• Title/Summary/Keyword: GI disease

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Skin Graft-versus-host Disease Following Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma

  • Lee, Sung-Eun;Yoon, Jae-Ho;Shin, Seung-Hwan;Park, Gyeongsin;Min, Chang-Ki
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 2013
  • Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT). However, a similar syndrome has been reported in autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) as well. The target organs of GVHD in ASCT are the skin, liver and gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which are consistent with those in allo-SCT. Histologic findings from the skin and the mucosa of the GI tract also show similar features. Here we describe a case of autologous GVHD involving the skin of a patient who underwent ASCT for multiple myeloma. In this patient, the response to a total prednisone dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day was unsatisfactory, and the patient required more intensive and prolonged immunosuppressive therapy with slow tapering.

The Bibliogrphical Study on the Allergic Rhinitis (알레르기性 鼻炎에 對한 文獻的 考察)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ah;Jung, Ji-Chun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.53-84
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    • 1994
  • The study has been carried out to investigate of the Allergic Rhinitis by referring to 87 literatures. The results were as follows; 1. In oriental medical science, Allergic Rhinitis is belong to the category of the 'BiGu'(鼻구) 'GuChe'(구체). The 'Gu'(구) of the BiGu means watery rhinorrhea, the 'Che'(체) of the GuChe means sneezing. 2. The cause of a disease summarize the weak of Lung, Spleen and Kidney, and invasion into the nasal cavity of PoongHan etc a wrong air. Sometimes the pathologial change appear PoongHan changeHwa(風寒化火), HwaYeol is hidden in the inside(火熱內伏). The contributing factors are found a season(spring, winter), an abnormal weather(運氣 : 少陰 少陽 陽明 司天, 歲金不及), an emotional stress, an external wound of the harmful air, a food allergens and fatigue, a contact of substances, a sunlight etc. 3. Predominant symptoms are watery rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal obstruction. Sometimes accompanic symptoms are nasal bleeding, mucopurulent rhinorrhea, olfactory disturbance, nasal polyp, rhinolalia clausa, respiratory disfunction etc. 4. The treatment-methodes is as follows, OnBoPaeJang GeoPoongSanHan(溫補肺臟 祛風散寒), GeonBilkGi(健脾益氣), BoSinNabGi (補腎納氣). The treatmentherbs is as follows, OnBoJiLuDan GaGam(溫補止流丹 加減), OkByeongPoongSan plus ChangIJaSan GaGam(玉屛風散合 蒼耳子散 加減), BoJungIkGiTang GaGam plus SoCheongLyongTang(補中益氣湯加減 配合 小靑龍湯), SinGiHwan GaGam(腎氣丸加減), GaeJiTang(桂枝湯) etc. 5. The external treatment is as follows, JeokBi(滴鼻), ChuiBi(吹鼻), SaekBi(塞鼻), stick and herbs-injection on the acupuncture-point, pressure ear acupuncture-point, herbs-pillow etc. 6. The acupuncture-moxa treatment is as follows, the methodes of cure apply TongJoGyeongGi(通調經氣), SanTongBiGui(宣通鼻竅) etc. Predominent acupuncture-points are YoungHyang(迎香), InDang(印堂), BiTong(鼻通), SangSeong(上星), HabGok(合谷) and so on. As mentioned above, from now on, it's need to the oriental medical scientific study of the Immunity and Allergy and to the external treatment's application for the ascent of the treatment-effect of the allergic disease.

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Study on TaeYang Type (태양형(太陽形)에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Jin;Kang, Kyung-Hwa;Lee, Yong-Tae
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1030-1033
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    • 2007
  • Following conclusions about Taeyang meridian and Taeyang type were obtained through studies with reference to the books of ${\ll}$Donguibogam${\gg}$, ${\ll}$Hwangjaenaegyung${\gg}$, and ${\ll}$Special Lectures of Master Jisan on Medical cases${\gg}$ . Park noticed that there was difference in the development of 12 meridians among the individuals and tried to apply it in the diagnosis and the treatment of the disease, thereby creating the theory of the six meridian types. The literal basis is assumed to a phrase in ${\ll}$YoungChu GyungMaek${\gg}$ , ‘人經不同 絡脈異所別也’. Taeyang meridian runs through the back of the human body. The concept of TaeYang includes surface, starting point, diffusion of Yang Gi, and emission. Small intestine meridian of hand Taeyang manages the liquid and Bladder meridian of foot Taeyang manages the muscle. There is much flow of blood and less of Gi in Taeyang meridian which makes the connection to hair, flesh, liquid, muscle and vessel. Taeyang conceals and condenses objects because it belongs to Hansu according to division of Six atmospheric influences and to the winter. The articulation is stiff and urination and elimination are abnormal when disease occurs in this meridian. The pathology of Taeyang meridian would be the invasion of outer filthy Gi affecting the Bladder meridian of foot Taeyang which then again makes Kidney meridian of foot Soeum sick. The two meridians compose the outer part and the inner part of th body. The bladder itself becomes sick sometimes. The condition of less Gi in Taeyang meridian can easily result in the shortage of Gi, and much blood makes the person to have a lofty ideal or to have capricious behavior.

A Study on The Disease Mechanism and Treatment of The So-eumin Exterior Disease of "Dong-uisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)" -On Ikgi(益氣) and Seung-yang(升陽)- ("동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)" 소음인(少陰人) 표병(表病)의 병기(病機) 및 치법(治法)에 대한 고찰(考察) - 익기(益氣)와 승양(升陽)을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Su-Hyun;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Woo-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.235-270
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    • 2010
  • This paper studies the main treatment methods, Ikgi(益氣) and Seung-yang(升陽) applied frequently by Lee Jema(李濟馬) on the exterior disease of So-eumin(少陰人), one of the four constitutions. The methodology of this paper is to understand the pharmacology of "Dong-uisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)" by examining the formulas applied by Lee Jema. I have examined the organization of formulas in "Dong-uisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)" beforehand to categorize the formulas applicable in this study according to an objective standard. I have analyzed the prescriptions applied to So-eumin exterior disease. As a result, I could see that in the case of Ulgwang(鬱狂) syndrome, Ikgi(益氣) and Seung-yang(升陽) methods were mainly applied, but as the disease progressed, Seung-yang(升陽) was withdrawn while Ikgi(益氣) was stressed. Likewise, in the case of Mang-yang(亡陽), both methods were mainly adopted, but as the patients got worse, the level of Seung-yang(升陽) was maintained and that of Ikgi(益氣) was elevated with the addition of Buja(附子). Through this process, we could verify the overall action of Ikgi(益氣), Seung-yang(升陽) and Buja(附子). Originally, the two methods of Ikgi(益氣) and Seung-yang(升陽) are intimately related, but by analyzing the overall functions of the two methods, we could see that Seung-yang(升陽) and Buja(附子) support the Yang gi of the interior of So-eumin, while Ikgi(益氣) resolves inner stagnation of Yang gi and emits the cold pathogen of the exterior. Also, in the course of treatment, Ikgi(益氣) could only be realized after securing Seung-yang(升陽).

The role of serum lipoxin A4 levels in the association between periodontal disease and metabolic syndrome

  • Dogan, Esra Sinem Kemer;Dogan, Burak;Fentoglu, Ozlem;Kirzioglu, Fatma Yesim
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: An unresolved inflammatory state contributes to the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of lipoxin A4 (LXA4), a proresolving lipid mediator, in the association between periodontal disease and MetS. Methods: Sixty-seven patients with MetS and 65 patients without MetS were included in the study. Sociodemographic information was obtained via a questionnaire, and detailed medical diagnoses were made. Periodontal parameters (plaque index [PI], gingival index [GI], probing pocket depth [PD], and clinical attachment level [CAL]) and metabolic parameters were measured, and serum LXA4 levels were determined. The associations among MetS, periodontal parameters, and serum LX levels were evaluated by adjusted multivariate linear regression analyses. Results: Patients with MetS were older and had a higher body mass index than patients without MetS. Periodontal parameters (PI, GI, PD, and CAL) were higher in patients with MetS than in those without MetS. Serum LXA4 levels were higher in patients without MetS. Multivariate linear regression analysis indicated a positive association between MetS and periodontal parameters (PD and CAL). Negative associations were established between MetS and LXA4 levels, and between LXA4 and periodontal parameters (PI, PD, and CAL). Conclusions: The presence of higher values of periodontal parameters in patients with MetS and the negative relationship of LXA4 with MetS and periodontal disease may support the protective role of proresolving lipid mediators in the association between periodontal disease and MetS.

A Study on the Collateral Vessel Pathology(絡脈病機) of Blood Disease(血證) in Onbyeong(溫病) with focus on Ju-Gaek-Gyo(主客交, guest-host minglement) and Dry Blood(乾血) (온병(溫病) 혈증(血證)의 낙맥병기(絡脈病機)에 대한 고찰 -주객교(主客交)와 건혈(乾血)을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Dong-Hui;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Woo-Chang;Lyu, Jeong-Ah;Baik, You-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.89-115
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    • 2012
  • Objective : Blood disease is common these days due to modern man's excessiveness in Yang heat (陽熱) and vulnerability of the Eum blood(陰血). This exposes them to warmheat/ dampness-heat diseases, where pathogenic heat easily penetrates the blood dimension(血分) creating stagnated blood(瘀血). Consequently, pathogenic symptoms in the collateral vessels increase, making it crucial to understand the pathogenic mechanism of the disease. Method : This paper examines the condition and region of the collateral vessel diseases(CVD) according to the blood diseases of Onbyeong, by analyzing each prescription's matching symptom. The disease in question in this paper is 'stagnated blood fixated in the collateral vessels'. Therefore diseases with stagnated blood in the Yang collaterals and Viscera collaterals or viscera themselves from the chapter of "On-Yeok-Ron(溫疫論)", and < Dry Blood-DaeWhangJaChungWhan(大黃蟅蟲丸) > chapter of "Geum-Gue-Yo-Rak(金匱要略)", were examined respectively. Result & Conclusion : The process of CVD according to the blood diseases of Onbyeong can be summarized as follows. First, bleeding in the Yang and Bowel collaterals, then stagnation in the Yang and Bowel collaterals, and finally stagnation in the viscera collaterals or Liver itself. The refractory nature of blood stagnation symptoms of the collateral vessels is mainly due to the characteristics of the collateral vessel itself. In structure, they are very narrow and small, situated at the most terminal part of the body where it is difficult for the Jeong Gi(精氣) to reach. Also, as they are symptomatic of degeneration of Jeong Gi, the root of the disease is very deep. Therefore to resolve blood stagnation in the cases of Ju-Gaek-Gyo and Dry Blood, general approaches using 'Gi communication(行氣)' or 'Blood vitalizing(活血)' medicinals will not suffice. Special medicinals such as crustacean and insects need to be appropriately applied.

Effects of Ginseng Radix plus Crataegi Fructus on the injury of brain tissue in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by ${\beta}$ amyloid peptide(${\beta}A$). (인삼산사복합방(人蔘山査複合方)이 Alzheimer성 치매 병태(病態) 생쥐의 뇌조직 손상에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Sin-Hee;Kil, Gi-Jung
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : This research was investigated the effect of the Ginseng Radix plus Crataegi Fructus on the injury of brain tissue in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by ${\beta}A$. Methods : Observed a change of the injury of brain tissue and reduced the infarction area of hippocampus in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by ${\beta}A$. Results : 1. The Gin-CF extract reduced the infarction area of hippocampus, and controlled the injury of brain tissue in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by ${\beta}A$. 2. The Gin-CF extract reduced the Tau protein, GFAP protein, and presenilin1/presenilin2 protein (immunohistochemistry) of hippocampus in the mice with Alzheimer's disease induced by ${\beta}A$. Conclusion : These results suggest that the Ginseng Radix plus Crataegi Fructus extract may be effective for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Investigation into the clinical use of the Ginseng Radix plus Crataegi Fructus extract for Alzheimer's disease is suggested for future research.

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A study on the method of Macjin(脈診) in The Whang Di Nei Qing(黃帝內徑) (황제내경(黃帝內徑)에 나타난 맥진법(脈診法)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Jang, Yong Woo;Lim, Jin Seok
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.146-168
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    • 1998
  • This thesis is a study on the diagnostic theory and methods of Macjin(checking of pulse) as described in the Whang Di Nei Qing. There are four methods of Macjin in this text, namely: Dong Macjin(動脈法), Sam Bu Gu Who Macjin(三部九脈診). In Young Gi Gu Macjin(人迎氣口脈診法), Nei Qing's Gi Gu Macjin(內徑의 氣口脈法). Each method developed in it's own way, but they are all closely related and became the basis of today's Macjin. I examined the methods of Macjin in the Whang Di Nei Qing from a perspective of "change". The main questions of this study are: "What brought about the development of the different methods?". "How do the methods differ?", and "how did these methods evoke into today's Macjin?". The method of Macjin generated spontaneously from the observation and treatment of disease. Dong Macjin was the first method developed and became the basis of subsequent forms of Macjin. The accumulation of medical knowledge and the influence of oriental philosophy fueled the evolution of Macjin. Chronologically, Macjin methods developed starting with Dong Macjin and eventually into Sam Bu Gu Who Macjin. In Young Gi Gu Macjin, and Nei Qing's Gi Gu Macjin. The different methods of Macjin vary in how many pulse points are checked, and were established with simplicity and effectiveness in mind. Dong Macjin involves the checking the whole body. Sam Bu Gu Who Macjin involves nine points. In Young Gi Gu Macjin involves four points. and Nei Qing's Gi Gu Macjin involves two. In it's early development, the checking of a patient's pulse was used to diagnose only localized disorders in comparison with symptoms. It evolved with Oh Jang Mad(五臟脈, five main types of pulse) to be able to check internal organs with the introduction of Nei Qing's Gi Gu Macjin. After the division of Chon Kwan Chuck(寸關尺), it evolved further to be able to make a detailed diagnosis by using the result of pules checks. Nowadays, we can make 28 forms of diagnostic indices from these development. In conclusion, Macjin can be used practically and effectively in the diagnosis of disease. In using three methods of Macjin(In Young Gi Gu Macjin, Nei Qing's Gi Gu Macjin, and today's Gi Gu Macjin, which can determine the whole body's Siate of well-being) in conjunction with Dong Macjin(which helps pinpoint the localized disorder), an exact diagnosis can be obtained. I strongly feel that we should acquire objectivity by accommodating Macjin with modern methods of medicine.

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