• Title/Summary/Keyword: FE models

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KH2PO4-aided soil washing for removing arsenic from water-stable soil aggregates collected in southern China

  • Zhao, Ranran;Li, Xiaojun;Zhang, Zhiguo;Zhao, Guanghui
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2016
  • Removal of arsenic (As) from soil aggregates with particle sizes of > 2.0, 2.0-0.25, 0.25-0.053, < 0.053 mm by soil washing of $KH_2PO_4$ and the kinetics of As releasing from soil aggregates were investigated. Effects of $KH_2PO_4$ concentration, ratio of liquid/soil and washing duration on the removal were fully explored. The results showed that the high As removal was obtained in > 2 mm aggregates (48.56%) and < 0.053 mm aggregates (42.88%) under the optimum condition ($KH_2PO_4$ concentration of 0.1 mol/L, and liquid/soil ratio (10 mL/g) for 360 min). 62.82% of As was extracted from aggregates with size less than 0.25 mm. Only 11.88% was contributed by the large aggregates (> 2.0mm). Using $KH_2PO_4$ washing, it was also found that extracted As is mainly in form of either specifically sorbed As or As associated with oxides of Fe and Al. Elovich model can describe the removal process of As more precisely than Two-constant kinetic models. The optimum washing conditions and removal process is also applied to bulk soil. This technique in this study is reliable, cost-effective and offers a great potential for practical application in soil remediation.

Innovative Converged Service and It's Adoption, Use and Diffusion: A Holistic Approach to Diffusion of Innovations, Combining Adoption-Diffusion and Use Diffusion Paradigms (디지털융합서비스의 수용, 사용, 확산에 관한 연구: 혁신확산에 관한 수용-확산 및 사용-확산의 통합적 접근)

  • Song, Yeong-Hwa;Im, Myeong-Hwan;Motohashi, Kazuyuki;Kim, Seung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2010
  • This study takes a holistic approach to understanding the diffusion of IPTV services by combining the adoption-diffusion model and the use-diffusion model of innovation. IPTV service, a leading Digital converged application coupling media content with telecom, has been recently launched commercially in Korea. We created a structural model of adoption-diffusion, using the perceived ease-of-use and usefulness of TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) as mediating variables, and a structural model of use-diffusion, with the rate of use and the variety of use as mediating variables. To empirically analyze these models, non-users of IPTV were surveyed using the adoption-diffusion model to identity factors influencing their intention to subscribe to the service. Meanwhile, users of IPTV were surveyed using the use-diffusion model to determine the factors that influence their satisfaction with the service and their intention to fe-use it. Under the adoption-diffusion model, we found that trialability, household innovativeness and perceived risk were the determinants of user satisfaction with IPTV, and perceived ease-of-use, the mediating factors. Under the use-diffusion model, complementarity and communication were shown to be the determinants of users' satisfaction with IPTV, and variety of use, the mediating factor. We also found that consumers' intention to re-use IPTV was strongly influenced by its relative advantage and perceived risk.

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Shape Optimization of S-tube for Heat Exchanger Used in High Temperature Environment Using FE Analysis and DOE (유한요소법과 실험계획법을 이용한 고온 열교환기용 S-관의 형상 최적화)

  • Jeong, Ho-Seung;Cho, Jong-Rae
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.497-503
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to optimize S-tube shape of heat exchanger in term of reducing the size of tube bundle and improving the mechanical properties such as the thermal stress and resonance. The geometric parameters such as offset length, the straight distance between one end and other end of tube, the tube length in straight portion and fillet radius was assessed as a valid parameters. The structural analysis was performed to estimate the structural characteristics. Main effect analysis was performed to investigate the main effect for the various geometric parameters. The response surface methodology was employed to establish mathematical approximation models as a function of the geometric parameters of the S-tube. Also, The optimization was performed to optimize geometric parameters of S-tube using the regression equations and optimization tool. The optimized tube shape has been proposed. Those could be used in the heat exchanger design used in high temperature.

Extended-FEM for the solid-fluid mixture two-scale problems with BCC and FCC microstructures

  • Sawada, Tomohiro;Nakasumi, Shogo;Tezuka, Akira;Fukushima, Manabu;Yoshizawa, Yu-Ichi
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.45-68
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    • 2009
  • An aim of the study is to develop an efficient numerical simulation technique that can handle the two-scale analysis of fluid permeation filters fabricated by the partial sintering technique of small spherical ceramics. A solid-fluid mixture homogenization method is introduced to predict the mechanical characters such as rigidity and permeability of the porous ceramic filters from the micro-scale geometry and configuration of partially-sintered particles. An extended finite element (X-FE) discretization technique based on the enriched interpolations of respective characteristic functions at fluid-solid interfaces is proposed for the non-interface-fitted mesh solution of the micro-scale analysis that needs non-slip condition at the interface between solid and fluid phases of the unit cell. The homogenization and localization performances of the proposed method are shown in a typical two-dimensional benchmark problem whose model has a hole in center. Three-dimensional applications to the body-centered cubic (BCC) and face-centered cubic (FCC) unit cell models are also shown in the paper. The 3D application is prepared toward the computer-aided optimal design of ceramic filters. The accuracy and stability of the X-FEM based method are comparable to those of the standard interface-fitted FEM, and are superior to those of the voxel type FEM that is often used in such complex micro geometry cases.

Probabilistic pounding analysis of high-pier continuous rigid frame bridge with actual site conditions

  • Jia, Hongyu;Zhao, Jingang;Li, Xi;Li, Lanping;Zheng, Shixiong
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2018
  • This paper studied the probability of pounding occurred between decks and abutments of a long span high-pier continuous rigid fame bridge subjected to ground motions with local soil effect. A pounding probability analysis methodology has been proposed using peak acceleration at bedrock as intensity measure (IM) for multi-support seismic analysis. The bridge nonlinear finite element (FE) models was built with four different separation distances. Effect of actual site condition and non-uniform spatial soil profiles on seismic wave propagating from bedrock to ground surface is modelled. Pounding probability of the high-pier bridge under multi-support seismic excitations (MSSE) is analyzed based on the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis (n-IDA). Pounding probability results under uniform excitations (UE) without actual local site effect are compared with that under MSSE with site effect. The study indicates that the required design separation length between deck and abutment under uniform excitations is larger than that under MSSE as the peak acceleration at bedrock increases. As the increase of both separation distance between deck and abutment and the peak acceleration, the probability of pounding occurred at a single abutment or at two abutments simultaneously under MSSE is less than that under UE. It is of great significance considering actual local site effect for determining the separation distance between deck and abutment through the probability pounding analysis of the high-pier bridge under MSSE.

Anxiolytic effect of chronic ginger treatment using elevated T-maze in mice

  • Mohan M;Kasture SB;Balaraman R
    • Advances in Traditional Medicine
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2006
  • We investigated the effects of chronic administration of different extracts of ginger rhizome [pet ether extract (PE); toluene fraction (TF) of pet ether extract] on anxiety models: the elevated T-maze (ETM) (for inhibitory avoidance and escape measurements) and the open field test. Ondansetron (1 mg/kg), FE (10, 30 &100 mg/kg) and TF (10 & 30 mg/kg) were administered orally for 15 days. On the $14^{th}$ day mice were previously exposed for 30 min to one of the open arms of the T-maze, 24 h before the test. On $15^{th}$ day mice had two exposures to the enclosed and open arm of the ETM followed by exposure to the open field apparatus. The number of line crossings in the apparatus was used to assess locomotor changes. Cumulative Concentration Response Curve of 5-HT was plotted using rat fundus which were pretreated in a similar way. Treatment with Ondansetron (1 mg/kg), PE (100 mg/kg), TF (10 mg/kg) and TF (30 mg/kg) significantly (P<0.05) impaired inhibitory avoidance performance but did not impair escape latency. Concentration response curve of 5-HT was shifted towards the right with suppression of maxima in rats treated with PE and TF. The results suggest that PE and TF of Ginger rhizome exerts anxiolytic like behaviour in a specific subset of defensive behaviour, particularly those related to generalized anxiety disorder.

Safety assessment of Generation III nuclear power plant buildings subjected to commercial aircraft crash Part II: Structural damage and vibrations

  • Qu, Y.G.;Wu, H.;Xu, Z.Y.;Liu, X.;Dong, Z.F.;Fang, Q.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.397-416
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    • 2020
  • Investigations of the commercial aircraft impact effect on nuclear island infrastructures have been drawing extensive attention, and this paper aims to perform the safety assessment of Generation III nuclear power plant (NPP) buildings subjected to typical commercial aircrafts crash. At present Part II, based on the verified finite element (FE) models of aircrafts Airbus A320 and A380, as well as the NPP containment and auxiliary buildings in Part I of this paper, the whole collision process is reproduced numerically by adopting the coupled missile-target interaction approach with the finite element code LS-DYNA. The impact induced damage of NPP plant under four impact locations of containment (cylinder, air intake, conical roof and PCS water tank) and two impact locations of auxiliary buildings (exterior wall and roof of spent fuel pool room) are evaluated. Furthermore, by considering the inner structures in the containment and raft foundation of NPP, the structural vibration analyses are conducted under two impact locations (middle height of cylinder, main control room in the auxiliary buildings). It indicates that, within the discussed scenarios, NPP structures can withstand the impact of both two aircrafts, while the functionality of internal equipment on higher floors will be affected to some extent under impact induced vibrations, and A380 aircraft will cause more serious structural damage and vibrations than A320 aircraft. The present work can provide helpful references to assess the safety of the structures and inner equipment of NPP plant under commercial aircraft impact.

Physical Properties of Transiting Planetary System TrES-3

  • Lee, Jae-Woo;Youn, Jae-Hyuck;Kim, Seung-Lee;Lee, Chung-Uk;Koo, Jae-Rim;Park, Byeong-Gon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.65.2-65.2
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    • 2010
  • We present four new transits of the planetary system TrES-3 observed between 2009 May and 2010 June. Among those, the third transit by itself indicates possible evidence for brightness disturbance, which could originate from a starspot or an overlapping double transit. A total of 107 transit times, including our measurements, were used to determine the improved ephemeris with a transit epoch of $2454185.910950\pm0.000073$ HJED (Heliocentric Julian Ephemeris Date) and an orbital period of $1.30618698\pm0.00000016$ d. We analyzed the transit light curves using the JKTEBOP code and adopting the quadratic limb-darkening law. In order to derive the physical properties of the TrES-3 system, the transit parameters are combined with the empirical relations from eclipsing binary stars and stellar evolutionary models, respectively. The stellar mass and radius obtained from a calibration using $T_{eff}$, log $\rho$ and [Fe/H] are in good agreement with those from the isochrone analysis within the uncertainties. We found that the exoplanet TrES-3b has a mass of $1.93\pm0.07\;M_{Jup}$, a radius of $1.30\pm0.04\;R_{Jup}$, a surface gravity of $28.2\pm1.1\;m\;s^{-1}$, a density of $0.82\pm0.06\;\rho_{Jup}$, and an equilibrium temperature of $1641\pm23K$.

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Vibration based damage detection in a scaled reinforced concrete building by FE model updating

  • Turker, Temel;Bayraktar, Alemdar
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2014
  • The traditional destructive tests in damage detection require high cost, long consuming time, repairing of damaged members, etc. In addition to these, powerful equipments with advanced technology have motivated development of global vibration based damage detection methods. These methods base on observation of the changes in the structural dynamic properties and updating finite element models. The existence, location, severity and effect on the structural behavior of the damages can be identified by using these methods. The main idea in these methods is to minimize the differences between analytical and experimental natural frequencies. In this study, an application of damage detection using model updating method was presented on a one storey reinforced concrete (RC) building model. The model was designed to be 1/2 scale of a real building. The measurements on the model were performed by using ten uni-axial seismic accelerometers which were placed to the floor level. The presented damage identification procedure mainly consists of five steps: initial finite element modeling, testing of the undamaged model, finite element model calibration, testing of the damaged model, and damage detection with model updating. The elasticity modulus was selected as variable parameter for model calibration, while the inertia moment of section was selected for model updating. The first three modes were taken into consideration. The possible damaged members were estimated by considering the change ratio in the inertia moment. It was concluded that the finite element model calibration was required for structures to later evaluations such as damage, fatigue, etc. The presented model updating based procedure was very effective and useful for RC structures in the damage identification.

Development of Design Techniques of Plastic Ankle Foot Orthosis for the Hemiplegics(I) (편마비 환자용 플라스틱 단하지보조기의 설계기술개발 (I) - 응력 해석을 통한 접근 -)

  • Lee, Yeong-Sin;Choe, Gyeong-Ju;Jo, Gang-Hui;Im, Hyeon-Gyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2002
  • In this study, a stress analysis is made fur an ankle foot orthosis (AFO) in the view point of structural stability. The investigated AFO is a solid and standard type. To analyze the stress distribution on the neck of AFO, the maximum AFO angular translation data is obtained by gait analysis. The material test of polypropylene is made to obtain the mechanical properties of AFO. The maximum dorsiflexion appears at the midstance in the gait analysis. The experimental angular translation at the top of AFO is about 10.3$^{\circ}$ at mid stance. Three models of AFO with different width of neck are made and analyzed with ABAQUS 6.1. The stress levels and distributions of 3 different width(W$_1$, W$_2$=0.85W$_1$, W$_3$=0.60W$_1$) AFO are investigated. As a result, the standard type(W$_1$) appears to the maximum stresses at the medial edge of cutout area surrounding ankle joint. The maximum stresses of the narrower type(W$_2$) are occured on medial edge and center of ankle. The narrowest type(W$_3$) appears to the maximum stresses at center of ankle. The maximum stresses become smaller as ankle width of AFO is narrower.