• Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental carrying capacity

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Load Carrying Capacity and Failure Mechanism of Geogrid Reinforced Stone Columns : Reduced-Scale Model Tests (지오그리드 보강 Stone Column의 파괴메카니즘 및 지지력 특성 - 축소모형실험을 통한 고찰)

  • Lee, Dae-Young;Song, Ah-Ran;Yoo, Chung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2006
  • Stone column is one of the ground improvement systems which is being used for accelerating consolidation and increasing bearing capacity for settlement sensitive structures like load embankments, bridge abutments, oil storage tanks etc. The effects of this method are enhancement of ground bearing capacity, reduction of settlement, prevention of liquefaction and prevention of lateral ground movement. Recently, geosynthetic reinforced (encased) stone column approach has been developed to improve its load carrying capacity through increasing confinement effect. Although such a concept has successfully been applied in practice, fundamentals of the method have not been fully explored. This paper presents the results of an investigation on the bearing capacity and failure mechanism of geogrid-encased stone column by model tests. The results of the analyses indicated improved bearing capacity of the geogrid reinforced stone column method over the conventional strone column method with no encasing.

EMERGY Analysis of Nakdong River Basin for Sustainable Use (낙동가 유역의 지속가능한 이용을 위한 EMERGY 분석)

  • 김진이;손지호;김영진;이석모
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2000
  • An EMERGY analysis of the main energy flows driving the economy of humans and life support systems consists of environmental energies, fuels, and imports, all expresses as solar emjoules. Total EMERGY use(720.0 E20 sej/yr) of the Nakdong River Basin is 96 per cent from imported sources, fuels and goods and services. EMERGY flows from the environment such as rain and geological uplift flux accounted for only 4 percent of total EMERGY use. Consequently, the ratio of outside investment to attracting natural resources was large, like other industrialized areas. EMERGY use per person in the Nakdong River Basin indicates a moderate EMERGY standard of living, even though the indigenous resources are very poor. Population of 6.66 million people in 1996 is already in excess of carrying capacity of the basin. Carrying capacity for steady state based on its renewable sources in only 0.226 million people. EMERGY yield ratio and environment loading ratio were 1.07 and 28.52, respectively. EMERGY sustainability index, a ratio of EMERGY yield ratio to environment loading ratio, is therefore less than one, which is indicative of highly developed consumer oriented economies. This study suggests that the economic structure of the Nakdong River Basin should be transformed from the present industrial structure to the social-economic structure based on an ecological-recycling concept for the sustainable use of the Nakdong River.

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Evaluation on structural behaviors of prestressed composite beams using external prestressing member

  • Ahn, Jin-Hee;Jung, Chi-Young;Kim, Sang-Hyo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.247-275
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    • 2010
  • In this study, experimental, numerical, and analytical approaches were carried out to evaluate the behavior and prestressing effect of prestressed composite beam by external tendon and cover plate. Behavior of prestressed composite beam, load-carrying capacity, effects of prestressing, and ultimate strength were estimated. The contribution of the section increase of the prestressing method using tendon was less than the prestressing method using cover plate. In accordance with numerical and analytical approaches, the ultimate strength of the prestressed composite beam is shown to be the same value because strength is determined according to the plastic resistance moment and the plastic neutral axis; however, both plastic resistance moment and neutral axis are not affected by prestressing force but affected by sectional stiffness of the prestressing member. Based on these approaches, we concluded that the prestressing method using tendon can be useful in applications without an increase in self-weight, and the prestressing method using high-strength cover plate can be applied to reduce the deflection of the composite beam. The prestressing method using high-strength cover plate can also be used to induce prestress of the composite beam in the case of a large deflection due to a smaller sectional stiffness of the composite beam.

Growth and Carrying Capacity of Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Kamak Bay, Korea (가막만 양식 참굴의 성장과 환경용량 추정에 대한 연구)

  • 박영철;최광식
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.378-385
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    • 2002
  • Growth of Pacific oystey, Crassostrea gigas, in Kamak Bay, Korea was modeled using Von Bertalanffy growth function, seasonal Von Bertalanffy growth function and generalized growth equation of Schnute and Richards' growth model, based on shell length and wet weight frequency data of 9208 oysters. Carrying capacity in the oyster culture ground was also estimated using Schaefer's and Fox's surplus production model. The present results suggest that the generalized growth equation of Schnute and Richards' model is fitter to describe the length growth pattern of C. gigas than Von Bertalanffy growth functions. This results also suggest that the current number of culture facility per unit area in 2000 is similar to the number of facility that produces the maximum production of oyster per unit area.

The Estimation of Carrying Capacity in Deukryang Bay by EMERGY Analysis (EMERGY 분석법에 의한 득량만의 환경용량 산정)

  • EUM Ki-Hyuk;SON Ji-Ho;CHO Eun-Il;LEE Suk-Mo;PARK Chung-Kil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 1996
  • The developments of mariculture fisheries depend on both the natural environmental inputs such as sun, rain, wind, tide and the economic inputs such as ships, fuels, facilities, labor. for the enhancement of mariculture productivity in Deukryang Bay, a new attempt has been made to connect the environmental resources and the economic activity within one system. This study applies EMERGY analysis that evaluates environmental energies, fuels, goods and services in terms of solar emjoelus. In total EMERGY use $(69.65\times10^{20}\;sej/yr)$ the natural environment inputs is $78\%\;(54.60\times10^{20}\;sej/yr)$. This means that the mariculture in Deukryang Bay depends on mainly environmental resources. Net EMERGY yield ratio was 4.63 which indicated high value as a resource, EMERGY investment ratio was 0.28 that means to gain 3.6 times energy from the natural environment than those of economy. If the fisherie's products are made by renewable EMERGY input to Deukryang Bay, the calculated carrying capacity of fishes, crustaceans, shellfish and seaweeds were 1,140, 110, 1,553 and 9,074 ton/yr, respectively. If the quantity of renewable EMERGY input to mariculture grounds in Deukrysng Bay was calculated-based on only shellfish product, shellfish products was estimated as about 1,195 ton/yr.

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Load Carrying Capacity Evaluation of Composite PC Girder Bridges Based on the System Identification (구조특성확인기법에 의한 PC교의 내하력평가)

  • Kim, Kee-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the application of system identification approaches for the load carrying capacity evaluation of composite PCI girder bridges based on the result of field test. For these problems, the moment of inertia of cross-sectional area and the natural frequency of bridge were used as structural parameters, the SAP2000 program for the structural analysis and the SLP method for the minimum error. As a result, it is found that the proposed algorithm for this study appears applicable to real structures with reasonable complexity. It is shown that the introduction of approximate quadratic equations is more realistic and timesaving than the common methods.

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The Measurement of Social Carrying Capacity on the Total Amount of Vehicles for Estimation of the Appropriate Number of Vehicles in U-do Island (적정입도차량대수 산정을 위한 자동차 총량제에 대한 사회적 수용력 측정)

  • Hwang, Kyung Soo;Ko, Tae Ho;Lim, Jung Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.5D
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    • pp.605-610
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    • 2009
  • The either satisfaction levels or limits of tolerance levels felt by the users in the certain space/region should be examined for measuring social capacity on the total amount of vehicles. The reliability of measuring social carrying capacity depends primarily on decreasing the strategic responding biases. To induce the honest responses to preferences, Dichotomous Choice which is specifically known as the Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice was adopted in this research to suggest the measurement methodology of social carrying capacity on the total amount of vehicles in U-do island. The empirical test was carried out the U-do island, an administrative district of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The number of vehicles satisfied by the 10% of residents was 390 and the satisfactory vehicle number was decreased to 132 extended to 90% of residents. This research, based on the political decision making criteria, set up the social carrying capacity in U-do island. The vehicle number satisfied by 50% of residents was 227, which meant the same number of residents turn to be supporter in case of political actions.

A Study on Utilization Plan and Assessment of Ecological Carrying Capacity of Asan City - Focused on the Ecological Footprint Survey - (아산시 생태환경용량 평가를 통한 도시계획 활용방안 연구 - 생태발자국을 중심으로 -)

  • Joo, YongJoon;Sagong, Hee;Lee, SangYoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2017
  • Environmental problems in urban spaces tend to result from excessive use of resources faster than the ecosystem can recover itself. In order to address this problem, city or municipal governments tend to devise plans and policies to lead development within their ecological carrying capacity. This study computes ecological capacity of Asan city, Province Chung Nam, South Korea through applying the concept of ecological footprint. This study finds ecological footprint and deficit of Asan city in 2015 were 5.12 and -4.99, respectively. From 2001 to 2015, Asan city experienced not only an 81% increase of ecological footprint, but also a 190% increase of ecological deficit. Such results suggest that Asan city has experienced a steady increase of resource consumption due to population increase and urban growth, indicating that loss of ecological spaces such as green space, farmland, wetland and so on restoring the ecosystem has been accelerated. Therefore, in order to promote sustainable development, Asan city should not only protect green space, farmland, wetland, and so on but also create urban growth plans and policies taking into account its environmental capacity of the city. This study provides suggestions for Asan city to lead urban growth within its environmental capacity by applying ecological deficit.

Effect of residual stress and geometric imperfection on the strength of steel box girders

  • Jo, Eun-Ji;Vu, Quang-Viet;Kim, Seung-Eock
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.423-440
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    • 2020
  • In the recent years, steel box girder bridges have been extensively used due to high bending stiffness, torsional rigidity, and rapid construction. Therefore, researches related to this girder bridge have been widely conducted. This paper investigates the effect of residual stresses and geometric imperfections on the load-carrying capacity of steel box girder bridges spanning 30 m and 50 m. A three - dimensional finite element model of the steel box girder with a closed section was developed and analyzed using ABAQUS software. Nonlinear inelastic analysis was used to capture the actual response of the girder bridge accurately. Based on the results of analyses, the superimposed mode of webs and flanges was recommended for considering the influence of initial geometric imperfections of the steel box model. In addition, 4% and 16% strength reduction rates on the load - carrying capacity of the perfect structural system were respectively recommended for the girders with compact and non-compact sections, whose designs satisfy the requirements specified in AASHTO LRFD standard. As a consequence, the research results would help designers eliminate the complexity in modeling residual stresses and geometric imperfections when designing the steel box girder bridge.

Modification of an Ecosystem Model for Carrying Capacity of Shellfish System -I . Validation and Sensitivity Analysis- (패류양식해역 환경용량 산정 모델 구축 -I . 모델 검정 및 민감도 분석-)

  • Lee Won Chan;Kim Hyung Chul;Choi Woo Jeung;Lee Pil Yong;Koo Jun Ho;Park Chung Kil
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.386-394
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    • 2002
  • Carrying capacity model focused on interactions between the filter-feeder growth and their environments is presented, and differences among existing various carrying capacity models are reviewed. For carrying capacity modeling of shellfish system, we constructed a new numerical model coupled oyster growth model with an ecosystem model (EUTRP2). Physical and biological processes such as water transport and mixing, primary production, feeding and growth of the cultivated oyster, Crassostrea gigas and benthic-pelagic exchange were included in the model, Simulated results for validation showed that the more phytoplankton biomass decreased, the more oyster meat weight and nutrients increased, suggesting a powerful tool for reasonable management of shellfish aquaculture. The model was sensitive to parameters controlling the primary production. Among the ecosystem compartments, the oyster growth is highly influenced by small changes in the physiological parameters of phytoplankton and oyster. This sensitivity analysis indicated the importance of experimental data on biological parameters for calibration of the model.