• Title/Summary/Keyword: Electronic Companies

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Design of RFID-based Integration System for Collection and Recycling Process of EOL Household Electric Appliances in Korea (국내 폐가전제품의 회수 및 재활용을 위한 RFID 기반 통합관리시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Han, Dae-Hee;Jeong, Hae-Jun;Lee, Seong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 2009
  • Most world-leading companies are aware that Environment and Health and Safety Issues are critical to the product quality and sustainable growth of their company. Environment-friendly efforts are seen in almost all aspects of business operations in an advanced nation. The Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR) and EU Directive on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) attempt to tackle the growing quantity of WEEE by making producers responsible for the costs of the collection and recycling of their products at the End-of-Life(EOL). To implement the RFID-based integration system for EOL household electric appliances, such as washing machines and refrigerators, we analyzed the process of collecting, recovering, and recycling the EOL products returned from the distribution points. Furthermore, we proposed a soon-to-be process using the RFID-based integration system in the metropolitan recycling center(MRC). This soon-to-be process model is composed of RFID tags, readers, ALEs, applications and several devices. Through the introduction of the RFID-based integration system, we are expecting to see increasing traceability and real-time management for EOL products from customers, and also improvements in valuable reusable materials(VRM) produced from recycling processes.

A Study on Trade Facilitation Agreement and Rolls of e-Trade (무역원활화협정과 전자무역의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jang-Ho;Choi, Kwan-Seon
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.29-55
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to look at the role of e-trade for trade facilitation, which was the conclusion of November 27, 2014 which is based on the main discussions and content of the WTO. This study examines the data collected based on previous research and literature data, and it proposed a policy direction using it. Trade facilitation agreement also contains a number of e-Trade related information and internet-based electronic documents can be sent very quick flow of information and it can save time and cost concerning parties. e-Trade is a very important basement and it is needed to continually develop and exchange for trade facilitation. To make easy trade facilitation, e-Trade is one of the means to achieve competitiveness of companies and countries under these circumstances. The conclusion of this study shows that it is necessary to steadily develop e-trade technologies for trade facilitation and to continuously exchange e-trade system for easy customs services in concerining countries to maximize these effects.

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Determination of Cut-off Time for Express Service Centers According to Operational Characteristics of Consolidation Terminal (화물터미널 운영 특성에 따른 택배영업소 수주 마감시간 결정)

  • Ko, C.S.;Moon, D.H.;Ko, H.J.;Lee, H.J.
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.16 no.spc
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2003
  • While demands for express service are rapidly increasing according to recent progress of electronic commerce, express service companies are struggling to take a larger delivery service market share through ongoing improvement in their service processes. Extension of cut-off time for express service centers can provide the express company with increase of total sales, but it may also cause to increase the possibility not to satisfy customer needs due to work delay in the consolidation terminal. Therefore, compromised decision for cut-off time of each service center should be made by taking operation characteristics of the consolidation terminal into account. This study suggests an approach for determining the cut-off time for express service centers according to operational characteristics of the consolidation terminal with the objective of maximizing expected incremental sales. The problem defined in this study can be represented as two successive models; one is an integer programing model in which the best cut-off time for each sales center are determined, and the other is a single machine scheduling model in which a working schedule in the consolidation terminal is obtained. A genetic algorithm is developed to solve the two models simultaneously. Finally, an example problem is carried out to verify applicability and performance of the algorithm with the data set collected from an express company.

A Study on the Activation Plans of Business Incubators's E-Commerce (창업보육센터 입주기업 전자상거래 활성화 방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Jang, Won-Chul;Hwang, Ki-Tae;Kim, Dae-Jin;Hwang, In-Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2007
  • This aim of study is to offer three way(the E-commerce operations site, electronic catalog site, the E- commerce function improvement, the off-line E-biz revitalization) for E-commerce revitalization of business incubator center's resident enterprise through interview with business incubator center's resident enterprise, business incubator center's manager and the operation company of the COBIAN as E-commerce site of business incubator center. Solutions presented by business incubator center are considered from various angles to improve law perception in the COBIAN and to exchange contact information among BI companies in the COBIAN. And The solution emphasize an efficiency as well as an absolute investment to present the solutions that are able to do better important function as business incubator center than any other. furthermore, a business incubator center presents solutions for solving problems with small and medium enterprises as well as the COBIAN, which is doing E-commerce operation.

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The Digital Mock-Up Information System for New Car Development

  • Min, Sung-Ki;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.277-299
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    • 1999
  • Since Chrysler Motor Co. had experienced the digital development system in the beginning of 1990's, most of leading automobile companies are trying to apply a digital information system for their own business process reengineering based upon concurrent engineering system from product planning phase. This is called as virtual DMU(Digital Mock-Up) system instead of the traditional PMU(Physical Mock-Up) system. By using the virtual prototype, all of the design requirements and system specifications can be checked, changed and optimized more quickly and more efficiently. This paper consists of five chapters for the DMU information system. In the 1$^{st}$ chapter, the principle of digital design system is suggested by using four basic modules such as product design module, process design module, manufacturing system design module and central control module. The basic scheme of DMU is introduced with the benefits of application in the chapter 2. In the chapter 3, a digital design process of new car development is explained with the detailed DMU design and design review processes. In the chapter 4, the practical DMU manufacturing techniques and applications are introduced as CAD/CAM analyses, DPA(Digital Pre-Assembly)reviews for development, production, operation and maintenance phases, digital tolerance analyses and digital factory analyses for assembling line simulation, automated robot welding processes, production jig & fixtures and painting process simulation. Finally, the activities of digital design support; CAS-styling, CAE-engineering and CAT-testing are summarized for design optimization in the chapter 5. As today's automobile manufactures and related business organizations are struggling to compete in the global marketplace, they are concentrating on efficient use of DMU information system to reduce the new car development cost, to have shorten the delivery schedule and to improve product design quality. To meet the demand of those automobile industries on digital information systems, the CALS(Computer aided Acquisition and Logistics Support) and EC(Electronic Commerce)initiative has been focused as a dominant philosophy in defense & commercial industries, specially automobile industries.s.

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A Study on the Development of Convergence Security with the Changes in Security Environments (시큐리티 환경변화에 따른 융합보안의 대두와 물리보안업체의 대응)

  • Ahn, Hwang-Kwon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2011
  • As new technologies emerge and threats become increasingly complex and unpredictable, security professionals who are living in the age of information face an increasingly complex array of challenges. In recent, virtually all organizations with physical and IT assets protect those assets in a variety of methods. There are physical systems to protect facilities and their contents from unlawful trespassing. It is important to note that the integration of physical and IT security is to be required: When done correctly, the integration starts with laws, strategies, policies and procedures. Integration of physical and IT security systems is done not for its own sake but in support of security policies and procedures. Significant security improvements can be made by integrating physical and IT security management without necessarily integrating physical and logical electronic security systems. Up to now, the private security industries of the Republic of Korea have been operated and developed by the separation of physical security and industrial security. However, considering the fast changing security environments, physical security companies should turn their attention to security convergence field to cope with the new trends in the security matters. At the same time, governmental supports on the improvement of various laws, regulations and policies in such a way to meet the realistic needs of the industries should be followed.

The Problem Analysis and Improvement Plans to the Bidding System of Construction Works (건설공사 입 ${\cdot}$ 낙찰제도의 문제점 및 개선방안;대한주택공사의 발주공사를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Jin-Pal;Park, Moon-Sun;Kim, Yong-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.704-709
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to present both problems and improvement plans on the bidding system of the Korea National Housing Corporation, which orders apartment houses professionally. For data gathering, this study used data from electronic procurement system from 2001 to 2005. The research method of this study is to analyze the data categorized into four types: changes of ordering and contract price ration, the lowest-pricing bidding system, and permanent projects by grades. As a result of the analysis, the amount of ordering is biased in favor of particular level. Finally, this study present following improvement plans: 1) screening system and the lowest-pricing bidding system need to be supplemented, 2) the contract price ratio and the amount of ordering should be controlled, and 3) the improvement of PQ and the introduction of the list of Qualified companies by types need to be presented.

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Proposal of a Vender Management System in the Procurement Management of Plant Projects (플랜트 구매조달관리를 위한 공급자관리 시스템 개발 방향 제시)

  • Woo, Ji-Youn;Lee, Jun-Bok;Han, Choong-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.991-994
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    • 2007
  • Since the year of 2003, the overseas plant market has grown by an average of 6% per year. It is because of the increase of oil-money, economic growth of BRICs, and the result of heavy competition among the countries which demands a great amount of resources for the purpose of resource securing. Such a situation is expected to be continued for a while. The procurement is one of critical functions for successful completion of a plant project. For effective procurement, it is required to manage vendor's information efficiently. But most of the vendor management systems deal with simple general information and performance data about vendors. In this sense, this paper proposes a vendor management system which can be used within a decision-making system. The system uses existing DB and makes the close relationship with the vendors. This paper will also reduce risks and difficulties in the process of selecting the proper vendors and will increase efficiency of procurement process in electronic bidding between companies.

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U Based Form Document Generation System for e-Business Sung-Han (XML 기반의 e-비즈니스 문서 생성을 위한 폼 생성시스템)

  • Kim, Seong-Han;Kim, Chang-Su;Jeong, Hoe-Gyeong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.4
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    • pp.713-722
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, XML form generator is designed and implemented on the basis of e-business's DTD (Document Type Definition) document. Rapid evolving for internet services and information infrastructure give many impacts on the e-business, it need to make a new kinds of web-based or electronic-based document formats for e-business transaction trading. In current situations, there are many kinds of document formats on conventional business documents for each companies. And, it has many problems on the aspects of the document reusability and cost to support interoperability between documents for the trading partners. To solve this interoperability of documents, the constructed XML form generator is changing XML form document into HTML (HyperText Markup Language) based web document by XSLT. And it also generates XML business message validating for e-Business DTD by user Inputs.

A study on the send and receive of the message in the TEDI system (TEDI 시스템상의 메시지 송수신에 관한 고찰)

  • Jeon, Soon-Hwan
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the send and receive of the message in the TEDI System. The TEDI System replaces a series of trade documents with electronic date, and it realizes secure and reliable transactions of data among parties by means of open networks, such as the Internet. The TEDI system is composed of Web browsers, TC Serves, a RSP Server, and Certification Servers. TEDI has development the system and legal frame work. Exporters, importers, carriers, banks insurance and companies those who engage in the trade releated business have tested TEDI system and evaluated the legal frame work from the practical point of view. TEDI is now refining the system and preparing for the service. A fundamental feature of the TEDI System is the attribution to participants of data messages through public key certificates issued by certification authorities that allow for verification of digital signatures. Access to servers maintained by such certification authorities also takes place through the internet. In principle, certificates used by any reputable certification authority may be employed as long as they are compatible with X.509 V3.

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