• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fatty acid ester

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Isolation of Chemical Compounds from xBrassicoraphanus (배무채(xBrassicoraphanus)의 화학성분 분리)

  • Rhee, Yun-Hee;Ahn, Kyoo-Seok;Lee, Soo-Seong;Park, Young-Doo;Ryu, Shi-Yong;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.403-408
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    • 2007
  • xBrassicoraphanus is an intergenic breed crossed between Brassica campetris L. ssp. pekinensis and Raphanus sativus L. that have been daily consumed. xBrassicoraphanus was known to have good tastes and biological activities. Nevertheless, its constituetnts were not elucidated yet. Thus, in the present study, to indirectly evaluate the biological activity of xBrassicoraphanus, 12 compounds were isolated from leaves and roots of xBrassicoraphanus. On the basis of spectroscopic evidences, the structures of these compounds isolated from leaves of xBrassicoraphanus. were identified as ${\beta}-sitosterol$, indole-3-acetonitrile, ferulic acid, methyl ferulate, linolenic acid methyl ester, linolenic acid and coniferyl alcohol, while the chemical structures of compounds isolated from the roots of were xBrassicoraphanus were characterized as ${\beta}-sitosterol$, indole-3-acetonitrile, ferulic acid, methyl ferulate, linolenic acid methyl ester, 1-methoxyindole-3-acetonitrile, goitrin, 4-hydroxycinnamyl alcohol, coniferyl alcohol, palmitic acid and daucosterol. These can be classified as three steroids, two indole cyanides, two cinnamic acid derivatives, one cinnamyl alcohol derivative, three fatty acid derivatives one isothiocyanate. These results suggest that the compounds isolated from xBrassicoraphanus were almost identical with known components of Brassica campetris L. ssp pekinensis or Raphanus sativus L. However, it is necessary to investigate more about the difference of amounts of constituents according to harvest time and variant species amounts.

Development of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Essential Fatty Acids in Food Supplemental Oil Products

  • Ahn, Seonghee;Yim, Yoon-Hyung;Kim, Byungjoo
    • Mass Spectrometry Letters
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2013
  • A gas chromatography/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) method was developed as a candidate reference method for the accurate determination of essential fatty acids (linoleic acid, ${\alpha}$- and ${\gamma}$-linolenic acids) in food supplemental oil products. Samples were spiked with three internal standards (stearic acid-$d_{35}$, $^{13}C_{18}$-linoleic acid, and $^{13}C_{18}$-${\alpha}$-linolenic acid). Samples were then subject to saponification, derivatization for methylation, and extraction by organic solvent. For GC/MS measurement, an Agilent HP-88 column, designed for the separation of fatty acid methyl esters, was selected after comparing with other columns as it provided better separation for target analytes. Target analytes and internal standards were detected by selected ion monitoring of molecular ions of their methyl ester forms. The GC/MS method was applied for the measurement of three botanical oils in NIST SRM 3274 (borage oil, evening primrose oil, and flax oil), and measurement results agreed with the certified values. Measurement results for target analytes which have corresponding isotope-labeled analogues as internal standard were calculated based on isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) approach, and compared with results calculated by using the other two internal standards. Results from the IDMS approach and the typical internal standard approach were in good agreement within their measurement uncertainties. It proves that the developed GC/MS method can provide similar metrological quality with IDMS methods for the measurement of fatty acids in natural oil samples if a proper fatty acid is used as an internal standard.

Effect of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid on Maze-learning Ability in Aged Mice Fed N-3 Fatty Acid Deficient Diet

  • Lim, Sun-Young;Suzuki, Hiramitsu
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.788-792
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    • 2005
  • The effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on maze-learning ability in aged mice was investigated. Aged mice fed a diet deficient in n-3 fatty acid received a semi-purified diet of 0.5, 1 and 2% DHA-ethyl ester (DHA-EE) for 4 months. Maze-learning ability was assessed at 3 months after the start of the experiment. The time required to reach the maze exit and the number of times that a mouse strayed into blind alleys in the maze were measured in 3 trials conducted at 4-day intervals. The time was significantly less in the DHA-EE 0.5% and DHA-EE 2% groups than in the control group (p<0.05). The number of times mice strayed into blind alleys in the maze was significantly lower in the DHA-EE 2% group than in the control group (p<0.05). Mice fed DHA showed increased DHA and decreased level of arachidonic acid (AA) in the brain. These results suggest that the intake of a 2% DHA diet improves learning ability in aged mice, which is associated with a higher DHA content in the brain.

Optimization of Biodiesel Synthesis Process Using Spent Coffee Grounds (커피가루를 이용한 바이오디젤의 제조공정 최적화)

  • La, Joo-Hee;Lee, Seung-Bum;Lee, Jae-Dong
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of biodiesel using the waste coffee oil which was extracted by waste coffee grounds. We tried to deduce the optimum conditions by defining the operating variables, such as mole ratio between methanol and coffee oil (6~18) and the reaction temperature ($45{\sim}60^{\circ}C$) in the biodiesel production processes. The performance was evaluated in terms of yields, contents of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), viscosities, and heating values. The optimum reaction temperature was $55^{\circ}C$. Also, the best biodiesel was produced at the mole ratio between methanol and coffee oil of 12. The highest heating value of the produced biodiesel made from coffee oil was 39.0~39.4 MJ/kg, which satisfies the general standard for the biodiesel energy density, 39.3~39.8 MJ/kg.

Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition and Methyl-ester Properties of Camellia and Tea Oil (동백나무와 차나무 기름의 지방산 조성 및 메틸에스테르 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Jang, Young-Seok;Choi, In-Hu
    • New & Renewable Energy
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2013
  • To secure raw materials of biodiesel production, the possibility of camellia (C. japonica L.) and tea (C. sinensis L.) seed oil was studied to produce biodiesel. In this research, crude oil contents and fatty acid compositions of seeds were analyzed by Solxlet and Gas chromatography (GC). The oil contents in the seeds of camellia were 69.8%~73.8%, and tea were 26.3%~29.4%. Among the fatty acids of camellia and tea oil, oleic acid was dominant. The unsaturated fatty acids accounted for 88.4% and 80.2% of the whole fatty acids of camellia and tea seed oil. Total seed oil content and fatty acid composition of tea seed were influenced by collecting date. Across maturation period, oil content of tea seed averaged 18.3% on $6^{th}$ September increasing to 27.9% by $11^{th}$ October. For largest seed yield and oil content, the optimum time to harvest tea is in middle october, and camellia is late september and thereafter. The extraction efficiency of oil from seeds by extraction methods was determined. Biodiesel were synthesized in 92.1~92.8% yields from camellia and tea oils by transesterification. The biodiesel was characterized by its physical and fuel properties including oxidation stability, iodine value and cold filter plugging point (CFPP). Oxidation stability of camellia was 8.6~8.8 hours and tea was 2.9~3.6 at $110^{\circ}C$. Camellia oil had considerably better oxidation stability and CFPP than tea oil.

Biotransformation of Intestinal Bacterial Metabolites of Ginseng Saponin to Biologically Active Fatty-acid Conjugates

  • Hasegawa Hideo;Saiki Ikuo
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.317-334
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    • 2002
  • Ginsenosides are metabolized (deglycosylated) by intestinal bacteria to active forms after oral administration. 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol $20-O-{\beta}-D-glucopyranoside$ (M1) and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol (M4) are the main intestinal bacterial metabolites (IBMs) of protopanaxadiol- and protopanaxatriol-type glycosides. M1 was selectively accumulated into the liver soon after its intravenous (i.v.) administration to mice, and mostly excreted as bile; however, some M1 was transformed to fatty acid ester (EMl) in the liver. EM1 was isolated from rats in a recovery dose of approximately $24mol\%.$ Structural analysis indicated that EM1 comprised a family of fatty acid mono-esters of M1. Because EM1 was not excreted as bile as Ml was, it was accumulated in the liver longer than M1. The in vitro cytotoxicity of M1 was attenuated by fatty acid esterification, implying that esterification is a detoxification reaction. However, esterified M1 (EM1) inhibited the growth of B16 melanoma more than Ml in vivo. The in vivo antitumor activity paralleled with the pharmacokinetic behavior. In the case of M4, orally administered M4 was absorbed from the small intestine into the mesenteric lymphatics followed by the rapid esterification of M4 with fatty acids and its spreading to other organs in the body and excretion as bile. The administration of M4 prior to tumor injection abrogated the enhanced lung metastasis in the mice pretreated with 2-chloroadenosine more effectively than in those pretreated with anti-asialo GMl. Both EM1 and EM4 did not directly affect tumor growth in vitro, whereas EM1 promoted tumor cell lysis by lymphocytes, particularly non-adherent splenocytes, and EM4 stimulated splenic NK cells to become cytotoxic to tumor cells. Thus, the esterification of IBM with fatty acids potentiated the antitumor activity of parental IBM through delay of the clearance and through immunostimulation. These results suggest that the fatty acid conjugates of IBMs may be the real active principles of ginsenosides in the body.

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Analysis Method Development for Bound-MCPD (3-MCPD 지방산에스테르 분석법)

  • Woo, Sung-Min;Oh, Jae-Ho;Jang, Young-Mi;Kim, Mee-Hye
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.294-302
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    • 2010
  • Toxicity of 3-MCPD that comes from food manufacture and processing is well-known. Recent studies reported that 3-MCPD fatty acid ester which is formed by metabolic material was 10~2000 times as much as 3-MCPD in food. This study made analysis method of 3-MCPD fatty acid esters by recent research and laboratory work, and determined the content of 3-MCPD and 3-MCPD fatty acid esters in sources and meat processing products. 3-MCPD fatty acid esters were analysed by GC/MS, which were hydrolyzed from fatty acid and then transferred 3-MCPD was extracted and reacted with derivative subject. As a result of analysis method validation, LOD was 5.4ppb, LOQ was 9.0ppb.

Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition of Duck Meat (오리고기의 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Nam, Hyun-Keun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.34-37
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    • 1977
  • Quantitative analysis of the fatty acids contained in Duck meat was carried out by the Gas Chromatography with Flame ionization Detector, The general components and chemical constants have been performed with A.O.A.C. methods. The results art summarized as follows : 1. General composition of Duck meat come out to be 64.87% moisture, 19.06% protein, 17.05% fat, and 1.02% ash. 2. It was investigated that extraction of lipids were performed by Soxhlet extractor for 12 hours. Amounts of lipids were extracted 79.57% in ethylether, 70.15% in chloroform, and 72.35% in n-hexane. 3. Chemical constants of lipids in Duck meat were obtained as follows : Saponification number 201.5, Acid number 5.01, Iodine number 50.1 and Carbonyl number 4.5 4. It was investigated that the fatty acid component were quantitatively determined by the gas chromatography : Linolenic acid 1.6%, Linoleic acid 19.9%, Oleic acid 45.9%, Stearic acid 3.1% Palmitic acid 17.2% and Myristic acid 0.12% in leg portion. Linolenic acid 1.7% Linoleic acid 17.2%, Oleic acid 51.2%, Stearic acid 3.3%, Palmitic acid 17.1% and Myristic acid 0.17% in breast portion. 5. Cholesterol of blood, breast and leg portion fat in Duck were obtained as follows : Total cholesterol 200 mg%, 260 mg% , and 400 mg% respectively; cholesterol ester 120mg%, 151 mg%, and 240mg% respectively.

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Development of Phytosterol Ester-added Cheddar Cheese for Lowering Blood Cholesterol

  • Kwak, H.S.;Ahn, H.J.;Ahn, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of phytosterol ester addition on lowering blood cholesterol in cholesterol-reduced Cheddar cheese. For cholesterol removal, separated cream was treated with 10% ${\beta}$-cyclodextrin at 800 rpm, then blended with remaining skim milk and homogenized with 1,000 psi at $70^{\circ}C$. Experimental cheeses were manufactured by five different levels of phytosterol addition. After the cholesterol reduction process by ;${\beta}$-cyclodextrin, the cholesterol removal rate was in the range of 91.0 to 92.1%. Amount of short-chain free fatty acid and free amino acids increased with an increase of phytosterol ester, and those were significantly different from that of control in all ripening periods. All rheological properties also increased with an increase of phytosterol ester during ripening period. In sensory analysis, the scores of rancid, bitterness Cheddar flavor and off-flavor intensities increased significantly, while texture was decreased during ripening in phytosterol ester-added groups. Total blood cholesterol was reduced by 18% when rats were fed Cheddar cheese treated with 8% phytosterol. The present study indicated that phytosterol ester addition resulted in a profound lowering effect of blood with cholesterol-reduced Cheddar cheese.