• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distributed architecture

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A Design & Implementation of Remote Access Function for A Multimedia Database of The Tele-medical System Based on ATM/B-ISDN (ATM/B-ISDN 기반의 원격 의료정보 시스템을 위한 멀티미디어 데이터베이스 원격 접속기능 설계 및 구현)

  • 김호철;김영탁
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 1998
  • In the multimedia tele-medical system the medical informations are stored and managed in multimedia database. Also, multimedia DBMS is essential in order to manage large scale medical informations, and the remote access function is necessary for the distributed processing at all around the hospital. For the multimedia tele-medical information that is composed of image/picture, data, video, and audio, a high-speed telecommunication network is necessary that can provide separated connections for each medical information type with different QoS. The commercial DBMSs are based on the TCP/IP socket API(Application Programming Interface) that does not provide multiple QoS. Also, each commercial DBMS has its own API that is incompatible with other DBMS. In this paper, we propose a multimedia DBMS agent for the remote access of the multimedia database in the tele-medical system. The proposed multimedia DBMS agent is based on the ATM API that can provide high-speed data transfer capability and multiple QoS connections. Also, the proposed multimedia DBMS agent is independent of the commercial DBMS. We explain the functional architecture of the multimedia DBMS agent, implementation technology on the ATM network environment, and the result of performance analysis.

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Numerical Study based on Three-Dimensional Potential Flow in Time-Domain for Effect of Wave Field Change due to Coastal Structure on Hydrodynamic Performance of OWC Wave Energy Converter (연안 구조물로 인한 파동장의 변화가 진동수주 파력발전장치 유체성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 3차원 시간영역 포텐셜 유동 기반의 수치 연구)

  • Kim, J.S.;Nam, B.W.;Park, S.;Kim, K.H.;Shin, S.H.;Hong, K.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.150-152
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the effects of the wave field changes due to the coastal structure on the hydrodynamic performance of the OWC wave energy, converter are analyzed using a three-dimensional numerical wave tank technique (NWT). The OWC device is simulated numerically by introducing a linear pressure drop model, considering the coupling effect between the turbine and the OWC chamber in the time domain. The flow distribution around the chamber is different due to the change of reflection characteristics depending on the consideration of the breakwater model. The wave energy captured from the breakwater is spatially distributed on the plane of the front of the breakwater, and the converted pneumatic power increased when concentrated in front of the chamber. The change of the standing wave distribution is repeated according to the relationship between the incident wavelength and the length of the breakwater, and the difference in energy conversion performance of the OWC was confirmed.

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Remote Cache Replacement Policy using Processor Locality in Multi-Processor System (다중 프로세서 시스템에서 프로세서 지역성을 이용한 원격 캐쉬 교체 정책)

  • Han Sang Yoon;Kwak Jong Wook;Jhang Seong Tae;Jhon Chu Shik
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.32 no.11_12
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    • pp.541-556
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    • 2005
  • The memory access latency of the system has been a primary factor of performance degradation in single-processor system and multi-processor system. The remote memory access latency takes a lot of overhead over the local memory access latency especially in the distributed shared-memory system. To resolve this problem, the multi-level cache architecture that contains a remote cache in the multi-processor system has been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new cache replacement policy that improves the performance of the multi-processor system with the remote cache. If the multi-level cache keeps the multi-level inclusion(MLI) property and uses the LRU(Least Recently Used) cache replacement policy, the LRU information of the higher-level cache(a processor cache) would be different with that of the lower-level cache(a remote cache). In this situation, the replacement of a remote cache line can induce the exchange of a processor cache line that is used by the processor. It is a main factor of performance degradation in a whole system. To alleviate this disadvantage of the LRU replacement polity, the new policy analyses tht processor's remote memory access pattern of each node and uses this information to reduce the number of invalidations of the useful cache line in the higher-level cache. The new replacement policy of the remote cache can improve the performance by $3.5\%$ in maximum and $2.5\%$ in average on SPLASH-2 benchmarks, compared to the general LRU cache replacement policy.

Evaluation of Multivariate Stream Data Reduction Techniques (다변량 스트림 데이터 축소 기법 평가)

  • Jung, Hung-Jo;Seo, Sung-Bo;Cheol, Kyung-Joo;Park, Jeong-Seok;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.7 s.110
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    • pp.889-900
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    • 2006
  • Even though sensor networks are different in user requests and data characteristics depending on each application area, the existing researches on stream data transmission problem focus on the performance improvement of their methods rather than considering the original characteristic of stream data. In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical or distributed sensor network architecture and data model, and then evaluate the multivariate data reduction methods suitable for user requirements and data features so as to apply reduction methods alternatively. To assess the relative performance of the proposed multivariate data reduction methods, we used the conventional techniques, such as Wavelet, HCL(Hierarchical Clustering), Sampling and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) as well as the experimental data sets, such as multivariate time series, synthetic data and robot execution failure data. The experimental results shows that SVD and Sampling method are superior to Wavelet and HCL ia respect to the relative error ratio and execution time. Especially, since relative error ratio of each data reduction method is different according to data characteristic, it shows a good performance using the selective data reduction method for the experimental data set. The findings reported in this paper can serve as a useful guideline for sensor network application design and construction including multivariate stream data.

A Study on the Reduction of Waiting Time and Moving Distance through Optimal Allocation of Service Space in a Health Examination Center (건강검진센터의 공간서비스 적정할당을 통한 대기시간 및 이동거리 단축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Tae;Oh, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2019
  • Recently, health examination centers have been changing from auxiliary medical facilities to key and independent medical facilities. However, it is not easy to improve medical facilities, including health examination centers, due to the variable characteristics of the relationship between humans and space. Therefore, this study was done to develop a pedestrian-based discrete event simulation analysis program to examine the problems and develop methods for improvement. The program was developed to analyze five evaluation indices and the density of examinees. The problems were derived by analyzing the required time, capacity, and queue size for each examination through simulations. We reduced the examination time and moving distance, increased the capacity, and distributed the queues by adjusting the medical services and relocating the examination rooms. The results were then quantitatively verified by simulations.

The Functional Selection for the Assessment of Ecosystem Service at Pond Wetland in Agricultural Landscape (농업경관 내 연못형습지의 생태계서비스 평가를 위한 기능 설정 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Shin, Min-Ji;Shin, Ji-Hoon;Kang, Dong-Hyeon;Kang, Banghun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.319-325
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    • 2014
  • A lot of Pond Wetland (Palustrine Wetland) are distributed in agricultural landscapes, Korea. These wetlands are evaluated as important resources for conservation of biodiversity. However, the study of Pond Wetland is rarely conducted except type classification in Korea. In this study, the function of pond wetland as ecosystem services is studied for conservation and utilization of wetland. Research was conducted in three steps; functionality analysis, functionality derivation, and importance analysis. A total of 22 features were derived by analyzing the previous studies. As a result of expert survey, 4 features were selected by each in the field of biological, environmental, and socio-culture among the 22 features. Importance was calculated by conducting a cross-functional features using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Finally, 10 ecosystem service functions of pond wetland were derived through expert survey; (1) Water Storage & Irrigation, (2) Vegetation Diversity, (3) Amphibian & Reptile Habitat, (4) Water Purification, (5) Aquatic Insect Habitat, (6) Nutriments Control was derived, (7) Groundwater Recharge, (8) Fishery Habitat, (9) Eco-Experience & Education, and (10) Aesthetic landscape. It is expected that this study is able to utilize in evaluation of pond wetlands ecosystem services by further study on analysis of functional importance and economic value index.

Frequency Analysis Using Bootstrap Method and SIR Algorithm for Prevention of Natural Disasters (풍수해 대응을 위한 Bootstrap방법과 SIR알고리즘 빈도해석 적용)

  • Kim, Yonsoo;Kim, Taegyun;Kim, Hung Soo;Noh, Huisung;Jang, Daewon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2018
  • The frequency analysis of hydrometeorological data is one of the most important factors in response to natural disaster damage, and design standards for a disaster prevention facilities. In case of frequency analysis of hydrometeorological data, it assumes that observation data have statistical stationarity, and a parametric method considering the parameter of probability distribution is applied. For a parametric method, it is necessary to sufficiently collect reliable data; however, snowfall observations are needed to compensate for insufficient data in Korea, because of reducing the number of days for snowfall observations and mean maximum daily snowfall depth due to climate change. In this study, we conducted the frequency analysis for snowfall using the Bootstrap method and SIR algorithm which are the resampling methods that can overcome the problems of insufficient data. For the 58 meteorological stations distributed evenly in Korea, the probability of snowfall depth was estimated by non-parametric frequency analysis using the maximum daily snowfall depth data. The results of frequency based snowfall depth show that most stations representing the rate of change were found to be consistent in both parametric and non-parametric frequency analysis. According to the results, observed data and Bootstrap method showed a difference of -19.2% to 3.9%, and the Bootstrap method and SIR(Sampling Importance Resampling) algorithm showed a difference of -7.7 to 137.8%. This study shows that the resampling methods can do the frequency analysis of the snowfall depth that has insufficient observed samples, which can be applied to interpretation of other natural disasters such as summer typhoons with seasonal characteristics.

The Physical and Consolidation Characteristics of Soft Clay in Nakdong River Lower Basin (낙동강 하구지역 연약 점성토의 물리특성 및 압밀특성)

  • Kang, Sung Uk;Jang, Jeong Wook;Chung, Youn In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2016
  • From having an experimental study of physical and consolidation characteristics of soft clay in Nakdong river lower basin, we come to the conclusion as follow. Clay minerals in Nakdong river lower basin are classified into Kaolinite and Illite. Water content($W_n$) is similarly distributed in a range of 50.4% to 92.8% in Noksan and 46.6% to 99.0% in Jangyu, and liquid limit(LL) of both areas appears lower than water content. In the case of compression index, the index of jangyu is a little higher than that of Noksan because Jangyu is in a range of 0.67 to 1.94 and Noksan in a range of 0.44 to 1.5. The second compression index of Jangyu in a range of 0.027 to 0.092 is also higher than Noksan in a range of 0.024 to 0.075. As a result of regression analysis, a relation between water content and compression index is linear, and between initial void ratio and compression index is shown to $C_c=0.80e_o-0.58$. The ratio of $C_{\alpha}/C_c$ in a range of 0.03 to 0.08 expresses a wide range.

Evaluation on the Mechanical Performance of Concrete Using Entanglement Polyamide Fiber (다발형 폴리아미드섬유 보강 콘크리트의 역학적 성능평가)

  • Jeon, Joong Kyu;Kim, Gyu Yong;Jeon, Chan Ki;Lee, Soo Choul
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2012
  • Steel fiber is high stiffness and large weight. So, Pumping hose to rupture of the safety management is difficult. Steel fiber caused by corrosion of the deterioration of durability and high-rebound losses are needed for the improvements. Thus, the revised regulations in 2009 by a steel fiber to reinforce other materials is possible. Variety of fiber reinforcement material for concrete review of applicability is needed. Steel fiber strength than the other fibers is large and by the geometry of the fibers are attached to improve performance. However, compared to steel fiber organic fibers and low modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of fiber and agglomeration occurs in the concrete to be used as reinforcement material is difficult. In this regard, the present study as a single object in the micro-fiber bouquet sharp entanglement through make muck attach surface area, distributed fibers from surfactant of the surface enhanced polyamide fibers, steel fiber and PP fiber reinforced concrete by comparing the scene to provide a basis for the use.

Biological Impact Prediction and Biological Basic Management by Development of Deokjin Park, Chonju City (전주시 덕진공원의 개발이용에 따른 생물학적인 영향예측과 기초관리방안)

  • Kim, Sei-Cheon;Youn, Chang-Ho;Kim, Ik-Soo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 1997
  • To know of the biological basic method that can improve the environment of the organisms that inhabit at Deokjin Park. We studied the flora and the fauna in Deokjin Park on June, 1996. The study was surveyed and researched according to the items floras, phytoplanktons, insects and vertebrates. The floras are composed of eleven varieties, one forma, eighty-three species, eighty-four genera and forty-nine families. In the lake of Deokjin Park, the dominant species were Nelembo nucifera and Spirodela polyrhiza. The authors thought that those species be artificially excluded in winter for the improvement of the quality of water. The phytoplanktons were composed of forty genera, eighteen families, ten orders and six classes. Among those, Anacystis(=Microcystis) and Anabaena that make eutrophication, were distributed in the lake of Deokjin Park. The fauna of insects were composed of forty-one species, thirty families and eleven orders. The authors observed seven species of fish, two species of amphibian, three species of reptile, seven species of the bird and one species of mammal. Among those, Bull-frog and Blue-turtle as exotic species must be excluded by artificial methods for the other native organisms of the lake of Deokjin Park.

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