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Occurrence and Distribution of Disinfection of By-Products in Drinking Water (수돗물중 소독부산물(DBPs)의 생성 및 분포특성에 관한 연구)

  • In, C.K.;Lee, J.H.;Lee, I.S.;Bang, E.O.;Song, H.S.;Yoon, S.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Health Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2005
  • Chlorine disinfection has been used in drinking water supply to disinfect the water-borne microbial disease which may cause to serious human disease. it is still the least costly, relatively easy to use, Chlorination is the primary means to disinfect portable water supplies and control bacterial growth in the distribution system. However, chlorine reacts with natural organic matter(NOM), that presents in nearly all water sources, and then produces disinfection by-products(DBPs), that have adverse health effects. Although the existent DBPs have been reported in drinking water supplies, it is not feasible to predict the levels of the various DBPs due to the complex chemistry reaction involved. 1. The objectives of this study is to investigate seasonal variation difference concentration of DBPs in the plant to tap water. The average concentration of THMs was 20.04 μg/ , HAAs 8-15 μg/ , HANs 2-4.5 μg/ respectively. 2. Distant variation of DBPs furmation by the distance is that THMs concentration increased by 17% at 2km point from the plant and by 28% at 7km and HAAs, HANs also increase each by 16%, 32% at 2 km from the plant and 35%, 56% at 7 km. DBPs increase in water supply pipe continually, 3. The seasonal occurrence of BBPs is that in May and August DBPs concentration is very higher than in march, in May DBPs concentration is highest. The temperature is main factor of DBPs formation, precursor also. 4. Precursor which was accumulated for winter flowed into the raw water by flooding in spring and summer and produced DBPs. 5. Therefore for the supply of secure drinking water, it is required to protect precursor of flowing into raw water and to add to BCAA and DBAA to drinking water standards.

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Study on Development of Export Packaging for Fresh Melon (신선 멜론의 수출포장개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Hoon;Jung, Jun-Jae
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2009
  • It is very difficult to export the fresh agricultural products to long distance countries such as USA and EU without any damage. Fresh products exporting would overcome very severe conditions such as hot and cold weather changes, heavy vibrations with rolling and pitching during the target distribution period, therefore, the packaging needs the immobility of products in the container and the keeping its quality by packaging materials or methods under any surrounding environments, especially. The physical strength of outer box should be designated according to its own characteristics for agricultural product packaging. Packaging dimension which would be fit to standard pallet is also very important factor to reduce the distribution cost. There have been many agricultural products researches for export packaging to the USA so far. However they have never got desirable results which enough to apply it in real. The main purpose of this research is to develop optimum compressive strength and optimum dimension of corrugated fiberboard box which would be used to USA export packaging of fresh melon as well as Japan.

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Effect of Chungpaesagan-tang on Ischemic Damage Induced by Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Diabetic Rats (청폐사간탕이 탕요유발 흰주의 뇌허혈손상에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong Chun-geun;Kim Eun-Young;Shin Jung-Won;Sohn Youngjoo;Lee Hyun-Sam;Jung Hyuk-Sang;Sohn Nak-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2 s.62
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    • pp.217-230
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    • 2005
  • Objectives: Chungpaesagan-tang (CPSGT), which is frequently used for treating patients of cerebrovascular disease, has not been reported by clinical doctors concerning the effect of neuronal aptosis caused by brain ischemia. To study the effect of CPSGT on focal cerebral ischemia in normal and diabetic rats and SHR, focal cerebral ischemia was induced by transient MCAO, and after onset CPSGT was administrated. Methods: Rats (Sprague-Dawley) were divided into four groups: sham-operated group, MCA-occluded group, CPSGT­administrated group after MCA occlusion, and normal group. The MCA was occluded by intraluminal method. CPSGT was administrated orally twice (l and 4 hours) after middle cerebral artery occlusion. All groups were sacrificed at 24 hours after the surgery. The brain tissue Was stained with 2% triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) or 1% cresyl violet solution, to examine effect of CPSGT on ischemic brain tissue. The blood samples were obtained from the heart.~. Tumor necrosis factorα level and interleukin-6 level of serum was measured from sera using enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). Then changes of immunohistochemical expression of TNFα in ischemic damaged areas were observed. Results: In NC+MCAO+CP and DM+MCAO+CP, CPSGT significantly (p<0.01) decreased the number of neuron cells compared to the control group. CPSGT markedly reduced (p<0.01) the infarct size of the forebrain in distance from the interaural line on cerebral ischemia in diabetic rats. CPSGT significantly reduced the TNFα expression in penumbra region of damaged hemisphere in diabetic rats. Conclusions: CPSGT had a protective effect on cerebral ischemia in SD rats, especially in diabetic rats compared with normal SD rats.

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A Study on the Method and Work Measurement for Productivity Improvement of Clothing Products-With concentration in MTM Analysis- (의류제품의 생산성 향상을 위한 방법 및 작업측정에 관한 연구-MTM법을 중심으로-)

  • 김옥경;이순흥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.41
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    • pp.185-206
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to improve productivity for maximum effects with the present equipments and staff. This study compared and analyzed the mea-sured time by using stop watch method and MTM, which was the new measuring method. The flow and results of this study were as follows: 1. This study investigated the theoretical background the efficiency for production management, and the way of productivity improvement through documentary research. 2. Setting up the standard flow on the experi-mental company production, making out a process chart and measuring the actual working hour. 3. The study measured the allowance time applying work sampling. 4. Each process of the movement analysis was filmed by video to use basic data. 5. MTM analysis was taken by choosing 10 processes from front bodice according to the basic movement of MTM. Through the results, this study exclude unneccesary movements and suggest a method for working ways. 6. Using the actual working hour measured by a stop watch calculated the pitch time and presumed the amount of daily productivity. 7. The result of the work sampling came out as 38% of allowance rate. It was 13% higher than the standard amount of woman's jacket allowance rate, which was 25%. The most influencing factor was work discussion. That was because there were commuication problem of the work way between the operator and leader. More adequate use of flow table and level passing table was needed. There were the problems that inappropriate places and sizes made the distance of movements longer and often needed more adjustment of works and surroundings. To prevent breakdowns equipments check ups were necessary before works. 8. The results of MTM analysis were as follow : the time was reduced 40% than the actual measured time by a stop watch. This was because the leveling of the operator was included in the real calculation. Also, leveling was included in MTM analysis and all the conditions were standarized. Therefore MTM method was a scientidic measuring way of establishing the standard time. The presented method of this study, suggested an ideal method eliminating unneccesary motions, and presented standardization of works. Improvement of working methods, work condition and simplifying motions in each 10 processes reduced the working time from total 656 seconds to 301 seconds. 9. The way and time of working was linked together in the MTM analysis methods. Thus data from MTM help suggest not only establishing standard time but also establishing stan-dard work. Plus it includes various ability for improvements of working ways. So it is an objective method which can be widely used in other work studies. 10. The function of a time study is to determine the amount of work produced with a given method. The work rate is used to establish the cost of labor. The wage of worker must be calculated per unit time which is deter-mined before the time study is made. This study tried to introduce the incentive rule for deciding wages according to the standard time by MTM method.

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Study on Mathematical Method of Radiation Heat Transfer for Estimating Width of Firebreak in Surface Fire (복사열전달 수치해석을 통한 지표화 방화선 구축 폭 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2010
  • Building a firebreak against surface forest fire is a typical indirect suppression method that stops spread of flame by removing surface fuel, such as fallen leaves and bushes. In the sense of fire dynamic, building a firebreak is to set a section which will block thermal energy from igniting on virgin fuel. This study suggests and evaluates a calculation method for width of firebreak against surface fire for variant wind and slope conditions by applying the Point Source Model (PSM) to fallen leaves of Pinus densiflora. Width of firebreak was measured based on the distance the threshold radiant heat igniting Pinus densiflora fallen leaves at the heat flux of 4.9kW/m2 reaches. As a result, at the wind velocity of 0~5 m/s and on the slope of 050, the appropriate width of a firebreak was 0.35~0.65 m for the mean flame height and 0.75~1.05 m for the maximum flame height. Accordingly, considering the factor of safety, the most appropriate width of a firebreak is 1.05 m based on the maximum flame height. Additional comparative analyses through experiments and field surveys are deemed necessary to determine appropriate widths of firebreak for different types of surface fuel.

Resource Allocation Information Sorting Algorithm Variable Selection Scheme for MF-TDMA DAMA Satellite Communication System (MF-TDMA DAMA 위성통신 시스템에서의 자원할당정보 정렬 알고리즘 가변 선택기법 연구)

  • Park, Nam Hyoung;Han, Joo-Hee;Han, Ki Moon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • In modern society, as technology has advanced and human life area has expanded, there has been an increasing demand for high-quality voice and video communications services without restrictions on time and place. In response to this demand, satellite communications systems that provide a wide range of communications and that offer multiple access are evolving day by day. In satellite communications systems such as Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel Via Satellite (DVB-RCS) and Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T), the multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demand assigned multiple access (DAMA) scheme is used for efficient resource allocation. In this scheme, since the satellite terminals periodically request resources from the network controller, and the network controller dynamically allocates resources, it is necessary to arrange resource allocation information from time to time. Shortening of the alignment time is a more important factor in a satellite communications system in which a long transmission delay occurs due to long-distance transmission and reception. In this paper, we propose a sorting algorithm variable-selection scheme that shortens the sorting time by cross-selecting the sorting algorithm based on a threshold value, while setting the number of frames in the MF-TDMA DAMA satellite communications system as the threshold value.

Correlation of Marine Exploration-Survey Vessel Operation Factors and Grid-Type Operation Method through ES Model Analysis (환경스트레스 모델을 통한 해양탐사·조사선의 격자형 운항방식과 운항요인 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyungoo;Park, Young-soo;Kim, Dae-won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.634-643
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    • 2020
  • Because of the continuous increase in the demand for and importance of marine space, marine exploration and survey activities are being actively conducted in Korea actively. Because the marine survey vessels used for these activities have special operational patterns depending on the purpose and probe vessels, research on maritime traffic risk is required. In this study, an attempt was made to determine the correlation of each factor with the effect of marine exploration and survey vessel operation on maritime traffic. The status of ocean exploration and survey vessels in operation in Korea was identified, as well as the special operational conditions of some of the ocean physical probes. Generally, the number of exploration and survey vessels involved per hour, total vessel length(including exploration equipment), operation, interval distance of exploration as per plan, and marine traffic conditions(traffic volume and speed) can be classified as operating factors. To compare the results of the environmental stress, a maritime traffic flow simulation based on the "ES" Model was performed with each of the identified operating factors as independent variables. The results of the analysis confirmed that the environmental stress significantly changed in the order of traffic volume, ship length and speed. In addition, it was confirmed that the environmental stress is reduced when the operation course is set at an angle with the nearby maritime traffic flow. Accordingly, it can help reduce the operator's burden if the survey vessel operator understands nearby maritime traffic conditions and reflects them in the operation method when setting the operation plan.

A Study on Travelling Characteristics and Choice of Proper Location of Dam Discharge Alarm Broadcasting (댐 방류 경보방송의 전달 특성 및 적정 위치 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Goon;Kim, Jae-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.635-640
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    • 2009
  • After 1960s, in accordance with getting bigger in changing range of annual rain precipitation, those dams were built in order to prevent any drought and flood through the regulation of flux. In case of such dam, when it reaches to some definite pondage, for its regulation of water volume, numerous volume of water in the reservoir should be discharged by opening the floodgate, at this time a severe damage can be occurred to those lives and properties of the residents and tourists at the river or riverside. Accordingly, despite the sounding alarm broadcasting for prevention and notice such damage could be clearly travelled to those people without influence by the discharging noise or other neighboring environmental factor, since it was only empirically installed without any peculiar research until now, the alarm broadcasting could not effectively travel, and the travelling distance also could not known correctly. On such point of view, this Study has ever grasped the characteristics by frequencies and its sound pressure level about the discharge noise and the alarm broadcasting of Daechung Dam, one of multipurpose dams through the measurement and analysis by distances, and based on this, also has ever presupposed the proper location of additional alarm broadcasting spot using a simulation program named Cadna-A.

Ecological Risk Assessment(ERA) of Abandoned Mine Drainage(AMD) in Korea Based on Vibrio fisheri, Selenastrum capricornutum, and Daphnia magna (국내 폐광산 지역의 Vibrio fisheri, Selenastrum capricornutum, 그리고 Daphnia magna를 이용한 생태 위해성 평가)

  • Kim, Ki-Tae;Lee, Byoung-Cheun;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Sang-Don
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2007
  • Ecological risk assessment(ERA) to 5 abandoned mine drainage was investigated by using chemical measurement and bioassay experiment. From the results of chemical analysis, the high concentration of heavy metals are detected in most area. The Arsenite were mostly detected in Songcheon, Nakdong, and Dukum abandoned mine area, and various heavy metals were highly dispersed in Nakdong area. The study area have also high biological toxicity, resulted from the bioassay based on WET(Whole Effluent Toxicity) test by using Vibrio fisheri, Selenastrum copricornutum, and Daphnia magna. The maximum toxicity was shown in the point where the mine waters start to flow. The sensitivity of toxicity by S. capricornutum was relatively high considering the values of toxicity in all samples, from 1.3 to 32.0 TU. The different sensitivities of toxicity recommends the use of battery system, resulted from at least two test species for bioassay or ecological risk assessment of mine drainage. Besides, the results showed high hazard quotient(i.e., greater than 1 HQ value indicating potentially significant toxic risks) with regard to abandoned mine drainage area in this study. On the other hand, the biological toxicity results were sharply decreased by attenuation along further distance from discharging of mine waters. Therefore, environmental parameters including the dilution factor, dissolved organic matter, and hardness should be considered when the remediation and ERA of abandoned mine drainage is planned.

The Roles of Lipid Supplements in Ethanol Production Using a Continuous Immobilized and Suspended Cell Bioreactor (연속식 고정화 및 현탁 세포 생물 반응기에 의한 에탄을 생성중 지질 첨가 영향)

  • Gil, Gwang-Hoon
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1996
  • A one-stage, continuous-flow bioreactor with both immobilized and suspended cells was used to investigate the roles of lipid supplements in ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The reactor performance and the level of alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) activities of the suspended cells, grown under various conditions, were measured. When ergosterol and/or oleic acid were added with surfactants to the yeast culture grown under non-aerated conditions, remarkable increases in ethanol production and cell growth was achieved, but specific ADH activities were not affected. Especially, no difference of specific ADH activities of the suspended cells grown under aerated and non-aerated condition was observed. The addition of the surfactant as a supplement also resulted in significant increases in ethanol production, cell growth, and specific ADH activity. When ergosterol and oleic acid were added to the yeast culture exposed to higher ethanol concentration(>40g/) level, ethanol production, cell growth, and specific ADH activity were increased, but the addition of surfactant was as effective as at lower ethanol concentration level. The results indicated that lipid supplements were more effective at higher ethanol concentration level than at lower ethanol concentration level during ethanol production. ADH isozyme patterns of the yeast cultures grown under various conditions on starch gel electrophoresis showed only one major band, probably ADH I. The migrating distance of the major isozyme, however, varied slightly according to the culture conditions of the cells. No apparent correlation was found between specific ADH activity and amount of ethanol produced. Cell mass was more important factor for ethanol production than specific ADH activity of the cells.

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