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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: ECOLOGICAL EVALUATION

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Applicability of QSAR Models for Acute Aquatic Toxicity under the Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemicals in the Republic of Korea (화평법에 따른 급성 수생독성 예측을 위한 QSAR 모델의 활용 가능성 연구)

  • Kang, Dongjin;Jang, Seok-Won;Lee, Si-Won;Lee, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Sang Hee;Kim, Pilje;Chung, Hyen-Mi;Seong, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2022
  • Background: A quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model was adopted in the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH, EU) regulations as well as the Act on Registration, Evaluation, etc. of Chemicals (AREC, Republic of Korea). It has been previously used in the registration of chemicals. Objectives: In this study, we investigated the correlation between the predicted data provided by three prediction programs using a QSAR model and actual experimental results (acute fish, daphnia magna toxicity). Through this approach, we aimed to effectively conjecture on the performance and determine the most applicable programs when designating toxic substances through the AREC. Methods: Chemicals that had been registered and evaluated in the Toxic Chemicals Control Act (TCCA, Republic of Korea) were selected for this study. Two prediction programs developed and operated by the U.S. EPA - the Ecological Structure-Activity Relationship (ECOSAR) and Toxicity Estimation Software Tool (T.E.S.T.) models - were utilized along with the TOPKAT (Toxicity Prediction by Komputer Assisted Technology) commercial program. The applicability of these three programs was evaluated according to three parameters: accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Results: The prediction analysis on fish and daphnia magna in the three programs showed that the TOPKAT program had better sensitivity than the others. Conclusions: Although the predictive performance of the TOPKAT program when using a single predictive program was found to perform well in toxic substance designation, using a single program involves many restrictions. It is necessary to validate the reliability of predictions by utilizing multiple methods when applying the prediction program to the regulation of chemicals.

Evaluation of the environmental and ecological value indicators for railway development area selection (철도개발지 선정을 위한 환경·생태적 가치 지표 평가)

  • Kim, Min-kyeong;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2017
  • Recently mountain tourism has been promoted and introduction of railroads with utilizing mountain resources is being planned. With the government policies to increase the share of eco-friendly transportation on railroad, national double-tracking of single rail and improvement projects are on going. However, the eco-friendly railroad policy suggests the environmental impact assessment items only on air quality, water quality, geographical/geological features, fauna/flora, natural/environmental resources, noise/ vibration, and recreation/landscape. And for fauna/flora and natural/environmental resources, confirming the presence of environmental protection zone is enough to satisfy legal requirement. This study suggested to evaluate environmental/ecological values with quantitative data. Evaluation indices and evaluation items have been selected to provide the data. Each of the subject map and railroad network was overlapped. The study selected naturalness and diversity as major indicators and calculated weight values of the items under the indicators, which are to be usd for the selection of the sites for railway development. This assessment method could be applied to the environmentally friendly construction of railroads in the future.

A Study on Improvement Plan for Sediment Environmental Guidelines in the Sea Area Utilization Consultation System -Focused on Port and Fishery Harbor Development Case- (해역이용협의서 중 퇴적물 환경기준 개선방안 연구 -항만 어항개발사업 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Jun, Eun Ju;Ju, Hyun Hee;Tac, Dae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.584-593
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    • 2021
  • The sediment makes up the sea floor and plays an important role as a habitats for living things in the sea. However, pollution of coastal sediment due to internal and external factors such as inflow of contaminants from land and self-pollution becoming more serious, the needs for management of sediment that play an important role in ecology, is increasing. In particular, the review and evaluation of the effects of sediment in marine development projects including reclamation and dredging, have significance in terms of proactive protection and management of surrounding ecosystems. This study proposed the improvement measures for marine sediment management standards on the sea area utilization consultation for the development of public water. For the purpose, The evaluation and management standards of domestic and overseas marine sediments were reviewed and compared. The sediment environment guidelines under the Marine Environment Management Act of Korea were reviewed. Accordingly, the cases of Canada and NOAA, which have various evaluation standards consist of comprehensive factors, were analyzed. For analysis of operational cases, the port and fishing port development projects for the last five years (2016-2020) that are considered to have the greatest impact on sediments among the sea area use consultations were also reviewed. Finally, this study suggested that the assessment factors for ecological hazards and potential human risks should be considered in the sediment environmental standards in the sea area utilization consultation system.

A Current State of Multihousing Evaluation Based on the Construction Criteria and Performance Codes of Green Homes (친환경주택의 건설기준 및 성능규정에 의한 공동주택 평가현황에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seul-Bi;Yu, Ki-Hyung;Yoon, Seong-Hoon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: In Korea, buildings make up 20.5% (2012) of the gross national energy consumption, so they are a major target for greenhouse gas reduction. In particular, energy consumption in multihousing represents approximately 32.6% of the entire building sector. With improving energy performance being the focus, efforts are continuously being made to reinforce standards and systems in greenhouse gas reduction. This study investigated the current status of multihousing in Korea in terms of energy performance as described in the performance evaluation reports submitted (to an institution that specializes in reviewing the performance evaluation of green homes) based on the construction criteria and performance codes for green homes and examined if the evaluation criteria using related methodologies were appropriate. The results will provide helpful information for reviewing the future directions of operations and amendments to the systems. Method: The overall characteristics of the system were examined using the evaluation methodologies (and current state of revisions) of the performance codes for green homes and comparing them with similar systems. Also, the current state of application and energy performance (conducted according to the evaluation methodologies) were compared by the evaluation institution for multihousing neighborhoods that were assessed for five years from 2010 to 2014. Result: It has been confirmed that the performance codes for green homes are different from other similar systems in evaluating performances of multihousing in that they allow both quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluation, and they consider both energy and sustainability simultaneously in the evaluation. Furthermore, regarding the adoption rate of the forms for the two evaluation methods (Form 1 - quantitative and Form 2 - qualitative), the rate preferring Form 2 increased gradually in time to reach 55.3% in 2014. In analyzing the rate of overall energy reduction (submitted in Form 1) and the coefficient of thermal transmission for each part (submitted in Form 2), it was observed that the deviation between the performance submitted and the criteria decreased in line with the level of reinforcement.

The Study on the Management and Application through Analysis of Actual Condition of Palustrine Wetland in Rural Area (농촌마을 소택형습지 실태 분석을 통한 관리 및 활용방안 연구)

  • Kang, Bang-Hun;Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Mi-Heui;Kim, Nam-Choon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2010
  • This study was accompanied to develop the management and application plans as resources for rural tourism through the analysis of distribution characteristics, inhabitants' practical use, need item for management and application, and aesthetic/recreation function of Palustrine wetland in rural area. The 2.3 Palustrine wetland per farm village were located, and 77.5% of total wetland was used by agricultural water, landscape, rural tourism The management and water quality were steadily getting better in used wetland than in unused wetland. Also, 91.8% of respondents answered that there is a practical use plan afterward, and much preferred the mode of ecotourism through restoration of ecological wetland. As the results from the appropriateness evaluation of management and application in used wetland for ecotourism, improvement item was required in observation deck, entrance lane, guidance facilities etc. And, insufficient result was deduced in appropriateness of operation program and special learning course, and in participation of inhabitants and experts. The result of evaluation of the aesthetic and recreation functions generally appeared high, but the need improvement item was required in artificial water wall and plantation base that deteriorate biological diversity. These results will be used to data for conservation, management and practical use of wetland, an important natural resource in farm village, which are confronted in crisis of land reclamation by use reduction of use and false management.

An Analysis of Biotope Structure in Terms of Species and Biotope Preservation in Metropolitan Area -In the case of Soosung District in Daegu- (생물종 및 서식지 보전의 관점에서 본 대도시의 비오톱 구조분석 -대구광역시 수성구를 중심으로-)

  • 나정화;이석철;사공정희;류연수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.29-51
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze of biotope structure focused on the evaluation for the species and biotope preservation in the case of Soosung District in Daegu metropolitan city. We analyzed the structure of urban biotope, and investigated the disposition of space and several characteristics through the material collection relating to the existing urban ecological material and the field investigation. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The result of biotope type classification was divided into 17 biotope type groups and 90 biotope types belonging to them. 2) The biotope type of mixed forest(QD) has the highest rate in occupation area, 1.764ha and the biotope type of cultivation areas by vinyle-hothouse(KC) has the lowest rate, 0.3ha. 3) In the result of the first evaluation for the species and biotope preservation, biotope types such as QB, QI, PA, PB, NB and NC etc. possess great value. Particulary, these biotope types come from forest areas and transition zone. They have not appeared in the inner of cities. 4) The biotope types such as CA, NA, NB, ND and PB are proved to possess high value in the result of rarity and riskiness evaluation. There appear EE, MA, NB, QC and QD in IV grade which is impossible to have them regenerative. They usually have appeared in forest areas. 5) There emerge 3a biotope type that has the highest value in the result of the second evaluation such as CC, EE, KF, LD, MB, NC, PB, QB and QI etc. Most of them were presented into the large area of site size and were distributed in the forest areas intensively. So, it is certain that the space for the species and biotope preservation connected with residential district is scarce. 6) The detailed biotope plan must be made out specially continuously. It is about biotope spaces that are especially important for the species and biotope preservation from the result of this research. Also, the study on the detailed index settlement of the urban landscape plan based on the biotope map must be continued.

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Applicability of A Stream Evaluation Method for Stream Restoration (하천복원을 위한 하천평가기법의 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Ho;Kang, Tae-Ho;Sung, Young-Du;Yoon, Sei-Eei
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.3 no.4 s.11
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a new method for evaluation of stream naturalness in order to promote stream managers' understanding on importance of improving stream naturalness, and in order to appraise and prescribe for streams effectively in the process of ecological restoration of stream corridors. In order to analyze the evaluation method of stream naturalness and its applicability to streams, stream naturalness index(SNI) which has seven factors such as channel development, longitudinal profile, lateral section, stream bed structure, low flow channel structure, stream surroundings and water quality was suggested in this paper. For case studies, Bokha stream was selected for the evaluation of stream naturalness. At the Bokha stream, the scores of SNI factors were in range of 2.23.8, and the average of SNI was 3.1, and the most frequent grade of SNI factors was grade 3. Among the 7 factors, the best was lateral section, and the worst was channel development. In this study, SNI grade can represent the characteristics of stream naturalness well and select the streams which will be restored, and can also decide the segment and the method of restoration for deteriorated streams.

Daylighting Performance Evaluation of Light-shelf according to the Reflectivity - Focused on the Residing space - (반사율에 따른 광선반 채광 성능평가 연구 - 주거공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Doyeon;Lee, Heangwoo;Seo, Janghoo;Kim, Yongseong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Due to recent increase on energy consumption for light in building, many studies to mitigate this issue have been conducted. Various researches have been carried out to suggest light shelf as one of the solutions, but researches for its reflectivity is very few. In fact, existing research on light shelf shows that utilizing more than 90% of high-illumination materials causes imbalance of glare and illuminance. Method: Therefore this research aimed to evaluate the performance of light shelves depending on reflectivity and to identify proper solution through test-bed. Result: The results are following: 1) Increased reflectivity generally contributed to increase of indoor illuminance but degrade uniformity factor related with indoor comfort of light environment. 2) The 0fixed light shelf with 75% of reflectivity and width of 300mm and 40mm appeared to consume more energy than other shelves. Therefore, it is analyzed as unsuitable. 3) This research was conducted by calculating appropriate angle of light shelf around winter and summer solstices and vernal/autumnal equinox. Based on this, performance evaluation was undertaken depending on reflectivity of movable light shelf, which is activated by external sources and can be applied with lower reflectivity than fixed shelf. However, one exception was a movable shelf with width of 600mm that increased light energy consumption when 75% of reflectivity was applied. 4) Performance evaluation of fixed and movable light shelf showed that the shelf with 80% of reflectivity came up with suitable results, but 75% of reflectivity may be applied depending on the width and angle of the shelf. This research is meaningful in that estimation of appropriate reflectivity of light shelf can resolve the glare problem and improve light environment, and further research would be desirable under more diverse conditions to identify proper solution.

Ecotoxicity Assessment of Industrial Effluent in Gyeonggi-do (경기지역 산업시설 방류수 생태독성 영향 평가)

  • Cho, Won-Sil;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Yang, Hyoung-Jae
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Industrial development in Korea results in a rapid increase in the number of chemicals, some of which may be responsible for toxicity to aquatic ecosystems. In addition, the types of hazardous chemicals included in industrial effluents have gradually increased. Therefore, chemical analysis alone is not enough to assess ecological effects of toxic chemicals in wastewater. Methods: In response to new regulations as whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests for effluent discharge of 15 publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and 25 industrial effluent treatment plants in Gyeonggi-do, which will be effective from 2011, a necessity of studies emerges that investigates toxicity levels. Results: In case of the public treatment plants, none of them had exceeded the criteria for ecotoxicity. As for individual wastewater discharge facilities, on the other hand, two types were found to exceed the criteria: pulp and paper manufacturing facilities and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. For the pulp and paper manufacturing facilities, monitoring results could not help determine the exact toxicant identification. However, Daphnia magna inhibition effect or death was found to leave white plums, suggesting that suspended solids treated and the polymer used in coagulant dose. In case of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, the general water quality parameters cannot affect Daphia magna. However, conductivity and salinity can have an effect to be 14,000 μs/cm, 8.1‰ by salts, respectively. Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE) and Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) procedures results appeared to be effective for identifying toxic compounds in Cl and SO24. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop control measures for water treatment chemicals and salts used for processes such as coagulation in individual wastewater discharge facilities in order to achieve the goal to protect aquatic ecosystems in public waters.

A Study on the Evaluation of Carbon Neutral Housing Development through SBTool (SBTool을 활용한 탄소중립형 주거단지 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Woo-Seon;Choi, Joon-Sung;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2012
  • Recently, many countries are tightening a variety of policies and controls with great efforts to reduce emission of GHGs(Greenhouse Gases) as concern for climate change heightens. The purpose of the study is to provide guidelines for planning and evaluate element and evaluate housing development. The elements are also assorted into 6 sections and 30 planning elements were drawn from them. It is drawn to 6 sections, 27 categories, 31 evaluation elements except cultural and perceptual aspects unrelated to planning elements from these elements. Case analysis has shown that most of planning elements were applied because these cases obtained environment-friendly certification in the country. Followings are the common characteristics. Firstly, it showed that application of planning element in all cases is excellent. Secondly, the case with excellent application of elements related with energy and application degree obtained excellent degree i environment-friendly certification in the country. Finally, application of planning elements related with renewable energy was in poor condition in all cases. With the utilization of SBTool, the evaluation results about planning elements of housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type showed that CASE-A obtained 11.17 points and CASE-B obtained 9.24 points. In the case of renewable energy section, it was confirmed that the evaluation doesn't work well. As a result, changes of planning elements affect environment-friendly extent. It was confirmed that accessibility to housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type could change. Estimated result of Amount of Carbon emission showed that annual energy consumption per each family of CASE-A is 4,269,964MJ/m2, as a result of which, Carbon emission is 234,815kg/m2. And annual energy consumption per family of CASE-B is 4,197,563MJ/m2, as a result of which, Carbon emission is 214,584kg/m2. Application of planning elements in the aspect of housing complex of Carbon emissions-reduction type shows that the level for Carbon emissions-reduction is high level. And study with assessment from the draft should be followed.