• Title/Summary/Keyword: Era of the 4th industrial revolution

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Social Welfare Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대의 사회복지교육)

  • Nam, Hee-Eun;Baik, Jeong-Won;Im, Yu-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the direction of social welfare education in the 4th Industrial Revolution as well as discuss the overall direction of social welfare education such as competency and curriculum and the educational dimension of social welfare professionals. Using Text Network Analysis, 223 studies published from 2005 to 2019 in the Korean Journal of Social Welfare Education were examined in order to explore the direction of social welfare education in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Using Word cloud, overall frequency was analyzed. As a result of key words analysis, social welfare education (43), research method (28), and social welfare field practice (23) were analyzed as influential key words. The directions of social welfare education in the 4th Industrial Revolution era are as follows. First, competency, curriculum, and qualifications are necessary in general social welfare education. Second, education centering on social workers and social welfare students, who are social welfare professionals, is necessary. Third, the ethical sensitivity of future social welfare should be carefully established. Finally, the need for a shared welfare system must be further studied.

An Influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on International Trade and Countermeasure Strategies to Promote Export in Korea (4차 산업혁명이 무역에 미칠 영향과 이에 대비한 수출촉진전략)

  • Lee, Byung-Mun;Jeong, Hee-Jin;Park, Kwang-So
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates any possible influences of the fourth industrial revolution on international trade in Korea and suggests strategies to promote export of Korea in order to secure one of the biggest international trade countries. The fourth industrial revolution is the fourth major industrial era since the third industrial revolution in the 18th century which used electronics and information technology to automate production. This can be characterized as a range of emerging technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, and impacting all disciplines, economies and industries. Since this revolution is expected to have effects on international trade as well as whole industrial society, it examines how it may affect international trade of Korea in terms of the subject, the object, markets and forms of international trade. After that, it provides the strategies to promote Korean export in order to overcome the risks around the low economic growth of the recent years and the depressed domestic economy.

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A Study of the Roles of Leadership Styles and Attitudes with Social Responsibility for the 4th Industrial Revolution

  • Hahm, SangWoo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.789-806
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    • 2020
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution (FIR) has already begun. Corporations have to fulfill their social responsibilities to the FIR. This study explores the leadership and attitudes required in the FIR era for companies to fulfill their social responsibilities. In the FIR era, workers should have certain attitudes, such as self-efficacy, expectancy, and acceptance of change. If workers have these attitudes, they will be able to make a difference in the future. This study suggests the leadership styles that are needed to improve these attitudes. Participation, creativity, delegation of leadership, and inspirational motivation of leaders involves organizational change and improvement of organizational performance. This paper demonstrates the kind of leadership that is more important for each attitude through statistical analysis. Furthermore, when workers have these attitudes, not only the future, but also their current performance can be improved. To explain this relationship, the paper describes the effect of attitudes on job satisfaction. If workers have certain attitudes, their current and future performance will improve. As a result of the research, all four leadership styles had positive effects on attitudes toward FIR, and attitudes showed a mediating effect on the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction. In addition, it has been proven that the role of participative and delegating leadership, which is more member-oriented leadership, is more important. Leadership will enable workers to have a particular attitude through member-centered leadership, and workers will be able to increase current and future performance. Through these efforts, companies will be able to increase their performance in the current and FIR era, and fulfill their social responsibilities more faithfully. Therefore, in the FIR era, companies will play an important role in the development of society, and create new values.

Improvement of legal systems of automobile in the era of the 4th industrial revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대의 자동차 관련 법제의 합리적 개선방안)

  • Park, Jong-Su
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.53
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    • pp.269-310
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    • 2017
  • This article aims at the study on Improvement of legal System which is related to automated vehicles in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. Legal aspects of driving automation have two view points. One is to permit a automated vehicle, the other is to regulate the behavior of driver on the road. Signifying elements of the 4th industrial revolution are IoT, AI, big data, cloud computing etc. Automated vehicles are the imbodiment of those new ICT technologies. The vehicle management act(VMA) rules about vehicle registration and approval of vehicle types. VMA defines a automated vehicle as a vehicle which can be self driven without handling of driver or passenger. Vehicle makers can take temporary driving permission for testing and research the driving automation. Current definition of automated vehicle of VMA is not enough for including all levels of SAE driving automation. In the VMA must be made also a new vehicle safty standard for automated vehicle. In the national assembly is curruntly pending three draft bills about legislation of artificial intelligence. Driving automation and AI technologies must be parallel developed. It is highly expected that more proceeding research of driving automation can be realized as soon as possible.

A Study on Educational Contents and Teaching Method of Merchandising and Service Trade in Changing Trade Era (무역환경 변화에 따른 상품·서비스무역 교육콘텐츠 및 방식에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Jae-Seong;PARK, Se-Hun;LIM, Sung-Chul
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    • v.78
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2018
  • When existing trade creates a product, a series of processes is terminated when a seller or a buyer subscribes for transportation insurance and is guided through customs procedures according to the terms of the sales contract and then receives payment for it. Training practical Trade kowhow is also educated focusing on the procedures of these contracts. A new paradigm of the fourth industrial revolution was launched in the development of information communication technology and computer technology. Also, due to the Xinhuo tradeism triggered by the United States, the risk of commodity trading is further increasing. Currently, trade practical education of university and industry is carried out for most lecture and discussion. Since 2014, the curriculumof the department of trade has been increasingly managed by the NCS process. The curriculumof the department of trade department has the advantage of being managed in consideration of the characteristics of the company that wishes to find employment and the level of work content. Standardized, the curriculumcan faithfully reflect the characteristics of the company and the level of the work content. In the new era, a new educational method that reflects the trend of the 4th industrial revolution era is necessary. In this research, we propose that service trade practical education should be educated mainly on contracts, not on procedural basis as with traditional commodity trade education.

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Exploring the Direction of Korean Maker Education for Activating Maker's Movement in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대 한국형 메이커 교육의 방향성 탐색)

  • Byun, Moon Kyoung;Choe, In Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2018
  • In the 4th industrial revolution, the maker movement is spreading around the world with the fusion of advanced technology with product manufacturing. Already in developed countries such as the US and Japan, the emphasis is on maker education that integrates education into traditional makers' movement. Through this, we are fostering young talents who will lead the fourth industrial revolution era. Domestic maker education is mainly performed in the maker space, and is limited to the IT field using Arduino and App-Inventor. Therefore, it has the limitation of fostering IT-oriented makers. Therefore, it is affecting the proliferation of the maker's movement because of the difficulty of participation of the general public. The purpose of this study was to understand the characteristics of maker 's movement and to suggest the direction of Korean maker education. In order to accomplish the purpose of research, we analyzed the case of convergent maker education at D Creation Economic Innovation Center, which combines IT and culture technology. We conducted a case study on maker education(VR production project, electronic publishing, beads craft, leather craft, IoT) which was held from July 8 to August 30, 2017 five times. We conducted interviews with five preliminary makers who participated in all the courses of the education, and five instructors who acted as professional makers with pre- developed questionnaires. The results of the study were derived by applying the Thematic Analysis method after opening the contents of the interview. Based on the results of the study, we could suggest characteristics of Korean makers and future direction of maker education.

A Plan to Create New Job Positions for the Elderly in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution : Focused on Cheonan-Si (4차 산업혁명 시대 노인 일자리 창출 방안: 천안시를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chilhyeon;Kim, Taehong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.159-160
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    • 2021
  • We are facing major changes such as an aging population along with the 4th industrial revolution based on ICT technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, autonomous driving, and factory automation. For the local governments that are indexed in high population extinction risk, it is essential to consider market expansion and re-education policies suitable for regional characteristics in order to respond to changes such as advanced industrial automation and population aging. For the reemployment of the elderly, we will analyze previous public strategies for elderly-friendly jobs, expand investment in age-friendly industries. In this study, we suggest to improvement direction of the elderly labor market in Cheonan-Si.

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A Delphi Study on Competencies of Mechanical Engineer and Education in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명 시대 기계공학 분야 엔지니어에게 필요한 역량과 교육에 관한 델파이 연구)

  • Kang, So Yeon;Cho, Hyung Hee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2020
  • In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, the world is undergoing rapid social change. The purpose of this study is to predict the expected changes and necessary competencies and desired curriculum and teaching methods in the field of mechanical engineering in the near future. The research method was a Delphi study. It was conducted three times with 20 mechanical engineering experts. The results of the study are as follows: In the field of mechanical engineering, it will be increased the situational awareness by the use of measurement sensors, development of computer applications, flexibility and optimization by user's needs and mechanical equipment, and demand for robots equipped with AI. The mechanical engineer's career perspectives will be positive, but if it is stable, it will be a crisis. Therefore active response is needed. The competencies required in the field of mechanical engineering include collaborative skills, complex problem solving skills, self-directed learning skills, problem finding skills, creativity, communication skills, convergent thinking skills, and system engineering skills. The undergraduate curriculum to achieve above competencies includes four major dynamics, basic science, programming coding education, convergence education, data processing education, and cyber physical system education. Preferred mechanical engineering teaching methods include project-based learning, hands-on education, problem-based learning, team-based collaborative learning, experiment-based education, and software-assisted education. The mechanical engineering community and the government should be concerned about the education for mechanical engineers with the necessary competencies in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which will make global competitiveness in the mechanical engineering fields.

A Study on the Improvement of Engineer Rating System in the Age of 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대 엔지니어링 기술자 등급체계의 개선전략 탐구)

  • Yoon, Sang Pil;Kim, Beop Yeon;Choi, Jeong Min;Yoon, Ki Chan;Kim, Mi Ryang;Kwon, Hun Yeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2018
  • This study theoretically examines the essence of the competencies, qualifications and grades newly required in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, points out that the engineer rating system does not reflect the new talent and practical capability, and conducts theoretical and empirical analyzes on improvement of the rating system. The current rating system need to be improved because it is not possible for graduates and experience workers to upgrade. Also, it is reasonable that the current highest grade of engineer, the Professional Engineer, which is a sort of qualification, is not a grade but a function of calculating the grade. Based on this theoretical background, empirical analysis of the question investigation and focus group interview shows that the rating system should be improved to four grades or return to the previous system in 2013. And if it is reduced to four grade, it should go in the way that the professional engineer and the qualified engineer combined. In the industry, the future skills of engineers are as follows : qualification, ability to use emerging technology, problem solving, understanding and utilization of major, and data management, etc. These can be summarized as qualification, education (degree) and career. In particular, the engineering industry considers qualifications, degrees, and career experience, and career experience as the most important elements of the rating system. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce a method that accurately reflects the career experience in the improvement of the engineer rating system.

Design of Learning Model using Triz for PBL(Project-based Learning) in IoT Environment (사물인터넷환경에서 프로젝트중심학습에 Triz를 이용한 학습 모델 설계)

  • Lee, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2019
  • It is changing to the 4th Industrial Revolution rapidly as the information age through the Internet is changing, and it is rapidly changing to the era of the IoT using all things. In education, with the change to the Internet of Things, interest in education for the 4th Industrial Revolution is increasing. It is necessary to change from NetPBL method using Internet to T-PBL using Triz. In this paper, we focus on the task-based learning (T-PBL) method using Triz and examine the necessity and importance of its use. We propose a teaching model using Triz as a tool for T-PBL. Triz is being used as a tool to solve problems in creative ways. We will design a model applying Triz to the blockchain system security class related to the IoT.