• Title/Summary/Keyword: EM-S

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Antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms isolated from Pneumonic lungs of slaughtered pig in northern Chungnam area (도축돈의 폐렴병소에서 분리한 세균의 항생제 감수성)

  • 이종훈;김성민;배영재;나기복;박일규;정영재
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 1996
  • A total of 315 microorgainisms were isolated from 256 pneumonic lung samples of pig in abattoirs of northern Chungnam area during February to November 1994, and Identified 97 strains as Pusteurella multocida, 89 strains as Staphylococcus spp, 54 strains as Streptococcus spp, 22 strains as Mycoplasma spp, 21 strains as Escherichia coli, 18 strains as Haemophilus parsuis, 11 strains as Corymebacteroi, pyogenes, and 3 strains as Acrinobacillus spp by Gram's and Dienes stain, and biological properties test Involved API system. After that, they were examined anti biotic susceptibility for ampicillin(AM), cephalothin(CF), chloramphenicol(CP), erythromycin(EM), kanamycin(KM), gentamicin(GM), neomycin(NM), penicillin(PC), streptomycin(SM), tetracycline(TE), tiamulin(TIA), tylosin(TYL), methicillin(DP), colistin(CL) and trimet hoprim(SXT). In antibiotics susceptibility test, 293 isolates except Mycoplasma spp 22 strain were highly susceptible to DF(79.2%) and AM(76.2%), but resistant to PC(14.0%), NM(19.5%) and KM (23.2%) The multiple drug resistant patterns were noted in most isolates, whereas only 7 isolates resistant to single drugs.

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A Sensitive Fluorescent Detection Method for Prostaglandins by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (고속액체크로마토그라피에 의한 프로스타글란딘류의 고감도 형광 분석법)

  • Lee, Yong-Moon;Moon, Dong-Cheul
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.506-511
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    • 1992
  • The Prostaglandins were derivatized rapidly with monodansyl cadaverine as a fluorophore in mild conditions. The carboxylic moiety of prostaglandins was activated with diethyl phosphorocyanidate and successively coupled with fluorophore in dimethylformamide at room temperature. The labeling yield was reached about 95% at 15 min using arachidic acid $(C_{20:0})$ as a test sample. This derivative showed constant fluorescent intensity at $4^{\circ}C$ for 180 days. The derivatives of prostaglandins were shown high solvent selectivity with tetrahydrofuran in reversed-phase column. therefore, these derivatives could be successfully separated on YMC pack A-212(S-5 120A C8) column in tetrahydrofuran-based eluents. The detection limits of these derivatives was ca. 500 fmol and determination limits was ca. 5 pmol as injected amount in fluorescent detection $({\lambda}ex.\;340\;nm,\;{\lambda}em.\;520\;nm)$. In this method, the ranges of recovery and coefficient of variation were $93.6{\sim}102.7%$ and $4.3{\sim}5.8%$, respectively.

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Application and Experience of State Estimation in Korea Power System (한국 전력 계통에서의 상태추정 알고리즘 적용)

  • Song, Tae-Yong;Song, Seuk-Ha;Rju, Hyun-Keun;Kang, Hyung-Ku;Kang, Bu-Il
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.89-91
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    • 2003
  • 최근 들어 전력 계통은 점차 복잡해지고 계통 규모 역시 빠른 속도록 성장하고 있다. 이러한 환경 하에서 전력계통 운영을 담당하고 있는 한국전력거래소가 계통의 현 상태를 정확하게 파악하고 가능한 상정 고장에 대비하여 전력계통을 안정적으로 운영하는 것은 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 이를 위해 기존의 스카다를 사용하여 계통의 상황을 파악하는 방법은 통신상의 잡음 및 측정값의 부정확성으로 인해 계통을 전체적으로 정확하게 파악하고 실시간 상정고장 분석과 같은 검토를 하는데 한계가 있다. 따라서 차세대 에너지 관리 시스템(NEMS)을 구축하는 단계에서 한국전력거래소는 상태추정 및 관련 응용프로그램을 실계통에 도입하여 전력 계통의 안정 운영에 기여하려 하고 있다. 상태추정이란 에러를 포함하고 있는 측정값과 네트워크 모델을 사용하여 현 계통의 전압, 위상각, 조류 둥의 실제 상태를 추정하는 방법으로 상태추정을 사용하여 현 상태 감시 및 실시간 상정고장 분석, 안전도 개선과 같은 기능을 수행할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 차세대 EMS에 적용된 상태추정을 설명하고 실계통에 적용하여 파악한 상태추정의 기능을 보여주고 있다.

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Fabrication of ISFETs for Measuring Ion-Activities in Blood (혈액내의 이온활동도 측정을 위한 ISFETs의 제조)

  • Son, Byeong-Gi;Lee, Jong-Hyeon;Sin, Jang-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 1985
  • ISFETS for physiological applications have been developed using the techniques for integrated circuit fabrication. The silicon nitride layer was used as a H+ sensing membrane. However, K+, Na+ and Ca++ sensing ISFETS were fabricated by forming tach specification sensing membranes over the silicon nitride gate insulator. The sensitivities of the fabricated devices were very good. The typical values of measured sentivities were iEmV/pH, 42mv1, pH,5 gmV/pNa and 28mv1p0a. However, the selectivity and stability should be somewhat improved for practical physiological uses with good reliability. The response times were, less than one second, short enough for the practical uses in physiological applications.

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Design of 1-Kb eFuse OTP Memory IP with Reliability Considered

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Du-Hwi;Jin, Liyan;Ha, Pan-Bong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we design a 1-kb OTP (Onetime programmable) memory IP in consideration of BCD process based EM (Electro-migration) and resistance variations of eFuse. We propose a method of precharging BL to VSS before activation of RWL (Read word-line) and an optimized design of read NMOS transistor to reduce read current through a non-programmed cell. Also, we propose a sensing margin test circuit with a variable pull-up load out of consideration for resistance variations of programmed eFuse. Peak current through the non-programmed eFuse is reduced from 728 ${\mu}A$ to 61 ${\mu}A$ when a simulation is done in the read mode. Furthermore, BL (Bit-line) sensing is possible even if sensed resistance of eFuse has fallen by about 9 $k{\Omega}$ in a wafer read test through a variable pull-up load resistance of BL S/A (Sense amplifier).

Effect of Light Quality on the Photorespiration in Pisum sativum L. (완두에서 광호흡에 미치는 광질의 영향)

  • 이순희
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 1990
  • Effects of blue and red light on photorespiration in the leaf disks of pea were studied. The rate of total 14CO2 fixation was more or less higher under red light than blue light irradiation of the same quantum (94.8 $\mu$Em-2.S-1/mV). The release of 14CO2 by photorespiration was more stimulated under blue than red light. Among the photorespiratory intermediates, 14C was more incorporated ito serine under blue light than red light. However, 14C was more incorporated into glycine under red light than blue light. The incorporation of 14C into glycolate was very low under both light qualities, but higher under red light than blue light. Among the enzymes related to photorespiration, only glycolate oxidase was activated and/or synthesized by blue light irradiation. Moreover, more 14C2 was released from glycoate-1-14C under blue light than red light irradiation, but 14C2 release from glyoxylate-1-14C and glycine-1-14C showed no difference by the either light qualities. These results suggest that blue light is more effective in the photorespiratory CO2 evolution than red light. The reason is considered that glycolate is easily metabolized under blue light due to the stimulation of the glycolate oxidase activity.

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Functional clustering for clubfoot data: A case study (클럽발 자료를 위한 함수적 군집 분석: 사례연구)

  • Lee, Miae;Lim, Johan;Park, Chungun;Lee, Kyeong Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.1069-1077
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    • 2014
  • A clubfoot is a kind of congenital deformity of foot, which is internally rotated at the ankle. In this paper, we are going to cluster the curves of relative differences between regular and operated feet. Since these curves are irregular and sparsely sampled, general clustering models could not be applied. So the clustering model for sparsely sampled functional data by James and Sugar (2003) are applied and parameters are estimated using EM algorithm. The number of clusters is determined by the distortion function (Sugar and James, 2003) and two clusters of the curves are found.

The Analysis and Design of EMS Component for RFID Middleware (RFID 미들웨어를 위한 EMS 컴포넌트의 분석 및 설계)

  • Ahn Sungwoo;Park Jaekwan;Seok Suwook;Hong Bonghee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.271-273
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    • 2005
  • 많은 글로벌 기업들이 비용절감 및 효율성 증대를 위하여 RFID 시스템을 도입하거나 도입을 적극 검토 중에 있다. RFID 시스템으로부터 획득된 수많은 정보들이 기업의 업무효율을 증대시킬 수 있도록 하기 위해서는 상위 응용 서비스에서 RFID 데이터를 효율적으로 사용할 수 있도록 리더와 응용 서비스 간의 중계 역할을 할 수 있는 RFID 미들웨어의 역할이 매우 중요하다. 이러한 요구사항에 맞춰 최근 EPCglobal에서는 RFID 미들웨어인 ALE(Application Level Event)를 제시하고 있다. ALE는 RFID 리더에 의해 읽혀진 EPC 이벤트 데이터를 실시간으로 수집하여 원본 데이터의 오류를 보정한 후에 사용자와 응용 서비스의 요구에 따라 특정 이벤트 데이터를 필터링하여 보고하는 역할을 한다. 본 논문에서는 ALE의 실시간 EPC 이벤트 데이터 처리를 위한 EMS(Event Management System) 컴포넌트를 제시하며 EMS에 대한 요구사항을 분석하고 설계하였다. EMS 컴포넌트는 RFID 리더를 통해서 끊임없이 들어오는 스트링 형태의 EPC 이벤트 데이터를 블록킹 없이 수집하는 역할을 한다. 또한, RFID 리더에서 수집한 데이터의 보정 및 필요 데이터 추출을 위한 다양한 필터링 기능을 제공함으로써 수집된 데이터의 정확성을 높이며 신속한 데이터 제공을 가능하게 한다.

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Changes in Physical Properties of wool-Blended Fused Fabrics after Pressing and/or Ory Cleaning(Part I) (모 접착포의 프레싱 처리와 드라이크리닝 처리에 의한 물성의 변화(제1보))

  • Jee, Ju-Won;Lee, Dae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1809-1820
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구에서는 모 직물의 접착심과의 접착 후, 프레싱 처리 후, 드라이클리닝 처리 후 프레스로 처리한 실제의 의복의 관리와 생산 면에서 접할 수 있는 직물 변화에 대하여 물성 변화를 살펴보았다. 겉감으로는 신사복 춘하용 모 100% 또는 모혼방 직물 15종류를 사용하였으며 심지로는 신사복에 많이 쓰이는 3종류 심지를 사용하였다. KES시스템을 이용하여 직물의 접착후, 프레싱 처리 후, 드라이크리닝과 프레싱 처리 후의 물성 변화를 시험하였으며 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 접착 후 EM은 대체로 감소하지만 강성과 이력 현상은 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 결과로 KOSHI, SHARI, HARI는 증가하고 THV는 감소하여 태는 접착으로 저하되었다. 2) 프레싱 처리 후는 접착 후와 큰 차이를 보이지 않는다. 마찰특성에서 좀더 매끄러워지고 마찰 계수는 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 3) 드라이크리닝과 프레싱 처리 후의 물성의 변화에서는 위사 방향의 큰 값을 갖는 경우에 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 굽힘 강성과 전단강성은 감소하였지만 이력은 증가하는 흥미로운 결과를 보인다. 드라이클리닝 용제의 효과로 여겨진다. 무게는 증가하여 직물이 처리 후 수축한 것으로 나타났다. 프레싱 처리 후와 비교시 KOSHI, SHARI, HARI와 FURAMl는 감소하고 THV는 증가하여 태가 향상하였다.

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A Case Study on Operation of Energy Management System Connected with Renewable Energy (신재생에너지 연계형 에너지관리장치의 운영 사례 연구)

  • Cho, Jai Young;Ra, In-Ho
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2018
  • This paper proposes the components of the energy management system (EMS) for optimum operation of renewable energy and associated energy storage system (ESS), the functions to be considered in designing, the analysis of operational effects, and finally the reduction of electricity costs. To accomplish the objectives, a lithium-ion battery system and an energy management system have installed in a PV system, and it presents the results analyzed with operation data for a year. To increase the system operation efficiency, we propose the effect that EMS is used to replace the demand power at the peak time with the charge power at the light load time, which suggests the influence of contributing to the charge benefit and load leveling according to the ESS tariff.