• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elderly mental health

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The Comparison of Health Status and Satisfaction with Life according to paticipation in exercise program for the Elderly (일부 노인의 운동참여와 비참여시의 건강상태 및 삶의 만족도 비교)

  • Kong, Hyung-Sik;Lee, Kang-Sook;Lee, Seon-Young;Yu, Jae-Hee;Hong, A-Rum
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to find out the factors associated with the health status and life satisfaction in the elderly who participated in an exercise program practiced by the National Health Insurance Corporation and the elderly who did not. Methods: The subjects of this study included 105 elderly people in K-city who participated in the elderly exercise program of the National Health Insurance Corporation and 103 elderly who did not. Results: The elderly group that participated in the exercise program showed slightly better physical health than non-participants but the difference was significant only in the item of bowel control. The elderly group that participated in the exercise program displayed slightly better mental health status than non-participants but the difference was significant only in the item of memory and cognitive ability. The elderly group that participated in the exercise program showed significantly higher life satisfaction than non-participants. The factors affecting the satisfaction of life were participation of exercise program, higher level of education, and perception of health, and the attributable rate was 24.6%. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study suggested that the people who participated in elderly exercise program showed higher level of physical and mental health status and life satisfaction than non-participants. Therefore, various National Exercise Program for elderly tailored by characteristics should be implemented.

A Study of the Health Status of Elderly Residing in Large city, Medium and Small city, Rural areas in Korea (대도시, 중소도시, 농촌 노인의 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • 최영희;신윤희
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.365-382
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    • 1991
  • This study was designed to measure the physical, mental-emotional and social health status of elderlies according to rural areas, medium - small cities, and large city environment. Data collection was done from July 18 to August 17 1990. The subjects were a convenience sample after their place of residence was stratified into large, medium- small cities and rural areas. Those who attended elderly centers in Seodaemun, Mapo, and Kangnam districts in Seoul were considered to be residents of a large city and interviewed by trained research assistants and student nurses. Elderlies living in Chungju, Jinju, Chuncheon, and Jeonju cities were coded as residents of medium-small cities and were interviewed by professors of nursing colleges. Rural residents were interviewed by the community health practioners working in community health clinics in North and South Kyongsang, North and South Jeolla, and Kyonggi provinces. The tool used in this study was the health assessment tool developed by Choi, Young Hee in 1990. This tool was organized into 20 physical health status, 17 mental - emotional health status, and 37 social health ststus items. Physical health status items consisted of six factors - personal hygiene activity ability, external activity utilizing traffic, mass media, and spare time ability, sexual ability, digestive system related ability, sexual ability, sensory ability, and elimination ability. Mental - emotional health status items consisted of two factors - mental health factor and emotional health factor. Social health status items consisted of seven factors -grandparental role ability, parental role ability, spoused role ability, friendship role ability, kinship role ability, group member role ability, and religious believer role ability. Data Analysis included frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and chi - square test. The results of the analysis are as follows : 1. The mean physical health status score for large city residents was 4.1132, for rural residents 4.0787, and for medium and small city residents 3.9565. There were significant differences according to residential area for personal hygiene activity ability, external activity ability, sexual ability, and digestive system related ability items 2. The mean mental -emotional health status score for rural residents was 3.8291, for medium and small city residents 3.7967, and for large city residents 3.7807. There was a significant difference according to residential area in the mental health ability item. 3. The mean social health status score for medium and small city residents was 3.0000, for rural residents 2.9362, and for large city residents 2.8960. There were significant differences according to residential area for kinship role ability and religious believer role ability items. The following conclusion was derived from the above results 1. The physical health status of elderlies residing in medium - small cities and in rural areas was lower than that of those residing in Seoul, a large urban area. Therefore, more medical facilities are needed in rural area so as to monitor their health, prevent disease, and promote their health. 2. The mental -emotional ststus and social health status of elderlies residing in the large city were lower than that of those residing in medium - small cities and rural areas. This may reflect weakening of the strong traditional family bond that may happen with urbanization. Continued support for elderly parents is essential and education should emphasize the traditional cultural norm and value of filial piety. 3. Facilities and programs for elderly are needed so that they may spend their time more valuably in their urban environment.

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Effect of Visual Block, Task Type, and Participation in an Exercise Program on Static Balance in the Elderly (시각 차단, 과제 유형, 및 운동프로그램 참여가 노인의 정적 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo, Young-Keun;Yi, Chung-Hwi;Cho, Sang-Hyun;Kwon, Hyuk-Cheol
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of visual block (eyes open or closed), mental task type, and participation in an exercise program on static balance in the elderly. The subjects were 34 elderly (>65 years old) residents of a social welfare institute in Gyeonggi-do. We measured the following variables. Berg balance scale, mini mental state examination, balance performance monitor (sway area, path, and maximal sway velocity), age, weight, height and whether the subject participated in an exercise program. Scores for the Berg balance scale and mini mental state examination were evaluated to assess static balance ability either alone (single task paradigm) or while performing a mental task (dual task paradigm). Static balance variables that were measured included sway area, path, and maximal sway velocity. Each test was repeated three times. Multiple regressions analysis was used to examine the effect of each variable on static balance ability. For the dual task paradigm, static balance was affected by whether the subject participated in an exercise program. The Berg balance scale score for subjects with their eyes open was affected by whether they participated in an exercise program, while this variable in addition to the height and weight of subjects were determining variables in subjects with their eyes closed. As a result, whether subjects participated in an exercise program affected their static balance irrespective of whether their eyes open or closed. Therefore, regular exercise is recommended for elderly people and further research is needed to examine the relationship between static and dynamic balance while performing mental tasks such as cognition and attention.

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A Study on Analysis of Mental Fitness, Perspective Taking, Attitude toward the Elderly, and Quantitative Encephalogram among Caregivers (요양보호사의 마음건강, 관점수용, 노인 돌봄태도 및 정량 뇌파 분석 연구)

  • Weon, Hee Wook;Son, Hae Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the mental fitness, perspective taking, attitude toward the elderly, and quantitative encephalogram among caregivers. Methods: In this mixed method research, 14 female caregivers at an elderly care facility in Y city were participated from December 1st to December 31st, 2019. Structured questionnaires were applied to measure general characteristics, mental fitness, perspective taking, and attitude toward the elderly. Brain waves were measured by quantitative encephalogram in the prefrontal lobe. High frequency and high level of care tasks were analyzed using content analysis. Results: According to analysis of brain waves, caregivers experienced high level of physical strain & stress and psychological distraction & stress. Mental fitness (p<.05) and perspective taking (p<.001) were associated with attitude toward the elderly. Moreover, physical strain & stress was associated with psychological distraction & stress (p<.05, p<.001). High frequency and high level tasks were excretion and position change & movement care related tasks, respectively. Conclusion: These findings should be consider as an evidence for supporting care tasks based on concrete and objective understanding of caregivers using self-reported index as well as neurophysiological indicators including brain waves.

A Convergence Study on the Factors Influencing Health-related Quality of Life in the Elderly Health Behavior (노인들의 보건행태가 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 융합연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of the Convergence study is to identify the factors of health-related quality of life for the elderly and provide the basic data needed to improve the quality of life for the elderly. The objects of the study were 1,367 people aged 65 or older living in Korea out of the original data for the 7th National Health and Nutrition Survey by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Year 2017). Multiple regression analyses was performed by using the SPSS/PC 21.0 statistical program for the purpose of the study. According to the study, mental health and then physical activity were the most influential factors in health-related quality of life. Based on these results, we found that health education is highly important to provide customized health care services and to build the correct lifestyle in order to improve the quality of health-related life. Therefore, follow-up research is needed to identify the effectiveness of developing and applying diverse programs to enhance mental health and physical activity of the elderly in the future.

Effects of Separated Children Support on Depression in One-Person Households of the Elderly (비동거자녀 지원이 1인가구 노인의 우울에 미치는 영향: 성별에 따른 비교)

  • Lim, Min Kyoung;Ko, Young-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.265-277
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    • 2018
  • This study examined if support from separated children as a factor of depression was distinguishable between male and female elderly individuals living in one-person households. This study analyzed data of 2,354 elderly individuals living in one-person households(407 males and 1,947 females) who were 65 years of age or older using data from the 2014 National Elderly Survey on Living Conditions and Need for Welfare. Employing logistic regression, IADL, self-rated health, and, friends were important for male elderly individuals living in one-person households, while self-rated health, friends, employment, chronic diseases, and emotional support from separated children were noticeable for female elderly individuals living in one-person households. To better understand the mental health needs by gender of elderly individuals living in one-person households, their differences in emotional support from separated children, should be considered.

Influence of Korean Traditional Dance Exercise upon Mental Health and Life Satisfaction in Elderly Women (우리춤 체조가 노인여성의 정신건강과 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Han, Jin-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.3082-3087
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm the influence of Korean traditional dance exercise upon mental health and life satisfaction in elderly women. Data collection was performed from June 2010 to September targeting totally 180 elderly women with 90 people who were carried out Korean traditional dance exercise, and 90 people who weren't carried out. As a result of the effect of Korean traditional dance exercise on mental health, the Korean traditional dance exercise had positive influence upon mental health and life satisfaction. There was statistical difference somatization, obsession, and depression between Korean traditional dance exercise group and no Korean traditional dance exercise group.

A study On Activities of Daily Living, Mental status and Life satisfaction of the elderly living in home and in institutions (시설노인과 재가노인의 일상생활활동, 정신건강상태, 생활만족도 비교분석)

  • Bae, Ju-Han;Lee, Hye-Kyoung;Kim, Han-Soo;Oh, Hyen-Ju
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the activities of daily living, mental status, and life satisfaction of elderly persons living in home with those in institutions and to investigate the factors influencing life satisfaction and mental health. Methods: Data was collected through interview with persons over 60 years of age in a nursing home and in a community elderly center in Daegu City and Kyoungsang buk-do. Subjects were included 32 persons in the nursing home and 41 persons in the community elderly center. Data collection was undertaken 11 - 22 September 2007. Results: Elderly persons living at home showed higher dependency in instrumental activities of daily living, lower cognitive function, higher depression, and higher life satisfaction than elderly persons living in institution. The two groups were significantly different in this regard. Conclusion: As the age of the general population advances, we must prioritize quality of life in elderly persons by undertaking depression prevention through various means.

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The Sexual Health for the Elderly in the Characteristics and Factors: Based on the WHO Sexual Health (WHO 성 건강에 근거한 노인 성 건강 특성과 영향요인)

  • Ryu, JiHye;Kang, ChangHyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and factors of each area by considering the gender health of the elderly as the integration of mental, physical, emotional, and social gender health based on the WHO gender health. The sexual health of the elderly is significantly different by gender, academic background, and region, and there is a clear difference in mental, physical, emotional sexual health and social sexual health. The mental, physical and emotional sexual health of the elderly in urban areas, those with high education and male is high, but the elderly in the rural areas, those with low education, and female are high in social sexual health. The factors affecting sexual health are as follows. Mental sexual health was positively influenced by satisfaction of sexual life and sexual knowledge. Physical sexual health was positively influenced by life and spouse satisfaction, and emotional sexual health was positively influenced by sexual relationship, spouse satisfaction, sexual life satisfaction and sexual knowledge. Social sexual health has a negative (-) effect on spouse satisfaction and sexual relationships. Integrated sexual health in old age can affect subjective health and quality of life, leading to successful aging. Sexual health education is needed to form a safe and healthy sexual life and interpersonal relationship. The 'sex' that appears as a cumulative trajectory of life should be accompanied by the accurate sexual health awareness and sex education that encompasses all generations. Therefore, in the composition of sex health education program, it is necessary to reflect the components that can enhance the sensitivity of adulthood to strengthen understanding and communication of spouse.

Informal Support as an Influential Factor in Elderly Women′s Health: The Importance of Same-Sex Friendship in US

  • Kim, Jeoung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 1999
  • It is known that the role of informal support for elderly women is critical to their physical and mental health, adjustment in old age, and their overall life satisfaction. Elderly women's situation such as social losses, widowhood, living alone, and geographic relocation etc. may result in a need for more informal supports for elderly women's health than ever before. Particularly, women's same-sex friendships were rated higher for overall quality, intimacy, enjoyment, and nurturance. Unlike a generally accepted notion that later life for women is a time of isolation and loneliness, elderly women tend to maintain and reestablish their friendship regardless their marital status and living situation. Although studies on informal support for elderly women were inconclusive in many ways, elderly women's friendship tends to be stable despite of changing health status and life events. The relative importance between daughters and friends was also controversial. This study suggests that more research with reliable measurements is necessary for the practical prevention and intervention program of elderly women's health on this issue.

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