• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elevation estimation

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The Seismic Design of Water Extinguishing Piping Systems for Equivalent Static Analysis Method (등가정적해석법에 의한 수계 파이프 시스템의 내진설계)

  • Lee, Dong-Myung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.100-105
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    • 2012
  • In this study, seismic design in pipeline of pressurized water supply system of water extinguishing system has been carried out. This study described a generation of artificial earthquake wave compatible with seismic design spectrum, and also determined equivalent static loads to analyzed the response spectra acceleration by the simulated earthquake motion. This study constructed powerful engineering base for seismic design, and presented equivalent static analysis method for seismic design of water and gas extinguishing piping system. Also, this study readied basis that can apply seismic design and performance estimation of fire fighting system as well as pipeline of water extinguishing system from result of this research. Hereafter, if additional research by earthquake magnitude and ground kind is approached, reliance elevation, safety raising and performance based design of fire fighting system see to achieve.

An Example of Internal Wave Detection in North Coastal Waters of Cheju Island Using a SAR Image (SAR를 이용한 제주도 북부해역에서의 내부파 관측예)

  • Kim, Tae-Rim;Won, Joong-Sun
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 1999
  • The satellite image acquired by RADARSAT SAR on August 15, 1996 reveals internal waves in north coastal waters of Cheju Island. It is indicated from the image data, the tidal elevation data, and the bottom topography data, the internal waves seem to be generated by interaction between shallow bottom and tidal currents travelling in the stratified water in the summer time during the tidal changeovers from ebb to flood. The internal waves generated in such condition show patterns of trains of solitons. Probable amplitude of observed solitons is calculated using estimation of the soliton wave length from SAR image data and K-dV equation. Detection of the internal waves is very significant not only to military strategist for underwater maneuvers such as operation of submarines, but also to physical and biological oceanographers. Temporal and spatial variation of the internal waves are needed to be measured by simultaneous in-situ field study together with SAR to examine the nature of these internal waves.

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The selection of soil erosion source area of Dechung basin (대청호유역의 토사유실 원인지역 선정)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1997-2002
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    • 2007
  • This study selected soil erosion source area of Dechung basin by soil erosion estimation model and field survey for effective soil conservation planning and management. First, unit soil erosion amount of Dechung basin is analyzed using RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) model based on DEM (Digital Elevation Model), soil map, landcover map and rainfall data. Soil erosion model is difficult to analyze the tracing route of soil particle and to consider the characteristics of bank condition and the types of crop, multidirectional field survey is necessary to choice the soil erosion source area. As the result of analysis of modeling value and field survey, Mujunamde-, Wondang-, Geumpyong stream are selected in the soil erosion source area of Dechung basin. Especially, these areas show steep slope in river boundary and cultivation condition of crop is also weakness to soil erosion in the field survey.

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Building Extraction and Digital Surface Models Generation from Stereo pairs of Aerial Images (입체 항공사진영상을 이용한 DSM생성 및 건물경계추출)

  • 유환희;김성우;성민규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 1998
  • There is an increasing request for 3D data and outlines on building for urban planning and design. This paper describes an approach to extract building using Digital Surface Models(DSM) and stereo pairs of aerial images. DSM contain informations not only about the topographic surface like Digital Elevation Models(DEM), but also about buildings and other objects higher than the surrounding topographic surface, e.g. tees. We therefore describe our approach consisting of two step procedures. The first step of the approach is to generate DSM by stereo matching using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Dynamic Programming. The proposed stereo matching is using the cost function for finding the disparity between the left and right image, and the Dynamic Programming for solving the stereo matching problem. The second step is to detect building outlines using the DSM and the edge informations extracted from a digital aerial image by Sobel Operator. The overlay analysis of the DSM and the edge information by Sobel Operator was efficient to detect building outlines.

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Probabilistic Analysis of Repairing Cost Considering Random Variables of Durability Design Parameters for Chloride Attack (염해-내구성 설계 변수에 변동성에 따른 확률론적 보수비용 산정 분석)

  • Lee, Han-Seung;Kwon, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2018
  • Repairing timing and the extended service life with repairing are very important for cost estimation during operation. Conventionally used model for repair cost shows a step-shaped cost elevation without consideration of variability of extended service life due to repairing. In the work, RC(Reinforced Concrete) Column is considered for probabilistic evaluation of repairing number and cost. Two mix proportions are prepared and chloride behavior is evaluated with quantitative exterior conditions. The repairing frequency and cost are investigated with varying service life and the extended service life with repairing which were derived from the chloride behavior analysis. The effect of COV(Coefficient of Variation) on repairing frequency is small but the 1st repairing timing is shown to be major parameter. The probabilistic model for repairing cost is capable of reducing the number of repairing with changing the intended service life unlike deterministic model of repairing cost since it can provide continuous repair cost with time.

Compressive Strength Estimation Technique of Underwater Concrete Structures using Both Rebound Hardness and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Values (반발경도와 초음파속도를 이용한 수중 콘크리트 구조물의 압축강도 예측 기술)

  • Shin, Eun-Seok;Lee, Ji-Sung;Park, Seung-Hee;Han, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2014
  • As the earth's current global warming has caused elevation of sea water temperature, size of storms is foreseen to increase and consequently large damages on port facilities are to be expected. In addition, due to the improved processing efficiency of port cargo volume and increasing necessity for construction of eco-friendly port, demands for various forms of port facilities are anticipated. In this study, two kinds of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques (rebound hardness and ultrasonic pulse velocity methods) are investigated for the effective maintenance of smart green harbor system. A new methodology to estimate the underwater concrete strengths is proposed and its feasibility is verified throughout a series of experimental works.

Grid-typed GIS Representation of Distributed Evapotranspiration Estimation Results (분포 증발산량 산정 결과의 격자형 GIS 표현)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Geun-Sang;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2004
  • A Grid-based distributed evaporation prediction model which calculates temporal and spatial evaporation with a heat balance method was developed. And, the model was considered as the integration with distributed hydrological model in near future. 'This model was programmed by fortran language and used ASCII formatted map data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and land cover map extracted by remote sensing data. Also, temporal variations and spatial distributions of evaporation are presented by using GIS. To verify the applicability of the model, it was applied to the Shonai river basin ($532km^2$) which has sufficient meteorological and hydrological data, Japan. The result shows that the estimated mean annual evaporation was 825.4mm, and this value is estimated as suitable things in considering rainfall and discharge data in study area.

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Analysis on the estimation errors of the lowest and highest astronomical tides for the southwestern 2.5 GW offshore wind farm, Korea

  • Ko, Dong Hui;Jeong, Shin Taek;Cho, Hong-Yeon;Kang, Keum-Seok
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2018
  • For the design of wind-power facilities, the highest and lowest astronomical tides (HAT and LAT, respectively) are needed for the tidal-water levels regarding international designs; however, the approximate highest high water and approximate lowest low water AHHW and ALLW, respectively, have been used in Korea. The HAT and LAT in the wind-farm test-bed sea should be estimated to satisfy the international standard. In this study, the HAT and LAT are therefore estimated using the hourly tidal-elevation data of the Eocheongdo, Anmado, Younggwang, Gunsan, Janghang, and Seocheon tidal-gauging stations that are located in the adjacent coastal sea. The nodal variation patterns of the major lunar components, such as $M_2$, $O_1$, and $K_1$ are analyzed to check the expected long-term lunar cycle, i.e., 18.61 year's nodal-variation patterns. The temporal amplitude variations of the $M_2$, $O_1$, and $K_1$ clearly show the 18.61-years periodic patterns in the case of the no-nodal correction condition. In addition, the suggested HAT and LAT elevations, estimated as the upper and lower confidence limits of the yearly HAT and LAT elevations, are 50 cm greater than the AHHW and 40 cm lower than the ALLW, respectively.

A Performance Improvement on Navigation Applying Measurement Estimation in Urban Weak Signal Environment (도심에서의 측정치 추정을 적용한 항법성능 향상 연구)

  • Park, Sul Gee;Cho, Deuk Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2745-2752
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, Transport Demand Management has been conducted for the efficient management of transport. In ITS applications in particular, the prerequisite is accurate and reliable positioning. However, the major problems are satellite signal outage, and multipath. This paper proposes that outage and multipath measurement can be detected and estimated using elevation angle and signal to noise ratio data association relation in stand-alone GPS. In order to verify the performance of the proposed method, it is then evaluated by the car test. the evaluation test environment has low accuracy and unreliable positioning because of signal outage or multipath such as steep hill and high buildings. In the evaluation test result, 918times abnormal signal occurred and it was confirmed that the proposed method showed more improved 9.48m(RMS) horizontal positioning error than without proposed method.

Design and Evaluation of Intelligent Helmet Display System (지능형 헬멧시현시스템 설계 및 시험평가)

  • Hwang, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we describe the architectural design, unit component hardware design and core software design(Helmet Pose Tracking Software and Terrain Elevation Data Correction Software) of IHDS(Intelligent Helmet Display System), and describe the results of unit test and integration test. According to the trend of the latest helmet display system, the specifications which includes 3D map display, FLIR(Forward Looking Infra-Red) display, hybrid helmet pose tracking, visor reflection type of binocular optical system, NVC(Night Vision Camera) display, lightweight composite helmet shell were applied to the design. Especially, we proposed unique design concepts such as the automatic correction of altitude error of 3D map data, high precision image registration, multi-color lighting optical system, transmissive image emitting surface using diffraction optical element, tracking camera minimizing latency time of helmet pose estimation and air pockets for helmet fixation on head. After completing the prototype of all system components, unit tests and system integration tests were performed to verify the functions and performance.