• Title/Summary/Keyword: Genotypic correlation

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Cluster Analysis of Korean Domestic Soybeans based on Yields Characters in Paddly Field Cultivation (논 재배 시 한국 콩 품종의 수량성 관련요인분석에 의한 품종군 분류)

  • Cho, Joon-Hyeong;Kim, Yong-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2005
  • In order to select the suitable soybean cultivars for paddly field cultivation, growth response and yields characters were investigated with 37 Korean domestic soybean cultivars, in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi province. The results can be summarized as follows ; When the soybeans were cultivated in paddy field, significant differences were observed in growth responses at each growth stage and yields among the cultivars. Yields of six cultivars, such as Danbaekkong, Paldokong, Pungsannanulkong, Myeongjunamulkong, Saeolkong, and Namhaekong, were less than 200kg/10a, however, seven cultivars, such as Shinpaldalkong 2, Sohokong, Dormikong, keumkangkong, Bukangkong, Dajangkong, and Geomjeongkong 2, showed highest yields ranged from 301~385kg/10a. At V5 stage, highly positive correlation(r=091$^{{\ast}{\ast}}$) was observed between the top dry weight and leaf area while negative correlation was existed between T/R ratio and root dry weight. However, at R2 age, leaf area was correlated with both top and root dry weight while T/R ratio was correlated with leaf area and top dry weight. Thirty-seven soybean cultivars used in this experiments were classified into 3 different clusters based on 19 important agronomic characters, and genotypic properties of the cultivars were similar in each cluster. In results, high yields could be achieved by selected cultivation of suitable soybean cultivars such as Shinpaldalkong 2 which showed early maturation date and highly ripening ratio.

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Genetic Variability and Association of Yield Attributing Characters with Grain Yield in Deepwater Rice

  • Bose L. K.;Pradhan S. K.;Mohanty A.;Nagaraju M.
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.262-264
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    • 2005
  • A study on genetic variability and association of yield attributing characters with grain yield was carried out using 35 deepwater rice genotypes. High genotypic co-efficient of variation (GCV) was observed for plot yield, $EBT/m^2$, plant height and days to $50\%$ flowering (DFF). For all the traits, estimates of the phenotypic co-efficient of variation (PCV) were higher than GCV, indicating presence of environmental influence. High heritability and genetic advance was observed for plot yield, $EBT/m^2$ and plant height. Plot yield had significant positive association with test weight, $EBT/m^2$ and DFF. However, test weight had the maximum direct effect on grain yield

Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Cookie Quality of Korean Winter Wheat

  • Hong, Byung-Hee;Park, Chul-Soo;Baik, Byung-Kee
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.352-359
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    • 2001
  • Cookie baking properties and relationships between cookie baking properties and flour characteristics were evaluated for two years, 1997 and 1998, and at two locations, Suwon and Deokso, with Korean winter wheat cultivars and lines. Cookie baking parameters, except for cookie diameter and top grain score, were influenced by locations and years. Chokwang, Suwon 274, Suwon 275, Suwon 277 and Urimil showed larger cookie diameter and excellent top grain score compared to the other Korean winter wheat cultivars and lines. Among the flour characteristics, protein content, damaged starch content, alkaline water retention capacity and flour swelling volume showed high positive correlation coefficients with cookie baking parameters. Friabilin-present lines showed larger cookie diameter, suitable surface structure of cookie and softer snapping force than the friabilin-absent lines.

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Genotypic Variation of Rapid Canopy Closure and Its Relationship with Yield of Rice (벼 조기초관폐쇄성의 품종 변이 및 수량과의 관계)

  • Fu, Jin-Dong;Lee, Byun-Woo
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2008
  • Rapid canopy closure (RCC) is one of the physiological attributes that may enhance genetic yield potential of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a growing season. Crop growth before canopy closure could be described by an exponential equation of $y\;=\;{\alpha}{\cdot}{\exp}({\beta}{\cdot}t)$ where $\alpha$ is the crop leaf area index (LAI) or shoot dry weight (DW), t is the thermal time, $\beta$ is the LAI or DW at the beginning of the exponential growth and is the relative growth rate of LAI ($m^2m^{-2}^{\circ}C^{-1}$) or DW($gg^{-2}^{\circ}C^{-1}$). Field experiment using 22 cultivars revealed that the exponential growth phase before canopy closure can be divided into two sections; an earlier section during which crop dry weight and LAI of varieties are highly dependent on $\alpha$ and a second section where crop dry weight and LAI are highly dependent on $\beta$. Grain weight had significantly positive correlation with $\alpha$ parameter and dry weight and LAI during early exponential phase. The parameter $\beta$ of the exponential growth curve had positive and significant correlation with the LAI and dry weight during the late exponential growth phase, grain number per unit area, and grain yield. There was genotypic difference for RCC parameters, $\alpha$ and $\beta$, indicating the possibility of genetic improvement for these traits.

Genetic Analyzed of Quantitative Characters in Perilla (들깨 품종집단에 대한 몇 개 양적 형질의 유전분석)

  • 정원복;정대수
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.431-436
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    • 1998
  • These studies were carried out to obtain useful information about the effective selection of vegetable perilla by estimating the genetic relationships between the heritabilities and the genetic correlations of quantitative traits among eight agronomic characters from 91 perilla varieties. The positive correlations were showed among characters such as between leaf weight and leaf size, leaf weight and leaf length, leaf weight and leaf width, leaf weight and plant height, leaf weight and stem diameter, leaf size and leaf length, leaf size and leaf width, leaf size and plant height, leaf size and stem diameter , leaf length and leaf width, leaf length and plant height, leaf length and stem diameter, leaf width and plant height, leaf width and stem diameter, plant height and stem diameter, plant height and the number of internodes per plant, and the number of internodes per plant and the number of leaves per plant. Heritabilities were high as from 0.7311 to 0.9112 among leaf weight, leaf size, leaf length, leaf width, plant height, stem diameter, and the number of internodes per plant.

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Detection of Antibiotic Resistance and Resistance Genes in Enterococci Isolated from Sucuk, a Traditional Turkish Dry-Fermented Sausage

  • Demirgul, Furkan;Tuncer, Yasin
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.670-681
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to isolate enterococci in Sucuk, a traditional Turkish dry-fermented sausage and to analyze isolates for their biodiversity, antibiotic resistance patterns and the presence of some antibiotic resistance genes. A total of 60 enterococci strains were isolated from 20 sucuk samples manufactured without using a starter culture and they were identified as E. faecium (73.3%), E. faecalis (11.7%), E. hirae (8.3%), E. durans (3.3%), E. mundtii (1.7%) and E. thailandicus (1.7%). Most of the strains were found resistant to rifampin (51.67%) followed by ciprofloxacin (38.33%), nitrofurantoin (33.33%) and erythromycin (21.67%). All strains were found susceptible to ampicillin. Only E. faecium FYE4 and FYE60 strains displayed susceptibility to all antibiotics. Other strains showed different resistance patterns to antibiotics. E. faecalis was found more resistant to antibiotics than other species. Most of the strains (61.7%) displayed resistance from between two and eight antibiotics. The ermB, ermC, gyrA, tetM, tetL and vanA genes were detected in some strains. A lack of correlation between genotypic and phenotypic analysis for some strains was detected. The results of this study indicated that Sucuk manufactured without using a starter culture is a reservoir of multiple antibiotic resistant enterococci. Consequently, Sucuk is a potential reservoir for the transmission of antibiotic resistance genes from animals to humans.

STUDIES ON THE GENERIC ANALYSIS AMONG BURLEY, FLUE-CURED AND SUN-CURED TYPE TOBACCO II. Heterosis, Correlation and Combining Ability of $F_2$ Hybrid. (버어리종, 황색종, 양건종, 담배의 유전분석에 관한 연구 II. $F_2$의 잡종강세, 상관 및 조합능력)

  • 한철수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 1985
  • The present study was carried out to obtain some basic informations of the breeding of tobacco varieties. Genetically divergent 8 varieties, 3 flue-cured, 2 burley and 3 sun-cured tobaccos, were used in half diallel cross. In order to analyze the heterosis, combining abilities, modes of inheritance and correlations for some agronomic and chemical characters, 8 parents and 28 $F_2$ were tested. The results obtained were summarized as follows: The percentages of heterosis for yield, stem diameter, internode length and total sugar content in $F_2$ hybrid were positive , where-as those for the other characters were negative. Yield had significant positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations with plant height, days to flower, leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf width and leaf shape index (Leaf length/leaf width). General (GCA) and specific combining abilities (SCA) for all characters of $F_2$ hybrid were significant. In the effect of GCA, yield was greater in combinations of Bulgaria and Xanthi, days to flower and leaves per plant were those of Burley 21 and Va 528, leaf length and width were those of Coker 139, respectively. In the effect of SCA, the major part of characters were greater than those of others in the combinations of Burley 21, Va 528, Hicks.

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Studies on the selection in soybean breeding. -II. Additional data on heritability, genotypic correlation and selection index- (대두육종에 있어서의 선발에 관한 실험적연구 -속보 : 유전력ㆍ유전상관, 그리고 선발지수의 재검토-)

  • Kwon-Yawl Chang
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    • v.3
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 1965
  • The experimental studies were intended to clarify the effects of selection, and also aimed at estimating the heritabilities, the genotypic correlations among some agronomic characters, and at calculating the selection index on some selective characters for the selection of desirable lines, under different climatic conditions. Finally practical implications of these studies, especially on the selection index, were discussed. Twenty-two varieties, determinate growing habit type, were selected at random from the 138 soybean varieties cultivated the year before, were grown in a randomized block design with three replicates at Chinju, Korea, under May and June sowing conditions. The method of estimating heritabilities for the eleven agronomic characters-flowering date, maturity date, stem length, branch numbers per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, pod numbers per plant, grain numbers per plant and 100 grain weight, shown in Table 3, was the variance components procedures in a replicated trial for the varieties. The analysis of covariance was used to obtain the genotypic correlations and phenotypic correlations among the eight characters, and the selection indexes for some agronomic characters were calculated by Robinson's method. The results are summarized as follows: Heritabilities : The experiment on the genotype-environment interaction revealed that in almost all of the characters investigated the interaction was too large to be neglected and materially affected the estimates of various genotypic parameters. The variation in heritability due to the change of environments was larger in the characters of low heritability than in those of high heritability. Heritability values of flowering date, fruiting period (days from flowering to maturity), stem length and 100 grain weight were the highest in both environments, those of yield(grain weight) and other characters were showed the lower values(Table 3). These heritability values showed a decreasing trend with the delayed sowing in the experiments. Further, all calculated heritability values were higher than anticipated. This was expected since these values, which were the broad sense heritability, contain the variance due to dominance and epistasisf in addition to the additive genetic variance. Genotypic correlations : Genotypic correlations were slightly higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlations in both environments, but the variation in values due to the change of environment appeared between grain weight and some other characters, especially an increase between grain weight and flowering date, and the total growing period(Table 6). Genotypic correlations between grain weight and other characters indicated that high seed yield was genetically correlated with late flowering, late maturity, and the other five characters namely branch numbers per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, pod numbers per plant and grain numbers per plant, but not with 100 grain weight of soybeans. Pod numbers and grain numbers per plant were more closely correlated with seed yields than with other characters. Selection index : For the comparison and the use of selection indexes in the selection, two kinds of selection indexes were calculated, the former was called selection index A and the later selection index B as shown in Table 7. Selection index A was calculated by the values of grain weight per plant as the character of yield(character Y), but the other, selection index B, was calculated by the values of pod numbers per plant, instead of grain weight per plant, as the character of yield'(character Y'). These results suggest that selection index technique is useful in soybean breeding. In reality, however, as the selection index varies with population and environment, it must be calculated in each population to which selection is applied and in each environment in which the population is located. In spite of the expected usefulness of selection index technique in soybean breeding, unsolved problems such as the expense, time and labor involved in calculating the selection index remain. For these reasons and from these experimental studies, it was recognized that in the breeding of self-fertilized soybean plants the selection for yield should be based on a more simple selection index such as selection index B of these experiments rather than on the complex selection index such as selection index A. Furthermore, it was realized that the selection index for the selection should be calculated on the basis of the data of some 3-4 agronomic characters-maturity date(X$_1$), branch numbers per plant(X$_2$), stem diameter(X$_3$) and pod numbers per plant etc. It must be noted that it should be successful in selection to select for maturity date(X$_1$) which has high heritability, and the selection index should be calculated easily on the basis of the data of branch numbers per plant(X$_2$), stem diameter(X$_3$) and pod numbers per plant, directly after the harvest before drying and threshing. These characters should be very useful agronomic characters in the selection of Korean soybeans, determinate growing habit type, as they could be measured or counted easily thus saving time and expense in the duration from harvest to drying and threshing, and are affected more in soybean yields than the other agronomic characters.

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Studies on the Breeding of the Response to short photoperiod, Fiber weight, and Qualitative characters and of the Associations Among these characters in Kenaf (섬유용양마의 육종에 관한 연구 -단일반응성과 섬유종의 유전 및 연소)

  • Johng-Moon Park
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 1968
  • It was shown that the most desirable characters for kenaf are high-fiber weight and moderately early maturity. Therefore, the objectives of this research on this crop is to find varieties possessing these characteristics. The experiments covered in this report provided new information relative to segregation, mode of inheritance, estimate of the number of genes involved in fiber weight and their response to short day length of 10 hours and the qualitative characters, such as, color of stem, capsule, petiole and shape of leaves. The associations which exist among these characters are also indicated. Fiber weight per plant, days to flowering, Stem color, Petiole color, Capsule color, and shape of leaves were studied in parental, $F_1$.$F_2$and backcross populations of a cross between Dashkent, a low-fiber weight but early maturing kenaf variety, and G 38 F-1, a high-fiber weight but late maturing kenaf variety. Crosses were made using the varieties, Dashkent and G 38 F-1 as parents. The Dashkent parent had the following characteristics: green stems, capsules and petioles and lobed shaped leaves; 105.8234 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 106.9222 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. The other parent, G 38 F-1 had red stems yellow capsules and red petioles and unlobed shaped leaves; 149.8921 mean-days to flowering in the field, and 62.3684 mean-days under 10 hours short day treatment. Both of the parents, $F_1$, $F_2$, $BC_1$ ($F_1$ X Dashkent, ) and $BC_2$($F_1$ ${\times}$ G38F-1) of the kenaf cross were grown at the Crops Experiment Station, Suwon, Korea in 1965. Color of stems, petioles and capsules, and shape of leaves were noted to be simply inherited as a single factor. Red stem color was dominant over green stem color, red petiole color was dominant over green petiole, lobed shaped leaves were dominant over unlobed shaped leaves and yellow capsules were dominant over green capsule. It was, also, noted that the factor for color of petiole was linked with the factor for shape of leaf with a 11.9587 percent recombination value, however no interaction or linkage were found among the color of stem and capsule color. Using Powers partitioning method, theoretical means and frequency distributions for each population, the days to flowering were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs were involved. The values obtained fitted the theoretical values. In general this would indicate that Dashkent and G 38 F -1 were differentiated by two gene pairs. Heritability values were calculated as the percent of additive genetic variance. Heritability value of days to flowering, 89.5% in the broad sense and 79.91% in the narrow sense, indicated that the selection for this character would be effective in relatively early generations. Particularly, high positive correlations were found between days to flowering and the color of petioles and shape of leaves. However, there was no relation between days to flowering and capsule color nor between these and stem color. On the basis of the results of this experiment there is evidence that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and the color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for the characters of days to flowering. The association was sufficiently close to offer a possible simple and efficient means of selection for moderately early mat. uring plants by leaf shape and petiole color selection. Again using Powers partitioning method the frequency distribution for each population to the fiber weight were calculated with the assumption that two gene pairs, AaBb, were involved. Both phenotypic and genotypic dominance were complete. The obtained value did not agree with the theoretical value for $F_2$ and $BC_1$ ($F_1$ ${\times}$ Dashkent.) It seems that Dashkent and G 38 F-1 were differentiated by two major gene pairs but some the other minor genes are necessary. It is certain that the hereditary factor for shape of leaves and color of petioles is linked with an effective factor or factors for fiber weight. Also, high. yielding plants with moderately early maturity were found in the $F_2$ population. Thus, simultaneous selection for high-fiber yield and moderately early maturing plants should be possible in these populations. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between fiber weight per plant and days to flowering, stem height and stem diameter were calculated. In general, genotypic correlations are higher than the phenotypic correlation. The highest correlation is found between stem height and fiber weight per plant (0.7852 in genotypic and 0.4103 in phenotypic) and between days to flowering and fiber weight per plant (0.7398 in genotypic and 0.3983 in phenotypic.) It was also expected that the selection of high stem height and moderately early maturing plants were given the efficient means of selection for high fiber weight.

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Genotypic Variation in Flowering and Maturing Periods and Their Relations with Plant Yield and Yield Components in Soybean

  • Truong Ngon Trong;Van Kyu-Jung;Kim Moon-Young;Lee Suk-Ha
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2006
  • Improvement of crop yield can be achieved through understanding genetic variation in reproductive characters and its impact on yield components. The present study was performed to evaluate genetic diversity for reproductive growth characters in exotic germplasm resources and to determine the relationships between developmental and growth periods with yield and yield components in soybean cultivar groups. For phenotypic evaluation such as reproductive and agronomic traits, a total of 80 indigenous and exotic soybean cultivars collected from four different geographical regions (China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam) were grown from May to November of 2003 at the Seoul National University Farm, Suwon, Korea ($127^{\circ}02'E$ longitude, $37^{\circ}26'N$ latitude). Most of all the characters exhibited wide range of phenotypic variation, of which pod number, seed number, and plant yield showed greater range as compared to other characters. Korean cultivar groups showed greater diversity than the other cultivar groups in seven characters. Correlation analysis showed that days to flowering (DTF) and days to maturity (DTM) had close association with agronomic traits as well as yield and yield components. Both DTF and DTM had positive correlation with the other characters except one hundred seed weight. Stepwise multiple linear regression revealed that seed and pod number were identified as being significant for plant yield. The results in this study indicated wide variation in agronomic traits including DTF and DTM, suggesting the valuable genetic resources in a soybean breeding program.