• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dong-in (East Faction)

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The type of narrative and Faction historical meaning of Song-gubong legend (구봉 송익필 전설의 서사유형과 설화적 의미)

  • 이정훈
    • Korean Language and Literature
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    • v.67 no.67
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    • pp.45-71
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    • 2018
  • Songgubong is a person in the mid-Choseon Dynasty, but he is a person who is exalted as a teacher of four generations. However, the life of Songbong was a series of trials of 'returning' due to the environment and political changes born in prestige. There was also a political upheaval in the era where he lived, such as a Sinsamuok, Kichukoksa the beginning of Parts. Songgubong also shared his friendship with YulGon, Sounhorn in his life. This paper examines the narrative style of the Songgwon legend, who was a real person of the Choseon Dynasty, and examines the historical meaning of the Gubong legend. In this paper, 40 pieces of Songbong were analyzed. So I made 20 pixels and 5 narrative types. The basic form of the Songgwangbong legend is 'the exchange between the man and the gongbong - the complaints of the surrounding men - Songbongbang face to face and overwhelming'. This basic type is expanded to an anger that strengthens Songbong's greatness, an anecdote that worsens Songbong's desire, and an anger that emphasizes the misery of Songbongbong. Following the basic type and the extended type, the comprehensive type is combined with the active play. Actually, Songbong was in exile and could not participate in the war. However, the legendary Songbong is short enough to shorten the duration of the imprisonment, or to give the Turtle Ship to Yi Soon Shin. The story of the ending of the Imran in a few months if it has been used properly has been handed down on the Internet. Song Hyung-bong, who is a politically talented person, plays an active role as a novi in the story. Songbong is a "hero" who escapes from the constraint of "novi" and interacts with them in a similar way, controlling them with "eyes" and charisma. Song Jung - bong 's performance succumbs to Lee Yong Song and controls Yulgok and Yi Soon Shin. In addition, the legend of Jinan, which can be said to be the scene of Ogasaki, is still handed down to the dignity of Songbong. The evaluation of the Songbong who made a stroke of the company is interpreted as a political sacrifice in narrative. Compared to the spiritual virtue of the person who interacted with him, the marriage, and Jungchol, Songbong was the one who was able to withstand the years of vigor due to the occasional ox. The meaning of the Songgwon legend in the Conflict is that, apart from the partisan lessons that had to be taken from the existing records, the people are worshiping him as the epitome of the great weak which is excluded from real power. I hope that this legend will make it possible to look at the existing evaluation from a new angle.