• Title/Summary/Keyword: Embedded devices

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Development of Ship Data Acquisition Embedded System

  • Yeo, Ng Yin;Park, Soo-Hong
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.528-533
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    • 2010
  • This research is part of the development of Data Acquisition embedded system that specifically use in ship. The purpose of this data acquisition system mainly is to acquire data from multiple sensors or others related external devices and it will further discuss in this paper. The data collecting, hardware design, software design and the final project outcome of this data acquisition system will be discussed in this paper.

Design of PCB Embedded Balanced-to-unbalanced WiMax Duplexer Using Coupled LC Resonators (WiMAX 응용을 위한 결합 공진기 기반의 PCB 내장형 평형신호 듀플렉서의 설계)

  • Park, Ju-Y.;Park, Jong-C.;Park, Jae-Y.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.1587_1588
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, PCB embedded balanced-to-unbalamced duplexer using coupled LC resonator was introduced for low cost dualband WiMax front-end-module application. In order to obtain the function of bandpass filter and balun transformer, proposed duplexer was configured by using magnetically coupled LC resonator. Out-of-band suppression was enhanced by applying two m-Derived transform circuits to obtain transmission zeros at 2GHz and 4.8GHz. In order to reduce the size of embedded duplexer, BaSrTiO3 (BST) composite high Dk RCC film was applied to improve the capacitance density. This high Dk film provided the capacitance density of 12.2 pF/mm2. The simulation results shows that fabricated duplexer had an insertion loss of 2.9dB and 5.5dB and return loss of 15dB and 16dB for 2.5GHz~2.6GHz and 3.5GHz~3.6GHz, respectively. The maximum magnitude and phase imbalance were 0.01dB and 0.17dB, and 1degree and 2degree in its passband, respectively. The out-of-band suppression was observed approximately 29dB and 40dB below 1.9GHz and over 4.5GHz, respectively. It has a volume of 6 mm $\times$ 7 mm $\times$ 0.7 mm (height).

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Real-time Error Detection Based on Time Series Prediction for Embedded Sensors (임베디드 센서를 위한 시계열 예측 기반 실시간 오류 검출 기법)

  • Kim, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2011
  • An embedded sensor is significantly influenced by its spatial environment, such as barriers or distance, through low power and signal strength. Due to these causes, noise data frequently occur in an embedded sensor. Because the information acquired from the embedded sensor exists in a time series, it is hard to detect an error which continuously takes place in the time series information on a realtime basis. In this paper, we proposes an error detection method based on time-series prediction that detects error signals of embedded sensors in real time in consideration of the physical characteristics of embedded devices. The error detection method based on time-series prediction proposed in this paper determines errors in generated embedded device signals using a stable distance function. When detecting errors by monitoring signals from an embedded device, the stable distance function can detect error signals effectively by applying error weight to the latest signals. When detecting errors by monitoring signals from an embedded device, the stable distance function can detect error signals effectively by applying error weight to the latest signals.

The Embdedded Software of Development Process & Quality Evaluation Method (임베디드 소프트웨어의 개발 프로세스와 품질평가방법)

  • Yu, Jin Jin;Sool, Yang-Hae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2008
  • Recently use of embedded software has been increased to different areas. The requirements and demands for the embedded software have also been altered. In the past, the embedded system was used in simple task and small portable devices but now, the usage of the embedded software has expanded to do much more complex and precise actions in a variety platform environment. The embedded software enables multiple softwares to be integrated into one and at the same time, control it. Currently the biggest challenges embedded software is facing during its development process is the improvement in product production and quality assurance. Our research team has developed an embedded software based on the component (technology or methodology) which both improves production capabilities as well as quality. Additionally, we also established and constructed a reliability test system which can effectively test the quality of the developed embedded software to further increase its competiveness.

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Design Evaluation System with Visualization and Interaction of Mobile Devices Based on Virtual Reality Prototypes

  • Jo, Dong-Sik;Yang, Ung-Yeon;Son, Wook-Ho
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.757-764
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we present a design evaluation system with visualization and interaction of mobile devices using virtual-reality-based prototypes which can be used to easily change design parameters and simulate embedded software. To evaluate and predict affective-engineering-based design preferences for mobile devices under a virtual environment, we have developed a high quality visualization platform which creates images that look similar to real mobile devices in addition to real-time simulation of realistic motions and functions of mobile devices. To support a quantitative usability test scenario for external design shape, we also have built a system which consists of a mixed-reality-based testing platform for measuring hand load.

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Comparison of TDC Circuit Design Method to Constant Delay Time

  • Choi, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.461-465
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes the design method of Time-to-Digital Converter(TDC) to obtain the constant delay time and good reliability. The reliability property is described with delay elements. In TDC the time signal is converted to digital value which is based on delay elements for the time interpolation. To obtain the constant delay time, the first and the last delay elements have different structure compared to the middle delay elements. In the first and the last delay elements, the driving ability could be controlled for the different delay time. The delay element can be designed by analog and digital devices. The delay time of the element using analog devices is not sensitive to process parameters than that of the element using digital devices. And the TDC circuit by the elements using analog devices shows better reliability than that by the elements using digital devices also.

Design and Implementation of File System Using Local Buffer Cache for Digital Convergence Devices (디지털 컨버전스 기기를 위한 지역 버퍼 캐쉬 파일 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Jeong, Geun-Jae;Cho, Moon-Haeng;Lee, Cheol-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2007
  • Due to the growth of embedded systems and the development of semi-conductor and storage devices, digital convergence devises is ever growing. Digital convergence devices are equipments into which various functions such as communication, playing movies and wave files and electronic dictionarys are integrated. Example are portable multimedia players(PMPs), personal digital assistants(PDAs), and smart phones. Therefore, these devices need an efficient file system which manages and controls various types of files. In designing such file systems, the size constraint for small embedded systems as well as performance and compatibility should be taken into account. In this paper, we suggest the partial buffer cache technique. Contrary to the traditional buffer cache, the partial buffer cache is used for only the FAT meta data and write-only data. Simulation results show that we could enhance the write performance more than 30% when the file size is larger than about 100 KBytes.

Design and Implementation of DMB Device Driver based on the Windows CE 5.0 (Windows CE 5.0 기반의 DMB 디바이스 드라이버 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Deok-Hwan;Kim, Young-Hoon;Chang, Joon-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2007
  • Recently, as the demand of mobile multimedia devices increases and T-DMB is started in Korea, the need of research for integration of mobile devices such as cellular phone, navigation, and portable multimedia player becomes higher. In order to integrate mobile devices, it is necessary to support microprocessor with fast speed and various devices with multimedia service. In this paper, we construct Windows CE 5.0 platform whose BSP supports the embedded system board with ARM11 core and various devices and applications. We also implement the DMB device driver which supports busy waiting and interrupt driven I/O techniques, compare their performance, and then suggest the method to efficiently use the resources of embedded system.

Higher-Order Masking Scheme against DPA Attack in Practice: McEliece Cryptosystem Based on QD-MDPC Code

  • Han, Mu;Wang, Yunwen;Ma, Shidian;Wan, Ailan;Liu, Shuai
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1100-1123
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    • 2019
  • A code-based cryptosystem can resist quantum-computing attacks. However, an original system based on the Goppa code has a large key size, which makes it unpractical in embedded devices with limited sources. Many special error-correcting codes have recently been developed to reduce the key size, and yet these systems are easily broken through side channel attacks, particularly differential power analysis (DPA) attacks, when they are applied to hardware devices. To address this problem, a higher-order masking scheme for a McEliece cryptosystem based on the quasi-dyadic moderate density parity check (QD-MDPC) code has been proposed. The proposed scheme has a small key size and is able to resist DPA attacks. In this paper, a novel McEliece cryptosystem based on the QD-MDPC code is demonstrated. The key size of this novel cryptosystem is reduced by 78 times, which meets the requirements of embedded devices. Further, based on the novel cryptosystem, a higher-order masking scheme was developed by constructing an extension Ishai-Sahai-Wagne (ISW) masking scheme. The authenticity and integrity analysis verify that the proposed scheme has higher security than conventional approaches. Finally, a side channel attack experiment was also conducted to verify that the novel masking system is able to defend against high-order DPA attacks on hardware devices. Based on the experimental validation, it can be concluded that the proposed higher-order masking scheme can be applied as an advanced protection solution for devices with limited resources.

An Analysis on RAW Image File of DLSR Camera and Development of a RAW Image Viewer for an Embedded Device (DLSR 카메라의 RAW 이미지 파일 분석 및 임베디드 장치용 RAW 이미지 뷰어 개발)

  • Ro, Kwang-Hyun;Kim, Seung-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1341-1349
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    • 2011
  • This research is focused on an analysis on the structure of RAW image file and the development of a RAW image file viewer for an embedded device. Recently, several RAW image file formats are being used for saving and displaying the images created by various DSLR cameras, and the necessity of handing RAW images in mobile multimedia devices is increasing. For the development of RAW image decoding/encoding library applicable to WinCE-based embedded devices viewer, an analysis of RAW image file formats, such as CRW, CR2, PEF, NEF, MRW, have been performed because their formats are not released in public. By using the library, the analysis software which can extract RAW image data, 2~3 JPEG image files and other informations such as the specification of a camera and various photographic parameters from RAW image files, were developped and a RAW image file viewer which can run in WinCE-based embedded devices. The experimental result has shown that the viewer could encode and decode RAW image files successfully and it took approximately 10secs to load them to the screen in S3C6410 based embedded platform. The outcomes of this research cloud be a good information and solution to multimedia application developers.