• Title/Summary/Keyword: General X-ray

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Surgical Correction of Partial Atrioventricular Canal: One Case Report (부분방실관의 교정수술 치험 1예)

  • 이철범
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 1981
  • This is one case report of surgically treated partial atrioventricular canal. The 22 year-old male patient had no definitive history of frequent respiratory infection and cyanosis in his early childhood. Since his age of 7 years, dyspnea was manifested on exertion. First appearance of congestive heart failure was at his age of 16 years old. The physical examination revealed that the neck veins were distended and heaving of precordium. A thrill was palpable on the left 3rd-4th intercostal space extending from the sternal border toward the apex and Grade IV/VI systolic ejection murmur was audible on it. Neither cyanosis nor clubbing was noted. Liver was palpable about 5 finger breadths. Chest X-ray revealed increased pulmonary vascularity and severe cardiomegaly (C-T ratio = 74%). EKG revealed LAD, clockwise rotation, LVH and trifascicular block. Echocardiogram showed paradoxical ventricular septal movement, narrowed left ventricular outflow tract and abnormal diastolic movement of the anterior leaflet of mitral valve. Right heart catheterization resulted in large left to right shunt (Qp : Qs = 5.7: 1), ASD and moderate pulfllonary hypertension. Finally, left ventriculogram revealed typical goose neck appearance of left ventrlcalar outflow tract. On Oct. 10, 1980, open heart surgery was performed. Operative findings were: 1. Large primum defect ($6{\times}5$ Cm in diameter) 2. Cleft on the anterior leaflet of mitral valve. 3. The upper portion of ventricular septum was descent but no interventricular communication. 4. Downward attachment of the atrioventricular valves on the ventricular muscular septum. 5. Medium sized secumdum defect ($2{\times}1$ Cm in diameter). The cleft was repaired with 4 interrupted sutures. The primum defect was closed with Teflon patch and the secundum defect was closed with direct suture closure. Postoperatively atrial flutter-fibrillation in EKG and Grade U/VI apical systolic murmur were found. The postoperative course was uneventful and discharged on 29th postoperative day in good general conditions.

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Radiographic features of desmoplastic ameloblastoma: Report of 3 cases (결합조직형성 법랑모세포종의 방사선학적 소견 : 증례보고 3례)

  • Choi Da-Hye;Huh Kyung-Hoe;Moon Je-Woon;Yi Won-Jin;Heo Min-Suk;Lee Sam-Sun;Choi Soon-Chul;Park Kwan-Soo
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2006
  • Desmoplastic ameloblastoma is a rare histologic variant of ameloblastoma. It shows important differences in anatomic distribution, histologic appearance, and radiographic findings compared with the general type of ameloblastoma. It is histologically characterized by an abundance of densely collagenous stroma and radiographically a mixed radiolucent-radiopaque lesion. We present three cases of desmoplastic ameloblastoma. All the patients complained on buccal swelling with or without pain and the sites of occurrence were the anterior and the premolar region. Plain radiographs showed mixed radiopaque-radiolucent lesion with ill-defined or diffuse sclerotic margin and no external root resorption. Additionally, CT scans revealetl buccal expansion and relatively well-defined margin of the lesions. The clinical and radiographic features of the presented cases were compared with those of the desmoplastic ameloblastoma in the previous literatures.

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Research Trends on the Treatment of Lumbar Herniated Intervertebral Disc in Korean Medicine (요추 추간판 탈출증의 한의학적 치료에 대한 국내연구동향)

  • Cho, Hyoung-Jun;Sul, Jae-Uk;Shin, Mi-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.501-518
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : To research trends of studies on treatments of lumbar herniated intervertebral disc in Korean medicine. Methods : We searched papers using Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal, OASIS, KISS. We used "low back pain", "radiculopathy", "lumbar herniated intervertebral disc" as keyword. Limitations were as follows; Domestic studies, published from 2000 to 2011, mentioning the treatments of lumbar herniated intervertebral disc in Korean medicine. This study researched and classified the papers according to the fields of the treatment and methods of study. Results : The results were obtained as below ; 1. The number of papers published in 2000 was only three, but steadily increased to 15 in 2010 and the total number of papers was 93. 2. When categorized according to the fields of treatment, 93 researches are classified as acupuncture, moxibustion, Chuna therapy, drug, various physical therapies and collaborative Oriental-Western medicine therapy. 3. When categorized according to the methods of study, 70 researches were the simple case report and non-RCT(non-randomized controlled trial) were 11 and RCT(randomized controlled trials) has been reported in 11 researches. 4. General assessment tools were VAS, ODI before, however these days, Physical examination(ROM, SLRT, etc.), Radiologic tests(MRI, X-ray), DITI etc. are used more in order to evaluate objective therapeutic effects. Conclusions : These results indicate that researches on lumbar herniated intervertebral disc in Korean medicine have been investigated by various method and steadily increasing.

A Study on the Bonding Residual Thermal Stress Analysis of Dissimilar Materials Using Boundary Element Method (경계요소법에 의한 이종재료 접합 잔류열응력의 해석)

  • Yi, Won;Yu, Yeong-Chul;Jeong, Eui-Seob;Yun, In-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.540-548
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    • 1996
  • In general residual stress is measured by X-ray diffraction method but in case of bonding residual thermal stress it is inadequate technique to examine the stress singularity. Therefore Two-dimensional elastic boundary element analyses were carried out to investigate the residual thermal stress and stress singularity of bonding interface in Al/Epoxy. This boundary element results were compared with the strain gauge measurements. The effects of different interface models, sub-element and adherend thickness are presented and discussed. On the basis of the obtained results, interface delamination causing by normal stress is expected and stress singularity is observed more intensively increasing with adherend thickness. It is concluded that the bonding strength of Al/Epoxy interface can be estimated correctly by taking into account the stress singularity at the edge of the interface.

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A Study on Double Angle of Optic Foramen in the Rhese Method (Rhese법 촬영에서 시신경구멍의 이중 각도에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Jo;Yoo, Ji-Na;Yoo, Myung-Seok;Heo, Yeong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to confirm the double of optic foramen in Korean and apply it to the Rhese method. First, the angle between the right optic foramen and the MSP was measured on the axial image using MPR technique of the 3D CT. Second, we measured the angle between the right optic foramen and OML in sagittal of MPR images. As a result, the angle between the optic foramen and the MSP was $39.9{\pm}4.63^{\circ}$ on average, which was different from the $53^{\circ}$ presented by Rhese method(p<0.05). The angle between optic foramen and OML was $40.8{\pm}6.6^{\circ}$. In conclusion, this study confirms that the standard of the Rhese method proposed in current textbook is difficult to apply to Koreans. Therefore, it is necessary to study angle of Korean standard in various general x-ray technique.

Molecular Orientation of Intercalants Stabilized in the Interlayer Space of Layered Ceramics: 1-D Electron Density Simulation

  • Yang, Jae-Hun;Pei, Yi-Rong;Piao, Huiyan;Vinu, Ajayan;Choy, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2016
  • In this review, an attempt is made to calculate one-dimensional (1-D) electron density profiles from experimentally determined (00l) XRD intensities and possible structural models as well in an effort to understand the collective intracrystalline structures of intercalant molecules of two-dimensional (2-D) nanohybrids with heterostructures. 2-D ceramics, including layered metal oxides and clays, have received much attention due to their potential applicability as catalysts, electrodes, stabilizing agents, and drug delivery systems. 2-D nanohybrids based on such layered ceramics with various heterostructures have been realized through intercalation reactions. In general, the physico-chemical properties of such 2-D nanohybrids are strongly correlated with their heterostructures, but it is not easy to solve the crystal structures due to their low crystallinity and high anisotropic nature. However, the powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis method is thought to be the most powerful means of understanding the interlayer structures of intercalant molecules. If a proper number of well-developed (00l) XRD peaks are available for such 2-D nanohybrids, the 1-D electron density along the crystallographic c-axis can be calculated via a Fourier transform analysis to obtain structural information about the orientations and arrangements of guest species in the interlayer space.

A Case of Graves' Disease Coexistent with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis (폐 사르코이드증에서 동반된 그레이브스병 1예)

  • Jo, Ki Won;Koh, Jang Hyun;Lee, Mi Young;Jung, Feel Moon;Shin, Young Goo;Yong, Suk Joong;Chung, Choon Hee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2007
  • Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic granulomatous disease with an of unknown etiology, involving bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, pulmonary, skin and eye lesions. However, involvement of the endocrine system in sarcoidosis is quite rare, and the coexistence of both diseases is extremely unusual. We describe a 60-year-old woman presenting with sarcoidosis and Graves' disease. She was admitted for evaluation of dry cough, dyspnea, palpitation and general weakness. Both thyroid glands were enlarged diffusely. The thyroid function tests showed suppressed serum thyrotropin and an increased thyroid hormone level. The levels of the TSH receptor antibody, anti-thyroglobulin antibody and anti-microsomal antibody were higher than normal. The radionuclide scan($^{131}I$) showed increased iodine uptake. The chest X-ray revealed pulmonary hilar enlargement and high resolution CT showed both hilar lymph nodes enlargement and tiny parenchymal nodules. The transbronchial lung biopsy showed a noncaseating granuloma without necrosis. We report this case of pulmonary sarcoidosis plus Graves' disease with a review of the relevant literatures.

Health characteristics and symptom of workers in reactive dye industries (염료공장 근로자의 직업성 천식에 관한 역학적 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Jong;Moon, Young-Hahn;Roh, Jae-Hoon;Park, Hae-Sim;Hong, Chein-Soo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.23 no.3 s.31
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 1990
  • This study investigated the symptoms, medical and occupational history of 424 workers of 5 reactive dye Industries in the Inchon area in Korea. The study was performed on March 6 and July 19, 1989. The tests applied to the subjects were : serum total IgE, specific IgE, skin prick test with 7 inhalatory antigens, pulmonary function test, chest X-ray, methacholine test, and bronchoprovocation test. The workers were classified according to these tests into 4 groups (healthy, realtively healthy, need careful medical observation, and occupational asthma), and were compared in terms of the group characteristics and the symptom prevalence. The prevalece of occupational asthma of workers in reactive dye was 5.9% Significant differences were observed among the 4 groups. The groups were significantly different in the variables of sex and duration of smoking among their general characteristics ; and dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, cough, nasal symptoms and sore throat among symptoms ; asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases with respect to their past medical history. This study suggests that we should pay special attention to the workers exposed to the risk of occupational asthma.

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  • Lee, Sang-Chull;Kim, Yeo-Gab;Ryu, Dong-Mok;Oh, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Ok-Byung;Jee, Yu-Jin
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 1996
  • Eagle's syndrome is the term given to symtomatic elogation of the styloid process or mineralization of the stylohyoid or stylomandibular ligament. Since ossification of stylohyoid ligament at cadeva was fist described by De Manchetis in 1652 and Weinlecher described clinical symptom which produced by elongated styloid process and osteotomy of styloid process in 1872, Clinical symtom which include sensation of a foreign body on the pharynx, dysphagai, dysphonia, referred pain, and mouth opening disturbance was termed by Eagle as Eagle's syndrome. then, case reports of Eagle's syndrome are presented. in these cases, the patient's chief complaints included periauricular radiating pain, mouth opening disturbance, foreign body sensation, dysphagia, tenderness on the neck. Through vairous X-ray examination and palpation of tonsillar fossa, elongated styloid process were confirmed. Under the general anesthesia there were successfully removed out via transoral approach technique, described by Eagle. after resented styloid process, they were freed from the symptoms without further complication. Therefor we reported these cases treated by surgical resection of styloid process with good results.

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A case of ARDS Overlooked Tsutstugamushi Disease that Presented as Simple Cutaneous Lesions (단순 피부병변으로 간과되어 급성 호흡곤란 증후군으로 진행된 쯔쯔가무시병 1예)

  • Ryu, Ki Hyun;Kim, Ki Hong;Kim, Hong Dai;Son, Ji Woong;Na, Moon Jun;Choi, Eugene
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.389-393
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    • 2006
  • Tsutstugamushi disease is a major febrile disease that generally occurs in the fall in Korea with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and leptospirosis. This disease is often accompanied by interstitial pneumonia, acute renal failure and liver failure. The causative agent, namely Orientia tsutsugamushi, is transmitted to humans through the bite of a laval trombiculid mite, which is commonly known as a chigger. A 78 year old man was admitted in October 2004 with intractable fever and a drowsy mentality. Two weeks earlier, he visited a private clinic complaining of a simple skin rash. He was treated with antihistamine and steroid, but his symptoms were aggravated and he was referred to our hospital. His physical examination and laboratory findings showed a septic shock status. The maculopapular rash had spread over his face, chest, abdomen and extremities. Eschar was observed in lower back area but it was too difficult to distinguish it from other skin rashes. His chest X-ray appeared as diffuse nodular patchy consolidations in the bilateral lung parenchyme. He was treated with a mechanical ventilator and doxycycline under th suspicion of Tsutstugamushi disease. However, he suffered multiorgan failure accompanied by acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute renal failure and acute hepatitis. He was treated in the intensive care unit for approximately 12 weeks and his general condition was recovered.