• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergence pattern

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Emergence patterns of Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) (줄날도래 (날도래목: 줄날도래과)의 우화 양상)

  • Hur, Jun-Mi;Jin, Young-Hun;Park, Sun-Jin;Won, Doo-Hee;Bae, Yeon-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.3 s.91
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2000
  • Temperature-associated emergence patterns for a hydropsychid caddisfly, Hydropsyche kozhantschikovi, were studied from the Wangsuk creek in Kyonggi-do from April to June in 1999. Emerging adults were quantitatively collected by pyramidshaped emergence traps. Water temperature was hourly monitored in 1999. The emergence began at April 15 when the daily mean water temperature rose to ca. $10^{\circ}C$: it rapidly increased and peaked in ca. 10 days, and continued to May 25, lasting 40 days since the starting date. The average number of emerged adults was $35.8\;inds./m^2$ and their sex ratio was male (M) : female (F) = 1 : 2.04. The emergence of males was ca. 2 days earlier than that of females. Daily, the emergence was a bigeminans pattern representing the major peak (66.7%) just after dark ($19:00{\sim}21:00$) and theminor peak (11.1%) just before dawn ($05:00{\sim}07:00$). According to our degree dayaccumulation (DD) model, it respectively required 453.89DD (M: 440.48DD and F: 473.97 DD), 615.71DD (M: 610.18DD and F: 622.09DD), and 820.24DD (M: 828.25DD and F: 804.71DD) to begin, to reach the peak, and to finish the emergence.

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Effect of Altitude and Tuber Weight on the Growth and Yield of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit (해발고도별 반하 종구 무게가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Han Jun
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2013
  • The plant growth and yield of Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. were studied by altitude and tuber weight. The emergence rates in low land area were not different by tuber weights, but it showed earlier emergence date in heavier weight of seed-tuber and low land area. The higher aerial growth such as plant height and number of leaves per plant was the heavier tuber weight in a planting year, but the growth was not different by the weight of tuber at second year after planting. The distribution pattern of tuber size per $m^2$ was not influenced by different seed-tuber weight. The number of harvested tuber was highest at more than 1 g of tuber weight, and followed 1~2 g and less than 2 g. The distribution pattern of fresh tuber yield was not influenced by different altitude and seed-tuber weight. The marketable tuber, 2 g or more, tends to be produced with more than 0.6 g seed-tuber. As the results above-mentioned, it was thought that the high yield was supposed to use seed-tuber over 0.6 g in the fertile soil.

Changing Transmission Pattern of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in the Republic of Korea: Relationship with Climate Change

  • Park, Jae-Won
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.26
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    • pp.1.1-1.6
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    • 2011
  • Plasmodium vivax malaria has occurred annually in the Republic of Korea (ROK) since its re-emergence in 1993. P. vivax malaria in ROK has been strongly influenced by infected mosquitoes originating from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Korean P. vivax malaria has shown typical characteristics of unstable malaria transmitted only during the summer season, and displays short and long incubation periods. The changing pattern of the transmission period can be predicted by analyzing the seasonal characteristics of early primary attack cases with a short incubation period. Such cases began to gradually occur earlier in the 1990s after the re-emergence. Most of the malaria cases after mid-August are presumed to be early primary attack, short incubation period cases. Only primary transmission was possible until the early 2000s, whereas up to fourth or fifth transmission occurred in the mid-2000s. The results indicate that the length of transmission period has been gradually extending, which may be ascribed to a climate change-mediated temperature rise. Malaria and climate data should be integrated to analyze and predict the influence of climate change on malaria occurrence in ROK.

Understanding Cold and Hot Pattern Classification Based on Systems Biology (시스템 생리학에 기반한 한열 변증의 이해)

  • Lee, Soojin
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2016
  • Systems biology is an emerging field aiming at a systems level understanding of living organisms and focusing on the characteristics of the whole network of them. The emergence of systems biology is partly because of the availability of huge amounts of data on organisms and the extensive support of computational technologies as the tools for understanding complex biological systems. The scientific understanding of Korean medicine has been obstructed because of the lack of proper methods examining the complex nature and the unique property of it. However, systems biology could give a chance understanding Korean medicine objectively and scientifically. Pattern classification is a unique tool of Korean medicine to diagnose and treat patients and systems biology would give a useful tool to interpret pattern classification. Various omics technologies has been used to explain the relations between pattern classification and biological factors and then many characteristics of pattern classification in various diseases have been discovered. Therefore, pattern classification could be a bridge to understand the features and differences of western medicine and Korean medicine and it could be a basis to develop pattern-based personalized medicine.

The Beginning and Transition for the Emergence of Taegeuk Pattern in Korean Buildings (한국 건축에 장식된 태극의 시원과 변천)

  • Koo, Uk-Hee
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 2018
  • Taegeuk is Korea's flagship pattern, which has been handed down over centuries. During the Joseon era, it had an influence on all places such as the left side of the building and arrangement. In addition, Taegeuk was a bowl which contains the philosophy of right now. In Neo-Confucianism, it was understood that yin and yang were divided into five elements and created the universe. In buildings, Taegeuk was mostly used as decoration on the stylobate and doors. Taegeuk contains the fundamental thoughts about the creation of the universe. In architecture, it plays the role of a bridge between spaces. In ancient times, it was used as byeoksa. Entering the Joseon era, it played a role as a border. In the late Joseon dynasty, it was important in protecting the country. A Taegeuk pattern varies in diverse shapes to represent its dynamic aspects. After passing through many different stages, it developed into the pattern of today.

From Emerging to Submerging Economies: New Policy Challenges for Research and Innovation

  • Soete, Luc
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2013
  • The Schumpeterian process of "creative destruction", associated with the emergence and diffusion of new radical, so-called "general purpose" technologies, has throughout history impacted wealth and income, jobs creation, jobs displacement, and the emergence and submergence of new hotspots of innovation. Emerging countries have benefited most from such a renewing of those societies' dynamics, leading them to higher levels of economic development and welfare. Doing so they have shown a remarkable capacity in moving upstream in the value chain, from outsourcing of manufacturing activities to autonomous process technology development, product development, design, and applied research. At the same time however, such Schumpeterian processes have now and then turned into exactly opposite processes of "destructive creation." Such processes seem to have become common among what could be called "submerging" economies: innovation only benefitting a few at the expense of many with as a result an opposite pattern of a long term reduction in overall welfare, productivity, and employment growth.

Changes in the Occurrence Pattern of the Striped Rice Borer, Chilo suppressalis Walker, in Korea (이화명나방의 발생양상 변동에 관한 연구)

  • 이승찬;박해준
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 1991
  • Chronological changes in the occurrence pattern of the striped rice borer(SRB), Chilo suppressalis Walker, were investigated by analyzing the data collected by 33 light traps of the countrywide monitoring units during the period of 1968-1989. And also relation of incidences between larval and adult populations, emergence time and percent emergence of overwintered larvae were observed in relation to the time of different rice transplantations. Spring moths of SRB in 1985-'89 generally emerged earlier than in 1968-'72 : 30 days earlier at Kwangju, 20 -25 days earlier at Sangju and Naju, 10-15 days earlier at Uljin, Jinju, Goyang, Milyang, Kimhae, etc., 5 days earlier at Suweon, Jinchun, Daejeon, Namweon, Haenam, etc. There was no change in the time of spring moth emergance at Weonseong, Chungju, Seosan, Yongju, and Nonsan. Summer moths of SRB in 1985- '89 also emerged earlier than 1968- '72: 20 days earlier at Uljin, 15 days earlier at Chungju, Yeongdug, and Habchun, 5-10 days earlier at the other areas except Yeongju. There was an overall countrywide decrease in the population of the 1st generation of SRB during the last two decades. The population of the 2nd generation also decreased in 19 areas during the same period, but increased in 14 areas including over 3-fold increases in Kwangju, Naju and Daegu, and double increase in Jinju, Milyang and Gongju. The higher larval population density of 1st genration was taken place in the earlier transplanted fields, whereas the population of 2nd generation were higher at mid-season transplanted (May 30), followed by May 15, June 15, and April 30. The peak of larval population appeared generally 15 days after moth peak in 1st generation, and 10 days after moth-peak in 2nd generation. The earlier transplanted fields were the higher percent damage due to 1st off-springs of spring moths, whereas the fields transplanted in mid-season were higher damage due to 2nd off-springs of summer moths. Average body weights of SRB larvae before overwintering were 65.6 mg, 61.2 mg, and 55.5 mg in early, mid-season, and late transplantations, respectively. In field cage experiments, emergence rate of the overwintered larvae ranged from 28.3-39.8%. In other words, body weights of overwintering larvae were heavier in fields by earlier transplantation, and heavier larvae showed higher percentage of adult emergence. The period from overwintered larvae to adult emergence was longer in the fields of the later transplantations; namely, 44, 49, and 51 days for early, mid-season, and late transplantations, respectively.

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Behavior and Circadian Rhythm of Emergence, Copulation and Oviposition in the Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Heliothis assulta Guenee (담배나방의 우화, 교미 및 산란의 행동과 일일리듬)

  • 조점래;부경생
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1988
  • The behavior and circadian rhythm of emergence, copulation and oviposition in the Oriental tobacco budworm (Heliothis assulta Guenee) were studied to obtain the following results. More than three quarters of adults emerged within 3 hours after the light-off. It took about 33 min for an adult to expand and tan its wings after emergence. Adult male showed a sequential pattern of mating behavior, such as antennal movement, wing elevation and vibration, exten¬sion of hairpencils, and tapping of female ovipositor leading to a copulation. However, adult female revealed a rather simple behavior, such as protraction and retraction of her terminal abdomen and vibration of wings. All of the mating took place during the early part of the scotophase, with the peak from 1 hr to 2 hrs after the light-off. But the mating peak in virgin females tended to advance with age. Adult females showed the highest rate of mating among 24 hr-olds and the rate declined with age. The rate of first matings in males gave a very similar pattern to that of females. The duration of copulation was $77\pm$14min. Oviposition occurred throughout the entire scotophase, with the peak during the first 2 hrs. The most nu¬mber of eggs deposited daily was seen on the 3rd day after the mating. Mating rate, number of eggs laid and longevity we~e compared under different sex ratio. Unmated adults lived longer than mated adults.

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Effect of Climate Change for Cyanobacteria Growth Pattern in Chudong Station of Lake Daechung (기후변화에 따른 대청호 추동지점에서의 남조류 발생 패턴 분석)

  • Noh, SungYu;Park, HaeKyung;Choi, HeeLak;Lee, JaeAn
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.377-385
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    • 2014
  • To study the fluctuations and relationship in climate change, environmental factors and cyanobacteria communities, we investigated Chudong station of the Daechung reservoir. The average annual temperature showed the maximum value ($13.9^{\circ}C$) from 1994, showed a gradually increasing pattern from 1969 to 2010 in the Daechung reservoir. The number of days with temperatures over $20^{\circ}C$, minimum temperature of the year and average temperature of the winter season patterns also showed a significant increase. The long-time changed in the annual precipitation were not showed a significant variation. The water temperature record comparatively high value in summer, declined in winter. At all period, the phytoplankton were highest biomass in July 2000, and then, showed comparative higher biomass in the summer months. Cyanobacteria taxa were also showed more than 50%. Emergence of cyanobacteria also appeared in November 2007, were prolonged emergence. The dominant genera of taxa were the dominant sphere (Microcystis spp.) until early 2000. After that, the dominant species were the dominant linear (Aphanizomenon spp., Anabaena spp.). Cyanobacteria were the most correlated with water temperature (r = 0.341, p<0.01) and phosphate concentration (r = 0.355, p<0.01).

Changes of RuBisCO Content and Protease Activity during the Life Span of Tobacco Leaf (담배잎의 일생에 있어서 RuBisCO 함량과 Protease활성의 변동)

  • 이학수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 1993
  • Changes in the amount of ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oygenase(=RuBisCO) protein, namely fraction I protein, and the protease activity were determined in the 10th leaf of tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum, var. Ky-57) from 10 days after emergence through senescence at 5 days interval. The amount of RuBisCO per deveined leaf rapidly increased during the early growing season, reached a maximal quantity at the around 20 days after leaf emergence, when the leaf has gone through its most rapid expansion, and began gradually to decrease till 30 days after leaf emergence, thereafter significantly declined to 45 days that the leaf has been dried up partly. The pattern of the ratio of RuBisCO protein to soluble protein in quantity changed similar to that of RuBisCO contents in a leaf, that was 43%, 60%, and 21% at the around 10 days, 20 days, and 45 days, respectively. And RuBisCO contents was linearly correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll(r=0.98) throughout the life span of the leaf. So, it was assumed that the leaf color can be a useful indicator for judging whether RuBisCO contents higher or not in tobacco leaves without homogenization. On the other hand, the protease activities for degradation of casein were assayed at pH 5.5. 7.0. and 8.5 with crude extracts desalted on Sephadex G-25. The highest caseolytic activity was found at pH 5.5 throughout the life sawn of the leaf. Also, the activity at 5.5 became gradually to increase from 30 days after leaf emergence, when RuBisCO protein had became to disappear and remarkably increased in the last stage of senescence, although nitrogen contents of the leaf had reached low levels. The caseolytic activity at pH 5.5 was in negative correlation with RuBisCO contents throughout the life span of the leaf, but not in lineality between them. In other words, the caseolytic activity increased in a rapid exponential manner when RuBisCO contents had reached some low levels. These results showed that the leaf age, namely harvesting time, is a very important factor for the production of the tobacco leaf containing higher RuBisCO protein. It was concluded that the practical harvesting time is between 20 days and 30 days after the leaf emergence from the present results.

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