• Title/Summary/Keyword: F.E. analysis

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Genetic diversity analysis of Thai indigenous chickens based on complete sequences of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region

  • Teinlek, Piyanat;Siripattarapravat, Kannika;Tirawattanawanich, Chanin
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.804-811
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    • 2018
  • Objective: Complete mtDNA D-loop sequences of four Thai indigenous chicken varieties, including Pra-dhu-hang-dam (PD), Leung-hang-khao (LK), Chee (CH), and Dang (DA) were explored for genetic diversity and relationships with their potential ancestor and possible associates to address chicken domestication in Thailand. Methods: A total of 220 complete mtDNA D-loop sequences of the four Thai indigenous chicken varieties were obtained by Sanger direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction amplicons of 1,231 to 1,232 base pair in size. A neighbor-joining dendrogram was constructed with reference complete mtDNA D-loop sequences of Red Junglefowl (RJF) and those different chicken breeds available on National Center for Biotechnology Information database. Genetic diversity indices and neutrality test by Tajima's D test were performed. Genetic differences both within and among populations were estimated using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Pairwise fixation index ($F_{ST}$) was conducted to evaluated genetic relationships between these varieties. Results: Twenty-three identified haplotypes were classified in six haplogroups (A-E and H) with the majority clustered in haplogroup A and B. Each variety was in multiple haplogroups with haplogroups A, B, D, and E being shared by all studied varieties. The averaged haplotype and nucleotide diversities were, respectively 0.8607 and 0.00579 with non-significant Tajima's D values being observed in all populations. Haplogroup distribution was closely related to that of RJF particularly Gallus gallus gallus (G. g. gallus) and G. g. spadiceus. As denoted by AMOVA, the mean diversity was mostly due to within-population variation (90.53%) while between-population variation (9.47%) accounted for much less. By pairwise $F_{ST}$, LK was most closely related to DA ($F_{ST}=0.00879$) while DA was farthest from CH ($F_{ST}=0.24882$). Conclusion: All 4 Thai indigenous chickens are in close relationship with their potential ancestor, the RJF. A contribution of shared, multiple maternal lineages was in the nature of these varieties, which have been domesticated under neutral selection.

Study on the Sexing of Mouse Embryos by Chromosomal Analysis (염색체 분석에 의한 생쥐초기부의 성 판별에 관한 연구)

  • 신현동;김정익
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 1986
  • As a preliminary experiment to establish the process on the sexing of mouse embryos by chromosomal analysis, present studies were carried out with inbred (ICR, C57BL) and F1 hybrid [(ICR${\times}$C57BL) = F1 ${\times}$ ICR] mice to investigate the blastomere numbers and mitotic indices (M.I.) to the developmental stage of embryos recovered, the optimum periods of anti-mitotic agent administration, the successful rates of sexing and sex-ratio. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. The blastomere numbers (mean${\pm}$S.E.) of the morula and blastocyst were 18${\pm}$0.4 and 54${\pm}$0.7, respectively. 2. Whereas the M.I. of F1 hybrid (16${\pm}$0.2%) was higher than that fo inbred ICR (15${\pm}$0.1%) and C57BL (12${\pm}$0.6%) in the different strains, the morula (7${\pm}$0.6%) was higher than that of blastocyst (6${\pm}$0.4%) in the case of embryo stages. 3. Following to anti-mitotic agents treated, the M.I. of embryos cultured with Colcemid (17${\pm}$1.1%) was superior to that fo embryos cultured with Velban (12${\pm}$0.9%) and the Colcemid injection (7${\pm}$0.4%). 4. The successful rate of sexing in the blastocyst (38.7%; 124/320) was superior to the morula (35.9%; 52/145), and the F1 hybrid (48.1%) was higher than that of inbred ICR (42.4%) and C57 BL (28.2%). 5. In the successful rate of sexing to the methods of administration, the embryos cultured with Colcemid (46.0%) was superior to that of embryos cultured with Velban (39.0%) and the Colcemid injection (38.8%). 6. Of 98 embryos sexed after culture with Colcemid, 89(90.8%) were observed between 2 and 4 hrs. In the case of Velban treatment, 83.1% (74/89) was observed between 2$\frac{1}{2}$ and 4$\frac{1}{2}$ hrs. 7. Out of 761 prepared embryos it was possible to sex 311; 157 were male and 154 were female, i.e.a sex-ratio of 50% a, pp.oximately.

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Core Loss Analysis of Non-oriented Electrical Steel Under Magnetic Induction Including Higher Harmonics

  • Cho, Chuhyun;Son, Derac;Cho, Youk
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2001
  • The actual magnetic induction waveform of cores in electrical machines is not sinusoidal i.e. higher harmonics are always included. Thus the core loss in actual electrical machines is different from the core loss which is measured by the standard method, because the waveform of magnetic induction should be sinusoidal in the standard testing method. Core loss analysis under higher harmonic induction is always important in electric machine design. In this works we measured the core loss when a hysteresis loop has only one period of an ac minor loop of higher harmonic frequency, depending on the position of the ac minor loop of relative to the fundamental harmonic frequency. From this experiment, the core loss P(B/sub 0/f/sub 0/, B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/)) under a higher harmonic magnetic induction B/sub h/ could be expressed by the linear combination the core loss at fundamental harmonic frequency P/sub c/(B/sub 0/, f/sub 0/), the core loss of ac minor loop at zero induction region of the major hysteresis loop P/sub cL/ (B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/), and the core loss of an ac minor loop in the high induction region of the major hysteresis loop P/sub cH/ (B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/) i.e., P/sub c/, (B/sub 0/, f/sub 0/, B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/)=P/sub c/ (B/sub 0/, f/sub 0/,)+(n-1)[k₁(B/sub 0/) P/sub cL/ (B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/)+(1-k₁(B/sub 0/)) P/sub cH/ (B/sub h/, nf/sub 0/)]. This will be useful formula for electrical machine designers and one of effective methods to predict core loss including higher harmonic induction.

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Cytotoxicity of Multipurpose Contact Lens Solutions on the Cultured Corneal Epithelial Cells Evaluated by Image Analysis (이미지 분석법을 이용한 소프트 콘택트렌즈용 다목적용액의 각막상피세포 독성 평가)

  • Kim, Nam-Youl;Lee, Koon-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: To determine the effect of marketed multipurpose contact lens solutions (MPSs) on human corneal epithelial cells (HCEpiCs) toxicity by using image analysis. Methods: HCEpiCs were exposed six MPSs (product A-F) at 0.05~50% for 2h, 12h, 24h, and 48h respectively. HCEpiCs were fixed and stained with Draq5 after exposure with MPSs, and the cell viability and apoptosis were evaluated by using confocal microscope and ImageXpress UltraTM. Results: Viabilities of HCEpiCs exposed to MPS A-F for a 2h were not affected, while reductions (52~75%) in cell viability over a 12h exposure of MPS B, MPS C, MPS D and MPS F, and significant more reductions (29~73%) over a 24h and 48h-exposure. Apoptosis of HCEpiC was not affect over a 12h MPS exposure, however was significantly increased (199~526%) over 24h and 48h MPS exposure. Among the products MPS D, E and F reduced viability of HCEpiCs and apoptosis increased more than MPS A (p<0.05). Conclusions: Lower concentration of MPSs have not an cytotoxic effect on HCEpiCs, however higher concentration of MPSs induce apoptosis and reduce viability of HCEpiCs. Therefore, it need to develop MPS having antimicrobial effectiveness with low cytotoxicity.

Improvement of PCR Amplification Bias for Community Structure Analysis of Soil Bacteria by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

  • Ahn, Jae-Hyung;Kim, Min-Cheol;Shin, Hye-Chul;Choi, Min-Kyeong;Yoon, Sang-Seek;Kim, Tae-Sung;Song, Hong-Gyu;Lee, Geon-Hyoung;Ka, Jong-Ok
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.1561-1569
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    • 2006
  • Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is one of the most frequently used methods for analysis of soil microbial community structure. Unbiased PCR amplification of target DNA templates is crucial for efficient detection of multiple microbial populations mixed in soil. In this study, DGGE profiles were compared using different pairs of primers targeting different hypervariable regions of thirteen representative soil bacteria and clones. The primer set (1070f-1392r) for the E. coli numbering 1,071-1,391 region could not resolve all the 16S rDNA fragments of the representative bacteria and clones, and moreover, yielded spurious bands in DGGE profiles. For the E. coli numbering 353-514 region, various forward primers were designed to investigate the efficiency of PCR amplification. A degenerate forward primer (F357IW) often yielded multiple bands for a certain single 16S rDNA fragment in DGGE analysis, whereas nondegenerate primers (338f, F338T2, F338I2) differentially amplified each of the fragments in the mixture according to the position and the number of primer-template mismatches. A forward primer (F352T) designed to have one internal mismatch commonly with all the thirteen 16S rDNA fragments efficiently produced and separated all the target DNA bands with similar intensities in the DGGE profiles. This primer set F352T-519r consistently yielded the best DGGE banding profiles when tested with various soil samples. Touchdown PCR intensified the uneven amplification, and lowering the annealing temperature had no significant effect on the DGGE profiles. These results showed that PCR amplification bias could be much improved by properly designing primers for use in fingerprinting soil bacterial communities with the DGGE technique.

Quantitative Study of Soft Masculine Trends in Contemporary Menswear Using Semantic Network Analysis

  • Tin Chun Cheung;Sun Young Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.1058-1073
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    • 2022
  • Big data analytics and social media have shifted the way fashion trends are dictated. Fashion as a medium for expressing gender has created new concepts of masculinity in popular culture, where men are increasingly depicted in a softer style. In this study, we analyzed 2,879 menswear collections over a 10-year period from Vogue US to uncover key menswear trends. Using Semantic Network Analysis (SNA) on Orange3, we were able to quantitatively analyze how contemporary menswear designers interpreted diversified trends of masculinity on the runway. Frequency and degree centrality were measured to weigh the significance of trend keywords. "Jacket (f = 3056; DC = 0.80), shirt (f = 1912; DC = 0.60) and pant (f = 1618; DC = 0.53)" were among the most prominent keywords. Our results showed that soft masculine keywords, e.g., "lace, floral, and pink" also appeared, but with the majority scoring DC = < 0.10. The findings provide an insight into key menswear trends through frequency, degree centrality measurements, time-series analysis, egocentric, and visual semantic networks. This also demonstrates the feasibility of using text analytics to visualize design trends, concepts, and patterns for application as an ideation tool for academic researchers, designers, and fashion retailers.

Buckling Analysis of Simply Supported Isosceles Trapezoidal Orthotropic Plate Using Collocation and Finite Element Method (선점법과 유한요소법을 사용한 단순지지된 등변사다리꼴 직교이방성판의 좌굴해석)

  • 이병권;채수하;윤순종
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents the results of an elastic buckling analysis of isosceles trapezoidal orthotropic plate. In this study, all edges of plate are assumed to be simply supported and the difference of the applied loads are assumed to be taken out by shear of constant intensity along the sloping sides. For the buckling analysis, collocation method is employed. Finite element analysis is also conducted and the results are compared with theoretical ones.

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EEG based Cognitive Load Measurement for e-learning Application (이러닝 적용을 위한 뇌파기반 인지부하 측정)

  • Kim, Jun;Song, Ki-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.125-154
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes the possibility of human physiological data, especially brain-wave activity, to detect cognitive overload, a phenomenon that may occur while learner uses an e-learning system. If it is found that cognitive overload to be detectable, providing appropriate feedback to learners may be possible. To illustrate the possibility, while engaging in cognitive activities, cognitive load levels were measured by EEG (electroencephalogram) to seek detection of cognitive overload. The task given to learner was a computerized listening and recall test designed to measure working memory capacity, and the test had four progressively increasing degrees of difficulty. Eight male, right-handed, university students were asked to answer 4 sets of tests and each test took from 61 seconds to 198 seconds. A correction ratio was then calculated and EEG results analyzed. The correction ratio of listening and recall tests were 84.5%, 90.6%, 62.5% and 56.3% respectively, and the degree of difficulty had statistical significance. The data highlighted learner cognitive overload on test level of 3 and 4, the higher level tests. Second, the SEF-95% value was greater on test3 and 4 than on tests 1 and 2 indicating that tests 3 and 4 imposed greater cognitive load on participants. Third, the relative power of EEG gamma wave rapidly increased on the 3rd and $4^{th}$ test, and signals from channel F3, F4, C4, F7, and F8 showed statistically significance. These five channels are surrounding the brain's Broca area, and from a brain mapping analysis it was found that F8, right-half of the brain area, was activated relative to the degree of difficulty. Lastly, cross relation analysis showed greater increasing in synchronization at test3 and $4^{th}$ at test1 and 2. From these findings, it is possible to measure brain cognitive load level and cognitive over load via brain activity, which may provide atimely feedback scheme for e-learning systems.

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Measurement Conditions of Concrete Pull-off Test in Field from Finite Element Analysis (유한요소 해석을 이용한 현장 콘크리트 부착강도 측정조건)

  • Kim, Seong-Hwan;Jeong, Won-Kyong;Kwon, Hyuck;Kim, Hyoun-Oh;Lee, Bong-Hak
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.22 no.A
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2002
  • The performance of old and the new concrete construction depends upon bond strength between old and the new concrete. Current adhesive and strength measurement method ignores the effect of stress concentration from shape of specimens. Therefore, this research calculates stress concentration coefficient as the ratio of drilling depth to drilling diameter($h_s/D$), the ratio of overlay thickness to drilling diameter($h_0/D$), the ratio of steel disk thickness to drilling diameter(t/D), the ratio of overlay elastic modulus to substrate modulus($E_1/E_0$), the distance from core to corner border(L_$_{corner}$) and the distance between cores(L_$_{coic}$) vary. The finite element method is adapted to analysis The results from 'the F.E.M analysis are as follows. The stress concentration effects can be minimized when the ratio of drilling depth to drilling diameter($h_s/D$) is 0.20~0.25, the elastic modulus ratio($E_1/E_0$) is 06~1.0, and the ratio of steel disk thickness to drilling diameter(t/D) is 3.0. The overlay thickness, the distance from specimens to corner border(L_$_{corner}$), the distance between cores(L_$_{coic}$) almost do not affect to the stress concentration.

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Analysis of Stress Distribution Around Micro Hole by F.E.M. -Stress Distribution around Defects Inclusions- (유한요소법에 의한 미소원공 주위의 응력분포 해석 -결함과 개재물 주위의 응력분포-)

  • 송삼홍;김진봉
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 1994
  • This study has been made to investigate the stress distribution around defects and inclusions that behave as stress concentrators. The stress distribution and interation effects around defects and inclusions was analyzed using Finite Element Method. The results are as follows;(1) Maximum stress point in case of $E_I/E_M>1$($E_I$:elasticity modulus forthe inclusion, $E_M$/:elasticity modulus for the base material)is the vertical point with respect to force direction and in case of $E_I/E_M<1$ it is the parallel point along the hole edge. (2) Interaction effects of ${\sigma}_y$ for the inclusion side is larger than the defect side when the interval between inclusion and defect is near. (3) stress interation effects is large if the difference of ${\sigma}_y$ is small and it is small if the difference of ${\sigma}_y$ is large for the case that the interval between inclusion and defect whose size and property are different is near.