• 제목/요약/키워드: Effective wake

검색결과 131건 처리시간 0.029초

An experimental assessment of resistance reduction and wake modification of a KVLCC model by using outer-layer vertical blades

  • An, Nam Hyun;Ryu, Sang Hoon;Chun, Ho Hwan;Lee, Inwon
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2014
  • In this study, an experimental investigation has been made of the applicability of outer-layer vertical blades to real ship model. After first devised by Hutchins and Choi (2003), the outer-layer vertical blades demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing total drag of flat plate (Park et al., 2011) with maximum drag reduction of 9.6%. With a view to assessing the effect in the flow around a ship, the arrays of outer-layer vertical blades have been installed onto the side bottom and flat bottom of a 300k KVLCC model. A series of towing tank test has been carried out to investigate resistance (CTM) reduction efficiency and improvement of stern wake distribution with varying geometric parameters of the blades array. The installation of vertical blades led to the CTM reduction of 2.15~2.76% near the service speed. The nominal wake fraction was affected marginally by the blades array and the axial velocity distribution tended to be more uniform by the blades array.

교대근무 항공교통관제사의 근무형태별 수면-각성 양상, 사회적 시차 및 주간졸림증에 관한 연구 (Sleep-Wake Pattern, Social Jetlag, and Daytime Sleepiness among Rotating Shift Air Traffic Controllers)

  • 전종덕;김아린
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the sleep-wake patterns, social jetlag (SJL), and daytime sleepiness (DS) among air traffic controllers (ATCs) with rotating shifts. A total of 133 shift-rotating ATCs participated by completing self-report questionnaires regarding their sleep-wake patterns and DS. SJL, indicating the mid-sleep difference between workdays (W) and free days (F), was calculated for each shift. Night-shift workdays had the shortest sleep duration (SD) (5.28 hours), whereas free days following day shifts had the longest SD (6.66 hours). SJL for day and night shifts was 2.73 and 2.71 hours, respectively. The average DS score was 7.92 out of 24, with a 28.6% prevalence of DS. There was a negative correlation between SD following day shifts and SJL for the day shifts. Given these findings, it is recommended to implement effective interventions and work schedules to maintain consistent sleep patterns and minimize social jetlag to address sleep issues for shift-working ATCs.

Experimental and Numerical Study of Effective Wake of a Ship

  • Park, J.W.;Kim, J.J.;D.S. Kong;J.M. Lew
    • Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2003
  • LDV measurements in large cavitation tunnel around a propeller in operation are carried out to provide valuable information for more accurate wake-adapted propeller design and to study hull-propeller interactions. Effective velocities are computed by both the simplified vortex ring method and by RANS solver with the body force representing the propeller load. The former method uses the nominal velocities measured at the propeller plane as an input data of the numerical method and shows a better agreement with experimental data. The latter shows the qualitative agreement and may be used as an alternative design tools in the preliminary design stage.

주기적으로 회전진동하는 원주 후류의 유동구조에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on Flow Structure of Wake Behind a Rotationally Oscillating Circular Cylinder)

  • 이정엽;이상준
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 2006
  • The flow around a circular cylinder which oscillates rotationally with a relatively high forcing frequency has been investigated experimentally using flow visualization and hot-wire measurements. Dominant parameters are Reynolds number (Re), oscillation amplitude $({\theta}_A)$, and frequency ratio $F_R=f_f/f_n$, where $f_f$ is the forcing frequency and $f_n$ is the natural frequency of vortex shedding. Experiments were carried out under the conditions of $Re=4.14{\times}10^3,\;{\theta}_A={\pi}/6$, and $0{\leq}F_R{\leq}2$. The effect of frequency ratio $F_R$ on the flow structure of wake was evaluated by measuring wake velocity profile and spectral analysis of hot-wire signal. Depending on the frequency ratio $F_R$, the cylinder wake has 5 different flow regimes. The vortex formation length and vortex shedding frequency are changed significantly before and after the lock-on regime. The drag coefficient was reduced under the condition of $F_R<1.0$ and the maximum drag reduction is about 33% at $F_R=0.8$. However, the drag is increased as $F_R$ increases beyond $F_R=1.0$. This active flow control method can be effective in aerodynamic applications, if the forcing parameters are selected optimally.

무선 랜 기반 V2X 통신에서의 보조 수신기를 활용한 동작에 따른 영향 (The effects of Wake-up Radio in WLAN V2P Communication)

  • 홍한슬;김용호
    • 한국항행학회논문지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.302-310
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    • 2018
  • 자율주행을 현실화하기 위해 각국에서는 관련통신표준을 기반으로 시스템을 구성하고 있으며, 그 중 무선랜 표준을 제정하는 IEEE에서는 IEEE 802.11p와 WAVE 계열표준을 제정하여 차량통신용 무선통신을 지원하고 있다. 최근 저전력 동작이 부각됨에 따라 보조수신기를 활용하는 표준인 IEEE 802.11ba이 진행 중이며, 그 사용 예시에는 V2P 동작을 포함하고 있다. 이때, V2X 통신에 사용되는 무선 랜 표준인 IEEE 802.11p가 IEEE 802.11ba와 같이 사용 될 경우, 기존 IEEE 802.11ba에서의 추가적인 wake-up frame의 전송으로 인해 채널용량이 지나치게 낮아져 지연시간 요구사항을 맞추지 못할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 차량용 무선랜 표준인 IEEE 802.11p 및 WAVE가 최근 개발되고 있는 저전력 표준인 IEEE 802.11ba 표준과 결합될 때의 시스템 구성방법을 제시하고 성능분석과 고찰을 통해 미래 자율주행 통신에서 IEEE 802.11ba를 이용한 저전력 V2P 동작을 효과적으로 사용하기 위한 고려사항 및 개선 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

Applicability and Safety of in Vitro Skin Expansion Using a Skin Bioreactor: A Clinical Trial

  • Jeong, Cheol;Chung, Ho Yun;Lim, Hyun Ju;Lee, Jeong Woo;Choi, Kang Young;Yang, Jung Dug;Cho, Byung Chae;Lim, Jeong Ok;Yoo, James J.;Lee, Sang Jin;Atala, Anthony J.
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제41권6호
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    • pp.661-667
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    • 2014
  • Background Tissue expansion is an effective and valuable technique for the reconstruction of large skin lesions and scars. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability and safety of a newly designed skin expanding bioreactor system for maximizing the graft area and minimizing the donor site area. Methods A computer-controlled biaxial skin bioreactor system was used to expand skin in two directions while the culture media was changed daily. The aim was to achieve an expansion speed that enabled the skin to reach twice its original area in two weeks or less. Skin expansion and subsequent grafting were performed for 10 patients, and each patient was followed for 6 months postoperatively for clinical evaluation. Scar evaluation was performed through visual assessment and by using photos. Results The average skin expansion rate was $10.54%{\pm}6.25%$; take rate, $88.89%{\pm}11.39%$; and contraction rate, $4.2%{\pm}2.28%$ after 6 months. Evaluation of the donor and recipient sites by medical specialists resulted in an average score of 3.5 (out of a potential maximum of 5) at 3 months, and 3.9 at 6 months. The average score for patient satisfaction of the donor site was 6.2 (out of a potential maximum of 10), and an average score of 5.2 was noted for the recipient site. Histological examination performed before and after the skin expansion revealed an increase in porosity of the dermal layer. Conclusions This study confirmed the safety and applicability of the in vitro skin bioreactor, and further studies are needed to develop methods for increasing the skin expansion rate.

톱니형 휜이 부착된 원주의 근접후류특성 연구 (II) - 시간평균 유동장 비교 - (Characteristics of Near Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder with Serrated Fins (II) - Comparison of Time Mean Flow Fields- -)

  • 류병남;김경천;부정숙
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제26권8호
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    • pp.1191-1200
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    • 2002
  • The measurements of velocity vectors are made in the near wake(X/d=5.0) of a circular cylinder with serrated fins. Velocity of fluid which flow through fins decreases as increasing fin height and freestream velocity and decreasing fin pitch. Therefore the velocity distribution at X/d=0.0 has lower gradient with increasing freestream velocity and fin height and decreasing fin pitch. The discontinuity of the streamwise velocity gradient is observed near the fin edge and causes significant changes in V-component velocity distribution in the near wake. This change attributes to the differences in Strouhal number and entraintment flow behavior. Increased turbulent intensity around a circular cylinder due to the serrated fins and entrainment flow are important factors for the recovery of velocity defect. The widths of velocity and turbulent intensity distribution of fin tubes are wider than those of a circular cylinder. The normalized velocity and turbulent intensity distributions with a hydraulic diameter which is proposed in this paper are in closer agreement with those of a circular cylinder.

자율 제어봉을 이용한 실린더 후류의 유동제어에 관한 연구 (Flow Control of Turbulent Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder Using a Self-adjusting Rod)

  • 임희창;감동혁;이상준
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.467-470
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    • 2002
  • The offects of a small control rod (d=3mm) located near a main circular cylinder on the drag reduction and wake structure modification were investigated. The location of the small control rod mounted on a rod-like spring is self-adjusting according to the wake structure far optimal control of the flow around the main cylinder. The experiments were carried out at the Reynolds numbers based on the cylinder diameter (D=50mm) in the range $Re_{D}=1{\times}10^4{\~}6{\times}10^4$. Mean velocity and turbulent statistics were measured with varying the angle along the cylinder circumference ${\Theta}=15^{\circ},\;30^{\circ},\;45^{\circ}$ and the distance between the main and control rods L =0.7, 1. Compared with the bare cylinder, the main circular cylinder with the fixed and self-adjusting rods reduced drag coefficient by $10{\%}$ at the angle of ${\Theta}=45^{\circ}$. For the main cylinder with self-adjusting rot as the Reynolds numbers increase, the streamwise mean velocity is increased, however, the turbulence intensity is decreased. In addition, the control rods tested in this study are effective at higher Reynolds number than at lower Reynolds number.

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회전하는 선박 프로펠러 전방 유입류에 대한 PIV 속도장 해석 (PIV Velocity Field Analysis of Inflow ahead of a Rotating Marine Propeller)

  • 이상준;백부근
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2004
  • Flow characteristics of the inflow ahead of a rotating propeller attached to a container ship model were investigated using a two-frame PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) technique. Ensemble-averaged mean velocity fields were measured at four different blade phases. The mean velocity fields show the acceleration of inflow due to the rotating propeller and the velocity deficit in the near-wake region. The axial velocity distribution of inflow in the upper plane of propeller is quite different from that in the lower plane due to the thick hull boundary layer. The propeller inflow also shows asymmetric axial velocity distribution in the port and starboard side. As the inflow moves toward the propeller, the effect of phase angle variation of propeller blade on the inflow becomes dominant. In the upper plane above the propeller axis the inflow has very low axial velocity and large turbulent kinetic energy, compared with the lower plane. The boundary layer developed along the bottom surface of stern hull forms a strong shear layer affecting vortex structure of the propeller near-wake.

와류생성기에 의한 선체반류 및 프로펠러 캐비테이션 특성 연구 (Study of Ship Wake Characteristics and the Propeller Cavitation by a Vortex Generator)

  • 설한신;안종우;김건도;박영하;김성표;김기섭
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제58권1호
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2021
  • This paper systematically investigates and correlates pressure fluctuation and nominal wake characteristics according to the angle of the vortex generators by introducing the angle adjustment method of the Vortex Generator (VG). The vortex generators are installed at the port and starboard of a model ship. The vortex generator performance test is executed on a model ship installed in the Large Cavitation Tunnel (LCT) and the angle of VG is freely controlled by a servo motor. The systematic test results for the vortex generator show that the well-designed VG is an effective appendage for reducing the pressure fluctuation level and shows the direction of VG's angular design optimization.