• Title/Summary/Keyword: Firm Profitablity

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Currency Valuation, Export Competitiveness, and Firm Profitability: Evidence from Bangladeshi Firm-Level Data

  • CHOI, Sunghee
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate whether and how domestic currency valuation is related to firm-level export competitiveness and profitability by using the unique firm-specific dataset on Bangladeshi nonfinancial firms which have been listed continuously from 2010 to 2018. To achieve the aim of this paper, 63 exporting firms are extracted from a total of 125 firms which have been continuously listed during 2010-2018 and used as the final sample firms. The Pedroni cointegration test reveals that export and import prices of the exporting firms are cointegrated in the short-run as well as long-run. The panel dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS) analysis finds that a firm's export competitiveness is maintained by high import inputs even in the presence of depreciation of Bangladeshi currency against the US dollar. Finally, the DuPont analysis finds that the depreciated Bangladeshi currency enhances an exporter's profitability. Conclusions based on the findings are consistent regardless of exchange rate types, such as, real bilateral exchange rate and nominal or real effective exchange rate indexes. Consequently, the firm-level findings of this investigation suggest that undervalution of home currency is essential for Bangaldesh which is one of the frontier markets in South Asia whose exporting firms are mostly price followers in global markets.

A Study on the Competition Structure and Effective Factors for Management Performance of the Fisheries Cold-Storage Warehouse Industry (수산물 냉동냉장창고업의 경쟁구조와 경영성과 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • 장영수;장수호;장홍석
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.119-147
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    • 1999
  • This article is subject to the rationalization of the cold-storage warehouse management, which gives the stabilization of the fishery production and the food life with respect to fisheries industry. In this point of view, the article examines to the structure of the cold-storage warehouse industry from the perspective of the industrial organization. To put it concretely, the article intends to apprehend the state of the structure of the industry and analyze the cold-storage warehouse's management activities. In addition, I try to find know the factors that affect the management performance(profitablity) of the industry through the cross-sectional correlation analysis. Finally, the conclusion of the article can be described as follows : \circled1 On the basis of the cold-storage capacity, there is the tendency that the industry concentrate in the area of Pusan(41.7%). \circled2 By formulating step of development of the industry, it is divided by six types. Type I is designed as raw material-storage warehouse for self-processing. Type IIis the raw material-storage warehouse for self-processing and storage-sale warehouse. Type III is the raw material-storage warehouse for self.distribution. Type IV is the raw material-storage warehouse for self-distribution and storage-sale warehouse. Type V is the net storage-sale warehouse. Type Ⅵ is the physical distribution center warehouse. Although each region has one representative type,6 types exist in all regions. \circled3 The competition structure of the industry has double structure on the basis of cold-storage capacity. \circled4 With respect to the management activity of the cold-storage warehouse, there is no change or even a decrease not increasing or not any change in sales from 1996 to 1997 \circled5 In order to try to induce the amount of shipper's materials, services that a cold-storage warehouse supply with its users include a custody-fee discount, a distribution-process service, a finance service, quality management service and so on. One of the best attractive services is the custody-fee service. \circled6 In the structure and management activity of the industry, the factors that affect management performance (profitablity) are a custody-fee discount, sales ability and capital structure of individual firm. Positive factor is sales ability and capital structure of individual firm. But, The custody-fee discount turns out to be a negative capital structure of individual film.

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