• Title/Summary/Keyword: Distributed Momentum Generation

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3-Dimensional Calculation on Cold Air Flow Characteristics in a Refrigerator (냉장고 내부의 냉기 유동특성에 관한 3차원 해석(I))

  • Oh, Min-Jung;Lee, Jae-Heon;Oh, Myung-Do
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.382-395
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    • 1995
  • A numerical study has been performed on flow characteristics in a domestic refrigerator whose size is $540mm{\times}1,530mm{\times}680mm$, considering existence of a fan and evaporator. The flow field has been simulated with the low Reynolds number $k-\bar{\varepsilon}$ turbulent model and SIMPLE algorithm based on the finite volume method. The region of fan which makes driving force for cold air distribution was modeled as a region in which momentum sources are generated uniformly. The concept of the distributed pressure resistance was applied to describe the momentum loss from evaporator. The result showed that the rate of cold air distribution into freezing room and cold storage room was almost 7 : 3.

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Energy Performance Evaluation of Building Micro-grid System Including Micro-turbine in Hospital Buildings (마이크로터빈이 포함된 빌딩마이크로그리드시스템의 병원건물의 에너지성능평가)

  • Kim, Byoung-Soo;Hong, Won-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.279-283
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    • 2009
  • Distributed generation(DG) of combined cooling, heat. and power(CCHP)has been gaining momentum in recent year as efficient, secure alternative for meeting increasing energy demands. This paper presents the energy performance of microturbine CCHP system equipped with an absorption chiller by modelling it in hospital building. The orders of study were as following. 1)The list and schedule of energy consumption equipment in hospital were examined such as heating and cooling machine, light etc. 2) Annual report of energy usage and monitoring data were examined as heating, cooling, DHW, lighting, etc. 3) The weather data in 2007 was used for simulation and was arranged by meteorological office data in Daejeon. 4) Reference simulation model was built by comparison of real energy consumption and simulation result by TRNSYS and ESP-r. The energy consumption pattern of building were analyzed by simulation model and energy reduction rate were calculated over the cogeneration. As a result of this study, power generation efficiency of turbine was about 30% after installing micro gas turbine and lighting energy as well as total electricity consumption can be reduced by 40%. If electricity energy and waste heat in turbine are used, 56% of heating energy and 67% of cooling energy can be reduced respectively, and total system efficiency can be increased up to 70%.

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The characteristic analysis and model of PEM fuel cell for residential application (가정용 고분자 연료전지의 모델과 특성해석)

  • Cho, Y.R.;Kim, N.H.;Han, K.H.;Joo, K.D.;Yun, S.Y.;Baek, S.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2005
  • The imbalance of energy demand and supply caused by rapid industrialization around the world and the associated environmental issues require and alternative energy source with possible renewable fuels. Political instability and depletion of cruel oils are other factors that cause fluctuation of oil price. Securing a new alternative energy source for the next century became an urgent issue that our nation is confronting with. As a matter of fact, the fuel cell technology can be widely used as next generation energy regardless of regions and climate. Specially, the ability of expansion and quick installation enable one to apply it for distributed power, where the technology is already gaining remarkable attentions for the application. Particularly, leading industrialized nations are focusing on the PEM fuel dell with anticipation that this technology will find their place of applications in the vehicles and homes. In this study, demonstrate the multi physics modeling of a proton exchange membrane(PEM) fuel cell with interdigitated flow field design. The model uses current balances, mass balance(Maxwell-Stefan diffusion for reactant, water and nitrogen gas) and momentum balance(gas flow) to simulate the PEM fuel cell behavior.

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The Energy Performance & Economy Efficiency Evaluation of Microturbine Installed in Hospital buildings (대형병원에서 마이크로터빈 이용한 열병합시스템 에너지성능 및 경제성 분석)

  • Kim, Byung-Soo;Gil, Young-Wok;Hong, Won-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 2009
  • Distributed generation(DG) of combined cooling, heat, and power(CCHP)has been gaining momentum in recent year as efficient, secure alternative for meeting increasing energy demands. This paper presents the energy performance of microturbine CCHP system equipped with an absorption chiller by modelling it in hospital building. The orders of study were as following. 1)The list and schedule of energy consumption equipment in hospital were examined such as heating and cooling machine, light etc. 2) Annual report of energy usage and monitoring data were examined as heating, cooling, DHW, lighting, etc. 3) The weather data in 2007 was used for simulation and was arranged by meteorological office data in Daejeon. 4) Reference simulation model was built by comparison of real energy consumption and simulation result by TRNSYS and ESP-r. The energy consumption pattern of building were analyzed by simulation model and energy reduction rate were calculated over the cogeneration. As a result of this study, power generation efficiency of turbine was about 30[%] after installing micro gas turbine and lighting energy as well as total electricity consumption can be reduced by 40[%]. If electricity energy and waste heat in turbine are used, 56[%] of heating energy and 67[%] of cooling energy can be reduced respectively, and total system efficiency can be increased up to 70[%].