Song, Jae In;Lim, Sanghun;Cho, Yo Han;Jeong, Hyeon Gyo
Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
As the occurrences of flash floods have increased due to climate change, faster and more accurate precipitation observation using X-band radar has become important. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment installed two dual-pol X-band radars at Samcheok and Uljin. The radar data used in this study were obtained from two different elevation angles and composed to reduce the shielding effect. To obtain quantitative rainfall, quality control (QC), KDP retrieval, and Hybrid Surface Rainfall (HSR) methods were sequentially applied. To improve the accuracy of the quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) of the X-band radar, we retrieved parameters for the relationship between rainfall rate and specific differential phase, which is commonly called the R-KDP relationship; hence, an empirical approach was developed using multiple rain gauges for those two radars. The newly suggested relationship, R = 27.4K0.81DP, slightly increased the correlation coefficient by 1% more than the relationship suggested by the previous study. The root mean square error significantly decreased from 3.88 mm/hr to 3.68 mm/hr, and the bias of the estimated precipitation also decreased from -1.72 mm/hr to -0.92 mm/hr for overall cases, showing the improvement of the new method.
A novel approach, hybrid surface rainfall (KNU-HSR) technique developed by Kyungpook Natinal University, was utilized for improving the radar rainfall estimation. The KNU-HSR technique estimates radar rainfall at a 2D hybrid surface consistings of the lowest radar bins that is immune to ground clutter contaminations and significant beam blockage. Two HSR techniques, static and dynamic HSRs, were compared and evaluated in this study. Static HSR technique utilizes beam blockage map and ground clutter map to yield the hybrid surface whereas dynamic HSR technique additionally applies quality index map that are derived from the fuzzy logic algorithm for a quality control in real time. The performances of two HSRs were evaluated by correlation coefficient (CORR), total ratio (RATIO), mean bias (BIAS), normalized standard deviation (NSD), and mean relative error (MRE) for ten rain cases. Dynamic HSR (CORR=0.88, BIAS= $-0.24mm\;hr^{-1}$, NSD=0.41, MRE=37.6%) shows better performances than static HSR without correction of reflectivity calibration bias (CORR=0.87, BIAS= $-2.94mm\;hr^{-1}$, NSD=0.76, MRE=58.4%) for all skill scores. Dynamic HSR technique overestimates surface rainfall at near range whereas it underestimates rainfall at far ranges due to the effects of beam broadening and increasing the radar beam height. In terms of NSD and MRE, dynamic HSR shows the best results regardless of the distance from radar. Static HSR significantly overestimates a surface rainfall at weaker rainfall intensity. However, RATIO of dynamic HSR remains almost 1.0 for all ranges of rainfall intensity. After correcting system bias of reflectivity, NSD and MRE of dynamic HSR are improved by about 20 and 15%, respectively.
Cho, Wonhee;Lim, Wontaek;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Jong-Hwan;Ko, Dongwook W.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Forest landscape models (FLMs) can be used to investigate the complex interactions of various ecological processes and patterns, which makes them useful tools to evaluate how environmental and anthropogenic variables can influence forest ecosystems. However, due to the large spatio-temporal scales in FLMs studies, parameterization and validation can be extremely challenging when applying to new study areas. To address this issue, we focused on the parameterization and application of a spatially explicit forest landscape model, LANDIS-II, to Mt. Gyebang, South Korea, with the use of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) and long-term ecological research (LTER) site data. In this study, we present the followings for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II: 1) species-specific and spatial parameters estimation for the biomass succession extension of LANDIS-II, 2) calibration, and 3) application and validation for Mt. Gyebang. For the biomass succession extension, we selected 14 tree species, and parameterized ecoregion map, initial community map, species growth characteristics. We produced ecoregion map using elevation, aspect, and topographic wetness index based on digital elevation model. Initial community map was produced based on NFI and sub-alpine survey data. Tree species growth parameters, such as aboveground net primary production and maximum aboveground biomass, were estimated from PnET-II model based on species physiological factors and environmental variables. Literature data were used to estimate species physiological factors, such as FolN, SLWmax, HalfSat, growing temperature, and shade tolerance. For calibration and validation purposes, we compared species-specific aboveground biomass of model outputs and NFI and sub-alpine survey data and calculated coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE). The final model performed very well, with 0. 98 R2 and 8. 9 RMSE. This study can serve as a foundation for the use of FLMs to other applications such as comparing alternative forest management scenarios and natural disturbance effects.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
The purpose of this study is to present a method to assess the landscape aesthetic value of Bukhansan National Park using geotagged images that have been shared on social media sites. The method presented in this study consisted mainly of collecting geotagged image data, identifying landscape images, and analyzing the cumulative visibility by applying a target probability index. Ramblr is an application that supports outdoor activities with many users in Korea, from which a total of 110,954 geotagged images for Bukhansan National Park were collected and used to assess the landscape aesthetics. The collected geotagged images were interpreted using the Google Vision API, and were subsequently were divided into 11 landscape image types and 9 non-landscape image types through cluster analysis. As a result of analyzing the landscape types of Bukhansan National Park based on the extracted landscape images, landscape types related to topographical characteristics, such as peaks and mountain ranges, accounted for the largest portion, and forest landscapes, foliage landscapes, and waterscapes were also commonly found as major landscape types. In the derived landscape aesthetic value map, the higher the elevation and slope, the higher the overall landscape aesthetic value, according to the proportion and characteristics of these major landscape types. However, high landscape aesthetic values were also confirmed in some areas of lowlands with gentle slopes. In addition, the Bukhansan area was evaluated to have higher landscape aesthetics than the Dobongsan area. Despite the high elevation and slope, the Dobongsan area had a relatively low landscape aesthetic value. This shows that the aesthetic value of the landscape is strongly related not only to the physical environment but also to the recreational activities of visitors who are viewing the scenery. In this way, the landscape aesthetics assessment using the cumulative visibility of geotagged images is expected to be useful for planning and managing the landscape of Bukhansan National Park in the future, through allowing the geographical understanding of the landscape values based on people's perceptions and the identification of the regional deviations.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
The distribution of inter-annual variation in temperature would help evaluate the likelihood of a climatic risk and assess suitable zones of crops under climate change. In this study, we evaluated two methods to estimate the standard deviation of temperature in the areas where weather information is limited. We calculated the monthly standard deviation of temperature by collecting temperature at 0600 and 1500 local standard time from 10 automated weather stations (AWS). These weather stations were installed in the range of 8 to 1,073m above sea level within a mountainous catchment for 2011-2015. The observed values were compared with estimates, which were calculated using a geospatial correction scheme to derive the site-specific temperature. Those estimates explained 88 and 86% of the temperature variations at 0600 and 1500 LST, respectively. However, it often underestimated the temperatures. In the spring and fall, it tended to had different variance (e.g., increasing or decreasing pattern) from lower to higher elevation with the observed values. A regression analysis was also conducted to quantify the relationship between the standard deviation in temperature and the topography. The regression equation explained a relatively large variation of the monthly standard deviation when lapse-rate corrected temperature, basic topographical variables (e.g., slope, and aspect) and topographical variables related to temperature (e.g., thermal belt, cold air drainage, and brightness index) were used. The coefficient of determination for the regression analysis ranged between 0.46 and 0.98. It was expected that the regression model could account for 70% of the spatial variation of the standard deviation when the monthly standard deviation was predicted by using the minimum-maximum effective range of topographical variables for the area.
This paper outlines the methodology of grid-based water balance for estimating the spatial distribution of recharge, which is applied to Woedo catchment in the northern area of the Jeju Island. The catchment is divided into grids and a daily water balance in each grid is computed for the period of 5 years. Daily rainfall data in each grid is interpolated from the data of 10 rainfall gauging stations. The spatial distributions of parameters such as SCS curve number, soil water retention capacity and crop coefficients are derived from GIS analyses of soil and land use characteristics. The SCS curve number is obtained by calibrating simulated runoffs with respect to the observed runoffs. The results show that the average annual rainfall increases from 1,665 mm/year to 3,382 mm/year in accordance with the topographic elevation, and the average annual recharge varies from 372 mm/year to 2,576 mm/year according to the average annual rainfall increases. Spatial variability of recharge is the highest among the water balance components such as rainfall, direct runoff, evaprotranspiration and recharge because the rate of runoff and evapotranspiration in the area with relatively low rainfall is higher than the other area.
The interaction between land surface and atmosphere is essentially affected by hydrometeorological variables including soil moisture. Accurate estimation of soil moisture at spatial and temporal scales is crucial to better understand its roles to the weather systems. The KLDAS(Korea Land Data Assimilation System) is a regional, specifically Korea peninsula land surface information systems. As other prior land data assimilation systems, this can provide initial soil field information which can be used in atmospheric simulations. For this study, as an enabling high-resolution tool, weather research and forecasting(WRF-ARW) model is applied to produce precipitation data using GFS(Global Forecast System) with GFS embedded and KLDAS soil moisture information as initialization data. WRF-ARW generates precipitation data for a specific region using different parameters in physics options. The produced precipitation data will be employed for simulations of Hydrological Models such as HEC(Hydrologic Engineering Center) - HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System) as predefined input data for selected regional water responses. The purpose of this study is to show the impact of a hydrometeorological variable such as soil moisture in KLDAS on hydrological consequences in Korea peninsula. The study region, Chongmi River Basin, is located in the center of Korea Peninsular. This has 60.8Km river length and 17.01% slope. This region mostly consists of farming field however the chosen study area placed in mountainous area. The length of river basin perimeter is 185Km and the average width of river is 9.53 meter with 676 meter highest elevation in this region. We have four different observation locations : Sulsung, Taepyung, Samjook, and Sangkeug observatoriesn, This watershed is selected as a tentative research location and continuously studied for getting hydrological effects from land surface information. Simulations for a real regional storm case(June 17~ June 25, 2006) are executed. WRF-ARW for this case study used WSM6 as a micro physics, Kain-Fritcsch Scheme for cumulus scheme, and YSU scheme for planetary boundary layer. The results of WRF simulations generate excellent precipitation data in terms of peak precipitation and date, and the pattern of daily precipitation for four locations. For Sankeug observatory, WRF overestimated precipitation approximately 100 mm/day on July 17, 2006. Taepyung and Samjook display that WRF produced either with KLDAS or with GFS embedded initial soil moisture data higher precipitation amounts compared to observation. Results and discussions in detail on accuracy of prediction using formerly mentioned manners are going to be presented in 2011 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation.
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
LEO(Low altitude Earth Orbit) Satellite systems have been utilized in the field of earth and scientific observation (cartography mission, ocean color monitoring, bioglogical coeanography, space environments observation by space physics sensor, and meteorological observation, atmospheric observation etc.), and the field of military (military communications and secret information, enemy reconnaissance etc.), and recently been developing in the field of mobile satellite commnication of GMPCS for commercial utilization. In Korea, KOMPSAT I satellite and ground system are been developing and planed to be lunched on October 1999 In this paper, the link budge of the TT&C system for LEO satellite is described and the relations between elevation angle and pass time of LEO satellite are calculated according to satellite moving. And the packet error rates of receiving data are derived three packet error rates(PER) of real-time(RT) mode, playback(PB) mode, and real-time and range tone(RT+RNG) mode are estimated according to pass time of satellite. The results of PER are the best at real-time and the worst at real-time mode and range mode at the all pass time of satellite. The average error free packet(EFP)s of real-time mode, playback mode, and real-time and range tone for the pass time of satellite are obtained as 99.999999%, 99.999912%, 99.995945% respectively. Therefore, transmission sequence of telemetry data are determined such as PER sequence according to pass time, namely, real-time, playback, and real-time and range mode.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
A topography-precipitation relationship derived from the southern part of Korean Peninsula was applied to North Korea where climate stations are few and widely separated. Two hundred and seventy seven rain gauge stations of South Korea were classified into 8 different groups depending on the slope orientation (aspect) of the region they are located. Monthly precipitation averaged over 10 year period (1986-1995) was regressed to topographical variables of the station locations. A 'trend precipitation' for each gauge station was extracted from the precipitation surface interpolated from the monthly precipitation data of 24 standard stations of the Korea Meteorological Administration and used as a substitute for y-axis intercept of the regression equation. These regression models were applied to the corresponding regions of North Korea, which were identified by slope orientation, to obtain monthly precipitation surface for the aspect regions. 'Trend precipitation' from the 10 year data of 27 North Korean standard stations was also used in the model calculation. Output grids for each aspect region were mosaicked to form the monthly and annual precipitation surface with a 1km$\times$1km resolution for the entire territory of North Korea. Spatially averaged annual precipitation of North Korea was 938 mm with the standard deviation of 246 mm.
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
Clarify wind energy productivity depends on three factors: the wind probability density function(PDF), the turbine's power curve, and the air density. The wind PDF gives the probability that a variable will take on the wind speed value. Wind shear refers to the change in wind speed with height above ground. The wind speed tends to increase with the height above ground. also, Wind PDF refers to the change with height above ground. Wind analysts typically use the Weibull distribution to characterize the breadth of the distribution of wind speeds. The Weibull distribution has the two-parameter: the scale factor c and the shape factor k. We can use a linear least squares algorithm(or Ln-least method) and moment method to fit a Weibull distribution to measured wind speed data which data was located same site and different height. In this study, find that the scale factor is related to the average wind speed than the shape factor. and also different types of terrain are characterized by different the scale factor slop with height above ground. The gross turbine power output (before accounting for losses) was caculated the power curve whose corresponding air density is closest to the air density. and air desity was choose two way. one is the pressure of the International Standard Atmosphere up to an elevation, the other is the measured air pressure and temperature to calculate the air density. and then each power output was compared.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.