• 제목/요약/키워드: English Culture

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한국 유치원에서 근무하는 원어민 영어교사의 문화 인식 (Cultural Awareness of Native English Teachers Who Work at Regular Kindergartens in Korea)

  • 윤영순;김규수
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.3557-3563
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    • 2014
  • 국가 수준의 교육과정인 누리과정에서는 유아를 대상으로 한 영어교육을 고려하지 않고 있다. 그러나 현실에서는 90%이상의 유아들이 영어를 배우고 있다. 이 연구는 한국의 정규 유치원에서 영어를 가르치는 원어민 영어교사의 교수활동의 문화적 측면을 분석하였다. 이 연구를 위한 자료는 정규 유치원의 원어민 영어교사, 한국인 영어교사와 유치원 원장의 인터뷰를 통해 수집되었다. 모든 인터뷰 자료들은 근거 이론에 기반하여 전사하고 분류되었다. 연구 결과, 한국의 정규유치원에서는 원어민 영어교사들에게 한국의 유아들을 위한 문화적인 준비를 요구하지 않았다. 따라서, 대부분의 원어민 영어교사들은 자신의 교육활동에서 유아들의 문화를 고려하지 않고 있었다. 또한, 이 연구에 참여한 원어민 영어교사들이 근무하고 있는 한국 유치원들 역시 원어민 영어교사들의 교수활동을 정규 교육과정에 잘 통합하고 있지 못했다. 이러한 연구 결과들은 국 유치원의 영어교육에 중요한 시사점을 제공할 것이다.

행위공동체 내의 언어·사회·문화: 영어간판 속 텍스트의 언어적 특성과 사회·문화적 양상에 관한 인식의 고찰 (The Language·Society·Culture in a Community of Practice: The Linguistic Features and Students' Perspectives on English Signboards)

  • 이영화
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.364-373
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 국내 도시 지역을 중심으로 영어간판의 언어적 특성과 영어간판에 관한 대학생들의 인식을 통해 사회 문화적 양상을 살펴보는 것이다. 연구 방법으로 해당지역의 영어간판 촬영과 학생들로부터의 설문이 포함되었다. 분석 결과, 영어간판의 55.4%는 '영어'로만 표기되어 있고, 주로 주류 음료 및 의류업에 몰려 있었다. 텍스트 구조는 영어로만 표기된 것은 '2-3단어'(43%), 영어+국어 혼용의 경우 '4-5' 단어(25%)로 전체의 약 68%였다. 영어간판의 약 70%는 주류 음료(27%), 음식점(23%), 의류업(21%)에서 사용되고 있었으며, 이러한 간판들이 주변 환경과 조화를 이룬다는 의견은 42%에 불과하였다. 좋은 영어간판의 요건으로는 '시각성(27%)', '업종 표현(23%)', '세련 고급스러움(19%)', '디자인과 창의성(15%)'을 들 수 있으며 이를 충족하는 간판은 신촌 지역에 가장 많았다. 한편, 부정적인 영어간판은 의류업에 가장 많았다. 현재의 영어간판은 전반적으로 매우 미흡함을 보이고 있어 아름답고 조화로운 영어간판 문화 조성을 위한 정책적, 제도적 노력이 요구된다.

언어변이와 세계영어들 (Language Variation and World Englishes)

  • 김양순
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.234-239
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 언어의 본질인 언어변이의 주된 방향성을 탐색하고 언어변이의 결과로 나타나는 영어의 모든 방언들, 즉 세계영어들을 연구하는 것이다. 특정지역에서 사용되는 지역적, 사회적 방언의 연구인 언어변이의 특성을 규명하기 위하여 하이브리드 언어변이모델을 제안한다. 사회적 거리두기, 대면과 비대면 소통모드, 그리고 언어적 다양성이라는 세 가지 상호영향자의 관점에서 하이브리드 언어변이모델을 제안하고 언어변이의 결과로 나타나는 세계적 영어방언 현상인 세계영어들의 다양성 특질을 연구한다. 세계영어들의 문맥에서 지역화 목적으로 영어가 어떻게 사용되는가를 살펴보면, 사회적 거리두기가 높은 비대면의 상황에서는 다양성이 감소하여 좀 더 표준적이며 글로벌한 영어가 사용되며 변이가 줄어 세계영어들의 확장 속도가 완만해진다. 동시에 지역적인 사용이 줄어들어 의사소통의 오류도 줄어든다. 반면 사회적 거리두기가 낮은 대면의 상황에서는 세계영어들의 확장 속도가 빨라지고 변이의 형태가 다양해지며 의사소통의 오류 또한 증가한다. 이러한 영어변이 현상의 특성을 살펴보기 위하여 세계영어들의 핵심 원이라고 할 수 있는 영국영어, 미국영어, 그리고 캐나다영어의 언어적, 사회적 변이의 사례를 비교 분석한다.

유학생 대상의 비대면 교양 영어 수업 방안: 영화 대본 소리 내어 읽기를 중심으로 (A Study on Non-Face-to-Face General English Courses for International Students: Reading Movie Scripts Aloud)

  • 이지현
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.267-272
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 코로나 사태로 인한 비대면 교양 영어 수업에서 영화 대본 소리 내어 읽기가 유학생들의 영어 능력에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 서울 소재 대학에 다니는 유학생 47명을 대상으로 일주일에 한 번, 15주간, 애니메이션 라푼젤(Tangled)을 이용하여 교양 영어 수업을 진행하였다. 교사의 동영상 수업과 영화 대본 소리 내어 읽기 활동을 격주로 진행하였다. 교사는 쉬운 한국어로 영화 대사의 어휘 설명 및 해석으로 동영상을 제작하여 학습 관리 시스템(LMS)에 게시하였다. 학생들은 소리 내어 읽기 활동은 줌을 통해 교사의 도움을 받으며 개인별 및 조별 소리 내어 읽기를 하였다. 사후 평가에서 사전 평가 대비 읽기와 쓰기 영역 모두에서 유의미한 향상을 보여주었다. 설문에서는 이해도, 만족도, 흥미도, 추천도의 정의적 측면에서 긍정적인 결과가 나타났다.

『모래언덕 위의 정원』에 나타난 레슬리 마몬 실코의 탈식민화 작업과 혼합주의적 비전 (Leslie Marmon Silko's Decolonizing Efforts and Syncretic Vision in Gardens in the Dunes)

  • 강자모
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권4호
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    • pp.597-618
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    • 2009
  • Leslie Marmon Silko, in her novel Gardens in the Dunes, primarily focuses on revealing the white colonialists' plan to exterminate and destroy American Indians and their culture. In this regard, this novel is clearly an Indian counter narrative to interrogate and abrogate the authority of the oppressive and destructive discourse of the whites who are full of colonialist impulses to sterilize Indians and their culture. However, it should be noted that Silko is very careful not to insist on cultural exclusivism and reverse ethnocentrism, since these only mean a return to the violent colonialists' discourse based on dualism and cultural authenticity which, she believes, has led to the marginalization and eventual deterioration of Indians and their culture. White values and culture are something to recognize and tolerate as long as they are not the products of witchery, also known as the destroyer or evil for Silko, which promotes disruption and antagonism between races and classes. As she reveals in her interview, her major concern in the novel is to dismantle political and/or racial distinctions like Native Americans versus EuroAmericans and thus to enhance the idea of the reconciliation and coexistence of whites and Indians. Silko's Gardens in the Dunes can be regarded as an experiment in the possibility of the universal and homogeneous (at least in its roots) global culture which tolerates all forms of culture. Global culture does not mean a uniform totalitarian culture but a vision of a harmonious world characterized by hybridity and heterogeneity, in which different cultures associate freely without the notion of inferiority or superiority of any one culture. Silko's belief in syncretism emphasizes the spirit of tolerance and exchange between different cultures, dismantling the authority of exclusive ethnocentrism. The ultimate message implied in Gardens in the Dunes is that the syncretic spirit is not only an effective means to correct the white colonialists' hegemonic desire aimed at the extermination of Indians and their culture but also a source of energy for the life and prosperity of modern Indians and their societies.

문화, 제국, 민족 -비판적 전유를 위한 에드워드 사이드의 『문화와 제국주의』 읽기 (Culture, Empire, and Nation: A Critical Appropriation of Edward Said's Culture and Imperialism)

  • 고부응
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제58권5호
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    • pp.903-941
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    • 2012
  • This essay examines Edward Said's Culture and Imperialism focusing on the concepts of 'culture,' 'empire,' and 'nation'. The approach is critical, theoretical, and historical rather than explicatory. Consequently, the range of the essay is not limited to Said's own explanation and argument about Western imperialism and its culture presented in the book. In doing this, this essay finally purposes to be a discursive resistance to the current global empire, the United States, via a critical reading of Said's work. Said's notion of culture is set upon to disclose the function of culture as an apparatus of ideological consent of the dominated to the dominant. When applied to imperial practice, Western culture functions to subject the colonized to the colonizer. Said's geographical approach to imperialism complements the historical understanding of imperialism. Imperialism is not only the practice of Western-centered historicism but also the spatially mutual interaction between the West and the rest of the world. Along with European imperialism, Said poses the current global empire of the United States as his main target of criticism. Said's problem is that he takes the United States as a nation-state. When examined, the United States is not a nation-state, but today's empire. The empire in the appearance of the nation-state United States does not work for the interest of the American nation, that is, the American people. The empire is the transnational and postnational political and economic institution that works for the interest of global capital. In order to resist the current global empire, this essay suggests that the building or restoration of nation-states with its basic principle of people's sovereignty is in need.

A Study of Domestic Sewing Machines in Mid-Victorian England, c. 1851-1875

  • Yen, Ya-Lei
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2014
  • The sewing machine was the most widely-advertised item in mid-Victorian English periodicals. However, no historians have so far analyzed how English advertisers created the link between the domestic sewing machine and middle-class women, or what impact they may have had on gender relations. This paper treats sewing machines as a medium to enhance our view of gender and social history, consumer culture as well as material culture studies. Studying the advertisements of sewing machines reveals the traditional values and modern consumer culture of mid-nineteenth England, and also offers a sense for how advertisers expected people to react. Sewing machines could not only offer women aspiration and authority, but could also function as a timesaver through which a woman could attain a truly modern lifestyle. Buying a sewing machine for their wives symbolized their status as a breadwinner and a caring husband, as well as serving as an appreciation of their wives' domesticity. Sewing machines also provoked anxiety for both sexes because some believed that women would lose their morality and gender identity, whereas others believed that if relieved of domestic drudgery women would have time to educate themselves, which threatened to men and the gender hierarchy.

Shakespeare and Arab Culture: Cases of Sulayman Al-Bassam's The Al-Hamlet Summit and Richard III, an Arab Tragedy

  • Han, Younglim
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제64권2호
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    • pp.253-272
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    • 2018
  • Sulayman Al-Bassam is recognized as the leading adaptor-director of Shakespeare in the Arab world of today. His adaptations have gained much attention around the globe. Celebrated cases of his Arab Shakespeare are The Al-Hamlet Summit and Richard III, an Arab Tragedy. This study intends to demonstrate that these two plays form a ground for challenging and irritating dialogue between the Middle East and the West. Shakespeare's Hamlet and Richard III are used as a discourse space for engaging with the inefficiency of Arab political culture and for exposing the economic machinations of the West. This space is constituted by the ongoing process of politically inclusive affiliation and exclusive disjunction, with the result that is not relevant to notions of synthesis and symbiosis. The process corresponds with that of distancing and identification in which the strategy of subversion is employed in order to unveil Western prejudices. Al-Bassam materializes Shakespeare's text as a gateway to understanding Arab society and culture, and to investigating questions as to how the modern Arab world could negotiate their cultural currencies with the West.

엘리엇의 현대화된 신화 (T. S. Eliot's Modernized Myth)

  • 권승혁
    • 영미문화
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2009
  • This paper attempts to illuminate the significance of the myth or mythical method used in The Waste Land, which Eliot adapted from Jessie L. Weston's From Rituals to Romance and Sir James Frazer's Golden Bough. While he was composing a modern epic, James Joyce's Ulysses and Igor Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps made him sure that the mythical method would be the best way to make the non-relational and chaotic modern world into a work of art. Although he accepted F. H. Bradley's epistemology that one's actual experience is non-relational, he strongly put an emphasis on 'the unified sensibility' in John Donne's poetry with which a poet changes all the dissociated material into art. He also found another effective method to give the chaotic experiences an order, and to make them modern art: the mythical method in his contemporary anthropology. With the mythical method he incorporated the various barren, horrible and ugly aspects of modern world into a new unity in The Waste Land. In addition, he embraced his contemporary anthropological theory that a primitive life described in myths is a culture just different from modern culture, and heartily employed some aspects of primitive culture to make modern poetry as well as modern culture rich and exuberant.

외국어 학습에 있어서의 정의적 요인과 교사의 역할 (A study on affective variables and the role of teacher in the foreign language learning)

  • 정미영
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.129-157
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    • 1995
  • I made a careful study of affective variables in foreign language learning Affective variables have not been adequately investigated in the study of second language acquisition. Egoism and inhibition are two egocentric factors which play important roles in foreign language learning. Three sociocultural variables. cultural factors, introversion / extroversion, and aggression may be keys to understanding the social nature of second language learning. And the emerging of cognition and affect in "cognitive styles", which vary within and among individuals, might account for varying degree of success in learning a second language. In the process of learning English. the students new to foreign language come to face the language barrier. though they express the deep interest and feel excited at the beginning stage. Of course, the several reasons can explain this fact. but more specially they can be explained in terms of such personal affective factors as age, aptitude, personality, and first of all, motivation. Also the socicultural factors between language and culture can be considered to the learner's aptitude toward the language. Affective factors of students are involved in personality. and personality and affective factors affect English learning. Affective variables of students affect the will to take part in English learning, and the rate of participation in English learning affect the fluency. If students feel inconvenience in English class, it is rarely that they run a risk. Students who do not run a risk in English class are short of spontaneous participation Consequently, it may have negative influence on the accuracy and the fluency of English. Therefore, teachers must be more influential in motivating students and specially attentive so that the students may not make the negative and inhibitive language learning attitude.

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