• Title/Summary/Keyword: EM-S

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Changes of Qualities in Aerobic Packed Ripening Pork Using a Korea Traditional Seasoning During Storage (전통양념으로 숙성하여 함기포장한 돼지고기의 저장 중 품질변화)

  • Jin, S.K.;Kim, I.S.;Hah, K.H.;Hur, S.J.;Lyou, H.J.;Park, K.H.;Bae, D.S.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to evaluate changes in the characteristics of the fermented pork using a Korean traditional seasonings. Biceps femoris were cut to cube(7 ${\times}$ 12 ${\times}$ 2 em) and three Korean traditional seasonings such as soybean paste(Tl), garlic paste(T2), red pepper paste(T3), were seasoned by the proportions of meat to each seasonings(l: 1), respectively. The seasoned samples were fermented at 0 $\pm$ 1 $^{\circ}C$ for 10 days. Sensory evaluation did not significantly differ between all treatments. The highest pH among treatments were shown in T2, wheres T3 showed the lowest value. The highest saccarinity was shown in T2, followed by T3. Salinity was shown to be higher in all treatments. Shear force value was the highest in T2 and T3. VBN and TBARS increased during storage. The total bacterial counts was highest of storage 21 days. E. coli. was higher in the order of T2 > T3 > TI. Lactobacilli spp. was higher in the order of T2 > T1 > T3.

Plasma Effects on Nucleation of the RPCVD/MOCVD Copper Films

  • 이종현;이정환;손승현;박병남;배성찬;최시영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.132-132
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    • 2000
  • Cu는 Al에 비하여 낮은 저항(1.8 $\mu$$\Omega$-cm)과 높은 EM 저항성을 가지고 있어 미래의 고속 ULSI 배선물질로 그 중요성이 더욱 증가되고 있으며, 현재까지 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 이러한 방법들을 고려하여 CVD Cu의 문제점인 낮은 성장률의 개선과 Cu 박막의 특성을 향상하고자 수소 플라즈마 공정을 이용하여 plasma 전처리가 초기 Cu 핵생성에 미치는 영향에 대하여 연구하였다. 본 실험에 사용된 장비는 Cu RPCVD/MOCVD이다. 초기 Cu 핵의 생성에 있어서의 수소 플라즈마의 효과를 조사하기 위하여 다음과 같은 3가지의 방법으로 행하였다. 첫 번째는 Cu 박막 형성에서 플라즈마를 사용하지 않은 방법, 두 번째는 플라즈마 전처리공정을 행한 뒤, Cu 박막 증착시 플라즈마는 사용하지 않은 방법, 세 번재는 플라즈마 전처리공저을 행한 뒤 Cu 증착시에도 플라즈마를 사용한 방법이다. 이 세가지 방법의 핵생성 차이를 분석하기 위해서 각각 10초, 20초, 40초 증착시킨 후 grain의 크기와 개수를 비교하였다. 또한 플라즈마의 power에 따른 Cu 핵생성율도 조사하였다. 수소 전처리동안 working pressure는 10분 동안 1 torr로 유지되었으며 substrate의 온도는 20$0^{\circ}C$, r.f.power는 100watt로 설정하였다. Cu RPCVD의 증착조건은 r.f.power는 10watt, substrate의 온도는 20$0^{\circ}C$, gas pressure는 1 torr, Ar carrier gas는 50sccm, hydrogen processing gas는 100sccm, bubbler 온도는 4$0^{\circ}C$, gas line의 온돈느 6$0^{\circ}C$, shower head의 온도는 $65^{\circ}C$로 설정하였다. 증착된 Cu 박막은 SEM, XRD, AFM를 통해 제작된 박막의 특성을 비교.분석하였다. 초기 plasma 처리를 한 경우에는 그림 1에서와 같이 현저히 증가한 초기 구리 입자들이 관측되었으며, 이는 도상 표면에 활성화된 catalytic site의 증가에 기인한다고 보여진다. 이러한 특성은 Cu films의 성장률을 향상시키고, 또한 voids를 줄여 전기적 성질 및 surface morphology를 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다.

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Inhibitory effects of the extract from Quercus dentata gallnut against plant virus infection

  • Kwon, S.B.;Shin, J.E.;Ahn, S.Y.;Yoon, C.S.;Kim, B.S.
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2011
  • Pepper mild mosaic virus (PMMoV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are important pathogens in various vegetable crops worldwide. We have found that methanol extracts of Quercus dentate (Oaimyo Oak) gal/nut strongly inhibit PMMoV and CMV infection. Based on this result, the inhibitor named as "KN0912" formulated from the extract of Q. dentate gallnut was tested for its inhibitory effects on PMMoV or CMV infection to each local lesion host plant (Nicotiana glutinosa; PMMoV, Chenopodium amaranticolor; CMV). Pre-treatment effect of KN0912 against infections of each virus to local host plant was measured to be $75.1{\pm}0.5{\sim}97.5{\pm}1.5%$ to PMMoV and $70.6{\pm}2.2{\sim}99.0{\pm}1.0%$ to CMV in 1~10mg/ml conc. and the absorption effect of the antiviral composition of KN0912 to the inside of tobacco leaves tissue, was inhibited by 55.7% to PMMoV and 63.8% to CMV. The persistence of KN0912 treatment was maintained until after the 3 days high inhibitory effect by 98% to PMMoV and by 95.1% to CMV. Inhibitory effects on systemic host plants of KN0912 were measured to be 80~90% to PMMoV and 60~75% to CMV. From the change of morphological characteristics of PMMoV particles under EM, we are tentatively suggested that one mode of action of KN0912 is inactivation due to the destruction of virus particles.

A Study on Implementation of FEMS for Chemical Industry Complex (화학 산업단지 FEMS 구축 연구)

  • Soo-Min Yoo;Soo-Woong Back;Jung-Min Lim;Chae-Joo Moon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2023
  • It is not easy to implement an energy management system in an industrial complex where small businesses are scattered, so the method of collecting and adjusting energy-related data is mainly used. FEMS is a system that responds to the demand for a paradigm shift from a passive energy management method to an active energy management method using IoT and ICT. In this study, a factory energy management system(FEMS) is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises located in chemical industrial complexes. Efficiency was confirmed by reviewing energy saving measures and efficiencies through FEMS for the electric energy of facilities built in each company. The cost effectiveness of FEMS is created when it is utilized by responsible and empowered personnel within the business processes of the host company. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize EMS that can be applied to the planning, support, operation and evaluation, and continuous improvement of the energy management system to achieve corporate organization and energy management goals.

The Study on the Effect of Efficient Microorganism for Early Stabilization of the Burial Sites (매몰지 조기 안정화를 위한 유용 미생물의 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook;Park, Sujung;Jheong, Weonhwa;Srinivasan, Sathiyaraj;Lee, Sang-Seob
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we have evaluated the effect of efficient microorganisms on odor-removal efficiency and early stabilization of the burial sites. We have developed an efficient microorganism designated as 'KEM' which have the ability to degrade organic compounds and remove odor effectively. Other efficient microorganisms already used on site, such as EM and Bacillus sp., were also compared. We preceded these experiment using lab-scale reactors under three conditions (control, only media and only body) and comparing the effect of with or without the application of tree efficient microorganisms separately. Analysis was focused on eight components (ammonia, TMA, $H_2S$, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, $CO_2$ and $CH_4$), and as a result, efficient microorganisms were shown efficiency in the removal of ammonia and methyl mercaptan. The applied KEM decayed up to 71.2% of the buried meat. We were unable to observe significant differences in microbial communities between efficient microorganisms-treated and non-treated reactors due to the large presence of microorganisms in both soil and carcasses. However, it was possible to observe the effect on odor control and decay rate through the application of efficient microorganisms.

Agriculture Pollution and its Countermeasures with Special Consideration of Pesticides (작물생산과 농업공해 및 그 대책)

  • Li, Gwo-Chen
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.340-360
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    • 1982
  • Because of the continuing rapid increase in pesticide usage in Taiwan, much attention has been focus on pesticide contamination of food and effect of pesticides on human and environmental health. The Plant Protection Center (PPC) conducts safety evaluation of pesticides usee! in Taiwan. The pesticides are classified into different groups based on their acute toxicities. Pesticides which are classified into extremely toxic group are not allow to used on short term crops or the continuously harvest crops. The acute toxicity of pesticides to the beneficial insects are also studied, special attention has been paid to the two predators of rice brown planthopper. 60% of cultivated land in Taiwan are paddy field; therefore, acute fish toxicity was taken into consideration when a pesticide was applied for registration to be used in the paddy. Fish toxicities were evaluated by the dangerous rating value which is the amount of pesticide residue in the field water over the TLM value. Mutagenicity of pesticides was continuously evaluated by using Arne's microbial testing method. Island wide survey of residual levels of pesticides of known pollutants such as chlorinated hydrocarbon . insecticides, mercurial compounds in soil, water and biological samples were carried out constantly. The potential of a new1y Imported esticides to pollute the environment were studied by using model ecosystem. Ecological magnification (EM) of a chemical was calculated from model ecosystem. A chemical was considered as a pollutant when its EM value over 5000. In order to ensure the levels of pesticides residue of the crop within the safety limit. The 'tolerance' of pesticides on different crop groupings were established base on 1) acceptable daily intake value of individual pesticides, 2) average daily consumption of each crop groupings by Chinese person, 3) Actual residues of pesticides. on different crops obtained from supervised trials. Total about 79 pesticides for which the tolerances have been established on different crop groupings. Because the intensive agricultural system was adopted in Taiwan. The phytotoxicity of pesticides to the non-target crops was therefore become one of the important factor in the safety evaluation of pesticide usage. These will include 1) direct injury, 2) injury caused by pesticide polluted irrigation water, 3) injury caused by the pesticide polluted soil, 4) reduction of growth caused by the effect of pesticide on the soil microorganisms. This paper will reviewed all the aspects mentioned in the previous .paragraphs. Most the works have done in Taiwan by the PPC.y the PPC.

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Design and Implementation of Compact Ultra Wideband Patch Antenna Using L-Feed and Slot-Feed (L 급전 및 Slot 급전을 동시에 적용하는 광대역 소형 패치 안테나의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choi, Jong-In;Lee, Bomson
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the method of designing a wideband antenna has been introduced through the design technique that simultaneously employs L- and slot-type feeds. Using the two kinds of feeds and additional fence structure, a compact wideband patch antenna has been realized. The size of the patch has been reduced by about 30 % based on the low frequency(824 MHz) and the full fractional bandwidth is wider than 100 %. The L-feed element is for the EM coupling feeding at the low frequency, while it functions as a feeding line for the power coupling through the slot at the high frequency. The proposed antenna has been designed not only for wideband operations but also for a proper array element with a reduced size. Thus, the foundation for developing the ultra wideband patch array antennas has been prepared. The fabricated antenna has been found to have good characteristics on V.S.W.R and the radiation patterns over the full bands. The experimental and computed results are shown to be in good agreement.

Antioxidative Effects of Water-Soluble Chitinous Compounds on Oxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein in Macrophages (대식세포에서 지단백 산화에 대한 수용성 Chitinous Compounds의 항산화 효과에 대한 연구)

  • 이세희;박성희;이용진;윤정한;최연정;최정숙;강영희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.908-917
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    • 2003
  • It has been proposed that oxidative modification of LDL (oxLDL) plays a significant role in the pathogenicity of atherogenesis. We tested the hypothesis that chitin and chitosan may function as antioxidants with respect to 0.1 mg cholesterol/ml LDL incubated with 5 $\mu$ M Cu$^2$$^{+}$alone or in the P338Dl mouse macrophage system using L-ascorbic acid as a standard classical antioxidant. The degree of oxLDL formation was ascertained by the relative electrophoretic mobility (rEM) in the combination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels, and the cytotoxicity of oxLDL was detected by macrophage viability. The oxLDL uptake and foam cell formation of macrophages were measured by Oil Red O staining. Incubation with Cu$^2$$^{+}$and macrophages increased rEM of LDL and stimulated TBARS formation. Culture of macrophages with LDL in the presence 5 $\mu$ M Cu$^2$$^{+}$induced macrophage death. In cell-free system 200 $\mu$g/ml water-soluble chitosan and chitosan-oligosaccharide blocked oxLDL formation. Water-soluble chitosan and chitosan-oligosaccharide blocked oxLDL formation near-completely relative to L-ascorbic acid, whereas water-soluble chitin and chitin-oligosaccharide had no measurable antioxidant effect. In macrophage system water-soluble chitosan and chitosan-oligosaccharide blocked oxidation of LDL with a significant increase in cell viability, and decreased TBARS in medium. As for the inhibitory effect on macrophage foam cell formation, chitosan and its oligosaccharide, but not watersoluble chitin, revealed the effectiveness. The endothelial expression of lectin-like oxLDL receptor-1 (LOX-1) was tested by Western blot analysis, and chitosan, chitosan-oligosaccharide and chitin-oligosaccharide blocked LOX-1 expression. These results indicate that water-soluble chitosan and its oligosaccharide showed the inhibitory effect on Cu$^2$$^{+}$-induced LDL oxidation of macrophages, and chitosan, chitosan-oligosaccharide and chitin-oligosaccharide had blocking effect on oxLDL receptor expression in the human umbilical vein endothelial system. Thus, water-soluble chitosan and its oligosaccharides possess anti-atherogenic potentials possibly through the inhibition of macrophage LDL oxidation or endothelial oxLDL receptor expression depending on chemical types.l types.

Congestion Control Scheme for Wide Area and High-Speed Networks (초고속-장거리 네트워크에서 혼잡 제어 방안)

  • Yang Eun Ho;Ham Sung Il;Cho Seongho;Kim Chongkwon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.4 s.100
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    • pp.571-580
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    • 2005
  • In fast long-distance networks, TCP's congestion control algorithm has the problem of utilizing bandwidth effectively. Several window-based congestion control protocols for high-speed and large delay networks have been proposed to solve this problem. These protocols deliberate mainly three properties : scalability, TCP-friendliness, and RTT-fairness. These protocols, however, cannot satisfy above three properties at the same time because of the trade-off among them This paper presents a new window-based congestion control algorithm, called EM (Exponential Increase/ Multiplicative Decrease), that simultaneously supports all four properties including fast convergence, which is another important constraint for fast long-distance networks; it can support scalability by increasing congestion window exponentially proportional to the time elapsed since a packet loss; it can support RTT-fairness and TCP-friendliness by considering RTT in its response function; it can support last fair-share convergence by increasing congestion window inversely proportional to the congestion window just before packet loss. We evaluate the performance of EIMD and other algorithms by extensive computer simulations.

The Analysis of the Number of Donations Based on a Mixture of Poisson Regression Model (포아송 분포의 혼합모형을 이용한 기부 횟수 자료 분석)

  • Kim In-Young;Park Su-Bum;Kim Byung-Soo;Park Tae-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to analyse a survey data on the number of charitable donations using a mixture of two Poisson regression models. The survey was conducted in 2002 by Volunteer 21, an nonprofit organization, based on Koreans, who were older than 20. The mixture of two Poisson distributions is used to model the number of donations based on the empirical distribution of the data. The mixture of two Poisson distributions implies the whole population is subdivided into two groups, one with lesser number of donations and the other with larger number of donations. We fit the mixture of Poisson regression models on the number of donations to identify significant covariates. The expectation-maximization algorithm is employed to estimate the parameters. We computed 95% bootstrap confidence interval based on bias-corrected and accelerated method and used then for selecting significant explanatory variables. As a result, the income variable with four categories and the volunteering variable (1: experience of volunteering, 0: otherwise) turned out to be significant with the positive regression coefficients both in the lesser and the larger donation groups. However, the regression coefficients in the lesser donation group were larger than those in larger donation group.