This experiment was conducted to investigate current situation and plant grouping by light and watering of mingled several cacti and succulents in a pot. The main 11 cacti are consist of Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Mart.) Cons., Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii Werd., Marginatocereus marginatus(DC.) Backbg., Eriocactus leninghausii (Hge. Jr.) Backbg, Notocactus scopa (Spreng.) Berg., Lobivia nealeana Backbg., Mammillaria elongata var. intertexta (DC.) SD., Pseudoespostoa (Vp1.) Backbg., Mammillaria albilanata Backbg., Mammillaria klissingiana Bod. and Espostoa lanata (HBK.) Br. & R. The main 10 succulents are Kalanchoe thyrsifolia Harv., Portulacaria afra var. foliis-variegatis Jacobs., Crassula perforata Thunbg., Echeveria pulvinata Rose, Aeonium arboreum cv. atropurpureum., Echeveria lauii Moran & J. Meyran, Pachypodium lamerei Drake, Sedum rubrotinctum cv. Aurora Boom., Aloe mitriformis Mill., and Euphorbia coerulescens Haw. The cacti were native to Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, etc. The sucullents were native to Mexico, Africa, Gran Canaria, Madagascar, etc. Most of all the cacti and sucullents in the experiment are growing well under full sun or light shade, however Portulacaria afra var. foliis-variegatis Jacobs, and Sedum rubrotinctum cv. Aurora Boom. did not influenced by light. And all the plants require a little or moderate watering. Thus, planting by similar required water and light, when growing in a pot of several cacti and succulents, might be decreased the rate of death causing by their different plant physiology.