• Title/Summary/Keyword: FFA2

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Dietary Lipid, Plasma Lipoprotein and Fatty Acid Composition of Young Korean Women (일부 젊은 여성의 지질 섭취와 혈장 지단백 및 지방산 조성에 관한 연구)

  • 김미정
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.595-601
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to investigate dietary lipid intakes and the plasma lipoprotein levels and fatty acid composition of eight healthy young Korean women for 7 days. After an overnight fast, blood samples were taken on the last day of dietary survey. The plasma were fractinated to very low-density lipoprotein(VLDL), low-density lipoprotein(LDL), and high-density lipoprotein(HDL) by ultracentrifugation. From each fraction, the content of triglyceride (TG), phospholipid(PL), cholesterol(CHOL), free fatty acid(FFA) and protein were determined. Fatty acid composition of total plasma lipid was alos analyzed. The subjects consumed 34.7$\pm$2.8g of fat daily. The ingested amounts of EPA and DHA were 0.2 and 0.4g/day, respectively. They also consumed 112.2$\pm$12.9mg of cholesterol per day. The concentrations of VLDL, LDL and HDL in the plasma were 66.5$\pm$6.1, 114.0$\pm$8.8 and 129.4$\pm$5.1mg/dL, respectively, so the percentages of VLDL, LDL, and HDL were 20.7, 44.8 and 34.5%, respectively. The VLDL was composed of 27.5mg/dL of TG, 39.7 of PL, 58.8 of CHOL, 3.1 of FFA, and 22.4 of protein. The HDL had 10.7mg/dL of TG, 23.7 of PL, 18.7 of CHOL, 2.6 of FFA, and 73.7 of protein. In the plasma, linoleic acid was the most abundant fatty acid, followed by palmitic and oleic acid, the percentages of these 3 fatty acids were 30.8, 23.4 and 17.7%, respectively. The result indicated that the plasma levels of lipoprotein in the healthy young Korean women were slightly low and the levels of EPA and DHA were relatively high, compared to the data of other investigatiors. This might be due to the fact that they consumed less fat and cholesterol and higher EPA and DHA.

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Studies on the Lipid Content and Neutral Lipid Composition of Brown Rice and Milled Rice (현미와 백미의 지질 함량 및 중성 지질의 조성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Ja;Lee, Hyun-Joo;Byun, Si-Myung;Kim, Hyong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.585-593
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    • 1988
  • The lipid contents and neutral lipid components of brown rice, milled rice and bran were studied for four varieties of rice such as Nampung, Milyang #23, Whasung and Jinhung. Total lipid contents of brown rice, milled rice and bran were 2.65%, 1.09% and 20.24% respectively. The ratios of neutral lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids in total lipids were 82.53:12.39:4.08 in brown rice and 87.72:7.02:5.26 in bran. Neutral lipids were separated on the TLC; among them 6 neutral lipids were identified by comparing the RF value of standards. Triglycerides(TG), free fatty acids(FFA) and steryl esters(SE) were major neutral lipid components in brown rice, milled rice and bran. TG content of the bran, compared to that of brown rice and milled rice, was very low in contrast the FFA content was high. The major fatty acids of total lipid and neutral lipid fractions were palmitic, linoleic and oleic acids, comprising over 95% of these classes.

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Effects of Heat Treatment and Irradiation on Lipid Hydrolysis and Oxidation of Rice Bran (고온처리 및 방사선 조사가 미강 지방질의 가수분해 및 산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Keum-Taek;Jung, Soon-Teck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.928-934
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    • 1996
  • Rice bran, treated with heat or ${\gamma}-radiation$, was stored at $-15^{\circ}C,\;4^{\circ}C,\;37^{\circ}C$ and room temperature to determine its lipid stability by monitoring the changes in moisture, free fatty acids (FFA) and peroxide value (POV). Initial moisture content of rice bran was 14% and decreased with time. The higher storage temperature, the more moisture loss. The moisture content became 9% after 80 days of storage at $37^{\circ}C$. The initial FFA of rice bran was 2.5% which increased with time except the samples stored at $-15^{\circ}C$. The higher storage temperature, the more FFA was produced, by 9 times the initial FAA after 80 days of storage at $37^{\circ}C$. POV increased about twice the initial value after 80 days of storage at $-15^{\circ}C,\;4^{\circ}C$, and room temperature, and 5 times at $37^{\circ}C$. Rice bran was treated with heat at $70^{\circ}C,\;90^{\circ}C\;or\;105^{\circ}C$ and stored for 2 weeks at $30^{\circ}C$: The higher the heat treatment temperature and the longer the heat treatment time, the more moisture was lost. The not show any significant changes. Irradiation at $1{\sim}30\;kGy$ and subsequent storage for 4 weeks at $5^{\circ}C\;or\;30^{\circ}C$ caused negligible changes in moisture content. The FFA contents of rice bran irradiated up to 10 kGy were almost similar to these of nonirradiated one when measured just after irradiation. The samples irradiated at 30 kGy were 1.5 times higher in the FFA contents than nonirradiated ones. But there was little influence of irradiation doses on the FFA contents during storage. Irradiation caused the increase in POV of rice bran. resulting in 4 times increase in case of 30 kGy irradiated sample. During the storage, however, the POV of irradiated rice bran decreased significantly.

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Quantitative Analysis of Cystic Fluid Components in Cysticercus cellulosae (유구낭미충(有鉤囊尾蟲) 낭액(囊液)의 아미노산(酸) 및 유리지방산(遊離脂肪酸)의 정량분석(定量分析))

  • Moon, Joon;Chung, Myung-Sook;Joo, Kyoung-Hwan;Rim, Han-Jong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 1991
  • Free amino acid(FAA), free fatty acid(FFA), and amino acid obtained by hydrolysis of protein components of cystic fluid(CF) of Cysticercus cellulosae in pig and man were analyzed. FFA was analyzed by gas chromatography using Varian model 2700, and flame ionization detector with 6 feet${\times}$1/4inch glass column. Flow rate of $N_2$ was 30 ml/min, $H_2$ was 30 ml/min, air was 350 ml/min respectively and chart speed was 1 cm/min. Amino acid was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography using Waters model 441, and fluorescence detector at 338nm/425nm with column of amino acid analyzer. Buffer A of mobile phase was pH 3.05 and pH of buffer B was 9.6 respectively. The results obtained were as follows : Seven FFAs containing 12~18 carbons were detected : Saturated fatty acids were lauric acid ($C_{12}$), myristic acid($C_{14}$), palmitic acid($C_{16}$), Stearic acid($C_{18}$). Unsaturated fatty acids were oleic acid($C_{12}^{=1}$), linoleic acid($C_{12}^{=2}$), and one unidentified fatty acid was detected. Generally much more quantity of FFA was determined in CF obtained from pig than that from man. FFA of the largest quantity was palmitic acid; 0.078 mg/ml. Eighteen FAAs were detected and the largest quantity was alanine. Ouantity of alanine was 386 ug/ml in CF from pig 108 ug/ml in CF from man respectively. while histidine in CF from pig was 273 ug/ml, that from man was only 4.3 ug/ml. Eighteen amino acids were identified by hydrolysis of protein in CF from man. But, histidine was not identified in CF from pig. Amino from pig and ug/ml from man.

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Flavor development in cheddar cheese (체다 치즈의 맛의 개발)

  • Jeong, Cheong-Song;Yu, Sang-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Hospitality Industry Research Society Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to find a cholesterol removal rate, flavor development, and bitter amino acid productions in Cheddar cheese treated with -cyclodextrin (${\beta}-CD$): 1) Control (no homogenization, no ${\beta}--CD$), and 2) Milk treatment (1000 psi milk homogenization, 1% ${\beta}-CD$). The cholesterol removal of the cheese were 79.3%. The production of short-chain free fatty acids (FFA) increased with a ripening time in both control and milk treated cheese. The releasing quantity of short-chain FFA was higher din milk treated cheese than control at 5 and 7 mo ripening. Not much difference was found in neutral volatile compounds production between samples. In bitter-tasted amino acids, milk treatment group produced much higher than control. In sensory analysis, texture score of control Cheddar cheese significantly increased, however, that in cholesterol-reduced cheese decreased dramatically with ripening time.

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The effect of Hwangkikunjungtang and GamiHwangkikunjoongtang on the recovory of exercise induced fatigue (황기건중탕 및 가미황기건중탕이 흰쥐의 운동(運動) 피로회복(疲勞恢復)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Park, Dong-Il;Cho, In-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 1997
  • The following are the results of the experimental studies of Hwangki kunjoongtang and GamiHwangkikunjoongtang on the recovory of exercise induced fatigue. Hwangkikunjoongtang showed remarkable effects on the decrease of oxygen consumption, serum lactate levels, serum LDH activities, serum FFA levels, and on the increase of serum triglyceride levels. GamiHwangkikunjoongtang showed remarkable effects on the decrease of serum lactate levels, serum LDH activities, serum FFA levels and on the increse of serum triglyceride levels and serum glucose levels. According to the results, both Hwangkikunjoohgtang and GamiHwangkikunjoong-tang showed remarkable effects in the recovery of exercise induced fatigue, but GamiHwangkikunjoongtang was more effective than Hwangkikunjoongtang.

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Effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan on the Recovery of Exercise Induced Fatigue (雙和湯 및 雙和湯合敗毒散이 흰쥐의 運動疲勞 恢復에 미치는 影響)

  • 하태요;박동일
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.366-366
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    • 1998
  • To investigate the effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-mixed-Paedoksan on the recovery of exercise induced fatigue, we observed content changes of lactate, LDH, glucose, FFA as metabolic substance in the serum of rats administered these drugs just after adn 120 minutes after maximum swimming,. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Lactate was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 2. serum LDH activity was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 3. glucose was found to be increased in the rats with adiministation of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 4. FFA was found to be decreased in the rats with administation of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan,.

Effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan on the Recovery of Exercise induced Fatigue.

  • 하태요;박동일
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.336-372
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    • 1998
  • To investigate the effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-mixed-Paedoksan on the recovery of exercise induced fatigue, we observed content changes of lactate, LDH, glucose, FFA as metabolic substance in the serum of rats administered these drugs just after adn 120 minutes after maximum swimming,. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Lactate was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 2. serum LDH activity was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 3. glucose was found to be increased in the rats with adiministation of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 4. FFA was found to be decreased in the rats with administation of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan,.

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The Effects of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan the Muscle Recovery in Rats (당귀보혈탕(當歸補血湯) 및 쌍보환(雙補丸)이 백서(白鼠)의 근육피로(筋肉疲勞) 회부(恢復)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Dong-Eon;Kim, Young-Kyun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1 s.31
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    • pp.361-373
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    • 1996
  • An attempt was made to study the effects of dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan on the muscle recovery from exhaustion after severe exercise. Before rats were given severe swimming exercise, Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan were admisterd. Then, the blood lactate level, the serum activities of LDH, CPK and the serum levels of FFA and glucose were measured. The results were as follows; 1. The level of the blood lactate were significantly decreased in the group of Dangguibohyultang. 2. The activities of serum LDH were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. 3. The activities of serum CPK were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. 4. The levels of serum FFA were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang. 5. The levels of serum glucose were significantly increased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. According to the above results, it is concluded that Dangguibohyultang was more effective on the muscle recovery than Ssangbohwan in rats.

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The Efficacy and Safety of Ephedra and Green Tea Mesotherapy on Localized Fat (피하지방 감량에 있어 경피침주요법의 유효성 및 안전성 평가)

  • Song, Mi-Young;Park, Ji-Hun;Lee, Jung-Ho;Kim, Ho-Jun;Lee, Myeong-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : This study was performed to identify the efficacy and safety of ephedra and green tea mesotherapy on localized fat. Methods : Twenty-five healthy $20{\sim}35$ year overweight women (body mass $index{\geq}23kg/m^2$) were recruited and randomly assigned to two groups : experimental(mahuang and green tea) group (n=13), placebo(Normal saline) group (n=12). Total 8 times of herbarl mesotherapy treatment were performed once per week, 4 times were performed on right thigh (1st period), after wash-out for 1 week, the other 4 times were performed on left thigh (2nd period) without any modification of diet or exercise. Body composition, thigh circumferences were measured at each period before and after the intervention. Subcutaneous fat was measured by CT scan at before and after the 1st period of intervention and free fatty acid(FFA) was measured immediately before 1st intervention, 1 hour later, 24 hours later, and 7 days later. Satisfaction score and adverse events were evaluated. Results : In the subcutaneous fat, there were no significances, but in the circumferences. Experimental group had significant change when compared with placebo group (p<0.05). In FFA, experimental group has significant elevation at after 1 hour (p<0.05) evaluation. There were no serious adverse events in both groups. Conclusions : Experimental group had some significant findings in circumference, FFA, and had no serious adverse events comparing with placebo group, and no serious adverse events have been reported in both group. Mesotherapy with herb have a possibility of treating localized fat

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