• 제목/요약/키워드: Fashion Model

검색결과 1,123건 처리시간 0.031초

패션 브랜드 체험형 매장 -몰입의 매개효과와 성별의 조절효과- (Fashion Brand Experiential Store -Mediating Effect of Flow and Moderating Effect of Gender-)

  • 성유주;이새은;이규혜
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the factors with consumers' fashion experiential store experiences and investigate the effect on flow and brand attitude. The study also aimed to investigate whether gender moderated the relationship between consumers' fashion experiential store experiences and flow. An online survey of consumers in their 20s and 40s was conducted. The SPSS 27.0 program was used to perform frequency, factor, and reliability analysis. The structural equation model was analyzed using the SMART-PLS program. The structural model analysis confirmed that consumers' rational, physical, and relational experiences in fashion brand experiential stores strongly influenced flow and found that relational experience had the strongest influence on flow. The influence of rational, physical, and relational experiences and flow on brand attitude was confirmed, where flow had the strongest effect on brand attitude. The examination of the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between consumers' fashion experiential store experiences and flow found that the effect in men was significant for flow and brand attitude through rational experience and that the effect in women was significant for flow and brand attitude through relational experience. These results provide academic implications, and by strengthening consumer flow, we intend to propose the establishment of a marketing strategy and opportunity plan that can elicit a positive brand attitude.

가상 패션 매장에서 친환경 소비 메시지의 설득 효과 -매장 분위기와 방문 동기의 영향- (Persuasive Impact of Eco-friendly Consumption Messages in Virtual Reality Fashion Stores -The Role of Store Ambiance and Visit Motivation-)

  • 원유정;장세윤;심영호;이유리
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.1211-1225
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the impact of informational messaging and eco-conscious ambiances in online virtual reality (VR) fashion stores on consumers' intentions for eco-friendly consumption. By focusing on three dimensions of message informativity and the persuasive power of eco-friendly consumption messages, we investigate how immersive VR environments can foster eco-friendly consumption. Using a three-dimensional VR store simulation with eco-friendly and modern designs, the study assessed the effects on consumers' perceptions and intention through the elaboration likelihood model and cue consistency theory. Participants experienced the VR store under two primary visit motivation typess-browsing versus purchasing-and two store ambiance types-eco-friendly versus modern-and then completed online surveys. Results The results indicated that the eco-friendly VR ambiance significantly increased the perceived informativity and persuasiveness of eco-conscious consumption messages, particularly among exploratory shoppers. Reliability emerged as the most influential factor in boosting message persuasiveness and eco-friendly consumption participation intentions. These findings suggest that VR technology can effectively promote sustainable fashion by creating reliable, immersive experiences. Given that current VR store visits are often motivated by interest-based browsing rather than by specific purchase intent, this study contributes to the understanding of the eco-conscious consumption messaging and communication strategies in the new fashion retail space.

어반 아웃도어웨어에 대한 소비자 인식과 Kano 모델을 적용한 제품 만족·불만족에 대한 연구: 대학생을 중심으로 (Analysis of Consumer's Perception and Product Satisfaction·Dissatisfaction with Urban Outdoor Wear based on Kano Model: Focused on University Students)

  • 전대근;김희경;김혜란;박순지
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2016
  • This research was designed to figure out the perception and attitude of university students toward urban outdoor wear and to provide the guidelines for product quality improvement using Kano model. A total of 270 responses were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 through frequency and factor analysis. Respondents' levels for outdoor activity & outdoor products possession being still low, steady growth in urban outdoor wear market is expected. A total of eight quality factors were identified through factor analysis; suitability, production quality, functionality, ease of care, fabric performance, portability, fashionability, and symbolism. Based on Kano model, quality factors of urban outdoor wear were categorized into three groups: one-dimensional; indifferent; and must-be quality factor. It was found that consumers were satisfied with urban outdoor wear only when it meets the needs for suitability for body types and ease of care, meaning that manufactures should be cautious not to lose these features. Being must-be quality factor, production quality(form stability, quality of subsidiary materials), and fabric performance such as colorfastness should be basically satisfied. The relative importance of each quality feature on satisfaction/dissatisfaction was investigated using CSC(customer satisfaction coefficient). Based on the CSC, every item was classified again. Attractive quality features with large CSC were shown in suitability factor. Must-be quality features with small CSC were mainly shown in functionality and fabric performance factors. These findings imply that manufactures of urban outdoor wear should not only maintain the production quality but also focus on suitability features to differentiate their product with previous products.

근사 모델링을 이용한 웹 기반 3D 패션쇼 애니메이션 구현 (Implementation of 3D Fashion Show Animation Based on Web using Similar Modeling)

  • 조진애;양옥렬;남명우;이용주;정성태;정석태;이강일
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문은 웹 기반 3D 패션몰 구축 시 필요한 3D 모델의 패션쇼 애니메이션 설계 기법 및 구현방법에 대해 제안한다. 3D MAX를 이용하여 제작된 3D 모델을 XML(Extensible Markup Language) 형식으로 출력시킨 후, D3D(Direct 3D)를 사용하여 제작된 ActiveX 컨트롤을 이용하여 웹상에 구현하였다. 소비자가 웹기반 패션몰에서 선택한 다양한 의상을 입은 3D 모델의 패션쇼 애니메이션을 구현하기 위해, 기본형태의 3D 모델에 계층적 구조를 가진 근사 의상을 이용하여 표현하였다. 근사의상은 표준 의상 조각들을 설계하고 제작한 후, 이를 조합하는 방식으로 구현하였으며, 여기에 텍스처를 맵핑하여 소비자가 선택한 의상의 근사 모델이 표현 될 수 있도록 구현 하였다.

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캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 패션 모델의 교과목 개발 (Subject Development of Fashion Model utilizing Capstone Design)

  • 박근정;김장현
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2021
  • 최근 사회적·교육적 패러다임의 변화 속에 capstone design을 활용한 교육적 접근이 점진적으로 확대되고 있는 추세이다. Capstone design이 접목된 모델학과의 교과목 개발은 패션쇼 현장에서 패션모델로서의 실무 역량을 증진시켜 줌과 동시에 패션쇼와 관련된 다양한 분야에 대한 시야를 확장시켜준다는 측면에서 긍정적인 효과를 창출할 수 있다. 본 연구는 패션모델학과의 모델작품발표 교과목에 캡스톤 디자인 교수법을 적용한 교육 과정을 개발 및 그 성과를 제시하고, 교수자 측면에서 고려해야할 함의점을 제언하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위한 연구 방법은 캡스톤 디자인 교수법과 모델작품발표 교과목에 관련된 이론적 연구 및 캡스톤 디자인이 반영된 모델작품발표 교과목의 과정을 안내하기 위한 모형개발연구를 병행하였다. 본 연구의 결과, capstone design을 접목한 모델작품발표 교과목에 대한 학습자들의 수업 수행 방식이나 과정 및 학습 성과에 대한 만족도는 매우 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 특히, 수업 수행 과정에 대해 매우 큰 만족감을 나타내는 것으로 파악되었다. Capstone design을 활용한 모델작품발표 교과목을 진행함에 있어 교수자의 측면에서 고려해야할 함의점으로, 패션과 관련된 심층적·융합적인 관점에서의 교육에 대한 필요, 공간에 대한 시간적·공간적 활용도의 개선, 다양한 분야의 전문가 및 산업체들간의 연계성에 대한 깊이 있는 고민과 산업체와 지속적인 교류와 협력을 통한 교육 범위의 확장이 필요하다고 판단된다.

쇼핑동기와 앱 브라우징이 모바일 패션제품 충동구매에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Shopping Motives and Apps Browsing on Mobile Impulse Buying of Fashion Products)

  • 박은주
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.280-288
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    • 2017
  • This study tested how the mobile impulse buying(m-impulse buying) of fashion products was related to shopping motives and mobile applications(apps) browsing in the context of mobile shopping. A total of 316 self-administered questionnaires were obtained from college students who had experienced m-impulse buying of fashion products during the most recent six months. A structural equation model using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood was estimated for examining the relationships among shopping motives(e.g., hedonic shopping motive and utilitarian shopping motive), apps browsing, and m-impulse buying of fashion products(e.g., fashion-oriented impulse buying and pure impulse buying) by AMOS 21.0. Findings showed that hedonic shopping motive and utilitarian shopping motive had significant effects on apps browsing in their mobile shopping. Apps browsing had a significant effect on fashion-oriented impulse buying, but did not significantly effect on pure impulse buying of fashion products. Additionally, the hedonic shopping motive had directly significant effects on both fashion-oriented impulse buying and pure impulse buying, whereas the utilitarian shopping motive significantly effected on only the pure impulse buying of fashion products in their shopping. This study suggests that the hedonic shopping motive played an important role to determine the m-impulse buying of fashion products and the utilitarian shopping motive played a role in activating apps browsing relevant to mobile shopping for fashion products. Managerial implications are discussed for retailers related to the fashion products in mobile shopping.

가상현실 기술과 융합된 현대패션에 나타난 공간적 미학 특성 연구 -패션쇼, 패션전시, 패션디자인 앱을 중심으로- (A Study on Spatial Aesthetic Characteristics in Modern Fashion Converged with Virtual Reality Technology -Focusing on Fashion Shows, Fashion Exhibitions, and Fashion Design Apps-)

  • 유수;권미정
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.96-110
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    • 2019
  • With the continuous development of artificial intelligence using computers in the Fourth Industrial Age, the virtual space created by virtual reality experiences boosted by the power of artificial intelligence, provides a new experience for us. The purpose of this study is to explore the new aesthetics that the fashion industry provides to users in virtual space created by virtual reality technology. This research method is based on theoretical research on virtual reality technology and virtual space and constructs a research model applied to this research. The scope of this study is the application of virtual reality technology to fashion shows, fashion exhibitions, and fashion design apps on the website of professional virtual reality technology and fashion for the last five years from 2014 to 2019, which actively merged virtual reality technology with modern fashion. We will analyze the cases one by one. The results of this study are as follows. First, this study shows that the constructed virtual space of modern fashion using virtual reality technology creates three kinds of physical space, perceptual space, and imaginary space based on the commutative theory of virtual space formed by Swedish scholar J. $Widestr{\ddot{o}}m$. Second, virtual reality technology applied to fashion shows, fashion exhibitions, and fashion design apps is characterized by four aesthetic characteristics of presence, perceptual expansion, interactivity, and immersion in physical space, perception space, and imagination space.

산학 연계 프로젝트 기반 학습(PBL)을 활용한 AI 패션 큐레이션 실습 교과목 운영 사례 연구 (A Case Study on an Artificial Intelligence Fashion Curation Practice Subject through Industrial-academic Project-based Learning)

  • 안효선;박민정
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2021
  • In the fourth industrial revolution, fashion students are expected to work with various technologies to show creativity. This study aimed to conduct project-based learning(PBL) in collaboration with industry experts to design and operate artificial intelligence(AI) in the practice subject of fashion curation through the industrial academic teaching method. We first looked at teaching methods and strategies incorporating PBL in various academic fields. Next, we analyzed fashion projects and fashion curation services applying AI. Then through the question-and-answer method and by consulting with industry experts, we developed a curriculum for AI fashion curation, applying PBL(fashion market and trend analysis; new styles and time, place, and occasion planning; AI machine learning data set production; curation model development; and evaluation) suitable for the university's educational environment, information technology company conditions, and fashion students. As part of a close cooperation system with the industry, we conducted a 15-week Fashion Project II (Capstone Design) course and evaluated the outcomes and student satisfaction with the course. Students were able to develop new style, and time, place, and occasion categories and to utilize strategies for AI fashion curation services reflecting the unique needs of Millennials and Generation Z. Students showed high satisfaction with the curriculum. Further, it was confirmed that the study successfully applied PBL in class using AI technology in fashion education.

The Role of Self-Construal and Emotionsin Younger Consumers' Commitment to Luxury Brands

  • Hwang, Ji-Young;Kandampully, Jay
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.604-615
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    • 2012
  • Despite the increasing recognition of the value of emotions and younger consumers in luxury market segments, little research has focused on the role consumer characteristics and emotions play in younger consumers' commitment to luxury brands. Drawing on the identity-motivation model and the idea of self-construal, this study identifies the contributing factors of younger consumers' commitment to luxury fashion brands. Specifically, this study examines the role of consumer characteristics (i.e., self-construal), the self-expressiveness of brands, and emotional factors (i.e., brand love and brand attachment) in developing consumer-brand relationships. The proposed model was tested with college students in the U.S., which supplied a representative group of younger consumers of luxury fashion brands. The data were collected using web-based surveys and analyzed using structural equation modeling method. The results showed that consumers who were characterized with interdependent self-construal had positive perceptions of self-expressive luxury fashion brands. Furthermore, the perception of self-expressive brands promotes the consumers' brand love of and brand attachmentto luxury fashion brands. Also, while both improved brand commitment, brand attachment had a greater impact on brand commitment than brand love. This study contributes to the literature by identifying driving forces of younger consumers' brand commitment. It also provides managerial implications for luxury fashion brands.

인터넷 패션 쇼핑 몰의 연예인 광고 모델이 소비자의 구전 행동(WOM)에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Internet Fashion Shopping Celebrity Advertising Model on Consumers' WOM)

  • 노유나;이승희
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.850-863
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate if star marketing of on-line shopping malls affects consumers' WOM effect, and to compare the differences of consumption behavior between female teenagers and college students. Two hundred five female teenagers and college students who had purchased fashion goods through internet shopping mall participated in this study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, and multiple regression were used. As the results, first, recognition of celebrity advertising models was classified into three factors such as 'trust of product', 'attractiveness of product' and 'leading interest of product' factors. Second, the greater exposure to celebrity models, the greater the good feelings about them, showing respondents' positive consumption behavior. Third, results of multiple regression revealed that behavior of pursuing celebrities' style accounted for 37% of the explained variance WOM behavior. Finally, t-test revealed that female college students were affected more by celebrity style and bought fashion items than female teenagers. However, female teenagers conducted more WOM behavior than college students. Based on these results, on-line fashion marketers would use these data for more their efficient fashion marketing strategies.

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