• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dominant

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Comparison of dominant and nondominant handwriting with the signal of a three-axial accelerometer

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.260-266
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    • 2021
  • Handwriting using the dominant and nondominant arms was analyzed in 52 young adults with the aid of a three-axial accelerometer. We measured a signal vector magnitude (SVM) and the percentage of the total signal vector magnitude (%TSVM) for the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP), radial styloid process (RSP), and lateral epicondyle (LE) of both arms. The SVM for the MCP was lower in the dominant arm than the nondominant arm, whereas that for the RSP was higher. %TVSM was lower for the MCP than for the RSP and LE in the nondominant arm, but higher for the MCP than for the LE in the nondominant arm. These findings suggest that controlling the MCP will improve the quality of handwriting, including when using the nondominant arm.

The Formation of the Dominant Elite Group and the Politicization: Focus on the 19th Century after Independence in Peru (페루 지배 엘리트집단의 형성과 정치화의 동인: 독립 이후 19세기를 중심으로)

  • Kim, You-Kyoung
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2010
  • This paper explains how the political elites limit peruvian politics after independence, through examining the historical origin of elites, the formation of the dominant elites and their politicization in Peru, 1824-1919. In detail, the first section of this paper examines theoretical concepts and the political economic conditions of elites. The next part explores the emergence of the dominant elite group and their politicization, which is focused on economic incentives and conditions in the Guano era. Finally, this paper suggests that peruvian elite group after independence is politically motivated by the direct control of economic resources and maximized privilege in distributions of economic benefits. Furthermore, these features provided the archetype of the Peruvian politics, such as the pre-modern oligarchy and the military intervention.

Dominant Point Detection Algorithm on Digital Contours with Constrained Number of Points (특징점의 수를 제약조건으로 하는 선도형의 특징점 검출 기법)

  • Seo, Won-Chan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.2412-2420
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    • 1997
  • An algorithm for detecting dominant points on a digital contour is proposed. The algorithm detects the dominant points from the given contour with the given number of points as a constraint condition. on the basis of the principle of the top-down approach. The dominant points are detected by minimizing the object function that presents the similarity between the given contour and the approximated polygon drawn by connecting the dominant points of candicate. The penalty multiplier method is applied to minimize the augmented Lagrangean function which is made by adding the penalty of the constraint condition to the object function. On the minimization, a local searching method by the partial problem division is considered, and it is clarified that the reasonable solution is obtained by the method. The proposed algorithm has a merit that the dominant points can be detected exactly and stably even for the digital contour composed of multiple-scale features and the similar contours, because it detects them on considering the property of a whole figure of the given contour. It is confirmed that the proposed algorithm is more excellent than other previously proposed algorithms by the comparison and the evaluation through the experiment on suing typical digital curves.

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A Study on the Effect of Determinants of the Dominant Design on Intention to Continuous Use of Smartphone (지배적 디자인의 결정요인이 스마트폰의 지속적 사용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yim, Myung-Seong;Lee, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of study is to advance current smartphone research past the limitation it faces being focused primarily on functional performance and to understand the causes of Smartphone diffusion. In order to do this, the dominant design concept was applied in examining the relationship between the determinants of the dominant design and the acceptance of smartphones. The research has yielded results which show that determinants such as technological superiority, number of installed based products, and availability of complementary goods have a positive effect on the intention to use smartphones and the attitude toward its use. Moreover, this study has contributed in broadening the understanding of dominant design by introducing the central concepts of dominant design which are not being dealt with in domestic studies and presenting the major variables which must be considered in the acceptance of smartphones.

Vegetation and Soil Properties of Corylopsis coreana Population in Korea (히어리(Corylopsis coreana) 개체군의 식생과 토양특성)

  • Jang, Hyung-Tae;Kim, Nam-Choon;Kim, Mu-Yeol;Kwon, Hye-Jin;Song, Ho-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.609-615
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    • 2008
  • The study was conducted to analyze vegetation and soil characteristic of Corylopsis coreana population in Baekunsan of Gyeonggi-Do, Jirisan, Baekunsan, Jogaesan of Jeollanam-do, and Geumsan of Gyeongsangnamdo. Field research was from September 2005 to September 2006. According to classification with phytosociological method, the Corylopsis coreana population was classified into Tilia amurensis dominant population, Lindera erythrocarpa dominant population, and Pinus densiflora dominant population. According to CCA ordination, the Tilia amurensis dominant population were located in area of high elevation, and high concentration in total nitrogen, available phosphorous, and cation exchangeable capacity(CEC). The Pinus densiflora dominant population were located in area of low elevation, and low concentration in total nitrogen, available phosphorous, and cation exchangeable capacity. The Lindera erythrocarpa dominant population were located in area of high elevation, and medium concentration in total nitrogen, available phosphorous, and cation exchangeable capacity.

Comparison of Growth and Allometric Change of Stand and Dominant Trees in Pinus koraiensis Plantation over 34 Years

  • Seo, Yeongwan;Lee, Daesung;Chhorn, Vireak;Choi, Jungkee
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to find out the growth pattern of Pinus koraiensis plantation over 34 years, focusing on DBH, height, basal area and allometric change. Total increment (TI), mean annual increment (MAI) and correlation coefficient were calculated and compared with stand and dominants. Total increment and mean annual increment of both DBH and height of dominants were bigger than those of stand. The difference was apparently shown bigger in DBH than height. Unlike DBH and height the total increment and mean annual increment of basal area per hectare of dominants were distinctively smaller than those of stand. Furthermore MAI of dominant was increasing until age 42, while MAI of stand increased at early ages and then gradually decreased after culmination like MAIs of DBH and height. MAIs of basal area of dead trees at each measurement tended to increase until early age (18 years in this study), while it reached a peak and gradually decrease after that (21 years in this study). Correlation coefficient between DBH and height tended to decrease as both dominant and stand age and the difference between dominant and stand was not clearly shown over the measurement period. Correlation coefficients between DBH and crown width tended to decrease as the trees age and correlation coefficients of dominant were clearly shown smaller than that of stand. Correlation coefficients of height and crown width also was found to be similar to correlation coefficients between DBH and crown. Meanwhile correlation coefficient of height and crown width dropped more radically than coefficient of DBH and crown width as the trees age.

A Post-processing for Binary Mask Estimation Toward Improving Speech Intelligibility in Noise (잡음환경 음성명료도 향상을 위한 이진 마스크 추정 후처리 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Gibak
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with a noise reduction algorithm which uses the binary masking in the time-frequency domain. To improve speech intelligibility in noise, noise-masked speech is decomposed into time-frequency units and mask "0" is assigned to masker-dominant region removing time-frequency units where noise is dominant compared to speech. In the previous research, Gaussian mixture models were used to classify the speech-dominant region and noise-dominant region which correspond to mask "1" and mask "0", respectively. In each frequency band, data were collected and trained to build the Gaussian mixture models and detection procedure is performed to the test data where each time-frequency unit belongs to speech-dominant region or noise-dominant region. In this paper, we consider the correlation of masks in the frequency domain and propose a post-processing method which exploits the Viterbi algorithm.

Seasonal and Vertical Change of Bacterial Communities in Lake Soyang (소양호에서 세균군집구조의 계절적.수직적 변화)

  • 김동주;홍선희;안태석
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.242-247
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    • 1999
  • This sludy was conducted to investigate the change of bacterial co~munities with season and depth in Lake Soyang. Korea, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The oligonucleotide probes used in this study were EUB338, ALF I b. GAM42a, and CF, The percentage of h e Proleobacteria a $\alpha$-group ranged from 0.70 to 33% the $\beta$-group from 1.0 to 26% they -group from 2.4 Lo 37% and Cytophagn and Flavobactefin groups from 4.7 to 24% duing the study period (April Lo November, 1998). They $\gamma$-group was dominant in spring when Asterionella was dominant. and a $\alpha$-group was dominant in summer when the organic content was low and Dinobryon was dominant. However, a specific group was not dominant in ?dl when cyanobacteria group was dominant and the ratio of eubacleria to total bacteria was very low. Therefore, the bacterial communities in Lake Soyang changed with season and depth, which seems to be associated with the telnporal succession of phytoplanlaons.

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Mating and Incidental Activities of Ram (Ovis aries) When Exposed to Ewe(s) and Competitor Ram in Pen Mating Condition

  • Patel, M.;Das, N.;Pandey, H.N.;Yadav, M.C.;Girish, P.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.463-469
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    • 2005
  • An attempt was made to analyze the factors affecting mating performance of rams in pen mating systems. Due to many types of social interactions, mating performance of rams may decrease or increase. Six intact Muzaffarnagari rams were used and divided into three dominant subordinate pairs by food and ewe competition test. For dominant rams subordinate ram became competitor and vice versa. In the first experiment, ram was exposed to ewe but the competitor ram was kept outside the pen with the facility of visibility only. In the second experiment each ram was exposed to ewe along with the competitor ram and in third experiment ram was exposed to ewes (two) along with competitor ram in observation pen. Recordings of different mating and agonistic behaviour were done in all the experiments. It was found that subordinate ram's mating behaviour was inhibited by mere presence of a dominant ram out side without physical contact. However, when ram exposed to oestrus ewe(s) along with competitor ram, both dominant and subordinate rams spent much of their time in guarding activities instead of mating. In addition dominant ram tried to curtail the subordinate ram mating by agonistic interaction like fight and butting. Different guarding activities were observed either as active or passive type depending on level of dominanace. It was concluded that in a limited space the interaction of two or more rams might affect the number of services adversely.