• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generate Data

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A Study on Image Integrity Verification Based on RSA and Hash Function (RSA와 해시 함수 기반 이미지 무결성 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Chan-Il;Goo, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.878-883
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    • 2020
  • Cryptographic algorithms are used to prevent the illegal manipulation of data. They are divided into public-key cryptosystems and symmetric-key cryptosystems. Public-key cryptosystems require considerable time for encryption and decryption compared to symmetric-key cryptosystem. On the other hand, key management, and delivery are easier for public-key cryptosystems than symmetric-key cryptosystems because different keys are used for encryption and decryption. Furthermore, hash functions are being used very effectively to verify the integrity of the digital content, as they always generate output with a fixed size using the data of various sizes as input. This paper proposes a method using RSA public-key cryptography and a hash function to determine if a digital image is deformed or not and to detect the manipulated location. In the proposed method, the entire image is divided into several blocks, 64×64 in size. The watermark is then allocated to each block to verify the deformation of the data. When deformation occurs, the manipulated pixel will be divided into smaller 4×4 sub-blocks, and each block will have a watermark to detect the location. The safety of the proposed method depends on the security of the cryptographic algorithm and the hash function.

Fast Heuristic Algorithm for Similarity of Trajectories Using Discrete Fréchet Distance Measure (이산 프레셰 거리 척도를 이용한 궤적 유사도 고속계산 휴리스틱 알고리즘)

  • Park, Jinkwan;Kim, Taeyong;Park, Bokuk;Cho, Hwan-Gue
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2016
  • A trajectory is the motion path of a moving object. The advances in IT have made it possible to collect an immeasurable amount of various type of trajectory data from a moving object using location detection devices like GPS. The trajectories of moving objects are widely used in many different fields of research, including the geographic information system (GIS) field. In the GIS field, several attempts have been made to automatically generate digital maps of roads by using the vehicle trajectory data. To achieve this goal, the method to cluster the trajectories on the same road is needed. Usually, the $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ distance measure is used to calculate the distance between a pair of trajectories. However, the $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ distance measure requires prolonged calculation time for a large amount of trajectories. In this paper, we presented a fast heuristic algorithm to distinguish whether the trajectories are in close distance or not using the discrete $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ distance measure. This algorithm trades the accuracy of the resulting distance with decreased calculation time. By experiments, we showed that the algorithm could distinguish between the trajectory within 10 meters and the distant trajectory with 95% accuracy and, at worst, 65% of calculation reduction, as compared with the discrete $Fr{\acute{e}}chet$ distance.

Utilizing Unlabeled Documents in Automatic Classification with Inter-document Similarities (문헌간 유사도를 이용한 자동분류에서 미분류 문헌의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Pan-Jun;Lee, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.24 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.251-271
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    • 2007
  • This paper studies the problem of classifying documents with labeled and unlabeled learning data, especially with regards to using document similarity features. The problem of using unlabeled data is practically important because in many information systems obtaining training labels is expensive, while large quantities of unlabeled documents are readily available. There are two steps In general semi-supervised learning algorithm. First, it trains a classifier using the available labeled documents, and classifies the unlabeled documents. Then, it trains a new classifier using all the training documents which were labeled either manually or automatically. We suggested two types of semi-supervised learning algorithm with regards to using document similarity features. The one is one step semi-supervised learning which is using unlabeled documents only to generate document similarity features. And the other is two step semi-supervised learning which is using unlabeled documents as learning examples as well as similarity features. Experimental results, obtained using support vector machines and naive Bayes classifier, show that we can get improved performance with small labeled and large unlabeled documents then the performance of supervised learning which uses labeled-only data. When considering the efficiency of a classifier system, the one step semi-supervised learning algorithm which is suggested in this study could be a good solution for improving classification performance with unlabeled documents.

Realtime Facial Expression Control and Projection of Facial Motion Data using Locally Linear Embedding (LLE 알고리즘을 사용한 얼굴 모션 데이터의 투영 및 실시간 표정제어)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes methodology that enables animators to create the facial expression animations and to control the facial expressions in real-time by reusing motion capture datas. In order to achieve this, we fix a facial expression state expression method to express facial states based on facial motion data. In addition, by distributing facial expressions into intuitive space using LLE algorithm, it is possible to create the animations or to control the expressions in real-time from facial expression space using user interface. In this paper, approximately 2400 facial expression frames are used to generate facial expression space. In addition, by navigating facial expression space projected on the 2-dimensional plane, it is possible to create the animations or to control the expressions of 3-dimensional avatars in real-time by selecting a series of expressions from facial expression space. In order to distribute approximately 2400 facial expression data into intuitional space, there is need to represents the state of each expressions from facial expression frames. In order to achieve this, the distance matrix that presents the distances between pairs of feature points on the faces, is used. In order to distribute this datas, LLE algorithm is used for visualization in 2-dimensional plane. Animators are told to control facial expressions or to create animations when using the user interface of this system. This paper evaluates the results of the experiment.

Generation of Grid Maps of GPS Signal Delays in the Troposphere and Analysis of Relative Point Positioning Accuracy Enhancement (GPS 신호의 대류권 지연정보 격자지도 생성과 상대측위 정확도 향상 평가)

  • Kim, Dusik;Won, Jihye;Son, Eun-Seong;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.825-832
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    • 2012
  • GPS signal delay that caused by dry gases and water vapor in troposphere is a main error source of GPS point positioning and it must be eliminated for precise point positioning. In this paper, we implemented to generate tropospheric delay grid map over the Korean Peninsula based on post-processing method by using the GPS permanent station network in order to determine the availability of tropospheric delay generation algorithm. GIPSY 5.0 was used for GPS data process and nationwide AWS observation network was used to calculate the amount of dry delay and wet delay separately. As the result of grid map's accuracy analysis, the RMSE between grid map data and GPS site data was 0.7mm in ZHD, 7.6mm in ZWD and 8.5mm in ZTD. After grid map accuracy analysis, we applied the calculated tropospheric delay grid map to single frequency relative positioning algorithm and analyzed the positioning accuracy enhancement. As the result, positioning accuracy was improved up to 36% in case of relative positioning of Suwon(SUWN) and Mokpo(MKPO), that the baseline distance is about 297km.

Preliminary Scheduling Based on Historical and Experience Data for Airport Project (초기 기획단계의 실적 및 경험자료 기반 공항사업 기준공기 산정체계)

  • Kang, Seunghee;Jung, Youngsoo;Kim, Sungrae;Lee, Ikhaeng;Lee, Changweon;Jeong, Jinhak
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2017
  • Preliminary scheduling at the initial stage of planning phase is usually performed with limited information and details. Therefore, the reliability and accuracy of preliminary scheduling is affected by personal experiences and skills of the schedule planners, and it requires enormous managerial effort (or workload). Reusing of historical data of the similar projects is important for efficient preliminary scheduling. However, understanding the structure of historical data and applying them to a new project requires a great deal of experience and knowledge. In this context, this paper propose a framework and methodology for automated preliminary schedule generation based on historical database. The proposed methodology and framework enables to automatically generate CPM schedules for airport projects in the early planning stage in order to enhance the reliability and to reduce the workload by using structured knowledge and experience.

Improved ErtPS Scheduling Algorithm for AMR Speech Codec with CNG Mode in IEEE 802.16e Systems (IEEE 802.16e 시스템에서의 CNG 모드 AMR 음성 코덱을 위한 개선된 ErtPS 스케줄링 알고리즘)

  • Woo, Hyun-Je;Kim, Joo-Young;Lee, Mee-Jeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.16C no.5
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    • pp.661-668
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    • 2009
  • The Extended real-time Polling Service (ErtPS) is proposed tosupport QoS of VoIP service with silence suppression which generates variable size data packets in IEEE 802.16e systems. If the silence is suppressed, VoIP should support Comfort Noise Generation (CNG) which generates comfort noise for receiver's auditory sense to notify the status of connection to the user. CNG mode in silent-period generates a data with lower bit rate at long packet transmission intervals in comparison with talk-spurt. Therefore, if the ErtPS, which is designed to support service flows that generate data packets on a periodic basis, is applied to silent-period, resources of the uplink are used inefficiently. In this paper, we proposed the Improved ErtPS algorithm for efficient resource utilization of the silent-period in VoIP traffic supporting CNG. In the proposed algorithm, the base station allocates bandwidth depending on the status of voice at the appropriate interval by havingthe user inform the changes of voice status. The Improved ErtPS utilizes the Cannel Quality Information Channel (CQICH) which is an uplink subchannel for delivering quality information of channel to the base station on a periodic basis in 802.16e systems. We evaluated the performance of proposed algorithm using OPNET simulator. We validated that proposed algorithm improves the bandwidth utilization of the uplink and packet transmission latency

Constructing Software Structure Graph through Progressive Execution (점진적 실행을 통한 소프트웨어의 구조 그래프 생성)

  • Lee, Hye-Ryun;Shin, Seung-Hun;Choi, Kyung-Hee;Jung, Gi-Hyun;Park, Seung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.111-123
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    • 2013
  • To verify software vulnerability, the method of conjecturing software structure and then testing the software based on the conjectured structure has been highlighted. To utilize the method, an efficient way to conjecture software structure is required. The popular graph and tree methods such as DFG(Data Flow Graph), CFG(Control Flow Graph) and CFA(Control Flow Automata) have a serious drawback. That is, they cannot express software in a hierarchical fashion. In this paper, we propose a method to overcome the drawback. The proposed method applies various input data to a binary code, generate CFG's based on the code output and construct a HCFG (Hierarchical Control Flow Graph) to express the generated CFG's in a hierarchical structure. The components required for HCFG and progressive algorithm to construct HCFG are also proposed. The proposed method is verified through constructing the software architecture of an open SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server program. The structure generated by the proposed method and the real program structure are compared and analyzed.

Instructions and Data Prefetch Mechanism using Displacement History Buffer (변위 히스토리 버퍼를 이용한 명령어 및 데이터 프리페치 기법)

  • Jeong, Yong Su;Kim, JinHyuk;Cho, Tae Hwan;Choi, SangBang
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.82-94
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose hardware prefetch mechanism with an efficient cache replacement policy by giving priority to the trigger block in which a spatial region and producing a spatial region by using the displacement field. It could be taken into account the sequence of the program since a history is based on the trigger block of history record, and it could be quickly prefetching the instructions or data address by adding a stored value to the trigger address and displacement field since a history is stored as a displacement value. Also, we proposed a method of replacing at random by the cache replacement policy from the low priority block when the cache area is full after giving priority to the trigger block. We analyzed using the memory simulator program gem5 and PARSEC benchmark to assess the performance of the hardware prefetcher. As a result, compared to the existing hardware prefecture to generate the spatial region using a bit vector, L1 data cache miss rate was reduced about 44.5% on average and an average of 26.1% of L1 instruction misses occur. In addition, IPC (Instruction Per Cycle) showed an improvement of about 23.7% on average.

Outlook of Discharge for Daecheong and Yongdam Dam Watershed Using A1B Climate Change Scenario Based RCM and SWAT Model (A1B기후변화시나리오 기반 RCM과 SWAT모형을 이용한 대청댐 및 용담댐 유역 유출량 전망)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Kwon, Hyun-Han;No, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.929-940
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the future expected discharges are analyzed for Daecheong and Yongdam Dam Watershed in Geum River watershed using A1B scenario based RCM with 27 km spatial resolutions from Korea Meteorological Agency and SWAT model. The direct use of GCM and RCM data for water resources impact assessment is practically hard because the spatial and temporal scales are different. In this study, the problems of spatial and temporal scales were settled by the spatial and temporal downscaling from watershed scale to weather station scale and from monthly to daily of RCM grid data. To generate the detailed hydrologic scenarios of the watershed scale, the multi-site non-stationary downscaling method was used to examine the fluctuations of rainfall events according to the future climate change with considerations of non-stationary. The similarity between simulation and observation results of inflows and discharges at the Yongdam Dam and Daecheong Dam was respectively 90.1% and 84.3% which shows a good agreement with observed data using SWAT model from 2001 to 2006. The analysis period of climate change was selected for 80 years from 2011 to 2090 and the discharges are increased 6% in periods of 2011~2030. The seasonal patterns of discharges will be different from the present precipitation patterns because the simulated discharge of summer was decreased and the discharge of fall was increased.