathered with Geographic In-formation System(GIS) and Remote Sensing(RS) techniques. All the 101 Myuns' rural amenity resources were assessed. Cluster analysis was performed on almost intact nature, interaction between nature and man, man-made amenity values to classify rural amenity characteristics. It was expected that the proposed RAVAM could be used in developing rural development plans considering local rural amenity resources' distribution.

Supporting System far Safe Appraisal and Management of Agricultural Structures using Relational Database and Geographic Information (관계형 데이터베이스와 지형정보를 이용한 농업구조물의 안전점검 및 이력관리 지원시스템)

  • 김종옥;김한중;이정재;고만기
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2002
  • Most of the agricultural structures are in shortage of feasible facility management because these structures are small in size and spacially distributed in rural area. Inspection tools based on visual inspections are generally used for agricultural structures in most of the countries, including Korea. It is necessary to survey data of the irrigation structures to maintain records, and to develop the interface program by constructing database of inspection data. This study was conducted to develop a system for safe appraisal and repair works on agricultural irrigation structures. Repair and rehabilitation method can be chosen from an optimum viewpoint if the information between the method and life-cycle management cost of agricultural structures is constructed in the database. In this study, the system assisting onsite field investigation and determining the typical rehabilitation method of typical agricultural structural problems such as fractures and cracks of members was developed.

A Study on the Anemia Prevalence in Korea (한국인(韓國人) 빈혈빈도(貧血頻度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Tchai, B.S.;Kang, E.J.;Lee, H.S.;Han, J.H.
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 1981
  • The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the nutritional status of the Korean population and its relationship with the age, sex, economic status and geographic characteristics. Taking in consideration the geographic location and socioeconomic states, ten regions out of the twenty-four regions where the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs had executed a programme (National Nutrition Survey) on evaluation of the community nutritional status were selected. Hemoglobin concentration hematocrit, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were tested from a total of 906 subjects in a month of November, 1979. The results of this study suggest that the anemia prevalences of young children in Seoul and rural areas were remarkedly decreased during last ten years, but the prevalence of low income group in provincial cities are still high and particularly in 7-l4yr. and female adult group.

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Scientific Visualization of Oceanic Data (GIS정보를 이용한 해양자료의 과학적 가시화)

  • Im, Hyo-Hyuc;Kim, Hyeon-Seong;Han, Sang-Cheon;Seong, Ha-Keun;Kim, Kye-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.195-196
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    • 2006
  • Recently, there are increasing need to make a synthetic assessment about oceanic data which is collected over the various scientific field, in addition to just gathering oceanic data. In this study, we made a basic map using satellite image, aerial photo, multi-beam data, geological stratum data etc. And as well we are producing comprehensive SVT(Scientific Visualization Toolkit) which can visualize various kinds of oceanic data. These oceanic data include both survey data such as tidal height, tide, current, wave, water temperature, salinity, oceanic weather data and numeric modelling results such as ocean hydrodynamic model, wave model, erosion/sediment model, thermal discharged coastal water model, ocean water quality model. In this process, we introduce GIS(Geographic Information System) concepts to reflect time and spatial characteristics of oceanic data.

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A Survey of Floating Silt-Clay Thickness using Dual Frequency Echo Sounder (이중 주파수 에코사운더를 이용한 부니층 두께 조사)

  • Ha, Hee-Sang;Park, Hyeong-Keun;Kim, Yeon-Jun;Yang, In-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2007
  • In general bathymetric surveying is the method which gets depth. The water depth on chart is generally measured by a 200Khz frequency echo-sounder. In this study the thickness of the floating silt-clay was measured by a duel frequency sounder using 33Khz and 200Khz. This study shows the method of measuring the volume of the floating silt-clay in dredged basins dredged basin. After this surveying RI test was performed for verifying the existence of the silt-clay.

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