• Title/Summary/Keyword: Firm-Level Variables

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The Impact of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: Evidence from Pakistan

  • Muhammad, Hussain;Shah, Bahadar;Islam, Zia ul
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the impact of capital structure on firm performance. Research design, data, and methodology - This study examined the impact of capital structure on the performance of cement companies listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange during the period 2009-2013. The authors hypothesize that there is a negative relationship between capital structure and firm performance. To examine the association, the authors run a Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results - Results reveal a strong negative relationship between debt to asset and firm performance variables (GPM, NPM, ROA, and ROE). Further, there is a positive relationship between debt to equity and firm performance variables (GPM and NPM), anda negative relationship between debt to equity and firm performance variables (ROA and ROE). Moreover, capital structure variables significantly impact firm performance. Conclusions - This study concluded that financial analysts and managers should emphasize on the optimal level of capital structure and efficient utilization and allocation of resources to achieve the targeted level of productive efficiency in business.

Dynamic Model for Open Innovation Network (개방형 혁신 네트워크의 동태적 모형)

  • Park, Chulsoon
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2015
  • Literatures on open innovation have two major limitations. First, either on a firm level or on an industry level did they analyze the open innovation issues. The results of a firm's innovation can be diffused through the whole network and the firm can learn back from the network knowledge. Prior literatures did not consider the feedback loop among firms and network in which the firms are involved. Second, most open innovation research had a static perspective on firm's innovation performance. Since the diffusion, spill-over and learning among network members are involved over time, the open innovation is intrinsically dynamic. From the dynamic perspective, we can appreciate the fundamental attributes of the open innovation network which involves diverse firms, research institutes, and universities. In order to overcome the limitations, we suggest a dynamic model for open innovation network. We build an agent-based model which consists of heterogeneous firms. The firms are connected through a scale-free network which is formed by preferential attachment. Through the diverse scenario of simulation, we collect massive data on the firm level and analyze them both on firm and industry level. From the analysis, we found that, on industry level, the overall performance of open innovation increases as the internal research capability, absorptive capacity, and learning curve coefficient increase. Noticeably, as the deprecation rate of knowledge increases, the variability of knowledge increases. From the firm level analysis, we found that the industry-level variables had a significant effect on the firm's innovation performance lasting through all the time, whereas the firm-level variables had only on the early phase of innovation.

신속대응시스템의 도입에 관한 연구

  • 유동근;박승미
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.107-134
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify perception level of QR and the usage level of QR technologes and to examine the relationships between the firm characteristics and the usage level of QR technologes and QR adoption in domestic fashon industry. Using the usage levels of QR technologes and QR adoption as the dependent variables, the selected firm characteristics, as independent variables, were firm size, perception level of QR benefits, and product characteristics. The findings from the empirical analysis of this study can be summarized as follows : Firm size and perception level of QR benefits were significantly associated with the usage level of QR technologies and adoption. Product characteristics were partly associated with QR adoption. The four elements were partly associated with QR adoption. Most of the QR adopters were using the QR technologies, and will tend to have four elements. From the results of this study, the researcher expects the information from this study to contributes to the body of knowlege about the identification, adoption and utilization of component technologies for QR management systems and draws several counterproposal as follows : The advancement of domestic fashion industry is possible through the systematic adoption of QR by the collaboration of the government & the industry. Most nonadopter had financial problems as a constraint to QR adoption. Financial supports are needed from trade associations and government. The fashion industry may promote the type of smart QR. The type of smart QR means usage level of QR technologies which reflect the firm characteristics and the actual industry state in domestic fashion industry. The fashion industry may establish information technology network (i. e., EDI, POS, EOS) between relative industry such as fiber, apparel manufacturers, retailers. The related industry should make a partnership.

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Quantitative Estimation of Firm's Risk from Supply Chain Perspective (공급사슬 관점에서 기업 위험의 계량적 추정)

  • Park, Keun-Young;Han, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.201-217
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we report computational testing result to examine the validity of firm's bankruptcy risk estimation through quantification of supply chain risk. Supply chain risk in this study refers to upstream supply risk and downstream demand risk, To assess the firm's risk affected by supply chain risk, we adopt unit of analysis as industry level. since supply and demand relationships of the firm could be generalized by the industry input-output table and the availability of various valid economic indicators which are chronologically calculated. The research model to estimate firm's risk level is the linear regression model to assess the industry bankruptcy risk estimation of the focal firm's industry with the independent variables which could quantitatively reflect demand and supply risk of the industry. The publicly announced macro economic indicators are selected as the candidate independent variables and validated through empirical testing. To validate our approach, in this paper, we confined our research scope to steel industry sector and its related industry sectors, and implemented the research model. The empirical testing results provide useful insights to further refine the research model as the valid forecasting mechanism to capture firm's future risk estimation more accurately by adopting supply chain industry risk aspect, in conjunction with firm's financial and other managerial factors.

Determinants of a Firm's Exit from Exporting: Evidence from Korean Manufacturing Firms (우리나라 제조업 기업의 수출중단 결정요인 분석)

  • Nam, Yunmi;Choi, Moon Jung
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.98-136
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    • 2020
  • We empirically investigate the determinants of a firm's exit from exporting, using Korean manufacturing firm-level data for the period from 2006 to 2014. Specifically, we estimate the effects of not only firm-level and industry-level characteristics, but also macroeconomic variables on the probability that a firm stops exporting by applying a Complementary Log-Log Model analysis. The results of our estimation suggest that firm-level heterogeneity, such as workforce size, capital intensity, intangible assets and foreign ownership, industry-level variation, such as the labor displacement rate, and macroeconomic variables, such as domestic demand and world demand, significantly affect the possibility of a firm ceasing exports. Also, we show that market interest rates increase the possibility of an export cessation and that the effects of market interest rates are more pronounced on firms with a higher debt ratio. In the primary exporting industries, the probability of a firm ceasing exports decreases as productivity at the firm rises.

The Effects of Compliance Timing on Multinational Enterprises' Corporate Performance in China: An Application of Institutional Perspectives

  • Yang, Woo-Young;Han, Byoung-Sop
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - Multi-National Enterprises (MNEs) tend to face a high level of institutional pressures in regions with high institutional development level. When complying with institutional pressures, firms try to make decisions to maximize profit while minimizing the risks to them. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the institutional development level on institutional compliance timing by MNEs and the relationship between compliance speed and corporate performance. Design/methodology - The research focuses on three main variables, which are the institutional development level (as a determination of the institutional pressure level), the firm's compliance speed (as a determination of the compliance timing), and the firm's financial performance (as a determination of the corporate performance). We collected 19,869 firm-level data from CSMAR (the China Stock Market and Accounting Research), 6,922 CSR data from RKS (the Rankins CSR Ratings), and province and city-level data from the NERIM (National Economic Research Institute Index of Marketization) and NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics of China). The firms in China were chosen for analysis, and the analysis period was from 2008 to 2017. Random Effects GLS Regression was used to test the relationships among the variables. Findings - This study examined the effect of the institutional development level on the firm's compliance speed, together with the effect of compliance speed on the firm's financial performance of the MNEs in China. We found that the institutional development level positively influenced firms' financial performances, which means the firms' financial performances are better in the region with a high institutional development level. The compliance speed of institutional practice by firms was faster in the higher level of institutional development. However, the firm's delayed compliance led to better financial performance. Originality/value - Studies in the resource dependence view of Institutional Theory often fall short in understanding the theory by overlooking the firm's active decision-making. Thus, the findings do not present a full scope of corporate performance in this regard. This study not only found a way to test the role of a firm's independent decision-making (i.e., compliance timing) when facing the institutional pressure but also prove the significant role of the compliance timing on corporate performance. Also, we were able to test the effect of institutional development level, controlling location-specific variables because we used CSR performance data for MNEs operating in China. Lastly, by doing the above, the findings of this study suggest practical implications to the industry practitioners in MNEs.

Determinants of Firms' Standardization Activity: Evidence from the Korean Service Firms (기업의 표준화활동 결정요인 : 우리나라 서비스기업에 대한 실증연구)

  • Sung, Tae-Kyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2009
  • The paper investigates the determinants of firm's standardization activity in the Korean service industry. Standardization variables as dependent ones are standardization management at the firm level, domestic standardization activity, and international standardization activity. The independent variables include innovative activities(R&D intensity and patent application), firm size, export ratio, network, and firm's organization characteristics. We estimated the logistic regression model, using the data from 102 Korean service firms. The empirical findings are as follows. First, R&D intensity has a positive effect on international standardization activity, but not on the standardization management at the firm level and domestic standardization activity. Second, patent application has a negative effect on the standardization management at the firm level. Third, firm size doesn't have any influence on firms' standardization activities in the service sector. Fourth, the level of chief executive officer's interest on standardization is a very important factor in determining firms' efforts to participate standardization process, regardless of types of standardization activity.

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Donation Expenses and Corporate Value: A Focus on the Corporate Governance Structure (기부금 지출과 기업 가치: 기업지배구조를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo-Jung;Kang, Shin-Ae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Recently, the number of corporations that practice environmental and social responsibility, besides engaging in traditional profit-seeking activities, has been growing steadily, as interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasing. Recent research on CSR practices has identified the relationship between CSR activities and corporate value as one of the main issues in this respect. Considering that donations constitute a large proportion of a company's charitable activities, we considered the extent of donation expenses as a charitable activity in order to mitigate sample selection bias. Specifically, we analyzed the impact of donation expenses on firm value, while investigating if this impact varied in response to the level of corporate governance of firms. Research design, data, and methodology - We used non-financial firms listed on the Korean Stock Exchange, having their fiscal year end in December, and the sample period was 2006-2013. For the dependent variable, Tobin's q was used as the corporate value, and for the independent variable, donations were measured as the donation-expense-to-sales ratio. Corporate governance scores, as rated by the Korea Corporate Governance Service, were used to measure corporate governance levels because they consider the overall aspects of governance, including ownership structure, the board of directors, and the audit mechanism of individual companies. To examine the impact of donations on a company in relation to the level of corporate governance, we estimated regression models using the interaction terms of the governance dummy and donation variables. Then, we further estimated the regression models of two sub-samples that were classified according to the level of corporate governance. Similar to previous studies, the study uses variables that affect firm value, such as R&D expenditure, advertising expenses, EBITDA, debt-to-equity ratio, sales growth, company age, and company size as control variables. Results - The empirical results show that firm value significantly increased in response to an increase in donation expenses. Upon including the interaction terms of governance level dummy variables and donations, the coefficients of the interaction terms show significant positive values, while those of donation variables show significant negative values. In the strong governance sub-sample, the relationship between the donation expenses and corporate value was statistically positive (+) and significant. However, in the weak governance sub-sample, the relationship between the donation expenses and corporate value was statistically insignificant and negative (-). Conclusions - The empirical results suggest that donation expenses are significantly linked to an enhanced corporate value if firms have a good corporate governance structure. However, if the corporate governance structure is weak, the same relationship is not necessarily observed. The results of this study show that if a firm has high corporate governance, CSR practices enhance the company's reputation such that it has a positive (+) relationship with corporate value. If a firm has weak corporate governance, on the other hand, CSR practices are recognized as an agency cost and do not increase corporate value.

The Determinants of Firms' Standardization Activity: Evidence from the Korean Manufacturing Industry (우리나라 제조기업의 표준화활동 결정요인)

  • Sung, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.564-581
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    • 2009
  • The paper investigates the determinants of firm's standardization activity in the Korean manufacturing industry. Standardization variables as dependent ones are standardization management at the firm level, accreditation activity, domestic standards utilization, and international standards utilization. The independent variables include innovative activities(R&D intensity and patent application), firm size, export ratio, networks, and firm's organization characteristics. We estimated the logistic regression model, using the data from 636 Korean manufacturing firms. The empirical findings are as follows. First, R&D intensity doesn't have any influence on standardization activities, except the utilization of international standards. Second, patent application has a positive effect on standardization management at the firm level and accreditation activity, respectively. Third, the inverse U-shape hypothesis relating firm size is accepted for standardization management and accreditation, respectively. Fourth, the level of chief executive officer's interest on standardization is a very important factor in determining firms' efforts to participate standardization process, regardless of types of standardization activity.

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the Impact of Medium Sized Firm's Knowledge and Industry Dynamism on Firm Performance (중기업의 지식자산과 산업의 역동성이 기업성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sun-Young
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.509-530
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    • 2007
  • This paper examined the relationship between innovation and firm performance by integrating industry competitive context and firm-level knowledge constructs. After controlling for firm site, age, and the presence of a union, cross-section analysis of survey data from 1,419 medium sized manufacturing firms yielded following findings. The first was the expected positive relationship between firm-level innovation and firm knowledge and also industry dynamism, as measured by the intensity of industry-level R&D. This results indicate that industries with greater aggregate levels of R&D intensity are home to higher rates of firm-level innovative activity and managers must increase their numbers of technical staff and the level of training. But the interaction between firm knowledge and industry dynamism was non-significant. Second, innovation was not significantly related to firm performance, as measured by revenue growth. This relationship was not moderated by industry dynamism and firm level knowledge. In high and low technology sectors, the relationship between innovation and performance was non-significant, consistent with the full-sample analysis. The results suggest that the effects of firm-level knowledge assets and investments in training don't work in different ways in different industry settings. This research used three control variables to analyze innovation and firm performance. Firm age was negatively associated with firm performance and did not significantly predict innovation. Firm size was positively associated with innovation and performance in the low-technology sector. The presence of a labor union was not a significant with respect to innovation.

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