• Title/Summary/Keyword: E-Utilities

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The development of 20 KW battery energy storage system (20 KW 전력저장전지시스템 개발)

  • Ko, Yo;Song, B.M.;Kim, J.E.;Kim, H.Y.;Eom, Y.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1990.11a
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    • pp.206-209
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    • 1990
  • The battery energy storage system has been studied and adopted actively by foreign advanced utilities to use off-peak energy. Korea electro-technology research institute & KEPCO developed a small scale battery energy storage system. This system is composed of a voltage type self commutating inverter and 180 cells of 500 AH lead acid battery. Using the result of operation of the system, we make a conceptual design of MW class system.

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Development of User-Interfaces for Expert System in Korean on Windows95 using CLIPS (CLIPS를 이용한 Windows 95용 한글 전문가 시스템 인터페이스 개발)

  • Cho. S.I.;Bae, Y.M.;Kim, S.C.;Park, E.W.;Hwang, H.;Yun, J.I.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 1997
  • Utilizing the tools such as CLIPS can reduce the time that it takes to develop expert systems. CLIPS is a development tool for expert system and has public inference engine and utilities. However, skilled programming is needed to run CLIPS on Windows 95, and proper interfaces for knowledge engineers or end-users who do not have good programming ability should be developed. Therefore, the user-friendly interfaces including htitle, hmenu, hyesno, htextdisplay, and hrun were developed and added to CLIPS. The intefaces were excuted in command-line mode of CLIPS on Windows 95. Also, htitle and hmenu can display graphic files for expert system users comprehension. An expert system was constructed using the interfaces and examples were displayed.

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The Construction of Safety Measurement Equipment of Grounding Electrode for Distribution System (배전용 접지전극의 안전성 분석 장치 구성)

  • Kang, Moon-Ho;Park, Young-Keun;Jang, Sang-Ok;Won, Yoon-Chan;Lee, Heung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 2005
  • Grounding electrodes as discharge paths to the earth are normally used to ensure the safety of human body and facilities from the over-voltages in distribution power system, and each grounding mode has a prescribed ground resistance value respectively which is applied by the utilities. As the various electrodes for distribution power system are recently developing to improve the performance of them and resolve the problem of space restriction, it is necessary to measure and investigate the safety of human body of developed electrodes. Therefore, in this paper, we provide briefly a technical comparison of two standards, i.e. IEEE Std 80 and the IEC 479-1, and describe the configuration of safety measurement system which can measure the step voltage and the touch voltage of grounding electrodes based on IEEE Std 80.

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RepWeb: A Web-Based Search Tool for Repeat-Related Literatures

  • Woo, Tae-Ha;Kim, Young-Uk;Kwon, Je-Keun;Seo, Jung-Min
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.88-91
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    • 2007
  • Repetitive sequences such as SINE, LINE, and LTR elements form a major part of eukaryotic genomes. A literature search tool that summarizes the information contained within repeat elements would provide biologists in the field of genomics with a useful tool for analyzing genomic sequence features. We developed a java program designed to make literature access easier by using two search engines simultaneously. RepWeb is a web-based search system that provides a user friendly interface for searching the reference data and journals for information related to repeat elements by using the search engines, Google Scholar and PubMed, simultaneously. It provides an interface that displays the repeat element- related biological information, and includes useful functions such as the production of a repeat tree, clickable links to PubMed and Google Scholar, exporting, and sorting a field into date, author, journal and title.

20 KW Battery Storage System Design (20KW 전력저장 전지시스템 설계)

  • Ko, Y.;Kim, H.Y.;Nam, K.Y.;Kim, J.E.;Cho, K.Y.;Eom, Y.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1989.07a
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    • pp.254-257
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    • 1989
  • Battery Energy Storage System has been studied and adopted actively by foreign advanced utilities, in order to utilize off peak energy. The outline of 20KW Battery Storage System design of the project - the study on the development of Battery Electric Energy Storage System, carried out by KERI KEPCO, is presented. The first target of this project is the conceptual design of MW-class Battery Storage System and 20KW Battery Storage System is its the small scale system.

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A Study on the Interconnection technology to Power System of the Dispersed Stroage and Generation System (DSG) (분산형전원의 계통연계 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, D.S.;Kim, H.Y.;Kim, E.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1992.07a
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    • pp.126-129
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    • 1992
  • Compared to other sources of electricity such as Thermal and Nuclear power plant, dispersed storage and generation system (DSG) is environmentally clean, quiet and efficient, thus this source is expected to be introduced In urban area by the utilities and customers. If a great number of DSG will be applied to electric power system in the rear future (around 2000, in Korea), these will give a great influence on the existing power system. In other words, the interconnection to electric power system of these source may bring many problems such as system operation, protection coordination, and service quality related with voltages (110${\pm}$6V, 220${\pm}$13V), harmonics (5%) and pour factor (90% over). So, this analysis of the interconnection to power system of DSG is required

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A new equilibrium existence via connectedness

  • Rim, Dong-Il;Im, Sung-Mo;Kim, Won-Kyu
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.587-592
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    • 1996
  • In 1950, Nash [5] first proved the existence of equilibrium for games where the player's preferences are representable by continuous quasiconcave utilities and the strategy sets are simplexes. Next Debreu [3] proved the existence of equilibrium for abstract economies. Recently, the existence of Nash equilibrium can be further generalized in more general settings by several athors, e.g. Shafer-Sonnenschein [6], Borglin-Keiding [2], Yannelis-Prabhaker [8]. In the above results, the convexity assumption is very essential and the main proving tools are the continuous selection technique and the existence of maximal elements. Still there have been a number of generalizations and applications of equilibrium existence theorem in generalized games.

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Optimal Link Allocation and Revenue Maximization

  • Joutsensalo, Jyrki;Hamalainen, Timo
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.136-147
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the maximal capacity of the data network link has attempted to be exploited by using the dynamic allocation strategy. We propose a new methodology based on the economic models for competing traffic classes (classes of sessions) in packet networks. As the demand for network services accelerates, users' satisfaction to the service level might decrease due to the congestion at the network nodes. To prevent this, efficient allocation of a networks resources, such as available bandwidth and switch capacity, is needed. By using the so-called user profile as well as the utility (e.g., data rate) functions, it is possible to allocate data rates and other utilities using the arbitrary number of QoS classes, say $0.01,...,$10.

Performance Model and Fuel Utilization Analysis of 7 kW MCFC using ASPEN-PLUS (ASPEN-PLUS를 이용한 7 kW MCFC의 성능 모델 및 연료 이용률 분석)

  • Kang, B.S.;Ahn, K.S.;Koh, J.H.;Lim, H.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.55-57
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    • 1998
  • Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) power plant is expected to be one of the most promising future power generation system for the electric utilities because of its high efficiency, environmental suitability and capability of using coal as fuel. To get such attractive performance, it is necessary to consider optimizing operation and gas recycling system. This paper describes the simulation results of 7 kW MCFC stack in KEPRI and the effects of the three possible gas recycling operations, i.e. cathode gas recycling, anode gas recycling, anode gas recycling with catalytic burner.

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The Systematic Evaluation of the SCADA System Proposals for Multi-purpose Dam and Water Supply Office (댐 및 수도 사무소 감시제어시스템의 체계적 기술평가 방안)

  • Paik, D.H.;Lee, E.W.;Kim, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.217-219
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    • 1998
  • Korea Water Resources Corporation (KOWACO) annually supplies about 2 billion Kwh and 7.3 billion $m^3$ with its 10 multi purpose dams and 20 water supply offices. For the proper control and management of the above utilities, sequential control equipment and SCADA/DCS have been operated and maintained. In this paper, 8 control system evaluations for hydropower dam, water supply, electric power and subway projects during 1984-1997 were reviewed and analyzed. The systematic evaluation method has been established in the points of the purpose, method, procedure, evaluation team, evaluation criteria, total evaluation table and the contents of final recommendation report. With keeping in mind the essential points, it is expected for the more effective and fair evaluation of bids.

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