• Title/Summary/Keyword: Early Exercise

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The Effects of Ward Exercise Program on the Improvement of Activity of Daily Living in Patients Who have Stroke (뇌졸중환자의 일상생활동작 증진을 위한 침상운동 프로그램의 효과)

  • Sok So-Hyune;Kang Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted with the subject of showing the importance of early rehabilitation and exercise therapy in patients who have stroke, of confirming the adavntage of ward exercise conducted by nurse, which had been conducted mainly by physical therapist only in physical thrapy room and of developing the exercise program as the independent rehabilitation nursing intervention. A total of 62 patients were selected as object from April, 5th, to May, 17th, 1995, who had been hospitalized in K medical center, and the half of them were assigned to Experimental group in ramdom assignment using a coin. It was ADL check list tool developed by Kang and Ward Exercise Program developed by the researcher that were used as a treatment. Ward Exercise Program was conducted by the reseacher and the physical therapist measured ADL score before and after Ward Exercise Program. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, pearson correlation, Chi-Square test and the effect of Ward Exercise Program was analyzed by t-tast. The result of this study is as follows. 1. The experimental group showed eminent improvement of ADL compared with the counter group with statistical significance. In eating(t=6.10, df=60, p=.000), personal hygiene performing(t=4.86, df=60, p=.000), wearing(t=5.86, df=60, p=.000), elimination(t=7.89, df=60, p=.000), mobility on the bed(t=13.36, df=60, p=.000), moving(t=9.11, df=60, p=.000), walking(t=7.45, df=60, p=.000) 2. There was no qualitative difference between experimental group and control group with the significance of $p{\le}.05$. 3. There was no relation between the general condition and the difference of ADL, while there was significant relation between the starting point of exercise and the difference of pre-exercise and post exercise ADL. As a result, it should be emphasized that the early rehabilitation and exercise therapy are important in patients who have stroke, and that it is necessary to extend the exercise therapy to the ward. Therefore, this Ward Exercise Program could be recommended as a independent clinical exercise nursing intervention in rehabilitation nursing of patients who have stroke.

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The Effect of Different Starting Periods of Passive Exercise on the Clinical Outcome of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

  • Back, Young-Woong;Tae, Suk-Kee;Kim, Min-Kyu;Kwon, Oh-Jin
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2014
  • Background: To compare the effect of different starting periods of rehabilitative exercise (early or delayed passive exercise) on the rate of retear and other clinical outcomes after the arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff. Methods: In total, 103 patients who underwent arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff were included in the study. Determined at 2 weeks post-operation, patients who were incapable of passive forward elevation greater than $90^{\circ}$ were allotted to the early exercise group (group I: 79 patients; 42 males, 37 females), whilst those capable were allotted to the delayed exercise group (group II: 24 patients; 14 males, 10 females). The group I started passive exercise, i.e. stretching, within 2 weeks of operation, whilst group II started within 6 weeks. The results were compared on average 15.8 months (11-49 months) post-operation using the passive range of motion, the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain score, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and Constant scores. Stiffness was defined as passive forward elevation or external rotation of less than $30^{\circ}C$ compared to the contralateral side. Follow-up magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was carried out on average 1 year post-operation and the rate of retear was compared with Sugaya's criteria. Results: There were no differences between the two groups in gender, age, smoking, presence of diabetes, arm dominance, period of tear unattended, pre-operative range of motion, shape and size of tear, degree of tendon retraction, and tendon quality. There were no significant differences in clinical outcomes. Whilst stiffness was more frequent in group II (p-value 0.03), retear was more frequent in group I (p-value 0.028) according to the MRI follow-up. Conclusions: During rehabilitation after the arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff, the delay of passive exercise seems to decrease the rate of retear but increase the risk of stiffness.

A Study on the Characteristics of the Sports Meeting during the late Chosun Period

  • Kim, Youn Soo;Shin, Eui Yun;Kim, Dae Sung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2019
  • It is true that early Chosun's sports meeting was influenced by Japan and the West. However, the positive nature of Chosun's sports meeting development cannot be underestimated just because it was influenced by the outsiders. It is remarkable achievement for those enlightened people at those time to promote and influenced Korean people to strengthened their nationalistic and patriotic spirit through sports meetings.

Feasibility and Effects of a Postoperative Recovery Exercise Program Developed Specifically for Gastric Cancer Patients (PREP-GC) Undergoing Minimally Invasive Gastrectomy

  • Cho, In;Son, Younsun;Song, Sejong;Bae, Yoon Jung;Kim, Youn Nam;Kim, Hyoung-Il;Lee, Dae Taek;Hyung, Woo Jin
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.118-133
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Exercise intervention after surgery has been found to improve physical fitness and quality of life (QOL). The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and effects of a postoperative recovery exercise program developed specifically for gastric cancer patients (PREP-GC) undergoing minimally invasive gastrectomy. Materials and Methods: Twenty-four patients treated surgically for early gastric cancer were enrolled in the PREP-GC. The exercise program comprised sessions of In-hospital Exercise (1 week), Home Exercise (1 week), and Fitness Improvement Exercise (8 weeks). Adherence and compliance to PREP-GC were evaluated. In addition, body composition, physical fitness, and QOL were assessed during the preoperative period, after the postoperative recovery (2 weeks after surgery), and upon completing the PREP-GC (10 weeks after surgery). Results: Of the 24 enrolled patients, 20 completed the study without any adverse events related to the PREP-GC. Adherence and compliance rates to the Fitness Improvement Exercise were 79.4% and 99.4%, respectively. Upon completing the PREP-GC, patients also exhibited restored cardiopulmonary function and muscular strength, with improved muscular endurance and flexibility (P<0.05). Compared to those in the preoperative period, no differences were found in symptom scale scores measured using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Core Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30) and Quality of Life Questionnaire-Stomach Cancer-Specific Module (QLQ-STO22); however, higher scores for global health status and emotional functioning were observed after completing the PREP-GC (P<0.05). Conclusions: In gastric cancer patients undergoing minimally invasive gastrectomy, PREP-GC was found to be feasible and safe, with high adherence and compliance. Although randomized studies evaluating the benefits of exercise intervention during postoperative recovery are needed, surgeons should encourage patients to participate in systematic exercise intervention programs in the early postoperative period (Registered at the ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01751880).

Effects of the Early Sensorimotor Training on Vastus Medialis Oblique Muscle Activation in Patients after Partial Medial Meniscectomy

  • Jeong, Dawoon;Hwangbo, Gak
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1969-1974
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    • 2020
  • Background: Early rehabilitation after partial meniscectomy is important to recover the balance of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis and prevent pathological problems in the lower extremities and the whole body. Objective: To compare muscle activations for patients after partial meniscectomy. Design: Dual-group Pretest-Posttest Design from the Quasi-Experimental Research. Methods: Twenty participants after partial meniscectomy were recruited and were randomly divided into a Q-setting sensorimotor training group (QSMTG) and Q-setting exercise group (QSEG). Muscle activity of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis was measured before and after intervention. Results: In the two groups, the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis activations increased significantly (P<.05). The Q-setting sensorimotor training group showed more increases than the Q-setting exercise group, and there were significant differences between the groups (P<.05). The activation ratio of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis had increasingly significant differences in the Q-setting sensorimotor training group (P<.05), and there were no significant differences between the groups (P>.05). Conclusion: Q-setting exercise with sensorimotor training was a useful method that improved the balance of vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) activity after meniscectomy.

Safety and effectiveness of early cardiac rehabilitation in a stroke patient with heart failure and atrial fibrillation: a case report

  • Lee, Sang Cheol;Ko, Eun Jae;Lee, Ju Yeon;Hong, Ae Lee
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.361-365
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    • 2021
  • Stroke patients have reduced aerobic capacity. Therefore, intensive structured exercise programs are needed. We report the case of a patient with stroke and cardiac disease who underwent early inpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR). A 38-year-old male patient with atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and cerebral infarction underwent a symptom-limited exercise tolerance test (ETT) without any problems on day 45 after admission. He completed a 2-week inpatient program and an 8-week home-based CR program. Follow-up ETT showed increased exercise capacity. The present case might be the first to report a safely performed CR program in a patient with stroke and cardiac comorbidity in Korea. Systematic guidance is needed for post-stroke patients to receive safe and effective CR for the secondary prevention of stroke and cardiovascular risk.

Effects of Closed and Open Kinetic Chain Exercises on Knee Extensor Strength and Balance in Patients with Early Stroke (닫힌사슬운동과 열린사슬운동이 초기 뇌졸중환자의 무릎신전근 근력과 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, O-Kook;Shin, Won-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of closed and open kinetic exercises on knee extensor strength and balance in patients with early stroke. METHODS: Thirty patients with early stroke participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups: an open kinetic chain (OKC) exercise group (n=10), a closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise group (n=10), and a control group (n=10). All participants received conventional physical therapy for 30 minutes. In addition, the two experimental groups (OKC and CKC) participated in a 30-minute knee strengthening training program. Training for the experimental groups was carried out three times a week for four weeks. Outcomes such as knee extensor strength and balance ability (Tetrax, Functional Reaching Test, Timed Up and Go Test) were measured before and after training. RESULTS: There were significant differences in knee extensor strength and balance ability between the pre- and post-treatment of all groups (p<.05). The improvement of knee extensor strength was significantly higher in the OKC group than in the other groups (p<.05), and the improvement of dynamic balance was significantly higher in the CKC group than in the other groups (p<.05). CONCLUSION: These results showed that both open and closed kinetic chain exercises are effective in the improvement of knee extensor strength and balance ability. This study suggests that open and closed kinetic exercise training is an effective training for strength and balance in patients with early stroke.

Result of the Early Exercise and Rehabilitation after Limited Posterior Operative Treatment of the Calcaneal Fractures (종골 골절의 제한적 후방 접근법 수술적 치료 후 조기 운동 및 재활 치료의 결과)

  • Song, Kyung-Won;Kim, Gab-Lae;Lee, Jin-Young;Lee, Kwang-Nam;Seo, Eun-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate the result of the early exercise and rehabilitation after limited posterior operative treatment of the calcaneal fractures. Materials and Methods: Between May 2005 and December 2007, 43 cases with intraarticular calcaneal fractures were treated by open reduction with K-wires and Steinmann pins. Mean age and mean follow-up period were 42.5 years old and 15 months. All patients were treated with the same postoperative protocol, the early exercise of subtalar joint without short leg splint and cast was began after postoperative 1 day, non-weight bearing crutch ambulation did after 2 weeks, partial-weight bearing crutch ambulation did after 6 weeks, without crutch ambulation did after 10 weeks. The fractures was classified by Essex-Lopresti and Sanders classification using radiographs and the functional outcomes were evaluated by circle draw exercise, AOFAS score. Results: By Essex-Lopresti classification, the tongue type was 6 cases (14%), the joint depression type was 15 cases (35%), the combined type was 22 cases (51%). By Sanders classification, type II were 10 cases (23%), type III were 15 cases (58%), and type IV were 8 cases (19%). By AOFAS functional evaluation, the mean preoperative scores were 70.3 and 70.5 respectively, mean postoperative scores were 83.7 and 86.9 respectively. There were satisfactory results in 40 cases but 3 cases were unsatisfactory including on case of lateral impingement and 2 cases of traumatic arthritis of subtalar joint. Conclusion: We obtained satisfactory result of the early exercise of subtalar joint without short leg splint and cast and rehabilitation after limited posterior operative treatment of the calcaneal fractures.

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Systematic test on the effectiveness of MEMS nano-sensing technology in monitoring heart rate of Wushu exercise

  • Shuo Guan
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2023
  • Exercise is beneficial to the body in some ways. It is vital for people who have heart problems to perform exercise according to their condition. This paper describes how an Android platform can provide early warnings of fatigue during wushu exercise using Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. Using the data from a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) gyroscope to detect heart rate, this study contributes an algorithm to determine a user's fatigue during wushu exercise. It sends vibration messages to the user's smartphone device when the heart rate exceeds the limit or is too fast during exercise. The heart rate monitoring system in the app records heart rate data in real-time while exercising. A simple pulse sensor and Android app can be used to monitor heart rate. This plug-in sensor measures heart rate based on photoplethysmography (PPG) signals during exercise. Pulse sensors can be easily inserted into the fingertip of the user. An embedded microcontroller detects the heart rate by connecting a pulse sensor transmitted via Bluetooth to the smartphone. In order to measure the impact of physical activity on heart rate, Wushu System tests are conducted using various factors, such as age, exercise speed, and duration. During testing, the Android app was found to detect heart rate with an accuracy of 95.3% and to warn the user when their heart rate rises to an abnormal level.

Comparing Dynamic Control Ratio and Lower Extremity Muscle Activity during Eccentric Hamstring Exercises

  • Dae-Woo Jeong;Du-Jin Park
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to suggest an effective exercise for treating anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and hamstring injuries based on the dynamic control ratio (DCR) for the hamstring and quadriceps during eccentric hamstring exercises. Methods: Twenty-four healthy participants participated in this study. The participants performed three eccentric hamstring exercises, including the Nordic exercise, the supine leg curl, and single-leg deadlifts. During the eccentric hamstring exercises, the vastus medialis oblique (VMO), vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), and semitendinosus (ST) were measured using surface electromyography. Results: The DCR was significantly lower during the supine leg curl and single-leg deadlift than during the Nordic exercise (p < 0.05). The activity of the VMO and VL was significantly greater during the supine leg curl than during the Nordic exercise and the single-leg deadlift (p < 0.05). VL activity was significantly higher during the single-leg deadlift than during the Nordic exercise (p < 0.05). ST activity was significantly higher during the supine leg curl and Nordic exercise than during the single-leg deadlift (p < 0.05). BF activity was significantly higher during the supine leg curl than during the Nordic exercise and single-leg deadlift (p < 0.05). Finally, the BF showed significantly higher activity during the Nordic exercise compared to during the single-leg deadlift (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Based on the DCR ratio and quadriceps activity, the supine leg curl should be introduced early in rehabilitation for ACL injuries.