• Title/Summary/Keyword: Electric Current

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Development of a Small Animal CT using a Linear Detector Array and Small-Scale Slip Rings

  • An Ung Hwan;Chun In Kon;Lee Sang Chul;Cho Min Hyoung;Lee Soo Yeol
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2005
  • We have developed a small bore x-ray CT for small animal imaging with a linear x-ray detector array and small-scale slip rings. The linear x-ray detector array consists of 1024 elements of 400□m×400□m with a gadolinium oxysulfide (GOS) scintillator on top of them. To avoid use of expensive large diameter slip rings for projection data transmission from the X­ray detector to the image reconstruction system, we used the wireless LAN technology. The projection data are temporally stored in the data acquisition system residing on the rotating gantry during the scan and they are transmitted to the image reconstruction system after the scan. With the wireless LAN technology, we only needed to use small-scale slip rings to deliver the AC electric power to the X-ray generator and the power supply on the rotating gantry. The performances of the small animal CT system, such as SNR, contrast, and spatial resolution, have been evaluated through experiments using various phantoms. It has been experimentally found that the SNR is almost linearly proportional to the tube current and tube voltage, and the minimum resolvable contrast is less than 30 CT numbers at 40kVp/3.0㎃. The spatial resolution of the small animal CT system has been found to be about 0.9Ip/㎜. Postmortem images of a piglet is also presented.

A Study of Thermal Performance for Lever Type CO Micro Gas Sensor (레버형 CO 마이크로 가스센서의 열적성능에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Young-Cheol;Im, Jun-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.325-330
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    • 2005
  • A lever type CO micro gas sensor was fabricated by MEMS technology. In order to heat up the gas sensing material, $SnO_2$, to a target temperature, a micro heater was built on the gas sensor. The heater and electrodes were hanged on the air as a bridge type to minimize the heat loss to the silicon base. The sensing material laid on the heater and electrodes and did not contact with the silicons base. The temperature distribution of micro gas sensor was analyzed by a CFD program, FLUENT. The results showed that the temperature of silicon wafer base was almost similar to that of the room temperature, which indicates that the heat generated at the micro heater heated up effectively the sensing material. The required electric current of micro heater to heat up the sensing material to the target temperature could be predicted.

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Analysis and Design of a Multi-resonant Converter with a Wide Output Voltage Range for EV Charger Applications

  • Sun, Wenjin;Jin, Xiang;Zhang, Li;Hu, Haibing;Xing, Yan
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.849-859
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    • 2017
  • This paper illustrates the analysis and design of a multi-resonant converter applied to an electric vehicle (EV) charger. Thanks to the notch resonant characteristic, the multi-resonant converter achieve soft switching and operate with a narrowed switching frequency range even with a wide output voltage range. These advantages make it suitable for battery charging applications. With two more resonant elements, the design of the chosen converter is more complex than the conventional LLC resonant converter. However, there is not a distinct design outline for the multi-resonant converters in existing articles. According to the analysis in this paper, the normalized notch frequency $f_{r2n}$ and the second series resonant frequency $f_{r3n}$ are more sensitive to the notch capacitor ratio q than the notch inductor ratio k. Then resonant capacitors should be well-designed before the other resonant elements. The peak gain of the converter depends mainly on the magnetizing inductor ratio $L_n$ and the normalized load Q. And it requires a smaller $L_n$ and Q to provide a sufficient voltage gain $M_{max}$ at ($V_{o\_max}$, $P_{o\_max}$). However, the primary current increases with $(L_nQ)^{-1}$, and results in a low efficiency. Then a detailed design procedure for the multi-resonant converter has been provided. A 3.3kW prototype with an output voltage range of 50V to 500V dc and a peak efficiency of 97.3 % is built to verify the design and effectiveness of the converter.

Annealing Time Properties of SBT Capacitors by RF Sputtering method (RF 스퍼터링법에 의한 SBT 커패시터의 열처리 시간 특성)

  • Cho, Choon-Nam;Oh, Yong-Cheul;Kim, Jin-Sa;Shin, Cheol-Gi;Lee, Dong-Gu;Choi, Woon-Shick;Lee, Sung-Ill;Lee, Joon-Ung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07b
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    • pp.817-820
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    • 2004
  • The $Sr_{0.7}Bi_{2.6}Ta_2O_9$(SBT) thin films are deposited on Pt-coated electrode($Pt/TiO_2/SiO_2/Si$) using a RF magnetron sputtering method. The ferroelectric properties of SBT capacitors with annealing time were studied. In the SEM images, Bi-layered perovskite phase was crystallized at 10min and grains largely grew with annealing tune. SBT thin films are transformed from initial amorphous phase to the fully formed layer-structured perovskite. During the annealing process at $750^{\circ}C$, we found that an fluorite-like stage is formed after 3min. In the XRD pattern, the SBT thin films after 3min annealing time had (105) orientation. The ferroelectric properties of SBT capacitor with annealing time represent a favorable properties at 60 min. The maximum remanent polarization and the coercive electric field with 60 min are $12.40C/cm^2$ and 30kV/cm, respectively. The leakage current density with 60min is $6.81{\times}10^{-10}A/cm^2$.

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Structure of Station Class Lightning Arresters and Electrical Characteristics of ZnO Varistor Blocks (발변전용 피뢰기의 구조 및 ZnO 바리스터 소자의 전기적 특성)

  • Cho, Han-Goo;Han, Se-Won;Lee, Un-Yong;Yoon, Han-Soo;Choi, In-Hyuk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07b
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    • pp.1158-1161
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents structural characteristics of station class lightning arresters and electrical characteristics of manufactured ZnO varistor blocks which are usable in those arresters. Three types of station class lightning arresters were investigated and those are a ceramic arrester, a FRP tube type polymer arrester, and a FRP rod type polymer arrester. Each arrester has merits and demerits with structural characteristics. In general, polymer arresters were made of silicon rubber for housing materials, FRP tube or rod for mechanical strength, ZnO blocks for electrical characteristics, and metal parts for electrical contact and the silicon rubber, the housing materials, was directly injected to the arrester module which was assembly composed of electrodes, ZnO blocks and FRP tube or rod, and to prevent the nonlinear electric fields distribution on upper parts of arresters, the grade ring was adopted to the upper electrodes. The reference voltage, nonlinear coefficient, residual voltage, and voltage ratio of manufactured ZnO varistors are 4.90kV, 50, 9.54kV, 1.94, respectively. Compared to designed electrical characteristics, the reference voltage was low for 600v and the voltage ratio was slightly high. However, the characteristics of discharge withstand was so excellent that the mechanical destruction does not occur at the impulse current of $8/20{\mu}s$ 10kA for 100 times.

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Dual-Coupled Inductor High Gain DC/DC Converter with Ripple Absorption Circuit

  • Yang, Jie;Yu, Dongsheng;Alkahtani, Mohammed;Yuan, Ligen;Zhou, Zhi;Zhu, Hong;Chiemeka, Maxwell
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1366-1379
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    • 2019
  • High-gain DC/DC converters have become one of the key technologies for the grid-connected operation of new energy power generation, and its research provides a significant impetus for the rapid development of new energy power generation. Inspired by the transformer effect and the ripple-suppressed ability of a coupled inductor, a double-coupled inductor high gain DC/DC converter with a ripple absorption circuit is proposed in this paper. By integrating the diode-capacitor voltage multiplying unit into the quadratic Boost converter and assembling the independent inductor into the magnetic core of structure coupled inductors, the adjustable range of the voltage gain can be effectively extended and the limit on duty ratio can be avoided. In addition, the volume of the magnetic element can be reduced. Very small ripples of input current can be obtained by the ripple absorption circuit, which is composed of an auxiliary inductor and a capacitor. The leakage inductance loss can be recovered to the load in a switching period, and the switching-off voltage spikes caused by leakage inductance can be suppressed by absorption in the diode-capacitor voltage multiplying unit. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, the feasibility of the proposed converter is verified by test results obtained by simulations and an experimental prototype.

Wireless Energy Supply for a MAV Propulsion System

  • Shimane, Eri;Komatsu, Shuhei;Komaru, Takashi;Komurasaki, Kimiya;Arakawa, Yoshihiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.862-865
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    • 2008
  • Wireless energy supply for an MAV propulsion system using microwave was developed. This system consists of three sub system; the transmitter system, the rectenna system, and the tracking system. In the transmitter system five horn antennas were used as the antenna elements for the phased array system and both the beam divergence and steering angle was about 9deg. Eight rectennas were arrayed in parallel to obtain enough power to drive the electric motor on the MAV(the voltage was 250mV and the current was 6.8mA) in rectenna system. In tracking system two units of antenna system with leaf pattern which received the linearly-polarized wave despite the MAV yaw angle were set in each axis(x, y) for tracking an MAV in a 2-Dimentional space. And three output voltages $V_{com},\;V_1$ and $V_2$ were loaded in the PC to detect if the distance between transmitter and receiver was not constant. Finally when the microwave beam was steered by the phased array system the output voltage from rectenna was measured at 62cm while the MAV circled around above the transmitter system.

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Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R-290 in Horizontal Minichannel (수평미세관내 R-290의 비등열전달 특성)

  • Choi, Kwang-Il;Pamitran, A.S.;Oh, Jong-Taek
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2006
  • The present paper deals with an experimental study of boiling heat transfer characteristics of R-290, and is focused on pressure gradient and heat transfer coefficient of the refrigerant flow inside horizontal smooth minichannel with inner diameter of 3.0 mm and length of 2000 mm. The direct heating method applied for supplying heat to the refrigerant where the test tube was uniformly heated by electric current which was applied to the tube wall. The experiments were conducted with R-290 with purity of 99.99% at saturation temperature of 0 to $10^{\circ}C$. The range of mass flux is $50{\sim}250kg/m^2s$ and heat flux is $5{\sim}20kW/m^2$. The heat transfer coefficients of R-290 increases with increasing mass flux and saturation temperature, wherein the effect of mass flux is higher than that of the saturation temperature, whereas the heat flux has a low effect on increasing heat transfer coefficient. The significant effect of mass flux on heat transfer coefficient is shown at high quality, the effect of heat flux on heat transfer coefficient at low quality shows a domination of nucleate boiling contribution. The heat transfer coefficient of the experimental result was compared with six existing heat transfer coefficient correlation. Zang et al.'s correlation(2004) gave the best prediction of heat transfer coefficient.

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Changes of Soil Properties in Corn (Zea mays L.) Fields Treated with Compost and Liquid Fertilizer (가축분뇨 퇴.액비가 시용된 옥수수 밭토양 특성 변화)

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Kwon, Soon-Ik;Kang, Seong-Soo;Jung, Goo-Bok;Kang, Kee-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.473-478
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    • 2011
  • A wide diversity of liquid fertilizers and composts produced from the livestock manure in Korea is commonly applied to agricultural lands as an alternative of chemical fertilizers. However, their effects on the crop production and environmental impacts are still vague. The current study was conducted to understand the effects of the pig manure-based liquid fertilizer on the growth of Zea mays L. and soil properties. Four different liquid fertilizers were treated to each cultivated upland plot located in Gyeong-gi province, Korea while no fertilizer (control A) and a chemical fertilizer (control B) were treated to separate plots for comparison. The liquid fertilizer treatment did not make a significant difference in the fresh weight of Zea mays L. compared to the controls. This is probably due to the nutrient residues carried over from the last year fertilization. Electric conductivity (EC) and organic matter contents in soils were increased right after the liquid fertilizer treatments compared to the controls. However, soil pH was maintained as the same as the level of control A. A long-term effect of the continuous treatment of the manure based liquid fertilizer will be carried out in the successive study.

Current State and Limit of Mobile-Based Mental Health Intervention Using Information & Communication Technology (정보통신기술(Information & Communication Technology)을활용한 모바일 기반 정신건강개입의 현황과 한계)

  • Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Seung-Jun;Im, Woo-Young;Paik, Jong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2016
  • Currently, a variety of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) is being broadly utilized for mental health. Especially, mobile application is one of the effective ICT, and several applications have been developed after the spread of smartphones. The mobile-based mental health has several strengths, such as better treatment accessibility and easier check-ups of symptoms or daily activities by real-time monitoring. Better follow-ups of treatment course, more customized feedback and better transportability enable patients to be more adherent. However, there are some limitations of mobile technology about the mental health, such as technical troubles of electric errors, data safety problems and personal information extrusion. Therefore, full considerations should be given during the development and provision of the technology. Most of all, mental health specialists should actively participate in the development process by incorporation of evidence-based experiences and assurance of good clinical qualities.