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Changes of ATP Related Compounds of Large Anchovy During Drying and Storage (대멸치의 건조 및 저장 중 ATP 관련화합물의 변화)

  • CHO Young-Je;KIM Tae-Jin;SHIM Kil-Bo;LEE Ho-Su;LEE Nahm-Gul;CHOI Young-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.179-183
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to examine the changes of contents of ATP related compounds during drying of large anchovy and storage of dried large anchovy (DLA) according to storage temperature and package method. The total content of ATP related compounds of raw large anchovy was $36.0{\mu}mole/g$ and the major ATP related compounds were consisted of IMP and hypoxanthine. The IMP content of DLA was the highest in $20^{\circ}C$ cold-air drying, and the breakdown of IMP was progressed rapidly in $60^{\circ}C$ air drying, followed by $40^{\circ}C$ air drying, sun drying, and $20^{\circ}C$ cold-air drying. During storage of DLA, ATP was not detected while ADP and AMP was detected in a very small amount, and the changes of ATP related compounds were coincided with the changes of contents of IMP, inosine and hypoxanthine. The changes of ATP related compounds with different package method did not show distinct differences, while with different storage temperature showed clear difference. The content of IMP was over $8.88{\mu}mole/g$ on 60 days at $-20^{\circ}C$, while were over $0.83 {\mu}mole/g$ and$ 0.202 {\mu}mole/g$ on 16 days at$ 5^{\circ}C$ and$ 25^{\circ}C$, respectively. These results suggest that the breakdown of IMP depends on storage temperature and frozen storage affects good quality of DLA during storage.

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Aided Distance Visual Acuity and Refractive Error Changes by Using Smartphone (스마트폰 사용이 원거리 교정시력과 굴절 이상 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Bong-Hwan;Han, Sun-Hee;Shin, Young Gul;Kim, Da Yeong;Park, Jin Young;Sin, Won Chul;Yoon, Jeong Ho
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.305-309
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    • 2012
  • Purpose:This study was conducted to research any effect on aided distance visual acuity and refractive error changes by using smartphone at near for long term. Methods: 20($20.6{\pm}0.9$ years) young adults subjects with no ocular diseases, over 0.8 of aided distance visual acuity, normal amplitude of accommodation and normal accommodative facility agreed to participate in this study. The subjects were divided into two group, Group 1 (15 cm fixation distance) included 10 subjects and Group 2(40 cm fixation distance) included 10 subjects. Aided distance visual acuity and refractive error were measured before and after using smartphone for 30 minutes by auto-chart project (CP-1000, Dongyang, Korea), phoropter (VT-20, Dongyang, Korea), auto refractor-keratometer (MRK-3100, Huvitz, Korea). After then, the subjects looked at distance with wearing spectacles. Refractive error was measured at 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes later, respectively. Results: After using smartphone at 15 cm for 30 minutes, there was statistically significant reduction of aided distance visual acuity (p=0.030) and increasing myopia (p=0.001). The increased myopia was not statistically significant after 5 minutes rest (p${\geq}$0.464). However there was no statistically significant changes in aided distance visual acuity (p=0.163) and refractive error (p=0.077) after using smartphone at 40 cm for 30 minutes. Conclusions: It is recommend to keep 40 cm off the smartphone from eyes to avoid any aided distance visual acuity and refractive error changes. If smartphone is used closer than 40 cm, a rest for 5 minutes is also recommend after every 30 minutes use with smartphone to avoid any aided distance visual acuity and refractive error changes.

Influence of Phenobarbital on the Circadian Rhythm of Opiate Receptor in Rat Brain (백서의 뇌내 Opiate 수용체의 일중 변동에 미치는 Phenobarbital의 영향)

  • Park, Yeoung-Gul;Kim, Kee-Won;Cho, Kyu-Park
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.128-141
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    • 1985
  • To investigate the influence of phenobarbital sodium on the action of morphine and on the diurnal rhythms of both opiate receptor binding and ${\beta}-endorphin$ contents, the amount of specifically bound $(^3H)$-morphine and immunoreactive ${\beta}-endorphin$ were measured in the midbrain of phenobarbital-treated rats at 4h intervals in a day. Rats were housed and adapted to a controlled cycle of either 12 h light-12 h dark or 24 h constant dark. After 3 weeks of adaptation, 0.5 ml of physiological saline or phenobarbital sodium (20mg/kg/day, i.p.) were administered twice a day for 2 weeks. Highly significant diurnal rhythms of opiate receptor binding and ${\beta}-endorphin$ were present in rat midbrain. In control group, the peak of maximum $(^3H)$-morphine binding was observed at 22:00 h, whereas the peak of ${\beta}-endorphin$ content was found at 06:00 h. Even in the absence of time cues these diurnal rhythms persisted, but they were highly modified with respect to the wave form as well as differences in the timing of peak and nadir. In the phenobarbital-treated group, these diurnal rhythms were also modified in shape, phase and amplitude, as well as in timing of peak and nadir. In this group, 24 h mean of opiate receptor binding was significantly decreased, while the 24 h mean level of ${\beta}-endorphin$ content was highly increased. However, Kd values in all experimental groups did not change. This indicates that differences in binding were not due to changes in the affinity, but in the number of binding sites. Statistical analysis of regression line indicates that changes of receptor binding were closely correlated with the changes of ${\beta}-endorphin$ content. These results suggest that phenobarbital may influence the action of morphine by changing the number of opiate receptors and that the modification of diurnal rhythm of opiate receptor by the agent is possibly due to changes of ${\beta}-endorphin$ content.

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The Effect of Information Service Quality on Customer Loyalty: A Customer Relationship Management Perspective (정보서비스품질이 고객로열티에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 고객관계관리 관점)

  • Kim, Hyung-Su;Gim, Seung-Ha;Kim, Young-Gul
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2008
  • As managing customer relationship gets more important, companies are strengthening information service using multi-channels to their customers as a part of their customer relationship management (CRM) initiatives. It means companies are now accepting such information services not as simple information -delivering tools, but as strategic initiatives for acquiring and maintaining customer loyalty. In this paper, we attempt to validate whether or not such various information services would impact on organizational performance in terms of CRM strategy. More specifically, our research objective is to answer the next three questions: first, how to construct the instruments to measure not information quality but information service quality?; second, which attributes of information service quality can influence corporate image and customer loyalty?; finally, does each information service type have unique characteristics compared with others in terms of influencing corporate image and customer loyalty? With respect to providing answers to those questions, the previous studies had been limited in that those studies failed to consider the variety of types of information service or restricted the quality of information service to information quality. An appropriate research model answering the above questions should consider the fact that most companies are utilizing multi channels for their information services, and include the recent strategic information service such as customer online community. Moreover, since corporate information service could be regarded as a type of products or services delivered to customer, it is necessary to adopt the criteria for assessing customer's perceived value when to measure the quality of information service. Therefore, considering both multi-channels and multi-traits may enable us to tell the detailed causal routes showing which quality attributes of which information service would affect corporate image and customer loyalty. As information service channels, we include not only homepage and DM (direct mail), which are the most frequently applied information service channels, but also online community, which is getting more strategic importance in recent years. With respect to information service quality, we abstract information quality, convenience of information service, and timeliness of information service through a wide range of relevant literature reviews. As our dependant variables, we consider corporate image and customer loyalty that both of them are the critical determinants of organizational performance, and also attempt to grasp the relationship between the two constructs. We conducted a huge online survey at the homepage of one of representative dairy companies in Korea, and gathered 367 valid samples from 407 customers. The reliability and validity of our measurements were tested by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and principal factor analysis respectively, and seven hypotheses were tested through performing correlation test and multiple regression analysis. The results from data analysis demonstrated that timeliness and convenience of homepage have positive effects on both corporate image and customer loyalty. In terms of DM, its' information quality was represented to influence both corporate image and customer loyalty, but we found its' convenience have a positive effect only on corporate image. With respect to online community, we found its timeliness contribute significantly both to corporate image and customer loyalty. Finally, as we expected, corporate image was revealed to provide a great influence to customer loyalty. This paper provides several academic and practical implications. Firstly, we think our research reinforces CRM literatures by developing the instruments for measuring information service quality. The previous relevant studies have mainly depended on the measurements of information quality or service quality which were developed independently. Secondly, the fact that we conducted our research in a real situation may enable academics and practitioners to understand the effects of information services more clearly. Finally, since our study involved three different types of information service which are most frequently applied in recent years, the results from our study might provide operational guidelines to the companies that are delivering their customers information by multi-channel. In other words, since we found that, in terms of customer loyalty, the key areas would be different from each other according to the types of information services, our analysis would help to make decisions such as selecting strengthening points or allocating resources by information service channels.

Radiation Therapy Results of the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of the Sinonasal Cavity (비강 및 부비동 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma의 방사선 치료)

  • Kim Soo Kon;Park Kyung Ran;Lee Chang Gul;Suh Chang Ok;Kim Gwi Eon;Loh John J.K.;Hong Won Pyo;Kim Byung Soo;Ryu Samuel
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 1987
  • From January 1970 through December 1984, 15 patients with sinonasal Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma combined to the head and neck were treated by external irradiation.13 patients were stage It and 2 were stage IIE by Ann Arbor Classification. However, when using TNM system, 7 were locally advanced T3, T4 lesions. All patients had follow up from 3.7 to 16 years with the median follow-up of 8.5 years. The overall actuarial 5-year survival rates were $25\%,\;28\%$ for IE and $0\%$ for IIE. Total tumor dose varied from 40 to 68 Gy. $100\%$ complete response with a total tumor dose of more than 55 Gy and $73\%$ complete response with less than 55Gy. When the disease was staged using the TNM (AJC) system, the five-year disease free survival for T1 and T2 patients was $50\%$ as compared with $14\%$ for T3 and T4. Failure rate by stage was $33\%(2/6)$ for T1 and T2, $86\%(6/7)$ for T3 and T4, and $100\%$(2/2) for IIE. The results suggest that 1. Higher CR could be obtained with a total tuner dose of more than 55 Gy. 2. Use of TNM staging system is as important as Ann arbor in management of sinonasal NHL. 3. The addition of combination chemotherapy should be considered for T3, T4 and IIE the sinonasal Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma although the disease is limited to head and neck.

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Variation of Growth Characteristics and Quality Related Components in Korean Indigenous Tea (Camellia sinensis) Germplasms (한국 재래종 차나무(Camellia sinensis)의 작물학적 특성 및 품질관련 성분 변이)

  • Lee, Min-Seuk;Lee, Jin-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Dae;Hyun, Jin-Wuk;Kim, Young-Gul;Hwang, Young-Sun;Lee, Hyeon-Jin;Choi, Su-San-Na;Lee, Su-Jin;Choung, Myoung-Gun
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2008
  • The tea has traditionally been used as a foodstuff by unique flavor, however recently not only the diversity of consumer demands but also the public interest in unique favorite and functional aspects have increased. It has been also reported that the main components contained in the leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis) include total nitrogen, free amino acids, polyphenols, and fiber, of which catechin has powerful bioactive effect such as anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-diabetic. (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is a major phenolic constituent of green tea extract has received considerable attention for a variety of important bioactivities. This study was carried out to obtain useful information for tea breeding programs, and to investigate the concentration of quality and functional related components in Korean indigenous tea germplasms. Korean indigenous tea lines were classified into three groups of sprout time, i.e, early, medium and late sprout time, and the ratio were 20%, 43% and 37%, respectively. There was a difference in characteristics among these Korean indigenous tea lines, leaf width of those ranged from 19.8 to 75 mm, leaf length was 35.5-160.0 mm, and leaf area was $660-8,400\;mm^2$. Experimental data on chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of Korean indigenous tea genetic resources ranged from 51.3 to 82.3. The concentrations of the total nitrogen, total free amino acids, and theanine were ranged 4.18-6.07%, 2.87-4.58%, and 1.64-2.66%, respectively. Also, catechin concentration showed from 11.54 to 15.07%, and concentration of caffeine was 2.82-4.23%. These results indicated indicated that it is possible to select elite lines with high concentration of quality related components and low concentration of caffeine from Korean domestic tea germplasms.

Association of the RORA Gene Polymorphism and Seasonal Variations in Mood and Behavior (RORA 유전자 다형성과 기분 및 행동의 계절성 변동의 연관성)

  • Kim, Hae-In;So, Soo-Jung;Yang, Hee Jung;Song, Hyun Mi;Moon, Joung Ho;Yoon, Ho-Kyoung;Kang, Seung-Gul;Park, Young-Min;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Leen;Lee, Heon-Jeong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: Several evidence has been suggested that the circadian gene variants contribute to the pathogenesis of seasonal affective disorder. In this study, we aimed to investigate the polymorphism in RORA (Retinoid-related orphan receptor A) gene in relation to seasonal variations among healthy young adults in Seoul, Korea. Methods: A total of 507 young healthy adult subjects were recruited by advertisement. Seasonal variations were assessed by the Seasonality Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). Single-nucleotide polymorphism in the RORA rs11071547 gene was genotyped by PCR in 507 individuals. Considering summer type as confounding factor, we conducted analysis 478 subjects except 29 subjects of summer type. The Chi-square test was conducted to compare differences between groups of seasonals and non-seasonals. Association between genotypes and Global Seasonality Score (GSS) were tested using ANCOVA (Analysis of covariance). Results: In this sample, the prevalence of SAD was 12.1% (winter type 9.3%, summer type 2.8%). There is no significant difference in genotyping distribution of RORA rs11071547 between groups of seasonals and non-seasonals. Global seasonality score (GSS) and scores of all subscales except body weight and appetite were not significantly different between the group with C allele homozygote and the group with T allele homozygote and heterozygote (p-value 0.138). Scores of body weight and appetite were significantly higher in group with C allele homozygotes. Conclusion: These results suggest that RORA gene polymorphism play a role in seasonal variations in appetite and body weight and is associated with susceptibility to seasonal affective disorder in some degree in the population studied.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Brain Reactivity to Insomnia-Related vs. General Anxiety-Inducing Stimuli in Insomnia Patients with Subjective-Objective Discrepancy of Sleep (주관적-객관적 수면시간 차이를 보이는 불면증 환자에서 일반적 불안에 비해 불면증 관련 자극으로 인한 뇌활성에 관한 기능적 자기공명영상 연구)

  • Kim, Nambeom;Lee, Jae Jun;Cho, Seo-Eun;Kang, Seung-Gul
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: Subjective-objective discrepancy of sleep (SODS) is a common symptom and one of the major phenotypes of insomnia. A distorted perception of sleep deficit might be related to abnormal brain reactivity to insomnia-related stimuli. We aimed to investigate differences in brain activation to insomnia-related stimuli vs. general anxiety-inducing stimuli among insomnia patients with SODS, insomnia patients without SODS, and healthy controls (HCs). Methods: All participants were evaluated for subjective sleep status using a sleep diary and questionnaires; occult sleep disorders and objective sleep status were assessed using polysomnography and actigraphy. Task functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed during insomnia-related stimuli (Ins) and general anxiety-inducing stimuli (Gen). Brain reactivity to Ins versus Gen was compared among insomnia with SODS, insomnia without SODS, and HC groups, and a combined insomnia disorder group (ID, insomnia with and without SODS) was also compared with HCs. Results: In the insomnia with SODS group compared to the insomnia without SODS group, the right precuneus and right supplementary motor areas showed significantly increased BOLD signals in response to Ins versus Gen. In the ID group compared to the HC group, the left anterior cingulate cortex showed significantly increased BOLD signals in response to Ins versus Gen. Conclusion: The insomnia with SODS and ID groups showed higher brain activity in response to Ins versus Gen, while this was not observed in the insomnia without SODS and HC groups, respectively. These results suggest that insomnia patients with sleep misperception are more sensitive to sleep-related threats than general anxiety-inducing threats.

A Study on Dementia Alzheimer's type published to chinese magazine (중의잡지(中醫雜誌)에 보고(報告)된 Alzheimer형(型) 치매에 대(對)한 고찰(考察))

  • Chae, Jong-gul;Lee, Sang-ryong
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.453-469
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    • 2001
  • This study attempted to analyze the contents of the research papers concerning the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer-type dementia presented in the magazine of Chinese Medicine published in China over the period between 1998 and 2000. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: 1. The Chinese medical category of Alzheimer-type dementia includes amnesia, dementia, stupidity, depression symptom complex, insanity and the like and uses the as the criterion for diagnosis and treatment effect evaluation. 2. The clinical symptoms of Alzheimer-type dementia include lowered intelligence, deterioration of memory, understanding and judgemental power, retardation of the reaction, emotional changes, character changes, behavioral changes and the like and are divided into mild, medium and serious according to the degree of symptom. 3. From the perspective of Bon-Heo-Pyo-Shil(state of deficient vital essence and excessive pestilential vapor), the pattern of Byun-Sung(identification) is divided into deficiency symptom complex, excessive symptom complex and indiscernible fullness and emptiness. The deficiency symptom complex includes deficiency of the liver and kidney, deficiency of essence of the kidney, deficiency of the reservoir of marrow and the like. The excessive symptom complex includes internally blocked stagnant blood, blocking of the passageway due to turbid phlegm, blood stasis due to stagnation of chi, and the like. The indiscernible fullness and emptiness symptom complex includes the deficiency of essence of kidney, blocking of the passageway due to stagnant phlegm, blood stasis due to the deficiency of kidney, blood stasis due to the deficiency of heart and the like. 4. The therapeutics and' prescription of Alzheimer-type dementia include the following: Bo-Shin-Ik-Su-Tang for tonifying the kidney, replenishing the marrow and plugging the essence; Ki-Guk-Ji-Hwang-Hwan-Ga-mi for reinforcing the vital essence of the liver and kidney; Kwi-Bi-Tang-Hap-Yang-Shim-Tang for invigorating the functioning of the spleen and nourishing the heart; Hyel-Bu-Chuk-Eo-Tang-Ga-Mi for activating the blood and resolving the stagnancy of the blood; Bo-Yang-Hwan-Oh-Tang for replenishing chi, activating the blood and resolving the stagnancy of the blood; Beoh-Kwang-Mong-Sung-Tang for invigorating the functioning of the spleen, replenishing the kidney, resolving the phlegm and enlivening the brain; n-Dam-Tang-Ga-Mi for invigorating the functioning of the spleen, replenishing chi, and removing the phlegm and unclogging the passageway); Se-Shim-Tang-Ga-Mi for removing the stagnancy of the liver and resolving the phlegm; and the like. 5. The research papers on, the medication cases of Alzheimer-type dementia understand the pathology of Alzheimer-type dementia from a consistent perspective. They view the pathology of Alzheimer-type dementia as the disease of Bon-Heo-Pyo-Shil(state of deficient vital essence and excessive pestilential vapor) with the combination of the deficiency of essence of the kidney, the deficiency of the brain marrow, blood stasis and blocked phlegm and the like and recommend the prescription of using Bo and Sa simultaneously for treating Alzheimer-type dementia. 6. The research papers on the medication cases of Alzheimer-type dementia reported that the use of creative prescriptions such as Si-Sam-Hang-Ji-Tang, Ji-Yung-Tang, Ka-Mi-Yunh-Ji-Hwan, Ja-Sin-Hwal-Hyel-Tang, Kal-Chang-Ik-Ji-Tang, Ho-Su-Bok-Ji-Tang, Kun-Noe-Ok-Ji-Hap-Je and the like led to the average high efficacy of 85.5%.

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Behavior of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Exterior Connections under Cyclic Loads (반복하중을 받는 강섬유 보강 철근콘크리트 외부 접합부의 거동 특성)

  • Kwon, Woo-Hyun;Kim, Woo-Suk;Kang, Thomas H.K.;Hong, Sung-Gul;Kwak, Yoon-Keun
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.711-722
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    • 2011
  • Beam-column gravity or Intermediate Moment frames subjected to unexpected large displacements are vulnerable when no seismic details are provided, which is typical. Conversely, economic efficiency of those frames is decreased if unnecessary special detailing is applied as the beam and column size becomes quite large and steel congestion is caused by joint transverse reinforcement in beam-column connections. Moderate seismic design is used in Korea for beam-column connections of buildings with structural walls, which are to be destroyed when the unexpected large earthquake occurs. Nonetheless, performance of such beamcolumn connections may be substantially improved by the addition of steel fibers. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of steel fibers in reinforced concrete exterior beam-column connections and possibility for the replacement of some joint transverse reinforcement. Ten half-scale beam-column connections with non-seismic details were tested under cyclic loads with two cycles at each drift up to 19 cycles. Main test parameters used were the volume ratio of steel fibers (0%, 1%, 1.5%) and joint transverse reinforcement amount. The test results show that maximum capacity, energy dissipation capacity, shear strength and bond condition are improved with the application of steel fibers to substitute transverse reinforcement of beam-column connections. Furthermore, several shear strength equations for exterior connections were examined, including the proposed equation for steel fiber-reinforced concrete exterior connections with non-seismic details.