• Title/Summary/Keyword: E1 $Ni\~{n}o$

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NiO 박막의 전기적, 전자적 및 광학적 특성

  • Kim, Ju-Hwan;Park, Chan-Ae;Park, Su-Jeong;Denni, Yuseurama;Lee, Gang-Il;Chae, Hong-Cheol;Gang, Hui-Jae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.178.1-178.1
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구에서는 RF스퍼터링법에 의하여 유리기판에 NiO를 40 nm만큼 증착시킨후, 30분 동안 각각 상온, $100^{\circ}C$, $200^{\circ}C$, $300^{\circ}C$, $400^{\circ}C$로 후 열처리 하였다. 박막의 전자적, 광학적 특성은 XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy), REELS (Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy)와 UV-Spectrometer를 이용하여 =측정하였고, Hall Effect를 이용하여 전기적 특성을 측정하였다. XPS측정결과, $400^{\circ}C$ 후 열처리 한 NiO박막은 NiO 결합인 Ni2+가 줄어 들면서 금속 결합인 Ni0가 증가하면, 상온에서 띠틈이 4.0eV, 3.4eV로 줄어드는 것을 REELS로 확인 했다. 이 값은 UV-Spectrometer를 이용한 광학적 띠틈과 같음을 보였다. Hall Effect측정 결과 $400^{\circ}C$ 후 열처리한 샘플에서 P-type에서 N-type으로 바뀜을 보였으며, 비저항이 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. UV-Spectrometer를 이용한 광학적 특성을 측정해본 결과, 가시광선영역인 380 nm~780 nm에서의 투과율이 75%이상으로 투명전자소자로의 응용이 가능하다는 것을 보여 주었다.

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Defects and Electrical Properties of NiO and Co3O4-doped ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3 Ceramics (NiO와 Co3O4를 첨가한 ZnO-Bi2O3-b2O3 세라믹스의 결함과 전기적 특성)

  • Hong, Youn-Woo;Lee, Young-Jin;Kim, Sei-Ki;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2013
  • In this study we aims to examine the effects of $Co_3O_4$ and NiO doping on the defects and electrical properties in ZnO-$Bi_2O_3-Sb_2O_3$ (Sb/Bi=0.5) varistors. It seemed to form ${Zn_i}^{{\cdot}{\cdot}}$(0.20 eV) and ${V_o}^{\cdot}$(0.33 eV) as dominant defects in Co and Ni co-doped ZBS system, however only ${V_o}^{\cdot}$ appeared in Co- or Ni-doped ZBS. Even though the same defects it was different in capacitance (1.5~4.5 nF) and resistance ($0.3{\sim}9.5k{\Omega}$). The varistor characteristics were improved with Co and Co+Ni doping (non-linear coefficient, ${\alpha}$= 36 and 29, relatively) in ZBS. The various parameters ($N_d=1.43{\sim}2.33{\times}10^{17}cm^{-3}$, $N_t=1.40{\sim}2.28{\times}10^{12}cm^{-2}$, ${\Phi}b$=1.76~2.37 V, W= 98~118 nm) calculated from the C-V characteristics in our systems did not depend greatly on the type of dopant, which were in the range of a typical ZnO varistors. It should be derived a improved C-V equation carefully for more reliable parameters because the variation of the varistor capacitance as a function of the applied dc voltage is depend on the defect, frequency, and temperature.

NICKEL INCORPORATION INTO Klebsiella aerogenes UREASE (Klebsiella aerogenes Urease로의 닉켈의 도입)

  • Lee, Mann-Hyung-
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 1994
  • Although ureases play important roles in microbial nitrogen metabolism and in the pathogenesis of several human diseases, little is known of the mechanism of metallocenter biosynthesis in this Ni-Containing enzyme. Klebsiella aerogenes urease apo-protein was purified from cells grown in the absence of Ni. The purified apo-enzyme showed the same native molecular weight, charge, and subunit stoichiometry as the holo-enzyme. Chemical modification studies were consistent with histidinyl ligation of Ni. Apo-enzyme could not be activated by simple addition of Ni ions suggesting a requirement for a cellular factor. Deletion analysis showed that four accessory genes (ureD, ureE, ureF, and ureG) are necessary for the functional incorporation of the urease metallocenter. Whereas the $\Delta$ureD, $\Delta$ureF, and $\Delta$ureG mutants are inactive and their ureases lack Ni, the $\Delta$ureE mutants retain partial activity and their ureases possess corresponding lower levels of Ni. UreE and UreG peptides were identified by SDS-polyacrylamide gel comparisons of mutant and wild type cells and by N-terminal sequencing. UreD and UreF peptides, which are synthesized at ve교 low levels, were identified by using in vitro transcription/translation methods. Cotransformation of E. coli cells with the complementing plasmids confirmed that ureD and ureF gene products act in trans. UreE was purified and characterized. immunogold electron microscopic studies were used to localize UreE to the cytoplasm. Equilibrium dialysis studies of purified UreE with $^{63}$ NiC1$_2$ showed that it binds ~6 Ni in a specific manner with a $K_{d}$ of 9.6 $\pm$1.3 $\mu$M. Results from spectroscopic studies demonstrated that Ni ions are ligated by 5 histidinyl residues and a sixth N or O atom, consistent with participation of the polyhistidine tail at the carboxyl termini of the dimeric UreE in Ni binding. With these results and other known features of the urease-related gene products, a model for urease metallocenter biosynthesis is proposed in which UreE binds Ni and acts as a Ni donor to the urease apo-protein while UreG binds ATP and couples its Hydrolysis to the Ni incorporation process.ouples its Hydrolysis to the Ni incorporation process.s.

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  • Liang, Han-Ying;Li, Yu-Yu
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1753-1767
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    • 2008
  • Consider the nonparametric regression model $Y_{ni}\;=\;g(x_{ni})+{\epsilon}_{ni}$ ($1\;{\leq}\;i\;{\leq}\;n$), where g($\cdot$) is an unknown regression function, $x_{ni}$ are known fixed design points, and the correlated errors {${\epsilon}_{ni}$, $1\;{\leq}\;i\;{\leq}\;n$} have the same distribution as {$V_i$, $1\;{\leq}\;i\;{\leq}\;n$}, here $V_t\;=\;{\sum}^{\infty}_{j=-{\infty}}\;{\psi}_je_{t-j}$ with ${\sum}^{\infty}_{j=-{\infty}}\;|{\psi}_j|$ < $\infty$ and {$e_t$} are negatively associated random variables. Under appropriate conditions, we derive a Berry-Esseen type bound for the estimator of g($\cdot$). As corollary, by choice of the weights, the Berry-Esseen type bound can attain O($n^{-1/4}({\log}\;n)^{3/4}$).

Power Loss and Electro-Magnetic Characteristics of Ni-Cu-Zn Ferrites (Ni-Cu-Zn페라이트의 損失과 磁性 特性)

  • Otsuki, E.;Kim, Jeong-Su
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2004
  • The power loss analysis was carried out for Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite sample with different content of NiO and ZnO. The power loss, Pcv decreases monotonically with increasing temperature and attains to a certain value at around 100~120 degrees Celsius. The frequency dependence of Pcv can be explained by Pcv~f$^n$, and n is independent of the frequency, f up to 1 MHz. The Pcv decreases with an increase in ZnO/NiO. The Pcv was separated to hysteresis loss(Ph) and residual loss(Pcv-Ph). The temperature characteristics and compositional dependence of Pcv can be attributed to the Ph, while Pcv-Ph is not affected by both temperature and ZnO/NiO. By analyzing temperature and composition dependence of Ph and initial permeability, ${\mu}_i$ like following equations could be formularized. ${\mu}_i{\mu}_0=I_s^2/(K_I+b{\sigma}_0{\lambda}_s)$ Wh=13.5(I$_s^2/{\mu}_i{\mu}_0)$ Where ${\mu}_0$ is permeability of vacuum, I$_s$ is saturation magnetization, K$_I$ is anisotropy constant, $s_0$ is internal heterogeneous stress, ${\lambda}_s$ is magnetostriction constant, b is unknown constant, and Wh is hysteresis loss per one cycle of excitation (Ph=Wh${\times}$f). Steinmetz constant of Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite, m=1.64~2.2 is smaller than that of Mn-Zn ferrites, which suggests the difference of loss mechanisms between these materials.

Preparation, Structure, and Photoemission Studies on the High Temperature Superconductor $YBa_2Cu_{3-x}Ni_xO_{7-{\delta}}$

  • Choy, Jin-Ho;Choe, Won-Young
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.379-383
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    • 1990
  • $YBa_2Cu_{3-x}Ni_xO_{7-{\delta}}$, with x = 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7 and 1.0 had been prepared by the thermal decomposition of corresponding nitrates. Among them, the sample with x = 0.05 shows above-liquid-$N_2$ temperature superconductivity with $T_c$ of 88.7K. According to the X-ray diffraction analysis, its crystal symmetry was estimated as orthorhombic with the lattice parameters of a = 3.866${\AA}$, b = 3.893${\AA}$, c = 11.715${\AA}$. The chemical composition of the sample was determined by electron probe microanalysis and the chemical composition around its grain boundaries was carefully studied by the X-ray line scanning technique. From the observed binding energy of Ni-$2p_{3/2}$ orbital electron (B.E. = 853 eV) measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the valency state of nickel stabilized in $YBa_2Cu_{2.95}Ni_{0.05}O_{7-{\delta}}$ oxide lattice could be determined to be Ni(II).

Effect of El Niño/Na Niña on Mesozooplankton Biomass in the Northwestern Subtropical Pacific Warm Pool and the Northern East China Sea (엘니뇨/라니냐가 북서태평양 아열대 난수역과 북부동중국해의 중형동물플랑크톤 생체량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hyung-Ku;Shin, Chang-Woong;Jeon, Dongchull
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2015
  • Mesozooplankton biomass including total biomass and size-fractionated biomass and the abundance of major taxonomic groups of copepods were studied in the Northwestern Subtropical Pacific Warm Pool (NSPWP) and the Northern East China Sea (NECS) from 2006 to 2014. Mesozooplankton biomass ranged from 0.69 to $3.08mgC/m^3$ (mean $1.12mgC/m^3$) in the NSPWP and from 10.60 to $69.10mgC/m^3$ (mean $30.33mgC/m^3$) in the NECS with higher values in spring than fall. Percent composition in the biomass of each size group of mesozooplankton varied interannually both in the NSPWP and in the NECS. The smallest size group (0.2~0.5 mm) contributed the least to total biomass in both regions, but significantly higher in the NSPWP than in the NECS. The percent composition in abundance of copepod taxonomic groups (i.e. Calanoida, Cyclopoida, and Poecilostomatoida) also fluctuated interannually. Mean composition of calanoid copepods was higher in the NECS than in the NSPWP, but the opposite pattern was observed for poecilostomatoid copepods. Mesozooplankton biomass both in the NSPWP and in the NECS was negatively correlated with Oceanic $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ Index (ONI), indicating declines in biomass during El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ periods and vice versa during Na $Ni{\tilde{n}}a$ period. The effect of El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ on variation of mesozooplankton biomass was more prominent in the NSPWP than in the NECS. These results suggest that mesozooplankton biomass both in the NSPWP and in the NECS responded to El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$ events, although the biological process that explain the reduced mesozooplankton biomass might be different in both regions.

Physical properties of $PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3-Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$ thin films by sol-gel method (Sol-gel법에 의한 $PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3-Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3$박막의 물리적 특성)

  • 임무열;구경완;김성일;유영각
    • Electrical & Electronic Materials
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.991-1000
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    • 1996
  • PbTiO$_{3}$-PbZrO$_{3}$-Pb(Ni$_{1}$3/Nb$_{2}$3/O$_{3}$) (PZT-PNN) thin films were prepared from corresponding metal organics partially stabilized with diethanolamine by the sol-gel spin coating method. Each mol ratio of PT:PZ:PNN solutions were #1(50:40:10), #2(50:30:20), #3(45:35:20), #4(40:40:20), #5(40:50:10), #6(35:45:20) and #7(30:50:20) respectively. The spin-coated PZT-PNN films were heat-treated at 350.deg. C for decomposition of residual organics, and were sintered from 450.deg. C to 750.deg. C for crystallization. The substrates, such as Pt and Pt/TiN/Ti/TiN/Si were used for the spin coating of PZT PNN films. The perovskite phase was observed in the PZT-PNN films heat-treated at 500.deg. C. The crystalline of the PZT-PNN films was optimized at the sintering of 700.deg. C. By the result of AES analysis, It is confirmed that the films of TiN/Ti/TiN was a good diffusion barrier and that co-diffusion into the each films was not observed.

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Autothermal Reforming Reaction of Methane using Ni-Ru/$Al_2O_3$-MgO Metallic Monolith Catalysts (Ni-Ru/$Al_2O_3$-MgO 금속 모노리스 촉매체를 이용한 메탄의 자열 개질반응)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Lee, Tae-Jun;Shin, Jang-Sik;Lee, Jong-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2011
  • The autothermal reforming reaction of methane was investigated to produce hyd rogen with Ni/$CeO_2-ZrO_2$, Ni/$Al_2O_3$-MgO and Ni-Ru/$Al_2O_3$-MgO catalysts. Honeycomb metalli c monolith was applied in order to obtain high catalytic activity and stability in autothermal r eforming. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, BET and SEM. The influence of various catalysts on hydrogen production was studied for the feed ratio($O_2/CH_4$, $H_2O/CH_4$). The $O_2/CH_4$ and $H_2O/CH_4$ ratio governed the methane conversion and temperature profile of reactor. Th e reactor temperature increased as the reaction shifted from endothermic to exothermic reactio n with increasing $O_2/CH_4$ ratio. Among the catalysts used in the experiment, the Ni-Ru/$Al_2O_3$-MgO catalyst showed the highest activity. The 60% of $CH_4$ conversion was obtained, and th e reactor temperature was maintained $600^{\circ}C$ at the condition of GHSV=$10000h^{-1}$ and feed ratio S/C/O=0.5/1/0.5.

Statistical Analysis of NOAA/AVHRR High Resolution Weekly SST in the East Sea: Regional Variability and Relationships with ENSO (동해지역 NOAA/AVHRR 고해상도 주평균 해수면 온도의 통계적 분석 : 지역적 변동성과 엘니뇨/남방진동과의 관계성)

  • Kwon, Tae-Yong;Lee, Bang-Yong;Lee, Jeong-Soon
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.361-376
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    • 2001
  • The characteristics of SST variability in the East Sea are analyzed using NOAA/AVHRR weekly SST data with about $0.18^{\circ}{\times}0.18^{\circ}$ resolution ($1981{\sim}2000$) and reconstructed historical monthly SST data with $2^{\circ}{\times}2^{\circ}$ resolution $(1950{\sim}1998)$. The distinct feature of wintertime SST is high variability in the western and eastern parts of $38^{\circ}{\sim}40^{\circ}$ latitudinal band, which are the northern boundary of warm current in the East Sea during winter. However, summertime SST exhibits variability with similar magnitude in the entire region of the East Sea. The analysis of remote correlation also shows that SST in the East Sea is closely correlated with that in the region of Kuroshio in winter, but in summer is related with that in the western and eastern regions of the same latitudes. From these results it is postulated that the SST variability in the East Sea may be related with the variations of East Korean Warm Current and Tsushima Warm Current in winter, but in summer probably with the variations of atmospheric components. In the analysis of ENSO related SST anomaly, a significant negative correlation between SST anomalies in the East Sea and SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific is found in the months of August-October (ASO). The SST in the ASO period shows more significant cooling in E1 $Ni\~{n}o$ events than warming in La $Ni\~{n}a$ events. Also, the regional analysis shows by the Student's t-test that the negative SST anomalies in the E1 $Ni\~{n}o$ events are more significant in the southwestern part of the East Sea.

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