• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo-Spatial Information System

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Development of a Remotely Sensed Image Processing/Analysis System : GeoPixel Ver. 1.0 (JAVA를 이용한 위성영상처리/분석 시스템 개발 : GeoPixel Ver. 1.0)

  • 안충현;신대혁
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 1997
  • Recent improvements of satellite remote sensing sensors which are represented by hyperspectral imaging sensors and high spatial resolution sensors provide a large amount of data, typically several hundred megabytes per one scene. Moreover, increasing information exchange via internet and information super-highway requires the developments of more active service systems for processing and analysing of remote sensing data in order to provide value-added products. In this sense, an advanced satellite data processing system is being developed to achive high performance in computing speed and efficieney in processing a huge volume of data, and to make possible network computing and easy improving, upgrading and managing of systems. JAVA internet programming language provides several advantages for developing software such as object-oriented programming, multi-threading and robust memory managent. Using these features, a satellite data processing system named as GeoPixel has been developing using JAVA language. The GeoPixel adopted newly developed techniques including object-pipe connect method between each process and multi-threading structure. In other words, this system has characteristics such as independent operating platform and efficient data processing by handling a huge volume of remote sensing data with robustness. In the evaluation of data processing capability, the satisfactory results were shown in utilizing computer resources(CPU and Memory) and processing speeds.

A Performance Evaluation of the e-Gov Standard Framework on PaaS Cloud Computing Environment: A Geo-based Image Processing Case (PaaS 클라우드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 전자정부 표준프레임워크 성능평가: 공간영상 정보처리 사례)

  • KIM, Kwang-Seob;LEE, Ki-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • Both Platform as a Service (PaaS) as one of the cloud computing service models and the e-government (e-Gov) standard framework from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS) provide developers with practical computing environments to build their applications in every web-based services. Web application developers in the geo-spatial information field can utilize and deploy many middleware software or common functions provided by either the cloud-based service or the e-Gov standard framework. However, there are few studies for their applicability and performance in the field of actual geo-spatial information application yet. Therefore, the motivation of this study was to investigate the relevance of these technologies or platform. The applicability of these computing environments and the performance evaluation were performed after a test application deployment of the spatial image processing case service using Web Processing Service (WPS) 2.0 on the e-Gov standard framework. This system was a test service supported by a cloud environment of Cloud Foundry, one of open source PaaS cloud platforms. Using these components, the performance of the test system in two cases of 300 and 500 threads was assessed through a comparison test with two kinds of service: a service case for only the PaaS and that on the e-Gov on the PaaS. The performance measurements were based on the recording of response time with respect to users' requests during 3,600 seconds. According to the experimental results, all the test cases of the e-Gov on PaaS considered showed a greater performance. It is expected that the e-Gov standard framework on the PaaS cloud would be important factors to build the web-based spatial information service, especially in public sectors.

Process Development for Optimizing Sensor Placement Using 3D Information by LiDAR (LiDAR자료의 3차원 정보를 이용한 최적 Sensor 위치 선정방법론 개발)

  • Yu, Han-Seo;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Choi, Sung-Ho;Kwak, Han-Bin;Kwak, Doo-Ahn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2010
  • In previous studies, the digital measurement systems and analysis algorithms were developed by using the related techniques, such as the aerial photograph detection and high resolution satellite image process. However, these studies were limited in 2-dimensional geo-processing. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the 3-dimensional spatial information and coordinate system for higher accuracy in recognizing and locating of geo-features. The objective of this study was to develop a stochastic algorithm for the optimal sensor placement using the 3-dimensional spatial analysis method. The 3-dimensional information of the LiDAR was applied in the sensor field algorithm based on 2- and/or 3-dimensional gridded points. This study was conducted with three case studies using the optimal sensor placement algorithms; the first case was based on 2-dimensional space without obstacles(2D-non obstacles), the second case was based on 2-dimensional space with obstacles(2D-obstacles), and lastly, the third case was based on 3-dimensional space with obstacles(3D-obstacles). Finally, this study suggested the methodology for the optimal sensor placement - especially, for ground-settled sensors - using the LiDAR data, and it showed the possibility of algorithm application in the information collection using sensors.

Constructing the integrated information system for the coast disaster area management using 3D web GIS technology

  • Jo Myung-Hee;Shin Dong-Ho;Pak Hyeon-Cheol;Hae Young-Jin;Kim Hyoung-Sub;Kim Jin-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2004
  • The damage scale and damage area in the coast have been increased dramatically because of calamities such as typhoon. tidal wave. flood and storm. Especially. 409 cases. which reach to about $40.9\%$ of natural disasters of 1,000 cases for the recent 15 years have happened on coast area. More than $40\%$ of natural disasters also occurred every year is happening in coastland. Therefore, there is a great need to construct all related GIS database such as atmospheric phenomena (typhoon. tidal wave, flood and storm). harbor facility, harbor traffic and ebb and flow. Furthermore. the certain system should be developed and integrated with NDMS (National Disaster Management System) by using 3D web GIS technology. In this study. the coast disaster area management system was designed and developed by using 3D web GIS technique so that the coast disaster area could be monitored and managed in real time and in visual. Finally. the future disaster in coast area could be predicted scientifically.

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Preliminary Performance Testing of Geo-spatial Image Parallel Processing in the Mobile Cloud Computing Service (모바일 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스를 위한 위성영상 병렬 정보처리 성능 예비실험)

  • Kang, Sang-Goo;Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Yong-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2012
  • Cloud computing services are known that they have many advantages from the point of view in economic saving, scalability, security, sharing and accessibility. So their applications are extending from simple office systems to the expert system for scientific computing. However, research or computing technology development in the geo-spatial fields including remote sensing applications are the beginning stage. In this work, the previously implemented smartphone app for image processing was first migrated to mobile cloud computing linked to Amazon web services. As well, parallel programming was applied for improving operation performance. Industrial needs and technology development cases in terms of mobile cloud computing services are being increased. Thus, a performance testing on a satellite image processing module was carried out as the main purpose of this study. Types of implementation or services for mobile cloud varies. As the result of this testing study in a given condition, the performance of cloud computing server was higher than that of the single server without cloud service. This work is a preliminary case study for the further linkage approach for mobile cloud and satellite image processing.

A Study on the Spatial Analysis method of Traffic Accident with GSIS (GSIS를 활용한 교통사고 공간 분석 기법 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 유지연;조기성;전형섭;최연웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.441-444
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    • 2004
  • 현재 우리나라에서는 이미 오래 전에 만들어진 도로교통사고 자료양식을 수정 없이 사용해오고 있으며, 이 교통사고 자료에 대한 정확한 분석과 세심한 통계 분석 체계가 구축되지 않고 있는 상황이다. 이를 위해 교통사고 발생과 관련된 교통사고처리 체계의 개선이 필요하다. 개성 방안으로 사고 현황 조사서인 104호 서식의 자료 항목을 공간적 관계나 자료간의 상관관계에 따라 연계하여 정보화하여 관리 및 분석 할 수 있는 방안을 제시하여 교통사고 자료를 지형공간정보체계 (GSIS, Geo-Spatial Information System)기반으로 구축하여 기존에 텍스트 형태의 자료 수집이 아닌 PDA를 이용하여 수신 받은 후 임시 저장된 자료를 사고 자료 양식에 맞게 입력 및 저장, 출력할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하였다. 또한, 교통안전정책 및 각종 사업에 필요한 자료로 이용되는 통계 자료를 교통사고 자료를 토대로 교통사고 발생원인 및 특징에 관하여 점, 선, 면의 공간 분석 기법을 적용한 분석 시스템 개발되어 그 활용성이 기대된다.

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Software Analysis and Design of the Image Acquisition Subsystem Using the Unified Modeling Language

  • Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2001
  • Geospatial database, which is the basis for Geo-Spatial Information Systems, is produced by conventional mapping methods. Recently, with increased demand for digital forms of the geospatial database, studies are carried out to automate its production. The automated mapping system is composed of the image acquisition subsystem, positioning subsystem, point referencing subsystem and the visualization subsystem. The image acquisition subsystem is the most important part of the overall production line because it is the starting point and will affect all subsequent processes. This paper presents a software analysis and design of the image acquisition subsystem. The design was carried out using the Unified Modeling Language which is a modeling method used extensively in the software engineering field.

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AHP application method for construction of decision making system by using GIS (GIS에 의한 의사결정 시스템 구축에서 AHP의 적용기법)

  • Yang, In-Tae;Park, Jae-Hoon;Choi, Kwang-Sik
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.18
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 1998
  • According to growing interest in environmental quality with improvements of a standard of living site selection problems such as waste landfill sites, caused regional conflicts. This study investigates a waste landfill estimation method that was used to for storage, management, analysis and display of environmental information provided by geo-spatial information system(GIS) and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) as a decision-making method. If GIS is integrated with AHP, site selection problems of environmental hatred facilities shall be able to be very useful, because of AHP with flexibility which appropriately reflects opinions of the related group.

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A Study on the Validation of Vector Data Model for River-Geospatial Information and Building Its Portal System (하천공간정보의 벡터데이터 모델 검증 및 포털 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyung-Jin;Chae, Hyo-Sok;Hwang, Eui-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the applicability of a standard vector model was evaluated using RIMGIS vector data and a portal based river-geospatial information web service system was developed using XML and JSON based data linkage between the server and the client. The RIMGIS vector data including points, lines, and polygons were converted to the Geospatial Data Model(GDM) developed in this study and were validated by layers. After the conversion, it was identified that the attribute data of a shape file remained without loss. The GeoServer GDB(GeoDataBase) that manages a DB in the portal was developed as a management module. The XML-based Geography Markup Language(GML) standards of OGC was used for accessing to and managing vector layers and encoding spatial data. The separation of data content and expression in the GML allowed the different expressions of the same data, convenient data revision and update, and enhancing the expandability. In the future, it is necessary to improve the access, exchange, and storage of river-geospatial information through the user's customized services and Internet accessibility.

A Study on the Improvement of River Management System Based on Riverbed Change Data Management Program for Utilization of Advanced Bathymetry Data (선진화된 하천측량자료 활용 및 관리를 위한 하상변동 자료관리 프로그램 기반의 하도유지관리체계 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Jun;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2013
  • The systematic management of river is difficult due to various environmental factors such as season and terrain deformation. Especially, river terrain are rapidly changing by natural and anthropogenic factors such as torrential rain during the summer and river development projects. Thus in this conditions, building the advanced river management system is an essential condition to support the ongoing management of survey data and to acquire data regularly through river terrain survey in order to maintain an active river. The need to build an efficient system have been increased through the enhancement and advancement of River Management Geographic Information Systems(RIMGIS). In this study, database design system and Riverbed Change Data Management Program was developed for systematic management of new river terrain survey data and the efficient use of river data dynamic changes. The key features are construction of river survey data, cross and longitudinal section monitoring and analysis of riverbed change data. Maintenance tasks which can be utilized in river-based architecture was constructed. The expected results are to be able to manage river systematically, and utilization of river topographic survey data efficiently for river maintenance work.