• Title/Summary/Keyword: False Alarm Probability

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An Assessment of Applicability of Heat Waves Using Extreme Forecast Index in KMA Climate Prediction System (GloSea5) (기상청 현업 기후예측시스템(GloSea5)에서의 극한예측지수를 이용한 여름철 폭염 예측 성능 평가)

  • Heo, Sol-Ip;Hyun, Yu-Kyung;Ryu, Young;Kang, Hyun-Suk;Lim, Yoon-Jin;Kim, Yoonjae
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 2019
  • This study is to assess the applicability of the Extreme Forecast Index (EFI) algorithm of the ECMWF seasonal forecast system to the Global Seasonal Forecasting System version 5 (GloSea5), operational seasonal forecast system of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). The EFI is based on the difference between Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) curves of the model's climate data and the current ensemble forecast distribution, which is essential to diagnose the predictability in the extreme cases. To investigate its applicability, the experiment was conducted during the heat-wave cases (the year of 1994 and 2003) and compared GloSea5 hindcast data based EFI with anomaly data of ERA-Interim. The data also used to determine quantitative estimates of Probability Of Detection (POD), False Alarm Ratio (FAR), and spatial pattern correlation. The results showed that the area of ERA-Interim indicating above 4-degree temperature corresponded to the area of EFI 0.8 and above. POD showed high ratio (0.7 and 0.9, respectively), when ERA-Interim anomaly data were the highest (on Jul. 11, 1994 (> $5^{\circ}C$) and Aug. 8, 2003 (> $7^{\circ}C$), respectively). The spatial pattern showed a high correlation in the range of 0.5~0.9. However, the correlation decreased as the lead time increased. Furthermore, the case of Korea heat wave in 2018 was conducted using GloSea5 forecast data to validate EFI showed successful prediction for two to three weeks lead time. As a result, the EFI forecasts can be used to predict the probability that an extreme weather event of interest might occur. Overall, we expected these results to be available for extreme weather forecasting.

CR Technology and Activation Plan for White Space Utilization (화이트 스페이스 활용을 위한 무선환경 인지 기술 및 활성화 방안)

  • Yoo, Sung-Jin;Kang, Kyu-Min;Jung, Hoiyoon;Park, SeungKeun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39B no.11
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    • pp.779-789
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    • 2014
  • Cognitive radio (CR) technology based on geo-location database access approach and/or wideband spectrum sensing approach is absolutely vital in order to recognize available frequency bands in white spaces (WSs), and efficiently utilize shared spectrums. This paper presents a new structure for the TVWS database access protocol implementation based on Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Protocol to Access WS database (PAWS). A wideband compressive spectrum sensing (WCSS) scheme using a modulated wideband converter is also proposed for the TVWS utilization. The developed database access protocol technology which is adopted in both the TV band device (TVBD) and the TVWS database operates well in the TV frequency bands. The proposed WCSS shows a stable performance in false alarm probability irrespective of noise variance estimation error as well as provides signal detection probabilities greater than 95%. This paper also investigates Federal Communications Commision (FCC) regulatory requirements of TVWS database as well as European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) policy related to TVWS database. A standardized protocol to achieve interoperability among multiple TVBDs and TVWS databases, which is currently prepared in the IETF, is discussed.

Data-driven event detection method for efficient management and recovery of water distribution system man-made disasters (상수도관망 재난관리 및 복구를 위한 데이터기반 이상탐지 방법론 개발)

  • Jung, Donghwi;Ahn, Jaehyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.8
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    • pp.703-711
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    • 2018
  • Water distribution system (WDS) pipe bursts are caused from excessive pressure, pipe aging, and ground shift from temperature change and earthquake. Prompt detection of and response to the failure event help prevent large-scale service interruption and catastrophic sinkhole generation. To that end, this study proposes a improved Western Electric Company (WECO) method to improve the detection effectiveness and efficiency of the original WECO method. The original WECO method is an univariate Statistical Process Control (SPC) technique used for identifying any non-random patterns in system output data. The improved WECO method multiples a threshold modifier (w) to each threshold of WECO sub-rules in order to control the sensitivity of anomaly detection in a water distribution network of interest. The Austin network was used to demonstrated the proposed method in which normal random and abnormal pipe flow data were generated. The best w value was identified from a sensitivity analysis, and the impact of measurement frequency (dt = 5, 10, 15 min etc.) was also investigated. The proposed method was compared to the original WECO method with respect to detection probability, false alarm rate, and averaged detection time. Finally, this study provides a set of guidelines on the use of the WECO method for real-life WDS pipe burst detection.

Improvement and Validation of Convective Rainfall Rate Retrieved from Visible and Infrared Image Bands of the COMS Satellite (COMS 위성의 가시 및 적외 영상 채널로부터 복원된 대류운의 강우강도 향상과 검증)

  • Moon, Yun Seob;Lee, Kangyeol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.420-433
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the calibration matrixes of 2-D and 3-D convective rainfall rates (CRR) using the brightness temperature of the infrared $10.8{\mu}m$ channel (IR), the difference of brightness temperatures between infrared $10.8{\mu}m$ and vapor $6.7{\mu}m$ channels (IR-WV), and the normalized reflectance of the visible channel (VIS) from the COMS satellite and rainfall rate from the weather radar for the period of 75 rainy days from April 22, 2011 to October 22, 2011 in Korea. Especially, the rainfall rate data of the weather radar are used to validate the new 2-D and 3-DCRR calibration matrixes suitable for the Korean peninsula for the period of 24 rainy days in 2011. The 2D and 3D calibration matrixes provide the basic and maximum CRR values ($mm\;h^{-1}$) by multiplying the rain probability matrix, which is calculated by using the number of rainy and no-rainy pixels with associated 2-D (IR, IR-WV) and 3-D (IR, IR-WV, VIS) matrixes, by the mean and maximum rainfall rate matrixes, respectively, which is calculated by dividing the accumulated rainfall rate by the number of rainy pixels and by the product of the maximum rain rate for the calibration period by the number of rain occurrences. Finally, new 2-D and 3-D CRR calibration matrixes are obtained experimentally from the regression analysis of both basic and maximum rainfall rate matrixes. As a result, an area of rainfall rate more than 10 mm/h is magnified in the new ones as well as CRR is shown in lower class ranges in matrixes between IR brightness temperature and IR-WV brightness temperature difference than the existing ones. Accuracy and categorical statistics are computed for the data of CRR events occurred during the given period. The mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean squire error (RMSE) in new 2-D and 3-D CRR calibrations led to smaller than in the existing ones, where false alarm ratio had decreased, probability of detection had increased a bit, and critical success index scores had improved. To take into account the strong rainfall rate in the weather events such as thunderstorms and typhoon, a moisture correction factor is corrected. This factor is defined as the product of the total precipitable waterby the relative humidity (PW RH), a mean value between surface and 500 hPa level, obtained from a numerical model or the COMS retrieval data. In this study, when the IR cloud top brightness temperature is lower than 210 K and the relative humidity is greater than 40%, the moisture correction factor is empirically scaled from 1.0 to 2.0 basing on PW RH values. Consequently, in applying to this factor in new 2D and 2D CRR calibrations, the ME, MAE, and RMSE are smaller than the new ones.