• 제목/요약/키워드: Effective wake

검색결과 131건 처리시간 0.022초

선미 후류에서 작동하는 혼타의 압력분포에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Pressure Distributions of Horn Rudder Operating in Ship's Wake)

  • 공도성;한재문;유재문
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • 선체-프로펠러-타의 상호작용 해석을 반복계산에 의해 수행하였다. 계측된 공칭속도를 입력자료로 하고 보오텍스 링 이론을 이용하여 유효속도를 계산함으로써 선체와 프로펠러사이의 상호작용을 고려하였고, 계산된 유효속도를 입력자료로 하여 프로펠러-타 상호작용을 계산할 수 있는 포텐셜 기저 패널법을 개발하였다. 프로펠러에 의해 타에 유기되는 속도와 반대로 타에 의해 프로펠러에 유기되는 속도는 수렴된 해가 얻어질 때까지 반복 계산하여 타 주위의 정상유동 해석을 수행하였다. 이와 함께 삼성중공업의 대형 캐비테이션 터널에서 L.D.V를 사용하여 프로펠러 및 타 주위의 유동장을 계측하였고 수치계산 결과와 비교하였다. 실선에 설치되고 있는 혼 타주위의 유동장 계산을 위해 gap flow 모델을 적용하였고, 여러 가지 타각에 대한 수치계산을 수행하여 대형캐비테이션 터널에서 계측된 타 표면에서의 압력과 비교하였으며, 계산된 표면 압력 치는 실험 값과 비교적 일치되는 만족스러운 결과를 얻었다.

초기설계 단계에서 2축2타선의 조종운동 추정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Prediction of Maneuvering Motion for a Twin-Screw Twin-Rudder Ship at Initial Design Stage)

  • 이승건;이경우;이승재
    • 한국항해학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1997
  • Mathematical model of maneuvering motion for a single-screw single-rudder ship is established and several applications to the special situations of maneuvering are attempted. While, the mathematical model for twin-screw twin-rudder ship is not presented so much, because that type of ship is not popular. Lee et al. have examined the characteristics of such ship by captive model tests in 1988, in Japan. This paper proposes new mathematical models for propeller effective wake (1 -${\omega}_p$) and effective neutral rudder angle ${delta}_R$ in the case of twin-screw twin-rudder ship. And some maneuvering motionse are calculated with proposed models and compared with exact simulations.

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불면증의 비약물학적 치료 (Nonpharmacological Treatment of Insomnia)

  • 윤인영
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2000
  • Several nonpharmacological treatment methods of insomnia and their effects were reviewed. A long-term use of most hypnotics may produce tolerance, dependence, cognitive and psychomotor impairments at daytime, shallow sleep, and rebound insomnia on drug withdrawal. To reduce hypnotic abuse, nonpharmacological strategies have been developed to correct disordered behavioral and cognitive factors. These treatments aim at modifying maladaptive sleep habits, lowering physiological and cognitive arousal levels, and correcting dysfuctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep. These non-pharmacological or cognitive behavior treatments include stimulus control, sleep restriction, relaxation training, sleep hygiene education, cognitive therapy, and light therapy. Among them the stimulus control therapy has been demonstrated most effective as a single treatment or in combination with other treatments. Through nonpharmacological treatments, sleep latency was most significantly reduced and wake time after sleep onset was also reduced. About 50% of insomniacs reported clinical improvements in terms of nearly normalized sleep latency, awakening time, sleep efficiency, and reduction of hypnotic use. Compared to the hypnotic therapy, nonpharmacological treatments are more cost-effective and more readily accepted by patients, and their effects last longer.

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초기설계 단계에서 2축2타선의 조종운동 계산에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Prediction of Maneuvering Motion for a Twin-Screw Twin-Rudder Ship at Initial Design Stage)

  • 이승건;이경우;이승재
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 1996년도 The Korean Institute of Navigation 1996년도 한·중 국제학술 심포지움 및 추계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1996
  • Mathematical model of maneuvering motion for a single-screw single-rudder ship is established and several applications to the special situations of maneuvering are attempted. While the mathematical model for twin-screw twin-rudder ship is not studied presented so much because that type of ship is not popular. Lee et al. have examined the characteristics of such ship by captive model tests in 1988 in Japan. This paper proposes new mathematical models for propeller effective wake (1-wp) and effective neutral rudder angle $\delta$R in the case of twin-screw twin-rudder ship. And some maneuvering motions are calculated with proposed models and compared with exact simulations.

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The Effect of Serrated Fins on the Flow Around a Circular Cylinder

  • Boo, Jung-Sook;Ryu, Byong-Nam;Kim, Kyung-Chun
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.925-934
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    • 2003
  • An experimental study is performed to investigate the characteristics of near wake flow behind a circular cylinder with serrated fins using a constant temperature anemometer and flow visualization. Various vortex shedding modes are observed. Fin height and pitch are closely related to the vortex shedding frequency after a certain transient Reynolds number. The through velocity across the fins decreases with increasing fin height and decreasing fin pitch. Vortex shedding is affected strongly by the velocity distribution just on top of the finned tube. The weaker gradient of velocity distribution is shown as increasing the freestream velocity and the fin height, while decreasing the fin pitch. The weaker velocity gradient delays the entrainment flow and weakens its strength. As a result of this phenomenon, vortex shedding is decreased. The effective diameter is defined as a virtual circular cylinder diameter taking into account the volume of fins, while the hydraulic diameter is proposed to cover the effect of friction by the fin surfaces. The Strouhal number based upon the effective diameters seems to correlate well with that of a circular cylinder without fins. After a certain transient Reynolds number, the trend of the Strouhal number can be estimated by checking the ratio of effective diameter to inner diameter. The normalized velocity and turbulent intensity distributions with the hydraulic diameter exhibit the best correlation with the circular cylinder's data.

비탈면 녹화 설계 및 시공 잠정 지침 적용사례 -김천어모구간 국도비탈면을 중심으로- (Application Case of Test of Revegetation Measures on Design of Slopes Revegetation and Tentative Instruction on Construction Work -With a Case of Slopes Along the National Road Between Gimcheon and Eomo -)

  • 전기성
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2007
  • Test application of revegetation measure was made on the roadside slope damaged by Gimcheon-Eomo national road improvement project in a bid to prevent the soil from being washed out as well as to restore the ecological environment, and the survey for assessing the effect of slope revegetation measures was conducted, beginning Sep 7 through Sep 20, 2006. In the wake of comprehensive reviewing and evaluating the surrounding topographic environment, physical and chemical characteristics of soil, germination of revegetation plants, analysis of bio mass, covering ratio and the plants appeared, revegetation measure C was found to have been most effective and desirable for further application in the area. Viewing the specific applicability by the area, revegetation measure C and C-1 appeared to be appropriate for blasting rock slope and ripping rock slope as they are efficient in preventing the slope from being washed out and in early revegetating. And revegetation measure B deemed to be effective to blasting rock slope or ripping rock slope as an alternative. And for cut slope, vegetation measure C-2 was judged to be more effective than measure D or E, while measure C-3 would be appropriateto embankment slope.

이차원 타원형 날개꼴의 실속제어에서 간헐제트 브로잉의 효과 (Effects of Pulsating Jet Blowing on Stall Control of Two Dimensional Elliptic Airfoil)

  • 이기영;손명환;정형석
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제33권9호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • 이차원 타원형 날개꼴에서 펄스제트 브로잉에 의한 박리 제어 효과에 대하여 연구하였다. 박리 유동의 능동제어기술 개발을 위하여 압축공기를 사용하는 연속제트/간헐제트 엑츄에이터를 설계제작하여 타원형 날개 풍동 실험 모델에 장착하였다. 아음속 유동에서 날개 주위 유동장의 PIV 측정과 유동의 가시화을 통하여 간헐제트 브로잉의 타원형 날개의 실속제어 효과와 실용성에 대해 실험연구를 수행하였다. PIV 실험 결과 제트 브로잉에 의해 난류 후류 영역과 박리 버블의 크기를 현저하게 감소시킴으로써 박리제어가 가능함을 보였다. 간헐제트는 연속제트보다 박리제어에 보다 효과적이었다. 간헐제트의 주파수를 증가시키면 보다 높은 받음각에 이르기까지 난류 박리 후류를 효과적으로 억제할 수 있었다.

선수 규칙파 중 만재상태의 KVLCC2 모형선 공칭반류 계측 (Nominal Wake Measurement for KVLCC2 Model Ship in Regular Head Waves at Fully Loaded Condition)

  • 김호;장진호;황승현;김명수
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제53권5호
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    • pp.371-379
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    • 2016
  • In the ship design process, ship motion and propulsion performance in sea waves became very important issues. Especially, prediction of ship propulsion performance during real operation is an important challenge to ship owners for economic operation in terms of fuel consumption and route-time evaluation. Therefore, it should be considered in the early design stages of the ship. It is thought that the averaged value and fluctuation of effective inflow velocity to the propeller have a great effect on the propulsion performance in waves. However, even for the nominal velocity distribution, very few results have been presented due to some technical difficulties in experiments. In this study, flow measurements near the propeller plane using a stereo PIV system were performed. Phase-averaged flow fields on the propeller plane of a KVLCC2 model ship in waves were measured in the towing tank by using the stereo PIV system and a phase synchronizer with heave motion. The experiment was carried out at fully loaded condition with making surge, heave and pitch motions free at a forward speed corresponding to Fr=0.142 (Re=2.55×106) in various head waves and calm water condition. The phase averaged nominal velocity fields obtained from the measurements are discussed with respect to effects of wave orbital velocity and ship motion. The low velocity region is affected by pressure gradient and ship motion.

Control of the flow past a sphere in a turbulent boundary layer using O-ring

  • Okbaz, Abdulkerim;Ozgoren, Muammer;Canpolat, Cetin;Sahin, Besir;Akilli, Huseyin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2022
  • This research work presents an experimental study's outcomes to reveal the impact of an O-ring on the flow control over a sphere placed in a turbulent boundary layer. The investigation is performed quantitatively and qualitatively using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and dye visualization. The sphere model having a diamater of 42.5 mm is located in a turbulent boundary layer flow over a smooth plate for gap ratios of 0≤G/D≤1.5 at Reynolds number of 5 × 103. Flow characteristics, including patterns of instantaneous vorticity, streaklines, time-averaged streamlines, velocity vectors, velocity fluctuations, Reynolds stress correlations, and turbulence kinetic energy (), are compared and discussed for a naked sphere and spheres having O-rings. The boundary layer velocity gradient and proximity of the sphere to the flat plate profoundly influence the flow dynamics. At proximity ratios of G/D=0.1 and 0.25, a wall jet is formed between lower side of the sphere and flat plate, and velocity fluctuations increase in regions close to the wall. At G/D=0.25, the jet flow also induces local flow separations on the flat plate. At higher proximity ratios, the velocity gradient of the boundary layer causes asymmetries in the mean flow characteristics and turbulence values in the wake region. It is observed that the O-ring with various placement angles (𝜃) on the sphere has a considerable alteration in the flow structure and turbulence statistics on the wake. At lower placement angles, where the O-ring is closer to the forward stagnation point of the sphere, the flow control performance of the O-ring is limited; however, its impact on the flow separation becomes pronounced as it is moved away from the forward stagnation point. At G/D=1.50 for O-ring diameters of 4.7 (2 mm) and 7 (3 mm) percent of the sphere diameter, the -ring exhibits remarkable flow control at 𝜃=50° and 𝜃=55° before laminar flow separation occurrence on the sphere surface, respectively. This conclusion is yielded from narrowed wakes and reductions in turbulence statistics compared to the naked sphere model. The O-ring with a diameter of 3 mm and placement angle of 50° exhibits the most effective flow control. It decreases, in sequence, streamwise velocity fluctuations and length of wake recovery region by 45% and 40%, respectively, which can be evaluated as source of decrement in drag force.

비탈면 녹화 설계 및 시공 잠정 지침 적용사례 -농소어모구간 국도비탈면을 중심으로- (Application Case of Test of Revegetation Measures on Design of Slopes Revegetation and Tentative Instruction on Construction Work -With a Case of Slopes Along the National Road Between Nongseo and Eomo -)

  • 전기성
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2007
  • Test application of revegetation measure was made on the roadside slope damaged by Nongseo-Eomo national road improvement project in a bid to prevent the soil from being washed out as well as to restore the ecological environment, and the survey for assessment of the effect of slope revegetation measures was conducted, beginning May 11 through Nov 7, 2006. In the wake of comprehensive reviewing and evaluating the surrounding topographic environment, physical and chemical characteristics of soil, germination of revegetation plants, analysis of bio mass, covering ratio and the plants appeared, measure b was found to have been most appropriate to cut blasting rock slope, and alternatively measure c. For cut ripping rock slope, measure c-1 appeared to be effective in revegetation effect, and alternatively, b-1.When it comes to cut soil slope, measure c-2 was found to be effective, and b-2 to be a good alternative. And for embankment soil slope, measure b-3 appeared to be most efficient in revegetation effect and measure f as alternative.