• Title/Summary/Keyword: Exchange value

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Reactivity Improvement Characteristics of Weathered Feldspar through Activation Technique (활성기법을 통한 풍화된 장석의 반응성 개선 특성)

  • Cho, Jinwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2021
  • Feldspar, along with Quartz, are the most frequently produced minerals in Korea; however, the potential value is estimated to be significantly low because of the scarce research on the development and application of material properties, except for their limited use in manufacturing minerals, glass, and paints. In this study, we analyzed the eco-friendly material and reactivity improvement characteristics of weathered feldspar through activation technique. The joint structural features observed on the surface of the weathered feldspar show that the joint arrangements are irregularly distributed, and the cavities are interconnected. Due to the irregularly connected cavities on the surface of weathered feldspar, the reaction area of the weathered feldspar is increased; hence the weathered feldspar is considered as a highly reactive pozzolan material when combined with cement. As a result of applying the thermal, mechanical, and chemical activation techniques to improve the functionality of the weathered feldspar, the cation exchange capacity, density, and uniaxial compression strength characteristics were improved. It is considered that weathered feldspar by these porous characteristics can be used as an eco-friendly construction material with excellent physical and chemical properties.

Analysis Method of User Review using Open Data (오픈 데이터를 이용한 사용자 리뷰 분석 방법)

  • Choi, Taeho;Hwang, Mansoo;Kim, Neunghoe
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2022
  • Open data has a lot of economic value. Not only Korea, but many other countries are doing their best to make various policies and efforts to expand and utilize open data. However, although Korea has a large amount of data, the data is not utilized effectively. Thus, attempts to utilize those data should be made in various industries. In particular, in the fashion industry, exchange and refund problems are the most common due to unpredictable consumers. Better feedback is necessary for service providers to solve this problem. We want to solve it by showing improved images of dissatisfactions along with user reviews including consumer needs. In this paper, user reviews are analyzed on online shopping mall websites to identify consumer needs, and product attributes are defined by utilizing the attributes of K-fashion data. The users' request is defined as a dissatisfaction attribute, and labeling data with the corresponding attribute is searched. The users' request is provided to the service provider in forms of text data or attributes, as well as an image to help improve the product.

With Regard to Local Contents Rule (Non-tariff Barriers to Trade): After Announcing the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, is the Chinese Capital Market Suitable for Korean Investors?

  • Kim, Yoonmin;Jo, Gab-Je
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - As the U.S.-China trade war has become considerably worse, the Chinese government is considering applying non-tariff barriers to trade, especially local contents rule. The main purpose of this research is to check whether it is suitable for Korean investors to invest in the current Chinese capital market. Design/methodology - In order to check the stability of the recent Chinese capital market, we investigated the behavior of foreign equity investment (including Korean equity investment) in the Chinese capital market after China announced the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SH-HK Connect). In this paper, we researched whether international portfolio investment would or would not contribute to an increase the volatility of an emerging market's stock market (Chinese capital market) when foreign investors make investment decisions based on the objective of short-term gains by rushing into countries whose markets are booming and fleeing from countries whose markets are falling. Findings - The empirical results indicate that foreign investors show strong, negative feedback trading behavior with regard to the stock index of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and when the performance of foreign investors in the Chinese stock market was fairly good. Also, we found evidence that the behavior of foreign investors significantly decreased volatility in SSE stock returns. Consequently, the SH-HK Connect brought on a win-win effect for both the Chinese capital market and foreign investors. Originality/value - It appeared that the Chinese capital market was very suitable for Korean investors after the China's declaration of the SH-HK Connect. However, the win-win effect was brought on by the Chinese government's aggressive capital control but the capital controls could possibly cause financial turmoil in the Chinese capital market. Therefore, Chinese reform in industrial structure and the financial sector should keep pace with suitable capital control policies.

The Effects of Managerial Attributes on Cost Stickiness: An Empirical Analysis of Korean Exporters and Implications for Start-ups

  • Ji, Sang-Hyun;Kwon, Il Sook;An, Sang Bong
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.196-219
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - We attempted to empirically verify the effects of managerial attributes on cost stickiness in exporters. Exporters are often affected not only by external factors such as exchange rate but also by internal factors such as managerial attributes regarding their business activities. Because cost stickiness is the product of a manager's decision-making, it has been considered that managerial attributes have a great influence on the behavior. Therefore, our study was intended to find out whether cost stickiness shows differentiated aspects depending on managerial attributes in exporters. Design/methodology - We considered two managerial attributes: CEO power and managerial overconfidence. First, CEO power was measured as CEO pay slice. In addition, managerial overconfidence was measured based on three methodologies presented by previous studies. To measure cost stickiness, we used multiple methodologies presented by prior research. Findings - The results of our empirical analysis are as follows. First, in export firms, the greater CEO power is, the greater cost stickiness is. This result suggested that export managers with great influence little respond to temporary sales decrease promptly, little reduce related production costs flexibly in preparation for future sales recovery, but leave room to endure costs for idle resources. Second, the greater managerial overconfidence is, the greater cost stickiness is. This result indicated that export managers with great overconfidence on their decision-making often view the prospect for sales recovery positively; therefore, they little respond to temporary sales decrease immediately, little reduce related production costs flexibly for future sales recovery, but leave room to endure costs for idle resources. Third, export managers with great influence in their businesses and great overconfidence in their decision-making tend to show relatively great cost stickiness. The results proposed that the combination of the two factors functions to make cost stickiness greater. Originality/value - Our study is differentiated from extant studies in that we provided empirical evidence of the effects of managerial attributes on their business activities in exporters. Specifically, we verified the effects of managerial attributes on cost stickiness in Korean exporters. The results of our study are expected to contribute to providing useful information for exporters and start-ups.

China's Economic Policy Uncertainty Shocks and South Korea's Exports: A TVP-VAR Approach with an SMSS Structure

  • Liu, Lin;Zhang, Manman;Li, Wei
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - Since China has been South Korea's biggest export destination, uncertainty shocks originating from it would influence South Korea's exports. This paper evaluates the effects of China's economic policy uncertainty on Korea's exports to explore the transmission channels. Design/methodology - Incorporating endogeneities and nonlinearities, this study employs a quarterly time-varying parameters vector autoregressive model to investigate the relationships between China's economic policy uncertainty and Korea's exports, where the overparameterization due to time-varying specifications is overcome by a novel stochastic model specification search framework. According to previous theoretical studies, this paper assesses two channels, demand shock channel and exchange rate channel, through which foreign uncertainty affects Korea's exports. This paper identifies the primary drivers of Korea's aggregate exports and analyzes the rationales for the time-variant impacts of China's economic policy uncertainty on Korea's exports to China. Findings - Our empirical results reveal that Korea's aggregate exports are less responsive to China's economic policy uncertainty shocks and significantly move together with global demand. In contrast, its bilateral exports to China are highly responsive in a negative and time-variant way. Moreover, Chinese investment is an important channel through which China's economic policy uncertainty affects Korea's exports to China after 2010. Further, the time-variant effects of China's economic policy uncertainty on Korea's exports to China are related to changes in China's foreign trade policies, global economic conditions, and China's degree of economic freedom. Originality/value - Few previous studies touch the effects of external uncertainty shocks on South Korea's exports. This paper attempts to fill this gap and explicitly investigate the impacts of China's economic policy uncertainty on Korea's exports from a time-varying perspective. As Korea is an export-oriented economy, this study provides insights for the Korean government to understand the transmissions of external uncertainty better.

Analysis of Thermal Characteristics and Insulation Resistance Based on the Installation Year and Accelerated Test by Electrical Socket Outlets

  • Kim, Kyung Chun;Kim, Doo Hyun;Kim, Sung Chul;Kim, Jae Ho
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.405-417
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    • 2020
  • Background: Electrical socket outlets are used continuously until a failure occurs because they have no indication of manufacturing date or exchange specifications. For this reason, 659 electrical fires related to electrical socket outlets broke out in the Republic of Korea at 2018 only, an increase year on year. To reduce electrical fires from electrical socket outlets, it is necessary to perform an accelerated test and analyze the thermal, insulation resistance, and material properties of electrical socket outlets by installation years. Methods: Thermal characteristics were investigated by measured the temperature increase of electrical socket outlets classified according to year with variation of the current level. Insulation resistance characteristics was measured according to temperature for an electrical socket outlets by their years of use. Finally, to investigate the thermal and insulation resistance characteristics in relation to outlet aging, this study analyzed electrical socket outlets' conductor surface and content, insulator weight, and thermal deformation temperature. Results: Analysis showed, regarding the thermal characteristics, that electrical socket outlet temperature rose when the current value increased. Moreover, the longer the time that had elapsed since an accelerated test and installation, the higher the electrical socket outlet temperature was. With respect to the insulation resistance properties, the accelerated test (30 years) showed that insulation resistance decreased from 110 ℃. In relation to the installation year (30 years), insulation resistance decreased from 70 ℃, which is as much as 40 ℃ lower than the result found by the accelerated test. Regarding the material properties, the longer the elapsed time since installation, the rougher the surface of conductor contact point was, and cracks increased. Conclusion: The 30-year-old electrical socket outlet exceeded the allowable temperature which is 65 ℃ of the electrical contacts at 10 A, and the insulation resistance began to decrease at 70 ℃. It is necessary to manage electrical socket outlets that have been installed for a long time.

CFD simulation of cleaning nanometer-sized particulate contaminants using high-speed injection of micron droplets (초고속 미세 액적 충돌을 이용한 나노미터 크기 입자상 오염물질의 세정에 대한 CFD 시뮬레이션)

  • Jinhyo, Park;Jeonggeon, Kim;Seungwook, Lee;Donggeun, Lee
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2022
  • The line width of circuits in semiconductor devices continues to decrease down to a few nanometers. Since nanoparticles attached to the patterned wafer surface may cause malfunction of the devices, it is crucial to remove the contaminant nanoparticles. Physical cleaning that utilizes momentum of liquid for detaching solid nanoparticles has recently been tested in place of the conventional chemical method. Dropwise impaction has been employed to increase the removal efficiency with expectation of more efficient momentum exchange. To date, most of relevant studies have been focused on drop spreading behavior on a horizontal surface in terms of maximum spreading diameters and average spreading velocity of drop. More important is the local liquid velocity at the position of nanoparticle, very near the surface, rather than the vertical average value. In addition, there are very scarce existing studies dealing with microdroplet impaction that may be desirable for minimizing pattern demage of the wafer. In this study, we investigated the local velocity distribution in spreading liquid film under various impaction conditions through the CFD simulation. Combining the numerical results with the particle removal model, we estimated an effective cleaning diameter (ECD), which is a measure of the particle removal capacity of a single drop, and presented the predicted ECD data as a function of droplet's velocity and diameter particularly when the droplets are microns in diameter.

A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Trade Efficiency for the Sino-Korea Trade

  • Gong, Wen-Chao;Li, Kan-Yong;Wang, Wen-Xia
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This paper intends to make theoretical analysis and empirical test on the factors influencing China's export to South Korea, and draw conclusions about China's export efficiency and trade potential. Based on the conclusions, the reasons for China's trade deficit with South Korea are found, and a solution is put forward for solving the problem of China's trade deficit with South Korea. Design/methodology - Based on the data of 2004-2017 years in China, this paper uses the stochastic frontier gravity model to analyze the influencing factors of China's export to South Korea, as well as the export efficiency of each province and the export potential that can be explored. Findings - First, in terms of the factors affecting China's export trade to South Korea, the GDP of the provinces and cities in China, the FDI of South Korea to the provinces and cities in China, the GDP of South Korea, the population and education level of provinces and cities in China can significantly promote the export scale of Chinese provinces and cities to South Korea. The distance between Chinese provincial capitals and the South Korean capital significantly hinders Chinese exports to South Korea; Second, in terms of export trade efficiency, the trade exchange rate of the economically developed cities along the eastern coast of China and several provinces that are close to South Korea is higher than that of the cities in the central and western regions; Third, economic globalization makes trade more convenient, the average export trade efficiency of China's exports to South Korea showed an upward trend. However, under the influence of the 2008 global financial crisis, the export trade efficiency declined from 2008 to 2009, indicating that the impact of the financial crisis on the trade efficiency cannot be ignored. Originality/value - This paper finds out the influencing factors of China's export to South Korea, analyzes the export efficiency of different provinces and cities, excavates the export potential, and puts forward some suggestions for the balanced development of China and South Korea trade in the next step.

A Study on the Improvement of Research Support System for National R&D Projects Using Blockchain (블록체인을 활용한 국가연구개발사업 연구지원시스템 개선 방안 연구)

  • Donghwan Lee;Seungwook Park
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2023
  • This study proposed to adopt consortium blockchain for the database in the research support system of national R&D projects in order to increase efficiency, to reduce administrative burden, and to promote transparent research environment focusing on servicing researchers. Specifically, storage methods were classified according to data characteristics. First, data that requires integrity and transparency is stored in the blockchain, Second, confidentiality and data that require modification and deletion are stored in the database, Third, data that requires confidentiality, integrity, and transparency at the same time stores the original in the database, and the hash value of the data is separately stored in the blockchain. If research support system adopts blockchain, it is possible to operate the system stably, to share quick exchange of information between research institutes, to reduce administrative burden, to improve transparency of process, to resolve asymmetry of information, and to secure integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data.

Factors Contributing to Recommendation Intention of Foreign Tourists in Times of Crisis: A Moderated Moderation Analysis

  • Ko-Woon Kim;Seung-Gee Hong
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.42-59
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - As a leading source of foreign exchange and investment, tourism has grown in importance as a component of international trade. Accordingly, in recent decades much attention has been directed toward attracting foreign tourists and, in turn, positively affecting the recommendation intentions of foreign tourists. Despite such interests, there remains a dearth of empirical research on this issue. Moreover, prior research has focused primarily on the simple main effect of a certain factor on recommendation intentions. Therefore, the present study aims to (1) investigate the effect of overall satisfaction on the recommendation intentions of foreign tourists, and (2) examine the potential moderating effects of personal factors (i.e., age and destination image) on the association between overall satisfaction and recommendation intention. Design/methodology - Using a moderated moderation analysis of the data drawn from the 2018 International Visitor Survey conducted by the Korea Tourism Organization, this study proposes the three-way interaction effects of overall satisfaction, age, and destination image on recommendation intention. Findings - The findings of the study indicate that overall satisfaction is positively associated with recommendation intention and this relationship becomes stronger among younger tourists. The findings further indicate that the moderating effect of age on the relationship between overall satisfaction and recommendation intention depends on changes in the image of the destination. Specifically, the destination image exerts a positive moderating impact on the influence of age that moderates the overall satisfaction and recommendation intention relationship. Originality/value - Considering that the tourism economy has been severely affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic, this study contributes to a more accurate understanding of the factors affecting the recommendation intention, especially in times of crisis.