• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow map

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Microstructure, High Temperature Deformation Behavior and Hot Formability of Modified Al-0.7Mn alloy (개량 Al-0.7Mn 합금의 미세조직, 고온 변형 거동 및 성형성)

  • Kang, T.H.;Huang, Y.;Shin, Y.C.;Choi, H.J.;Roh, H.R.;Lee, K.A.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 2022
  • The microstructure and high-temperature plastic deformation behavior of the modified Al-0.7Mn alloy were investigated and compared with the conventional Al-0.3Mn (Al3102) alloy. α-Al (matrix) and Al6(Mn, Fe) phases were identified in both alloys. As a result of microstructure observation, both alloys showed equiaxed grains, and Al-0.7Mn alloy showed larger grain size and higher Al6(Mn, Fe) fraction than Al-0.3Mn alloy. High temperature compressive tests, the deformation temperatures of 410℃, 450℃, 490℃, 530℃ and strain rats of 10-2/s, 10-1/s, 1/s, 10/s, were conducted using Gleeble equipment. The flow stress values of Al-0.7Mn alloy were higher than that of Al-0.3Mn alloy at all strain rates and temperature conditions. Constitutive equations were presented using the flow stresses obtained from experimental results and the Zener-Hollomon parameter. In the true stress-true strain curves of the two alloys, the experimental and predicted values were in good agreement with each other. Based on the dynamic material model, eutectic deformation maps of Al-0.7Mn and Al-0.3Mn alloys were suggested, and the plastic instability region was presented. The modified Al-0.7Mn alloy showed a wider plastic instability region than that Al-0.3Mn alloy. Based on the process deformation maps, the MPE tube parts could be manufactured through the actual extrusion process using the suggested conditions.

A study on the enhancement and performance optimization of parallel data processing model for Big Data on Emissions of Air Pollutants Emitted from Vehicles (차량에서 배출되는 대기 오염 물질의 빅 데이터에 대한 병렬 데이터 처리 모델의 강화 및 성능 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Seong-In;Cho, Sung-youn;Kim, Ji-Whan;Kim, Hyeon-Joung
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2020
  • Road movement pollutant air environment big data is a link between real-time traffic data such as vehicle type, speed, and load using AVC, VDS, WIM, and DTG, which are always traffic volume survey equipment, and road shape (uphill, downhill, turning section) data using GIS. It consists of traffic flow data. Also, unlike general data, a lot of data per unit time is generated and has various formats. In particular, since about 7.4 million cases/hour or more of large-scale real-time data collected as detailed traffic flow information are collected, stored and processed, a system that can efficiently process data is required. Therefore, in this study, an open source-based data parallel processing performance optimization study is conducted for the visualization of big data in the air environment of road transport pollution.

Design of an Information System Prototype for Generating and Linking Ultra-precision Digital Maps of Construction Sites (건설 현장의 초정밀 디지털 맵 생성 및 연계를 위한 정보체계 프로토타입 설계)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyeop;Yeom, Dong-Jun;Ko, Hyun-A;Kang, Tai-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.6_2
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    • pp.1015-1024
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    • 2020
  • By nature, smart construction technology is a convergence technology, therefore aptly constructing and running an information system is needed in order to effectively develop and maintain it. Thus, in this study, an information system prototype was developed for the creation and linking of high precision digital maps at road construction sites for the effective performance of the development of the Information Collecting and Analyzing Techniques in the Construction Site (ICAT). For this, (1) defined input/output (I/O) data of each technical detail of ICAT, (2) analyzed the data flow, (3 ) proposed an information system prototype for high precision digital maps development and connection. Based on the information system prototype constructed in this study, it was inferred that each technique and its information for the Smart Construction Technique Development Business was in a consistent flow. Developed information system prototype would enable effective cooperation between subjects directly involved in the technique development, by defining I/O data in advance. Moreover, it would be of value to practitioners for refining the output data from each technique, thereby linking databases and forming Entity Relationship Diagram.

Geophysical Exploration and Well Logging for the Delineation of Geological Structures in a Testbed (실험 부지에서의 지질구조 파악을 위한 물리탐사 및 물리검층)

  • Yu, Huieun;Shin, Jehyun;Kim, Bitnarae;Cho, Ahyun;Lee, Gang Hoon;Pyun, Sukjoon;Hwang, Seho;Yu, Young-Chul;Cho, Ho-Young;Nam, Myung Jin
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.27 no.spc
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2022
  • When subsurface is polluted, contaminants tend to migrate through groundwater flow path. The groundwater flow path is highly dependent upon underground geological structures in the contaminated area. Geophysical survey is an useful tool to identify subsurface geological structure. In addition, geophysical logging in a borehole precisely provides detailed information about geological characteristics in vicinity of the borehole, including fractures, lithology, and groundwater level. In this work, surface seismic refraction and electrical resistivity surveys were conducted in a test site located in Namyangju city, South Korea, along with well logging tests in five boreholes installed in the site. Geophysical data and well logging data were collected and processed to construct an 3D geological map in the site.

A Study on Scenario-based Urban Flood Prediction using G2D Flood Analysis Model (G2D 침수해석 모형을 이용한 시나리오 기반 도시 침수예측 연구)

  • Hui-Seong Noh;Ki-Hong Park
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.488-494
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, scenario-based urban flood prediction for the entire Jinju city was performed, and a simulation domain was constructed using G2D as a 2-dimensional urban flood analysis model. The domain configuration is DEM, and the land cover map is used to set the roughness coefficient for each grid. The input data of the model are water level, water depth and flow rate. In the simulation of the built G2D model, virtual rainfall (3 mm/10 min rainfall given to all grids for 5 hours) and virtual flow were applied. And, a GPU acceleration technique was applied to determine whether to run the flood analysis model in the target area. As a result of the simulation, it was confirmed that the high-resolution flood analysis time was significantly shortened and the flood depth for visual flood judgment could be created for each simulation time.

Numerical Simulation for Net-water Flux of the Cross-sectional area in the Nakdong River Estuary (낙동강 하구역내 사주간의 단면유량플럭스 수치모의)

  • Yoon, Han-Sam;Lee, In-Cheol;Ryu, Cheong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2005
  • We investigated the deposition characteristics and mass transport flux estimation of the Nakdong estuary, Korea. To understand the effects of the tidal current circulation that influences estuary terrain changes, we used a 2D numerical model to map seawater circulation under three different situations, with the level of river flow being set as none or flood. The net-water flux of the cross-sectional area between sandbars (known as dung) was estimated. From our review of previous research, we know that the development of local sandbars shifted from the west to the east side of the estuary after the construction of the Nakdong River dike. Current development is occurring mostly at the Bakhap-dung near Tadea. The seawater circulation pattern over this large-scale area of tidal na is brings changes related to the quantity of the outflow from the Nakdong River. Based on the calculated results for the net-water flux of the cross-sectional area, we see very strong accumulation in local waters around Jangjiado, Bakhapdung, and Tadae under flood river flow conditions, but accumulation in local waters around Jinudo under the other states of flow. Consequently, in the Nakdong estuary, the main sensitive regions that are affected by changes in the flow of river discharge are the local waters around Jangiado, Bakhapdung, Tadae, and Jinudo.

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Automatic Object Segmentation and Background Composition for Interactive Video Communications over Mobile Phones

  • Kim, Daehee;Oh, Jahwan;Jeon, Jieun;Lee, Junghyun
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes an automatic object segmentation and background composition method for video communication over consumer mobile phones. The object regions were extracted based on the motion and color variance of the first two frames. To combine the motion and variance information, the Euclidean distance between the motion boundary pixel and the neighboring color variance edge pixels was calculated, and the nearest edge pixel was labeled to the object boundary. The labeling results were refined using the morphology for a more accurate and natural-looking boundary. The grow-cut segmentation algorithm begins in the expanded label map, where the inner and outer boundary belongs to the foreground and background, respectively. The segmented object region and a new background image stored a priori in the mobile phone was then composed. In the background composition process, the background motion was measured using the optical-flow, and the final result was synthesized by accurately locating the object region according to the motion information. This study can be considered an extended, improved version of the existing background composition algorithm by considering motion information in a video. The proposed segmentation algorithm reduces the computational complexity significantly by choosing the minimum resolution at each segmentation step. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm can generate a fast, accurate and natural-looking background composition.

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2D Flood Simulation for Estimating the Economic Loss in the Building Areas

  • Kang, Sang-Hyeok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.397-406
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    • 2007
  • 2D hydraulic models of urban areas are at the forefront of current research of flood inundation mechanisms, but they are constrained by inadequate parameters of topography and insufficient data. In this paper a numerical model based on DEMs is presented to represent overflow waters due to bank break in urban areas. The surface flow in the building areas is assumed to be properly modeled by solving Saint-Venant equation. In order to represent flooding broken out in Samcheok city, 2002, hydraulic model test using tracer has been carried out and validated. These efforts will serve for making flood hazard map and for estimating economic loss due to inundation of personal properties in urban areas.

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Infant Retinal Images Optic Disk Detection Using Active Contours

  • Charmjuree, Thammanoon;Uyyanonvara, Bunyarit;Makhanov, Stanislav S.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.312-316
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    • 2004
  • The paper presents a technique to identify the boundary of the optic disc in infant retinal digital images using an approach based on active contours (snakes). The technique can be used to be develop a automate system in order to help the ophthalmologist's diagnosis the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) disease which may occurred on preterm infant,. The optic disc detection is one of the fundamental step which could help to create an automate diagnose system for the doctors we use a new kind of active contour (snake) method has been developed by Chenyang et. al. [1], based on a new type of external force field, called gradient vector flow, or GVF. GVF is computed as a diffusion of the gradient vectors of a gray-level or binary edge map derived from the image. The testing results on a set of infant retinal ROP images verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. We show that GVF has a large capture range and it's able to move snakes into boundary concavities of optic disc and finally the optic disk boundary was determined.

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A Study of the Curricular Articulation of Oxidation-Reduction in the Textbooks from Middle School to College (중등 및 대학 교재 중 산화-환원반응에 대한 연계성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Kyum;Moon, Seong-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2000
  • The content of oxidation-reduction in the chemistry textbooks from middle school to college was analyzed about the effective connection of curricular articulation. The classification was divided from five groups of 'first concept', 'same concept', 'overlap', 'development', and 'gap'. As a results, there was a deep big gap from middle school to high school and the effectiveness from high school to college was quite acceptable. Finally, the flow map, consisted of each concept between the school unit, was suggested.

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