• 제목/요약/키워드: English Subject

검색결과 381건 처리시간 0.024초

The Ethics of the Othering in the Era of Transnationalism

  • Kim, Youngmin
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권6호
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    • pp.1013-1034
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    • 2009
  • The space of the Other assumes the space of Barthes's multiplicity and Foucault's transdiscursive position, and, therefore, aims at becoming the locus in which the speaking subject and the hearing subjects are supposed to communicate and constitute as if they were situated in the pscychoanalytic session. However, the wall of untranslatibility across language and cultures still exist there in the space of the Other in the form of trauma and aggressivity, as Lacan demonstrate perceptively through the reading of Kant avec Sade. In short, Lacan regards the moral commandment (to love one's neighbor as oneself) as the obstacle in the Freud's myth of transgression, and interprets this in terms of the emergence of the Other. Freud understands that the aggressivity in the subject's own heart was inherent in all humans, and that one's neighbor would be evil. Lacan goes beyond Freud and articulates that the aggressivity in the imaginary relation with the Other in the mirror stage insures that an evil inheres in the very being of humanity. A global phenomenon of the diasporic identities and hybridity, the phenomenon which has been represented by the complicated intermixture of terms which span from diaspora, postcolonialism, postnationalism. and transnationalism can be clarified, if they are put in the context of the ethics of Othering or becoming the Other. The ethics of Othering presupposes the situation in which the diasporic subjects encounter the lack of the cross-cultural negotiation and communication. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the poetics of Other and the logic of the ethics of Othering can explain the postmodern or transmodern world which has become deterritorialized, diasporic, and transnational as well as how one can encounter the results of diasporic and postcolonial double consciousness, a consciousness which is a discursive category for multicultural or cross-cultural, focusing on the concept of liminality/interstitiality

나딘 고디머의 『픽업』에 나타난 여성중심 공동체와 인종적 타자의 고립화 문제 (A Female-Centered Community, Racial Other and Its Alienation in Nadine Gordimer's The Pickup)

  • 김민회
    • 영미문화
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2018
  • Nadine Gordimer's The Pickup, published in 2001, well shows how the social issues have been changed in a way to reflect the South African society which is more complicated in the post-apartheid era. Examining the two different geographical territories between Johannesburg, South Africa and an unnamed nation in Middle East, putting aside the domestic racism between white and black, she extends her issue of racial other to global one with new rising issue of immigration in South African society. It seems that Gordimer's such issue is well represented by two main characters: Julie Summers who comes from a wealthy family and falls in love with Abdu, an illegal immigrant who was born from a poor country in Middle East and is now working at a garage in a downtown of Johannesburg with hiding his real name Ibrahim ibn Musa. Having an official relationship with Ibrahim and joining the regular meeting at the El-Ay (L.A.) Cafe where all participants can enjoy the freedom of expression/speech except for Abdu, she begins to have interest in his silence and his presence, orientalized as the Arab Prince for her imagination. Arriving at Abdu 's nation later, she also keeps projecting the 'less civilized' images to his nation where there are only desert, uneducated people, and dirty houses and streets. In doing so, Gordimer leads reader to a never-ending issue of Orientalism in the Western literature. Moreover, the writer attempts to create a female-centered community at the male-centered Islam community by marginalizing the presence of Abdu who finally leaves to America alone. As Julie is successfully acculturated to the unknown Abdu's community, she begins to place herself at the center of the community and plays a role as a mediator/communicator who can change/civilize it with her western knowledge of language and culture. By replacing the male-centered with the female-centered through Julie, Gordimer seems to be creating an idealized community with the notion of matriarchy. However, Gordimer places Abdu as an unstable subject who has to endlessly move back and forth for his undetermined national and cultural identity while Julie achieves the determined identity in both nations.

The ABC in Chick Lit: the Consumption of Asian America in The Dim Sum of All Things

  • 정혜연
    • 영미문화
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.53-92
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    • 2018
  • This essay aims to examine chick lit written within the Asian American context. For the most part, the chick lit genre has been typically regarded as a site to study contemporary white women's experiences and to debate the genres' credentials as feminist literature. Though some may disagree, there is general consensus that chick lit has fallen out of vogue after reaching its peak in the first decade of the new millenium.; nevertheless, it is being revisited by readers and critics alike as it has recently re-emerged as a location upon which to examine how race and gender inform notions of national belonging and female subject formation in the twenty-first century. To this end, this essay reads Kim Wong Keltner's The Dim Sum of All Things (2004). Keltner's protagonist Lindsey Owyang is yet another twentysomething "chick" looking for love, self, independence, and success in the huge megalopolis of San Francisco. What sets Lindsey apart from the chick prototype is that she is a third-generation ABC (American-born Chinese) and issues relevant to Asian America frequently make their way into Lindsey's narrative. Though it is generally considered as standing a "few notches above the standard chick-lit fare" (Stover n. pag), I would argue that meaningful reflections on many of the major pillars of Asian American literature, history, and cultural politics are glossed over in favor of cursory musings about the daily vicissitudes of Lindsey's life. This essay thus takes to task Ferriss's claim that a "serious" consideration of chick lit "brings into focus many of the issues facing contemporary women and contemporary culture - issues of identity, of race and class, of femininity and feminism, of consumerism and self-image" (2). I contend that a close examination of Keltner's The Dim Sum of All Things discloses that the chick lit format undermines a "serious consideration" of Asian American issues by presenting in particular a highly problematic representation of race and of Asian American femininity.

The Poetics of Overcoming: Christopher Dewdney's Transhumanism and Dionisio D. Martinez's Transnational Cultural Contamination

  • Kim, Youngmin
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제57권6호
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    • pp.1089-1109
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    • 2011
  • In an attempt to demonstrate in context of Nietzsche's "overman" (ubermensch) and Heidegger's "Being-in-the-World" (Dasein) the collective human efforts to overcome humanism in crisis, I will provide the ground for the poetics of overcoming, the ground which are based upon the double movements of transhumanism and transnationalism. For this purpose, I will turn to the theories of two distinctive poets who reveal and disreveal their truths about the subjecthood or the subjectivity in terms of overcoming: Christopher Dewdney for posthuman transhumanity and Dionisio D. Martinez for transnational cultural contamination Transhumanism represented by Christopher Dewdney manifests an interfusion of outside and inside, thereby collapsing the boundary between the mind and the world, and provides a breakthrough from the limitedly defined mind to the transhuman perspective of overcoming by using terminalogy and techniques from science and technology. The emerging transhumanism reflects the growing interdependence between humans and bio technologies, and suggests a potential improvement of human beings. The main argument of transhumanism is that we humans can and should continue to develop in all possible directions, by overcoming our human limitations by shedding the body and having the disembodied consciousness which will liberate our mind. Kwame Anthony Appiah's "cultural contamination" is another form of overcoming as well as a way to otherness, a counter-ideal of cultural purity which sustains authentic culture, reversing the traditional binary opposition between enriching authenticity and threatening hybridization. Dionisio Martinez's poetry sublimates the negative side of Appiah's concept of contamination, by redeeming the value of the Appiah's list of the ideal of contamination such as hybridity, impurity, intermingling, the transformation that comes of new and unexpected combinations of human beings, a bit of this and a bit of that is how newness enters the world. When a poetic subject is doubly exiled and doubly homeless away from his/her native homeland and home of native language, one has no more identification with the authentic culture of both home and away, but rather anticipates a new identity as a transnational subject to cross the bridge beyond cultural authenticity and to enter into the field of cultural contamination.

로버트 사우디, 식민주의, 그리고 동양 -『파괴자 탈라바』를 중심으로 (Robert Southey, Colonialism, and the East: The Case of Thalaba the Destroyer)

  • 조희정
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제58권5호
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    • pp.859-880
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims at analyzing Robert Southey's Thalaba the Destroyer in relation to cultural colonialism of the British Romantic period and investigating the ways in which this text portrays the Other through its literary representation of the East. Especially, this paper attempts to show that the Oriental world constructed in Southey's text reveals the imperial subject's self-conscious awareness of its unstable relation with the unknown Other. For this purpose, this paper attends to the formal aspects of Thalaba the Destroyer, examining the process by which the reader's generic expectations about the "epic" undergo complex revisions and frustrations through reading this text. The epic elements contained in Thalaba the Detroyer include the battle between good and evil and the hero's moral epiphany arising from his struggle against malicious enemies. Yet, Thalaba the Destroyer constantly destabilizes the distinction between self and other by leading the reader to recognize the uncomfortable similarity between the poem's tyrannical figures and imperialistic monarchs in the Western civilization. Thus, when the hero enacts a revolution against despotism, the resistant power points not only to the imagined false kingdom within the text, but to the core of the real Empire that seeks to construct its own "garden" in the global scene. In addition, Southey's "panoramic" description of Oriental objects and stories in his footnotes lacks a framing perspective, erasing and de-stabilizing subject/object distinctions. In these footnotes, he exposes his profound attraction to the culture of "Other" and also conveys his aspiration to transforming Eastern myths and stories into profitable literary texts. Southey's attitude to the East in the footnotes appears to be partially grounded upon the interest of mercantile capitalists of the West, who need to discover potential commodities. Yet, simultaneously, he reveals a sense of moral hesitation about his own desire for the materiality of the East, along with deep anxiety arising from the fear of punishment.

실비아 플라스의 시와 산문에서 우울증과 죽음의 양상 (Aspects of Melancholy and Death in Poetry and Prose by Sylvia Plath)

  • 최태숙
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.641-659
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    • 2009
  • Since Plath killed herself in 1963, the theme of death has become one of the central motifs and allusions in her work. The biographical emphasis continues to blur the boundary between the artistic world and the material world. While approaching Plath's work from the perspective of personal experience, the objective of this paper is not to suggest that we encounter Plath's personal voice and emotions directly in her work. Rather, I emphasize how Plath's work of mourning is substantiated in the act of writing. Plath protects herself from the unnamable or the existential void by writing poems. She shows the way in which art or writing enables the subject to confront traumatic memory. While the death drive propels Plath towards destruction, artistic formation serves to alleviate her psychic crisis. What I shall suggest in the paper is how works of art lead the melancholic subject to challenge traumatic events. Plath herself suggests the therapeutic power of language. Plath's hostility toward women as well as men situates her work nearer to the Kristevan psychoanalytic theory which examines depressive anxieties intrinsically linked to the loss of maternal objects. Kristeva's particular focus on the concept of "death-bearing mother" or the unnamable offers a fruitful reading of the representation of infantile fantasies, sexuality, anger, and ambivalence toward lost loved object which clearly dominates most of Plath's poems. Kristeva elaborates mourning and melancholia through the framework of signification and it is of especial relevance in deciphering the recurring death drive and melancholic rage in Plath's work. Melancholic subjects in Plath's work are characterized by an amorphous state, occupying a borderline state regulated by the death drive.

미디어 외교의 주체, 글로벌 뉴스 채널의 딜레마 (Dilemma of the global news channel, a media diplomatic subject)

  • Jin, Minjung
    • 분석과 대안
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.13-30
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    • 2017
  • Referred to as a 'media war,' there is a fierce competition for media discourse between different countries. Twenty four hour global news channels like Al Jazeera, France 24, RT, NHK World, China's CCTV and teleSUR emerged to offer their own perspectives and stance in the global society, and to face the monopolization and distorted information created by the hegemony of English news channels which have swayed international public opinions for a long time. As a tool of public diplomacy, the media's role in determining the image of the nation and winning the 'Hearts and Minds' of the international community is decisive, but it cannot be said that they all have a similar influence or play a positive role in media diplomacy. A global news channel, which is both a media diplomatic subject and a journalism organization, can be in the position of acting as a public relations organization or a propaganda agency for the government depending on the regime's attitude because most of global news channels receive support from the government. Sometimes it is difficult for these media to implement quality journalism because of financial difficulties. Media discourse also has limitations in that it is dependent upon changes in foreign policy of its own government. This study examines the current status of global news channels, the dilemma these channels are facing, and suggests some potential directions that can be taken by global news channels in order to become more effective. It is becoming increasingly important for all nations to respond to distorted information about their own countries, to appropriately identify various issues and changes in the international community and to convey their views and positions to the international community. For now, there is a lack of awareness about the importance of media diplomacy in Korea: There are many English-language media, but as yet no global news channel which could have an influence on the international stage. However, there seems to be some understanding about the need for the media to present the Korean alternative discourse to the senseless dependency on Western media. We hope that this study will be an opportunity to think in depth about the attitude of the Korean global media, whether existing global media or new global news channels, in order to help them become more effective in media diplomacy.

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잃어버린 das Ding과 라캉 정신분석의 사후 주체 - 무궁화 꽃은 피지 않는다 - (The Lost Das Ding and A Posthumous Subject of Lacan's Psychoanalysis - Mugunghwa Flowers Do Not Bloom -)

  • 이동석
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2022
  • 이 논문은 자크 라캉(Jacques Lacan:1901~1981)이 가장 애착을 가지고 있는 "정신분석의 윤리 세미나 VII" 연구이다. 국내에는 아직 번역본이 출시되지 않았다. 연구의 판본은 라캉 세미나 VII의 불어 원전과 영어 번역본을 이용하였다. 라캉은 정신분석의 윤리 세미나에서 중요한 개념을 소개한다. 독일어로 das Ding(다스 딩)이다. 우리말로는 '큰 사물'로 번역되었다. 라캉은 이 용어를 불어로 La chose(라 쇼즈)로 소개한다. 영어로는 The Thing이다. '큰 사물'은 어릴 적 엄마가 부여해 준 사물이기도 하다. 또한 어릴 적 완벽하게 해소되지 않은 잃어버린 것으로 해석될 수 있다. 따라서 라캉이 말하는 주체는 잃어버린 대상의 되찾기 위한 일생의 여정을 전개하게 된다. 이 지점을 라캉은 정신분석 윤리의 출발점으로 제시하고 있다. 우리는 본론에서 잃어버린 장소로서의 das Ding을 추적하여 윤리의 문제를 다시 재조명하려 한다. 첫째, das Ding의 기원을 살펴볼 것이다. 두 번째로 사랑과 das Ding의 관련성을 통해 빈자리를 메우려는 주체에 대해 논할 것이다. 셋째, 미국의 자아심리학과 das Ding과의 관계를 라캉의 도식으로 해석하는 시도를 할 것이다. 마지막으로 '무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.' 놀이를 통해 사후 주체를 다룰 것이다.

애니메이션 캐릭터의 한국어 립싱크 연구 : 영어권 애니메이션의 립싱크 기법을 기반으로 (A Study on Korean Lip-Sync for Animation Characters - Based on Lip-Sync Technique in English-Speaking Animations)

  • 김탁훈
    • 만화애니메이션 연구
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    • 통권13호
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2008
  • 본 논문은 선 녹음을 전제로 이루어지는 미국권 애니메이션 영어 립싱크(Lip-sync)의 제작 방법을 분석하여, 한국 애니메이션에 응용이 되도록 한글 자음과 모음의 형태에 입각한 입모양을 연구한다. 현업에 종사하는 캐릭터 애니메이터들을 위해 선 녹음으로 행해지는 한국어 립싱크에 대한 개념의 이해를 돕도록 하고, 특성이 다른 각 캐릭터들에게 응용이 가능하도록 한국어 표현을 위한 최소한의 기본 입모양들이 소개가 되도록 연구를 진행하였다. 서론에서는 국산 애니메이션의 한국어 립싱크의 필요성을 언급하고 미국의 한 프로덕션의 예를 들어 영어 립싱크 데이터에 근거한 한국어 립싱크 데이터의 연구방법을 소개하였다. 본론에서는 영어발음의 표현방법에 필요한 8가지 기본 입모양으로 각각의 특성과 역할을 보여주고 영어 표현에서는 필요하지만 한국어 표현에서는 필요치 않은 입모양을 삭제하고, 반대로 영어 표현에서는 필요하지 않지만 한국어 표현을 위해 필요한 입모양을 새로 만들어서 정리하였다. 이 결과를 가지고 한국어 표현을 위해 각 입모양이 어떻게 쓰이는지 각종 예를 들어 도표로 만들고 자음과 모음, 그리고 받침에 쓰일 때 어떻게 입모양이 달라지는지 연구하였다. 사례연구에서는 대사를 익스포져 시트(Exposure sheet)에 옮겨 적는 법과 립싱크에 맞도록 입모양들을 나열하는 방법을 제시하여 실제 작품제작에 사용될 수 있도록 하였으나 우리나라에서는 체계적인 한국어 립싱크 데이터를 가지고 애니메이션 프로덕션을 진행한 전례가 없기 때문에 부득이하게 한국 영화중 대사의 한 부분을 예로 사용하였다.

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영국(英國) 해상보험법(海上保險法)에서 최대선의원칙(最大善意原則)의 문제점(問題點)에 관한 고찰(考察) (A Study on the Problems of the Doctrine of Utmost Good Faith in English Marine Insurance Law)

  • 신건훈
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.103-152
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    • 2000
  • English contract law has traditionally taken the view that it is not the duty of the parties to a contract to give information voluntarily to each other. In English law, one of the principal distinctions between insurance contract law and general contract law is the existence of the doctrine of utmost good faith in insurance law. The doctrine gives rise to a variety of duties, some of which apply before formation of the contract while others apply post-formation. This article is, therefore, designed to analyse the overall structure and problems of the doctrine of utmost good faith in English marine insurance law. The results of analysis are as following : First, the requirement of utmost good faith in marine insurance law arises from the fact that many of the relevant circumstances are within the exclusive knowledge of the assured and it is impossible for the insurer to obtain the facts to make a appropriate calculation of the risk that he is asked to assume without this information. Secondly, the duty of utmost good faith provided in MIA 1906, s. 17 has the nature as a bilateral or reciprocal, overriding and absolute duty. Thirdly, the Court of Appeal in Skandia held that breach of the pre-formation duty of utmost good faith did not sound in damages since the duty did not arise out of an implied contractual term and the breach did not constitute a tort. Instead, the Court of Appeal held that the duty was an extra-contractual duty imposed by law in the form of a contingent condition precedent to the enforceability of the contract. Fourthly, the scope of the duty of utmost good faith is closely related to the test of materiality and the assured is required to disclose only material circumstances subject to MIA 1906, s. 18(1) and 20(1). The test of materiality, which had caused a great deal of debate in English courts over 30 years, was finally settled by the House of Lords in Pan Atlantic and the House of Lords rejected the 'decisive influence' test and the 'increased risk' test, and the decision of the House of Lords is thought to accept the 'mere influence' test in subsequent case by the Court of Appeal. Fifthly, the insurer is, in order to avoid contract, required to provide proof that he is induced to enter into the contract by reason of the non-disclosure or misrepresentation of the assured. Sixthly, the duty of utmost good faith is, in principle, terminated before contract is concluded, but it is undoubtful that the provision under MIA 1906, s. 17 is wide enough to include the post-formation duty. The post-formation duty is, however, based upon the terms of marine insurance contract, and the duty lies entirely outside s. 17. Finally, MIA 1906, s. 17 provides expressly for the remedy of avoidance of the contract for breach of the duty. This means rescission or retrospective avoidance of the entire contract, and the remedy is based upon a fairly crude 'all-or-nothing' approach. What is needed in English marine insurance law is to introduce a more sophiscated or proportionate remedy.

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