• Title/Summary/Keyword: FE models

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UBVI CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster M30 (구상성단 M30의 UBVI CCD 측광연구)

  • Lee, Ho;Jeon, Young-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.557-568
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    • 2006
  • We present CCD UBVI photometry for more than 10,000 stars in $20'.5{\times}20'.5$ field of the halo globular cluster M30. From a color-magnitude diagram, main sequence turnoff was obtained when $V_{TO},\;(B-V)_{TO},\;and\;(V-I)_{TO}\;are\;8.63{\pm}0.05,\;0.44{\pm}0.05\;and\;0.63{\pm}0.05$, respectively. From a (U-B)-(B-V) diagram, reddening parameter, E(B-V) equals $0.05{\pm}0.01$ and a UV color excess ${\delta}(U-B)\;is\;0.27{\pm}0.01$. The abundance is derived, where [Fe/H] equals $-2.05{\pm}0.09$ according to the photometric method and spectroscopic data. The observed luminosity function of M30 shows an excess in the number of red giants relative to the number of turnoff stars, when comparing with the predictions of canonical models. Using the Hipparcos parallaxes for subdwarfs, we estimate distance modulus, $(m-M)_o\;as\;14.75{\pm}0.12$. Using the R and R' method, we find helium abundances, Y(R) as $0.23{\pm}0.02$, Y(R') as $0.29{\pm}0.02$, respectively. Finally, the cluster' sage dispersion was deduced from 10.71 Gyr to 17 Gyr.

A Study on Statistical Parameters for the Evaluation of Regional Air Quality Modeling Results - Focused on Fine Dust Modeling - (지역규모 대기질 모델 결과 평가를 위한 통계 검증지표 활용 - 미세먼지 모델링을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Cheol-Hee;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Jang, Min;Chun, Sungnam;Kang, Suji;Ko, Kwang-Kun;Lee, Jong-Jae;Lee, Hyo-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.272-285
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    • 2020
  • We investigated statistical evaluation parameters for 3D meteorological and air quality models and selected several quantitative indicator references, and summarized the reference values of the statistical parameters for domestic air quality modeling researcher. The finally selected 9 statistical parameters are MB (Mean Bias), ME (Mean Error), MNB (Mean Normalized Bias Error), MNE (Mean Absolute Gross Error), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), IOA (Index of Agreement), R (Correlation Coefficient), FE (Fractional Error), FB (Fractional Bias), and the associated reference values are summarized. The results showed that MB and ME have been widely used in evaluating the meteorological model output, and NMB and NME are most frequently used for air quality model results. In addition, discussed are the presentation diagrams such as Soccer Plot, Taylor diagram, and Q-Q (Quantile-Quantile) diagram. The current results from our study is expected to be effectively used as the statistical evaluation parameters suitable for situation in Korea considering various characteristics such as including the mountainous surface areas.

Analytical Study of Net Section Fracture in Special Concentrically Braced Frames (중심가새골조의 순단면 파단에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Yoo, Jung Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2009
  • Failure modes result in fracture or tearing, which may cause deterioration of resistance and reduction of inelastic deformation capacity. The potential failure modes for Special Concentrically Braced Frames (SCBFs) include fracture or tearing of the brace, net section fracture of the brace or gusset plate, fracture of the gusset plate welds, shear fracture of the bolts, block shear, excessive bolt bearing deformation, and buckling of the gusset plate. HSS tubular braces are commonly used in SCBFs, and net section fracture of the tubular brace may also occur through the brace net section at the end of the slot cut into the tube to slip over the gusset plate. This failure mode is categorized as a tension failure mode, and may cause dramatic loss of resistance and brittle behavior. Net section reinforcement is required according to AISC design specifications (AISC 2001). In this paper, the need to reinforce the net section area was discussed. Initially, the results of the net section fracture tests done by the University of California in Berkeley were presented with the modeling of these tests using FE models. To investigate the possibility of net section fracture in an actual frame, the slot end hole model was adapted to the frame FE model, and alternate near-fault histories were applied with tension-dominated cycles, since previous analyses showed that loading history was the most critical factor in net section fracture. The need for this reinforcement (cover plate) and the tension-dominated near-fault history were investigated.

Sedimentary type Non-Metallic Mineral Potential Analysis using GIS and Weight of Evidence Model in the Gangreung Area (지리정보시스템(GIS) 및 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 강릉지역의 퇴적기원의 비금속 광상부존가능성 분석)

  • Lee Sa-Ro;Oh Hyun-Joo;Min Kyung-Duck
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.1 s.36
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2006
  • Mineral potential mapping is an important procedure in mineral resource assessment. The purpose of this study is to analyze mineral potential using weight of evidence model and a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment to identify areas that have not been subjected to the same degree of exploration. For this, a variety of spatial geological data were compiled, evaluated and integrated to produce a map of potential mineral in the Gangreung area, Korea. for this, a spatial database considering mineral deposit, topographic, geologic, geophysical and geochemical data was constructed for the study area using a GIS. The used mineral deposits were non-metallic(Kaolin, Porcelainstone, Silicastone, Mica, Nephrite, Limestone and Pyrophyllite) deposits of sedimentary type. The factors relating to mineral deposits were the geological data such as lithology and fault structure, geochemical data, including the abundance of Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Si, Sr, V, Zn, $Cl^-,\;F^-,\;{PO_4}^{3-},\;{NO_2}^-,\;{NO_3}^-,\;SO_{42-}$, Eh, PH and conductivity and geophysical data, including the Bouguer and magnetic anomalies. These factors were used with weight of evidence model to analyze mineral potential. Probability models using the weight of evidence were applied to extract the relationship between mineral deposits and related factors, and the ratio were calculated. Then the potential indices were calculated by summation of the likelihood ratio and mineral potential maps were constructed from Geographic Information System (GIS). The mineral potential maps were then verified by comparison with the known mineral deposit areas. The result showed the 85.66% in prediction accuracy.

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Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Masonry Infilled Frames with Different Masonry Wall Thickness Subjected to In-plane Loading (채움벽 두께에 따른 철근콘크리트 조적채움벽 골조의 면내하중에 대한 유한요소해석)

  • Kim, Chungman;Yu, Eunjong;Kim, Minjae
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2016
  • In this study, finite element analyses of masonry infilled frames using a general purpose FE program, ABAQUS, were conducted. Analysis models consisted of the bare frame, infilled frames with masonry wall thickness of 0.5B and 1.0B, respectively. The masonry walls were constructed using the concrete bricks which were generally used in Korea as infilled wall. The material properties of frames and masonry for the analysis were obtained from material tests. However, four times increased the tensile strength was used for 1.0B wall, which is seemingly due to the differences in locating the bricks. The force-displacement relation and development of crack from the FE analysis were very similar to those from the experiments. From the FEA results, contact force between the frame and masonry, distribution of shear force and bending moments in frame members were analyzed. Obtained contact stress shows a trianglur distribution, and the contact length for 0.5B speciment and 1.0B specimen were close to the value estimated using ASCE 41-06 equation and ASCE 41-13 equation, respectively. Obtained shear force and bending moment distribution seems to replicate actual behavior which originates from the contact stress and gap between the frame and masonry.

Antioxidative Activity and Chemical Characteristics of Cordycepin-enriched Cordyceps militaris JLM0636 Powder (Cordycepin 고함유 Cordyceps militaris JLM0636 용매별 추출물의 이화학적 특성 및 항산화 효과)

  • Ahn, Hee-Young;Cha, Jae-Young;Jeong, Yong-Kee;Cho, Young-Su
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2013
  • The antioxidative activity and bioactivity of water, ethanol, and methanol extracts from Paecilomyces japonica (PJ), Cordyceps militaris (CM), and cordycepin-enriched C. militaris JLM0636 ($CM{\alpha}$) were tested in in vitro experimental models. The PJ water extract showed the highest extraction yield (42.53%). The highest content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids were found in the water extract of PJ, 2.72% and 1.73%, respectively. The major minerals were K, Mg, and Ca. The water extracts of PJ also showed the highest DPPH free radical scavenging activity and reducing power. Linoleic acid peroxidation and antioxidative activities were strong in $CM{\alpha}$. The methanol extracts of PJ showed the highest inhibition activity against tyrosinase. Fibriolytic activity was higher in $CM{\alpha}$ than in CM. These results may provide basic data to understand the biological activities of bioactive materials derived from $CM{\alpha}$ for the development of functional foods, cosmetics, and antithrombotics.

Seismic Fragility Analysis based on Material Uncertainties of I-Shape Curved Steel Girder Bridge under Gyeongju Earthquake (강재 재료 불확실성을 고려한 I형 곡선 거더 교량의 경주 지진 기반 지진 취약도 분석)

  • Jeon, Juntai;Ju, Bu-Seog;Son, Ho-Young
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.747-754
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Seismic safety evaluation of a curved bridge must be performed since the curved bridges exhibit the complex behavior rather than the straight bridges, due to geometrical characteristics. In order to conduct the probabilistic seismic assessment of the curved bridge, Seismic fragility evaluation was performed using the uncertainty of the steel material properties of a curved bridge girde, in this study. Method: The finite element (FE) model using ABAQUS platform of the curved bridge girder was constructed, and the statistical parameters of steel materials presented in previous studies were used. 100 steel material models were sampled using the Latin Hypercube Sampling method. As an input ground motion in this study, seismic fragility evaluation was performed by the normalized scale of the Gyeongju earthquake to 0.2g, 0.5g, 0.8g, 1.2g, and 1.5g. Result: As a result of the seismic fragility evaluation of the curved girder, it was found that there was no failure up to 0.03g corresponding to the limit state of allowable stress design, but the failure was started from 0.11g associated with using limit state design. Conclusion: In this study, seismic fragility evaluation was performed considering steel materials uncertainties. Further it must be considered the seismic fragility of the curved bridge using both the uncertainties of input motions and material properties.

Development of Impact Factor Response Spectrum with Tri-Axle Moving Loads and Investigation of Response Factor of Middle-Small Size-RC Slab Aged Bridges (3축 이동하중을 고려한 충격계수 응답스펙트럼 개발 및 중소규모 RC 슬래브 노후교량 응답계수 분석)

  • Kim, Taehyeon;Hong, Sanghyun;Park, Kyung-Hoon;Roh, Hwasung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2019
  • In this paper the response factor is investigated for middle and small size-RC slab aged bridges. The response factor consists of static and dynamic response factors and is a main parameter in the frequency based-bridge load carrying capacity prediction model. Static and dynamic response factors are determined based on the frequency variation and the impact factor variation respectively between current and previous (or design) states of bridges. Here, the impact factor variation is figured out using the impact factor response spectrum which provides the impact factor according to the natural frequency of bridges. In this study, four actual RC slab bridges aged over 30 years after construction are considered and their span length is 12m. The dynamic loading test in field using a dump truck and eigenvalue analysis with FE models are conducted to identify the current and previous (or design) state-natural frequencies of the bridges, respectively. For more realistic considerations in the moving loading situation, the impact factor response spectrum is developed based on tri-axle moving loads representing the dump truck load distribution and various supporting conditions such as simply supported and both ends fixed conditions. From the results, the response factor is widely ranged from 0.21to 0.91, showing that the static response factor contributes significantly on the results while the dynamic response factor has a small effect on the result. Compared to the results obtained from the impact factor response spectrum based on the single axle-simply supported condition, the maximum percentage difference of the response factors is below 3.2% only.

FEA for RC Beams Partially Flexural Reinforced with CFRP Sheets (CFRP 시트로 부분 휨 보강된 철근콘크리트 보의 유한요소해석)

  • Kim, Kun-Soo;Park, Ki-Tae;Kim, Byeong Cheol;Kim, Jaehwan;Jung, Kyu-San
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2020
  • A CFRP sheet has been applied as a structural reinforcement in the field, and various studies are conducted to evaluate the effect of CFRP sheets on reinforced concrete. Although many experiments were performed from previous studies, there are still limitations to analyze structural behaviors with various parameters in experiments directly. This study shows the FEA on structural behaviors of RC beams reinforced with CFRP sheets using ABAQUS software. To simulate debonding failure of CFRP sheets which is a major failure mode of RC beam with CFRP sheets, a cohesive element was applied between the bottom surface of RC beam and CFRP sheets. Both quasi-static method and 2-D symmetric FE model technique were performed to solve nonlinear problems. Results obtained from the FE models show good agreements with experimental results. It was found that reinforcement level of CFRP sheets is closely related to structural behavior of reinforced concrete including maximum strength, initial stiffness and deflection at failure. Also, as over-reinforcement of CFRP sheets could give rise to the brittle failure of RCstructure using CFRP sheets, an appropriate measure should be required when installing CFRP sheets in the structure.

Vehicle Collision Simulation for Roadblocks in Nuclear Power Plants Using LS-DYNA (LS-DYNA를 이용한 원자력발전소의 로드블록에 대한 차량 충돌 시뮬레이션)

  • SeungGyu Lee;Dongwook Kim;Phill-Seung Lee
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2023
  • This paper introduces a simulation method for the collision between roadblocks and vehicles using LS-DYNA. The need to evaluate the performance of anti-ram barriers to prepare for vehicle impact has increased since vehicle impact threats have been included as a design criterion for nuclear power plants. Anti-ram barriers are typically certified for their performance through collision experiments. However, because Koreas has no performance testing facilities for anti-ram barriers, their performance can only be verified through simulations. LS-DYNA is a specialized program for collision simulation. Various organizations, including NCAC, distributes numerical models that have been validated for their accuracy with collision tests. In this study, we constructed a finite element model of the most critical vehicle barrier module and simulated collision between roadblocks and vehicles. The calculated results were verified by applying the validation criteria for vehicle safety facility collision simulations of NCHRP 179.