• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Growth

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A study on the factors changing the university library organizations (대학도서관조직의 변화요인고)

  • 윤희윤
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.16
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    • pp.221-249
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing on the organizational changes of the university libraries. Results of the analysis, that is, factors that cause the library organization to change, are as follows 1. Changes in library size physical facilities, growth and diversity of library collections, change in personnel organization, role enrichment and faculty status for librarians, management pattern of library director, change in financial su n.0, pport. 2. Change in program : change in goals and objectives, expansion of service programs, enhancement of library functions. 3. Library automation : introduction and development of many library automation projects. 4. Introduction of information technology : development and distribution of computer and related software, telecommunication, and new media. 5. Changes in user needs : many-sided demands for collections, spaces, and services. 6. Many other environmental factors related to library organization.

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Effects of Group Art Therapy on Depression and Self-Esteem of Children from Low-Income Families (집단미술치료가 저소득층 아동의 우울과 자아존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Yeo Ju
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2007
  • Children from low-income families are vulnerable to variable psychological and emotional stress related to financial issues and dysfunctional families. The subjects were 15 1st to 3rd graders who were low on the Self Esteem Scale (SES). They were attending an after-school center for elementary school students. They participated in three art therapy groups from April to October 2005. Children's depressive symptoms and self-esteem were assessed using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and an observational check-list. Results showed that the group art therapy program brought about significant effects on increasing self-esteem of the children and reducing depressive symptoms, showing that group art therapy can facilitate emotional and psycho-social growth of children from low-income families and can be developed in family-based community programs.

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Household Debt and Consumer Spending in Korea: Evidence from Household Data

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2016
  • Household debt in Korea raises concerns about the resilience of the economy due to its size and quality. Against this backdrop, we investigate if household leverage matters for private consumption in adverse economic environments even without severe financial disruptions. We find that the balance sheet positions in terms of the leverage ratio may weaken consumption growth. We also find that the depressive effect of debt on consumption may differ across types of consumer spending and household characteristics. In particular, the effects of indebtedness have been much stronger in relation to durable goods expenditures than in other areas. In addition, debtors in high-income (wealth) groups have also shown downward adjustments in consumption even more so than low-income (wealth) groups. These findings imply that debtors' precautionary behavior may serve as an important channel from leverage to consumer spending.

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A Strategy to Foster the Domestic Convention Industry according to Analysis on the Present Condition (국내 컨벤션 산업의 환경분석에 따른 육성 전략)

  • 김종훈;곽규환
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.73-87
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a Promotion for the Korean convention industry by analyzing the current status and problems in the Korean convention industry. Its fostering plans as follows; 1. Provide educational program such as meeting planners institute (MPI) in the United Statesproduces a range of training program for convention management, together with a certification when a certain level is reached. 2. Construct multiplex-convention center and convention facilities propelling by demand analysis. 3. Strengthen gather information and investigation. 4. Establishment of Korea convention bureau. 5. Strengthen overseas publicity activities through Korea National Tourism Organization and activate the inducement of international convention from the public organizations and institutions. 6. Increased financial and legal support for convention center developers and convention organizers. 7. The rapid growth of convention industry tourism combined with increasing competition, makes integrated networking an imperative tool for ensuring international competitiveness.

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Structural effects on stock price forecasting

  • Kim, Steven H.;Kang, Dae-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.207-210
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    • 1996
  • Learning methodologies such as neural networks or genetic algorithms usually require long training times. Case based reasoning, however, attains peak performance swiftly and is often appropriate for learning even with small data sets. Previous work has shown that an extended case reasoning methodology can yield superior performance in the task of predicting financial data series. This paper examines the impact of reasoning procedures on stock price prediction. The following characteristics are evaluated: size of input vector, multiplicity of neighboring states, and a scaling factor for growth. The concepts are illustrated in the context of predicting the price of an individual price.

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Changes in Household Saving Rate and the Influencing Factors (가계 저축율의 변화 추이와 영향요인 분석)

  • Lee, Seong-Lim
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2011
  • Using the 1987-2008 quarterly aggregated data of the Household Income and Expenditure Survey, this study investigated the factors influencing household saving rate. The independent variables in the AR regression model were the GDP growth rate, shares of the total household expenditure allocated to tax & social insurance, and education, the variables reflecting the conditions of the asset market including interest rate, stock market index, and real estate price index, and the variables representing the social economic conditions including the index of aging and income inequality. Among the independent variables interest rate, stock market index, and income inequality were found to be significantly associated with the household saving rate. These results suggested that the redistribution and financial market policies favorable to savers may be effective for raising the household saving rate.

Bone mineral density deficits in childhood cancer survivors: Pathophysiology, prevalence, screening, and management

  • Kang, Min Jae;Lim, Jung Sub
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2013
  • As chemotherapy and other sophisticated treatment strategies evolve and the number of survivors of long-term childhood cancer grows, the long-term complications of treatment and the cancer itself are becoming ever more important. One of the most important but often neglected complications is osteoporosis and increased risk of fracture during and after cancer treatment. Acquisition of optimal peak bone mass and strength during childhood and adolescence is critical to preventing osteoporosis later in life. However, most childhood cancer patients have multiple risk factors for bone mineral loss. Cancer itself, malnutrition, decreased physical activity during treatment, chemotherapeutic agents such as steroids, and radiotherapy cause bone mineral deficit. Furthermore, complications such as growth hormone deficiency and musculoskeletal deformity have negative effects on bone metabolism. Low bone mineral density is associated with fractures, skeletal deformity, pain, and substantial financial burden not only for childhood cancer survivors but also for public health care systems. Thus, it is important to monitor bone health in these patients and minimize their risk of developing osteoporosis and fragility fractures later in life.

A Comparative Housing Policy and Policy Transfer between Countries with Respect to Low-Income Housing in Korea

  • Ha, Seong-Kyu;Choi, Eun-Jin
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2011
  • Korea has experienced a remarkable economic achievement since the 1960s. However, behind this facade of growth and progress, a chronic housing shortage in the capital region, declining owner-occupation, rising housing costs, and polarization in housing conditions between the better-off and the worse-off clearly illustrate the impasse and crisis in housing that Korea now faces. In addition, the IMF crisis and the late global financial crisis shocked the Korean housing market. The Korean government has made significant policy changes to improve housing security for less-privileged groups. In order to achieve housing policy development, the Korean government has tried to employ of advanced countries. What are the benefits(merits) and dangers(demerits) of housing policy transfer between countries? This paper emphasizes that we must recognize about 'differences' rather than 'commonalities' between countries with respect to policy transfer. It also maintains that the government should play a main role as an enabler rather as a provider of 'low-cost' housing.

Modeling Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Growth of Trade Volume in Pakistan

  • Siddiqui, Muhammad Ayub;Erum, Naila
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2016
  • This study empirically evaluates the impact of exchange rate volatility, foreign direct investment, terms of trade, inflation, and industrial production and foreign exchange reserves on Pakistani trade volume over the period of 1975-2010 using quarterly data set. The study employs financial econometrics methods such as Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test GARCH (1, 1) technique and Almon Polynomial Distributed Lag (APDL) models to estimate the relationship of variables. Findings of the study are in accordance with theoretical relationships presented by Clark, Tamirisa, Wei, Sadikov, & Zeng (2004), McKenzie (1999), Dellas & Zilberfarb (1993) and Côté (1994). These findings are also in accordance with the empirical studies which support positive relationship of exchange rate volatility and exports presented by Hsu & Chiang (2011), Chit (2008), Feenstra & Kendall (1991), Esquivel & Larraín (2002) and Onafowora & Owoye (2008). Findings of the study in terms of imports are supported by the studies such as Lee (1999), Alam & Ahmad (2011) and Arize (1998). The study also recommends some very important policy prescriptions.

Current Status and Future Prospect of Organic Farming in 25 European Countries with Special Reference to Increasing Number of Organic Farms and Financial Support Policy (유럽 25개국의 유기농업 현황과 전망 -유기농장의 재정보조 정책을 중심으로-)

  • 김종무
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2001
  • The number of organic farms are increasing in European countries during last 10 years. Most European governments are giving subsidies for organic farmers as well as converting organic farms from conventional farming method. The price level of most organic products are higher than price level of conventional products in general. However, there are certainly some market demand problems in organic products in some countries. Organic farms will be increased in 2005 and 2010 for 10∼20% of the total agricultural area in some European countries. Government subsidy payment is also increasing. Therefore, many farmers are going to change into organic farming method from conventional farming. However, there will be certainly some market demand problems in future because of national economic growth problems. At the same time, the quality of soil can be improved and status of health of urban consumers should be improved by consuming organic products.

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